Why is religion against gambling? | Yahoo Answers

what religion is against gambling

what religion is against gambling - win

I wrote a long reply on why gambling, and loot boxes in particular, are bad...

So, inside some other post, I was asked why gambling is bad... My reply ended up being really detailed, so I'll promote it to a post of its own (just copy-pasting it here; no new words)... [Note: list of 3 points about loot boxes at the end...]
(I work at a company that sells gambling services... I see how the sausage is made...)
By the way, I love PoE and GGG. Still, loot boxes are bad.
I personally get to see the statistics side of oddsmaking. It's always about suckering you out of your money, because by definition all you are doing is paying more money as the price of getting less money (on average), but you also need to feel like you have a chance at getting the upper hand, even though in the long run you don't.
For example, sometimes, if you're really "good" at betting, you just end up working for the oddsmaker on a bad deal. It's really hard for them sometimes to get the odds perfectly right (although the profit margin still takes care of 99.9% of punters). So, if you're a professional gambler making a regular profit, what's basically happening is that you are investing an enormous amount of time and expertise to try and make tiny profits at the margins, and the bookmaker monitors your activity and learns about the market from you, at what ends up being a lower cost than if they hired experts to give them the same info on a salary. Plus you constantly run high risks! Which is why my company is full of ex-gamblers who were able to make a profit for a while, and intelligent enough to realise that they were still getting a bad deal, and come to the company and offer their services directly. (For another way gambling companies guarantee their own profits by passing on the risk to gamblers, research "balancing the books": yes, a professional gambler could make some profits this way, but if you're possibly making profits by taking on a risk that a large gambling corporation wants to get rid of, do you really think you're getting a good deal, especially considering how much time and expertise you sink into the activity? EDIT: more info)
The only way I know of to make a consistent and considerable profit off gambling is when a pro gambler is allowed to make a profit off other gamblers, in a move that a company makes to increase total amounts played. So, for one person to profit, many others are being seriously scammed, and the company is safely skimming its percentages off the top.
There are many different ways a gambling company presents bad deals to you, hoping that your intuition misfires about one of them and you decide to throw away your money. Examples... There are single bets, of course. But then there are also combinations, and these screw with your intuition--you can convince yourself based on a narrative (e.g. team 1 wins first half, team 2 comes back in second half), where in fact the actual hard cold odds are against you. There is "cash out" where you take a fraction of a likely-seeming win early (but at a loss), which of course simply taxes you for your risk aversion. There are "systems", creating more and more complex bets, until you convince yourself you've set up the perfect deal, and yet the company's profit margin keeps growing the more complex you make it.
Anyway, those are the parts I work on as a software guy. (By the way, this isn't the worst thing in the world, it's not as bad, as, say, the military industry or the military itself, or say religions or banks, because at some level gambling is voluntary. And making gambling illegal is a terrible idea-we should fight it through education, not prohibition. Still, I only work there because I'm currently a completely non-creative software grunt (and currently satisfied with that). If I get to the point of pursuing higher-level jobs, I'll look elsewhere.)
But the most nefarious part of all is the psychological work they pull on you. That's not my area of expertise, so if you want it explained you need to look elsewhere (recommended book: Thinking Fast and Slow--it's not about gambling, it's about psychology). They are constantly doing things to 1) give you false hope and 2) artificially trigger some pleasure response in you.
E.g. most people are naturally risk averse and loss averse, e.g. losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure. In reality, a gamble is about paying, say, $10 to win an average of, say, $9, so that's a terrible and painful deal. In addition to all the advertising and bright colours and encouraging sounds and making you read success stories and all the other psychological manipulations, they can also straight up befuddle you with numbers. So, losing $10 brings more pain than winning $10 brings pleasure, but what if you pay $10 but you're not really at a risk of losing that much, because on average you win $9 back, so you're only really risking a single $, and yet if you get lucky you won't win a mere $10 but millions? Suddenly that sounds good, right? Risk $1 to win $10000000? Of course not: you're still risking $10 and taking $1 losses on average each time you play, and the high rewards are vanishingly rare and built into that average.
That's it about gambling for money. On loot boxes I'm no expert, but, beyond the basic problems (encouraging addiction, exploiting minors who beg money from parents and don't understand how they're throwing it away, generating gambling "pleasure" while giving you "bits" instead of any real value, etc), I can point out a couple of extra scummy aspects:
  1. They can say "the box costs 30 points but all the possible rewards are worth at least 50, the average reward is worth 70 and the best is worth 400"... really??? Those prices are completely arbitrary... Who says the footprints are "worth" 50 or some random hideout decoration is "worth" 200? Talking about average microtransaction point values in a loot box is completely misleading.
  2. Either you (a) lose on the statistics of getting complete sets or you lose on (b) being psychologically manipulated into buying extra stuff you didn't actually want so much (or (c) you just lose by getting useless stuff). Let's say you decide to pick up a couple of boxes and see what you get before buying more stuff. You might just get useless stuff, of course (case c). But what if you get the body armour or wings? Now you might say "I'll get more boxes to complete the set". But the chances of getting any one part of a set are not anywhere near as bad as your chances of completing a set (like map lab trials, but much worse because loot boxes contain many more items), so you are getting totally fleeced (case a). Alternatively you could go "oh look, I got x in the box, I'll buy matching items y and z from the shop later" so you think you got x cheap and y and z at normal prices. But you are being manipulated into buying y and z. Would you really have bought x and y and z from the shop if there had been no loot box? Only rarely. The rest of the time you are overspending (case b).
  3. Loot box gifts are another scummy behaviour, considering people don't have good intuitions about statistics. Most of us get bad results from the gifted boxes, but some will get lucky. Those of us who are already gambling on loot boxes won't be affected by the outcome of a few extra boxes. Those who wouldn't ever buy them normally, and get bad results, who cares. But those who wouldn't normally buy them but get lucky a few times in a row might decide it's a good deal after all. So, it's manipulating us psychologically in a way that is statistically designed to fail at no cost most times and succeed sometimes, which makes money. (While also giving everybody holiday presents or race prizes, making the company appear generous.)
submitted by sesquipedalias to pathofexile [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Rules finalized to take away LQBTQ rights, cement border wall, sell oil rights

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
I am doing a separate post for the insurrection and related events. I think it is important to make sure the news in this post doesn't get overlooked.


A new report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) found that Trump political appointees politicized intelligence around foreign election interference in 2020, resulting in significant errors. ODNI analytic ombudsman Barry Zulauf delivered the report to Congress on Thursday: “Analysis on foreign election interference was delayed, distorted or obstructed out of concern over policymaker reactions or for political reasons.” The biggest misrepresentation of intel involved diminishing the threat posed by Russia and overstating the risk of interference from China.
“Russia analysts assessed that there was clear and credible evidence of Russian election influence activities. They said IC management slowing down or not wanting to take their analysis to customers, claiming that it was not well received, frustrated them. Analysts saw this as suppression of intelligence, bordering on politicization of intelligence from above.”
  • WaPo: Zulauf, a career official, also found an “egregious” example of attempted politicization of the Russian interference issue in March talking points on foreign election threats, prepared “presumably by ODNI staff” and “shaped by” then-Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.
The Justice Department and the federal judiciary revealed that the Russian Solar Winds hack also compromised their computer systems. 3% of the DOJ’s Microsoft Office 365 were potentially affected; it does not appear that classified material was accessed. The impact on the judiciary seems much more significant, jeopardizing “highly sensitive confidential documents filed with the courts.”
The sealed court files, if indeed breached, could hold information about national security, trade secrets and wiretap transcripts, along with financial data from bankruptcy cases and the names of confidential informants in criminal cases...


D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine has accused U.S. Agency for Global Media Director Michael Pack of funneling $4 million in nonprofit funds to his own for-profit company. In a civil lawsuit filed last week, Racine states that for over 12 years, Pack used a nonprofit company he owned to direct money to his private documentary company, enabling “Pack to line his company’s coffers with a stream of tax-exempt dollars without...a competitive bidding process, public scrutiny, or accounting requirements regarding its spending.”
Employees at Voice of America have filed a whistleblower complaint accusing Pack of using the agency “to disseminate political propaganda in the waning days of the Trump administration. The staffers take issue with a planned speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to be broadcast from VOA headquarters. The event, to be attended by a live audience, “is a specific danger to public health and safety” in the middle of a pandemic. Finally, the whistleblowers say the event is “ a gross misuse of government resources,” costing at least $4,000 in taxpayer funds to date and using 18 employees who would otherwise be producing VOA content.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has announced his appointees to the panel set to rename confederate military bases and plan the removal of confederate symbols/monuments. Most controversially, Miller named White House liaison Joshua Whitehouse, who oversaw the purge of the Defense Policy Board and the Defense Business Board last month. The other three Miller-appointees are former acting Army general counsel Earl Matthews, acting assistant secretary of Defense Ann Johnston, and White House official Sean McLean. The remaining four members will be appointed by the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.
  • The 10 Army posts named in honor of Confederate generals are Camp Beauregard and Fort Polk in Louisiana, Fort Benning and Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Hood in Texas.


The Trump Inaugural Committee, a nonprofit, improperly paid a $49,000 hotel bill that should have been picked up by Trump’s for-profit business. D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine revealed the allegation in an existing lawsuit against the committee, which already accuses Trump’s hotel of illegally pocketing about $1 million of donors’ money. “The Trump Organization was liable for the invoiced charges...The [Committee’s] payment of the invoice was unfair, unreasonable and unjustified and ultimately conferred improper private benefit to the Trump Organization.”
The Professional Golfer’s Association voted last night to move the 2022 PGA Championship from Trump’s Bedminster course. Jim Richerson, PGA of America president, said in a statement that “it has become clear that conducting” the championship at Trump’s property would “be detrimental to the PGA of America brand” and put the organization's ability to function "at risk."
Amid speculation that Trump may spend inauguration day at his Scottish golf course, Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned him that even presidents can’t break the country’s pandemic restrictions. “We are not allowing people to come into Scotland now without an essential purpose, which would apply to him, just as it applies to everybody else. Coming to play golf is not what I would consider an essential purpose,” she said.
Trump is on a Presidential Medal of Freedom spree, giving out the award to sports figures and Republican allies. Last Monday, Trump awarded the medal to Rep. Devin Nunes for his work undermining the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s election interference. “Devin Nunes’ courageous actions helped thwart a plot to take down a sitting United States president,” the White House press release states. Likewise, Trump gave the medal to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his “effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt” and “exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie.”
  • The day after Trump supporters rampaged through the Capitol, Trump awarded the medal to retired professional golfers Annika Sorenstam and Gary Player. The president planned on giving New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick the medal on Thursday, but he declined the offer, saying that “the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award.”


Dominion Voting Systems filed suit against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation. Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the lawsuit states. Citing millions spent on security for employees, damage control to its reputation, and future losses, Dominion requests damages of more than $1.3 billion.
  • Dominion's lawyer told reporters last week the lawsuit against Powell “is just the first in a series of legal steps.” Ari Cohn, a free speech and defamation lawyer, told WaPo: “If I had to guess I would say that [Poulos] wants a very public vindication with a ruling establishing that Sidney Powell defamed them and that her statements were baseless...That's not something you generally get in a settlement agreement.”
  • Just last week, Trump again said at a rally that Dominion machines allowed “fraudulent ballots” to be counted during the 2020 election (clip).
The Supreme Court declined to fast track eight Trump-related cases related to the 2020 election, ensuring they won’t be taken up before Biden’s inauguration. The cases include one brought by attorney Lin Wood against Georgia’s Secretary of State, the so-called “Kraken” cases, and three brought by Trump’s campaign. It is possible the lawsuits will be declared moot after Biden is sworn in.
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases alleging that the Treasury Dept. incorrectly distributed Coronavirus aid meant for tribal governments. The Lower 48 Tribes argue that Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) are not eligible for CARES Act funding, while the Trump administration wants to divvy up the money between tribes and ANCs.


A federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s final attempt to restrict U.S. asylum laws. District Judge James Donato (Obama appointee) ruled in favor of advocacy groups who argued that acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf lacked authority to impose the new rules, which would have resulted in the denial of most asylum applications.
“The government has recycled exactly the same legal and factual claims made in the prior cases, as if they had not been soundly rejected in well-reasoned opinions by several courts,” Donato wrote. “This is a troubling litigation strategy. In effect, the government keeps crashing the same car into a gate, hoping that someday it might break through.”
On Monday, acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf submitted his resignation, citing the recent court ruling that he is not a valid appointee to the position. His resignation letter does not cite the Capitol riots or Trump’s language inciting the insurrection. FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor will be the new acting secretary.
"Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary. These events and concerns increasingly serve to divert attention and resources away from the important work of the Department in this critical time of a transition of power," Wolf added.
A new Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy will make it harder for immigrant minors to obtain asylum in the U.S. The change was made at the end of last month by then-acting agency leader Tony Pham, who served in the position for less than five months.
Beginning Dec. 29, ICE officers were told that they must review whether an immigrant child is still “unaccompanied” each time they encounter the minor… The memo indicates that the evaluation by ICE officers can come at any time, including when an officer is reviewing immigration court records of a child, and if it’s determined that an immigrant is no longer unaccompanied, they will move to change their status.
Such a change could lead to making some children ineligible to have their asylum claims initially heard and processed… “If implemented aggressively, this policy could significantly decrease the number of children who ultimately receive asylum in the United States,” said Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. “They are really putting the onus on ICE officers to do everything they can as frequently as they can to remove these designations.”
The Trump administration is still awarding border wall contracts, even in areas where private land has not yet been acquired. The move will make it more difficult for Biden to stop construction of the border wall.
Attempts to halt construction completely, as Biden promised, will prove difficult, particularly if contracts continue to be struck -- a challenge [acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark] Morgan acknowledged Tuesday. "They could terminate those contracts if they want to, but that's going to be a very lengthy, messy process," Morgan said.
"We're going to have to go into settlement agreements with each individual contractor," Morgan added, noting, that payments will have to be made for what they've already done, as well as for materials produced. He estimated the process could cost billions.
Trump is set to visit Alamo, Texas, today to celebrate the completion of more than 400 miles of the border wall. You can watch the event on YouTube at 3:00 pm eastern.


Stories that didn’t fit in the above categories...
The Trump administration auctioned off leases to drill oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge last week. Only two private companies bid, each winning large tracts of land. Knik Arm Services, from Alaska, paid $1.6 million for a 50,000-acre tract along the Arctic Ocean. A subsidiary of Australian company 88 Energy paid $800,000 to win the smallest tract.
One of the Health and Human Services Department’s final acts under Trump was finalizing the removal of Obama-era regulations barring discrimination among HHS grantees. The change will allow recipients of federal grant money - like adoption and foster agencies - to discriminate against LGBTQ people and those of a different religion.
Human Rights Campaign: “Statistics suggest that an estimated two million LGBTQ adults in the U.S. are interested in adoption… Further, research consistently shows that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system, as many have been rejected by their families of origin because of their LGBTQ status, and are especially vulnerable to discrimination and mistreatment while in foster care. This regulation would only exacerbate these challenges faced by LGBTQ young people.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

I might have treated islam a bit harshly

This is what I saw on a reddit post is this list true ?
List Of Things Muslims Consider Forbidden (Haram)
I grew up in a very conservative Islamic environment. 10 years earlier I left the religion. Here is the things that are forbidden by Islam

For both genders
For Men
For Women
And most importantly writing something like this post. Blasphemy is death.
submitted by Lssj_Kefla to exmuslim [link] [comments]

Islam appears as if it ways made up by Primitive, medieval Arabs who didn't know anything about the world outside from their local area nor had interactions with a divine being.

ISLAM- The belief that an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God decided to reveal his doctrine for mankind, to a 7th century illiterate Arab slave trader(slave and sex slave owner who had regular sex with his 9 year old wife) ,in a cave where no one else was there to verify, through Angel Gabriel over 23 years rather than just beaming it into his brain.

Islam is an extremely Arab-centric religion, it seems as if it was completely made up by an Arabic person/people. The more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. This is what I will be discussing.
THE KAABAThe holy site for pilgrimage is very conveniently located in their backyard (Saudi Arabia.) This would be like a religion of Japanese origin claiming the holy site for pilgrimage is in Tokyo. Muslims have to pray towards the Kaaba which is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was extremely underdeveloped and primitive. Literature wasn’t important and credible texts were rare so sometimes historians have to go with the biased Islamic perspective. According to the Abrahamic religions(Islam included), Abraham lived at around 2100-2200BC which is thousands of years before Islam was born in the 7th century. Islamic sources claim Abraham built the Kaaba for Islamic practises and it was his most important accomplishment. However the Bible never mentions the Kaaba and some Muslims claim Allah is the same God of the bible. Strangely the Kaaba was never mentioned in Judaism and Christianity. Only Islamic sources claim Christians and Jews also respected the Kaaba religiously. It was difficult to unify the many sects of Judaism and Christians on many things but not one sect of either religion mentioned the Kaaba. This suggests this idea was entirely fabricated. Islamic sources claim that the Kaaba in Mecca was a well known, important trade centre. Most Historians agree this is false as there was no mention of the Kaaba by the powerful Roman Empire, and the neighbouring Persian Empire and neighbouring Northern African Rulers until the birth of Islam . All historical evidence indicates the Quran was built by Arab Pagans a few centuries before Muhammad, not Abraham, yet again another false Islamic claim made by early Muslim Arabs or Muhammad.The Zamzam Well is a well located in Mecca, Saudi East of the Kaaba the holiest place in Islam. According to Islam, it is a miraculously generated source of water from God, which sprang spontaneously thousands of years ago when Ibrahim (Abraham's) son Ismael (Ishmael) was left with his mother Hajar (Hagar) in the desert, thirsty and crying. Ibrahim made a request to Allah- 14:37: "{O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may perform Salah (prayer). So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks.}" Muslims believe Zamzam was the first among many fruits provided to Ibrahim by Allah. provided to Ismail and Hajar were in the desert. Very conveniently the Holy Water in Islam is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The water is so holy it is taught to heal diseases and sickness; there is no scientific evidence to support this. This appears to be a knock-off version of a biblical story (one of the many in Islam) where Abraham’s concubine and his son Ishmael were left in the desert of Paran in Palestine. The Hadith Sahih Muslim 31:6046 says that ZamZam water is special, can quench hunger,feed you and make you gain weight;there is of course no scientific evidence to support these claims. Islam makes it appear as if it is a miracle that there is water well in the desert which is expected coming from primitive Arab desert dwellers with little scientific knowledge. Water is underground in most deserts because as rainwater falls, it is absorbed underground and flows through the underground including under a desert.
Allah stated His holy book must be written, memorised and taught in Arabic(conveniently Muhammad's language) to Prophet Muhammad even though there are thousands of other languages in the world. Vulgar Latin or Middle Chinese were the most spoken language in the world in the 7th century when the Quran was revealed,English and Mandarin are the most spoken languages in the 21st century. Only 5% of the world's population today speak Arabic (Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world) so it is illogical, confusing and absurd why God wanted "the most important words for mankind" to be specifically delivered in Arabic. If Allah had revealed his doctrine to all cultures and corners of the world, there would be an independently verifiable method to confirm that every language in the world received the same message from the same God. This would be very powerful evidence in favour of Islam. It is a shame he decided against this:
Quranic Verses on Importance of Arabic:
41:3- "A Scripture whereof the verses are in detail, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge"
7:1: "Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet and in this sequence only Allah knows their meaning here;this is one of Allah's many miracles)."
12:2: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so you people may understand/use reason"
14:44: "We have not sent any Messenger except with the language of his people (Arabic) so he can make things clear to them. Allah misguides anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise."
42:7: "So We have revealed an Arabic Quran to you, in order that you may warn the mother of cities(Mecca) and all who live nearby..."
44:58: "We have made the Quran easy in your language (Arabic) so that they might be reminded."
26:198 - "And if We had revealed it (this Qur'an) unto any of the non-Arabs" - 26:199. "And had Muhammad recited the Quran unto them, they would not have believed in it "
41:44: "If We had made it a foreign Quran, they would have said, ‘If only its verses were clear! What? Foreign speech to an Arab?’ Say, ‘It is guidance and healing for those who have faith, but the ears of the disbelievers are heavy, they are blind to it, it is as if they are being called from a distant place." - Could Allah's book not also be unclear to Non-Arabic speakers which was the vast majority of the world in the 7th century and the 21st century?
Why the Almighty God would have a preference for one language over the thousands of others is unclear. Muslims believe Arabic has a special status in Islam. It is compulsory to learn Arabic to be a Muslim and perform activities like the 5 daily prayers, recite the Shahadah and read the Quran. Millions of Muslims around the world memorise the Quran and verses for prayer which are entirely in Arabic whilst not knowing the meaning of what they are saying when they pray everyday and read the Quran. It is estimated up to 10 million Muslims around the world (the majority not Arabic speaking in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia and Pakistan) have memorised the whole Quran. Most of them barely understand a word of what they have memorised It seems likely an All-Wise, All-Powerful God would be able to come up with a better way for people to show devotion to Him than reciting words in a foreign language they don’t know. God’s chosen messenger was an Arabic Person. Islam is filled with Key Arabic terms like Hajj, Shahadah, Taqwa, Taraweeh, Ramadan, Zakat and encourages Arabic customs like keeping a beard, eating dates and women covering their hair.
54:1 The Quran states: "The Hour draws near; the moon is split in two". And if they see a miracle they turn away and say 54:2 "Passing Magic," Sahih Bukhari 4:56:81 Narrated Anas states : \"*That the Meccan people requested Allah's Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon."*The Quran and Hadith claim that the people of Mecca,Saudi Arabia asked Muhammad to prove that he had divine powers so he miraculously split the moon into two pieces and then, presumably, put it back together again. There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that the moon has ever been split into two. Since the moon is visible to half the planet at any given time, we should expect to see numerous accounts from different parts of the world attesting to this event if it actually happened. The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Chinese and Indians had avid astronomers who should have seen this event and recorded it in their histories. The absence of historical record from other civilisations, contemporary to Muhammad, is a strong indication that this event never happened. Yet again another Islamic lie. The Quran states in 4:82 "Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found some contradictions." The Quran appears to tell us it certainly didn't come from God as we have clearly found a contradiction in the book between what it says and what actually happens/happened in reality as the moon never split. The Quran also says in 2:256 "Whoever believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold(The Quran) that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." Clearly the Quran is broken and is not trustworthy as it has lied to us and tried to deceive us about Science. The lie of the splitting of the moon disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-HAQQ(The Absolute-Truth,) AR-RASHEED(The Infallible Teacher,) AL-ALEEM (The All-Knowing,) AR-RAQEEB(The Watchful One,) AL-HAKEEM(The All-Wise,) ASH-SHAHEED(The All Observing Witnessing, AL-MAJEED(The Glorious-Most Honourable,) AL-HAMEED(The Praiseworthy,)DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM(Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.)

The invention of an afterlife by religions such as Islam is to serve our primitive desires to stay alive and is a result of the fear of One's mortality. The invention of an afterlife is also means to satisfy our primal desires to feel pleasure and Islam provides this as it sates in 41:31- "You will have therein(Paradise) whatever yourselves desire, whatever you want." The sole purpose of a Muslim's life is to enter Paradise and according to 29:64- " This life is nothing but diversion and play (to distract you from the ultimate goal of paradise)" The way heaven is described in a religion is usually reflective of the culture the religion originated from; this is expected as religions are fabricated by humans not sourced from divine beings.
The Islamic Paradise (Jannah) is described in the Quran and in Hadith as a place with lots of magnificent gardens, nice greenery and weirdly obsesses on how there are many rivers and sources of water in Paradise. Here are some verses on the Islamic Paradise:
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.3:193 - “But as to those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow....”16:31 - “The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please...”47:15 - "The description of Paradise which the righteous have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed..."5:119- "...There are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal Home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation."9:72- "Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss."61:12 - “These it is (Paradise) for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow,”54:54 - "Verily, The Righteous, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers in Paradise."18: 33. "Each of those two gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein, and We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them."
The fascination with gardens and water appears to be a reasonable depiction of heaven coming from primitive desert dwellers who didn’t have much access to greenery and vast areas of water. Most people don't think of water when they think of a heaven except of course primitive Arabs who lived in the sweltering heat of the desert.
Islam is famous for having an extensive list of things which are forbidden under the religion (Haram) . There are customs like drinking alcohol, gambling, wearing gold and women being able to dress freely, and beautifying one's appearance which was and is part of most cultures including Pre-Islamic Arabia that were subsequently banned under Islam. I believe the reason religions like Islam ban trivial, inconsequential thing like beautifying one’s appearance is because if you can force people to give up something so intrinsic to their society and to being human, it is much easier exercise control. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer. Sahih Muslim 2956. The purpose of tedious rules is to make its adherents cement themselves more concretely to the religion. Muslims are being controlled massively by the the commands of a fictional being(Allah) and unfortunately do not seem to understand that. There is no other reason. The rules do not benefit you but the business. Every time you follow these rules with no evidence they came from a divine being, you are paying another subscription fee until you decide you are being used and drained to the religions benefit, not yours. Muslims are obligated to follow the Quran and it's rules as it is supposedly the word of God- 4:59- "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority and if there is deviation amongst yourselves, refer back to Allah, His Messenger (and Quran ), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination."
The fascination with wine in the Islamic heaven indicates that the Arabic authoauthors were into alcohol all along. Allah is clearly a confused man who doesn't even understand and abide by his own words as he says in 5:90 that alcohol consumption is the work of Satan but then promises alcohol in heaven for righteous Muslims. 5:90- "O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful." It seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.Here are Quranic verses on Alcohol in Paradise:76:5 - "Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur."76:17 - “And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger. “47:15 - “The description of Paradise is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure)....”
The Quran forbids men and women especially women from beautifying themselves, tells men to lower their gaze, tells men and women to be modest in dress and behaviour, and discourages the provocative sexual display of their bodies and and discourages hyper-sexuality however extensively discusses sex and the beauty of the women in heaven. Yet again, it seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.
24:31 - “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.”
Here are Quranic Verses regarding the beauty of the women in Paradise:
2:25- “...they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever.” This means God will provide pure women for men to have sex with in Paradise.55: 70-“Therein (In Paradise) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful.”37:48- -“And with them (believing men) will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes.” 37:49. “(Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved.”2:25- "Virgins await those who enter paradise."
78:31-34 - “Verily for the Righteous(men) there will be the fulfilment of (the heart´s) desires; Gardens and vineyards, And a cup(of wine) overflowing; And women of equal age with big and firm breasts”
Quran 55:54-56 - “They(righteous men) will recline on Carpets...In them will be houris(virgins) restraining their glances, and no man or Jinn has ever opened their hymen with sexual intercourse, which of your Lord’s blessings would you deny?
The obsession and fascination with women's beauty and sex in the Islamic Paradise and lack of regard for female sexuality with no Quranic verses appealing to a Woman’s desire for sexual gratification clearly illustrates this was made up by sexually aroused Arabian Men who were implementing their sexual fantasies into their ideal paradise. It is oddly suspicious that there are no Islamic verses describing the handsome men in Paradise for women. The misogynistic objectification of women by portraying them as commodities and treating them like prizes to be won if One is faithful to Allah is typical of the ideals of the time, where women in most civilisations were treated as second class class citizens and had limited rights compared to men.
Bonus Quranic verses on women in Islam:
4:34- "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion from, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great." This verse means men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Women must obey men, and if they refuse they must be punished. Refuse to have sex with them and beat them into submission.
2:223- "Men,your women are soil for you (to cultivate/farm) so go to your soil as you please, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad)." In the mind of Allah, women are like a dirty field for men to put their penises through. Plough them whenever you like (as long as they're not menstruating, of course.)
4:24- "Also forbidden for men to marry are women already married, except those whom your right hands possess(captive women aka sex slaves)." This verse means Allah permits men having sex slaves.
Islam has stressed the holiness of the date and the date palm more than any other religion. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad said that Ajwah dates—grown in the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia—are from paradise. The date palm, mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Quran 22 times is a symbol often associated with Muslims. Muhammad argued that seven dates in the morning protected one from poison and witchcraft. The Quran states that Mary was advised to eat dates while in labour with Jesus, to ease childbirth and strengthen the body. The Prophet was once reported to have said, “People in a house without dates are in a state of hunger.”
Some of the many Islamic verses on date-palms:The Hadith - Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 3464 states: “ The prophet says: whoever says: Glory is to Allah the Magnificent, and with His Praise, a date-palm tree is planted for him in Paradise.”36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.”55:11 - ”Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates)."(This verse means thankfully Allah has provided humans with date-palms on Earth)17:91- "Or you have a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst abundantly."55:68- "In them (both) will be fruits, and date-palms and pomegranates."80:29- "And olives and date palms"54:20- "Plucking out men as if they were uprooted stems of date-palms."(Allah bragging about the punishment and torment he inflicted on innocent disbelievers using a strong wind)
It seems very convenient and oddly suspicious that God has created a special status for date-palms in his religion and talks about dates an awful lot, given the fact dates are a staple food in Saudi Arabia (It’s eaten regularly and mass produced in the Arabic World). It is very easy for a culture that loves and places great value on dates to then say that God also gives dates a special status. Why the creator of the universe would have a liking to the common fruit in the Middle East over all the thousands of fruits that exist is unclear. It would be suspicious if the God of a religion of Japanese origin claimed Sushi is a holy,special food and described how much sushi there would be in heaven e.g "For those that believe, there will be plates of sushi for them in Paradise."
The Quran offers no explanation as to why pork is impure is it states in 6:145 when God says, in reference to the flesh of swine (pig), “for that surely it is impure.” Arabs generally didn’t eat pork and thought it was an unclean animal before Islam came so it was very convenient that Allah said Muslims shouldn’t eat pork as it was unclean and impure. This highlights how the Arabs were scientifically illiterate and didn't know proper cooking kills pathogens. Why would the creator of the universe view some foods the mere humans he created eat as disgusting but others perfectly fine for them to eat. This seems like a human trait that is usually dependent on One's culture. For example, a person from the USA may view eating snails and horse meat as disgusting whilst a person from France may view this as perfectly normal.

SPREAD OF ISLAMIslam was spread by Arab Conquest & War and Arab traders. The most Islamic regions of the world are in the Middle East/Arabic countries. Doesn't Allah know his "beautiful words of wisdom" for mankind would be spread through violent ways and evil dictators who forced it upon lands they conquered. Allah is All-Knowing, Benevolent and All-Powerful therefore he could have stopped these from happening or created a better way for his doctrine to spread through Mankind. Quran 2:256 states: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path." and 15:9 states: "Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption.)" This verse clearly means the All-Powerful Allah and his Angels dramatically failed on their promise to protect the Quran from corruption and misuse as we know how much evil that has been committed in the name of the Quran throughout history especially given the infamous rise of Radical Islamic Terrorism over the last few decades. 99% of all terrorist attacks that occurred throughout the world from 2010-2020 were Islam related. This disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-MUHAYMIN(The Preserver of Safety,) AR-RASHEED(The Guide, Infallible Teacher,) AL-HAQQ(The Absolute Truth,) AL-AZIZ(All Powerful,) AL-MUHAYMIN AL-‘ALEEM(The All-Knowing.) Doesn't Allah realise that by revealing his doctrine exclusively to Arabs, he engineered the cultural isolation of the rest of the world from his doctrine, he engineered the circumstances of Unbelievers' disbelief that live in the far corners of the world like South America,New Zealand and the Pacific/Remote Islands of the world therefore he created a punishment (Hell) for a situation he knowingly created. It is very suspicious that Allah is Arabic-speaking, Arab-centric, yet will punish non Arabs millenniums later for not believing the message they received through a game of telephone.

The Quran also arrogantly claims that key figures: Jesus(Isa), Abraham(Ibrahim), Noah(Nuh), David(Dawud), Ishmael(Ismail), Isaac(Ishaq), Joseph(Yusuf), Ezekiel(Dhulkifl), Moses(Musa), Solomon(Sulayman) ,Jacob(Yaqub) in the centuries old religions of Judaism and Christianity were actually Muslim and Islamic Prophets and gave them Arabic names instead of their Aramaic and Hebrew names. ARABIC NAMES ARE BRACKETED.

FASTING“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Quran: 21:85)Fasting in Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and must be performed if One is fit,healthy, not pregnant,not ill and not menstruating. Islam requires fasting from dawn till dusk in the holy month of Ramadan which is approximately 12 hours in Saudi Arabia. If the authoauthors were in Northern Europe where dawn till dusk can last up to 22-23 hours in the summer months, leaving a 1-2 hour window to eat a day for a whole month, they probably wouldn’t have made this difficult, extremely unhealthy and dangerous task a requirement. The author is also clearly unaware that there are parts of Northern Europe near the North Pole where the sun never sets in the summer months. This phenomenon is colloquially known as the Midnight Sun. For example Svalbard, Norway is known for having a Midnight Sun. In Svalbard, Norway there is no sunset from April to August and no sunlight from November to January. Islam was born 1400 years ago so how would people living in these parts of the world be able before the invention of mechanical clocks 600 years ago is unclear. The Quran makes no provisions for Muslims living in these areas, the Quran states in 6:38- " We did not leave ANYTHING out of this book," this is weird given the fact the Quran is meant to be the perfect,final word from the All-Knowing All-Powerful God who knows about the existence of the midnight sun.

The only animals and plants mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The only cities, nations and continents mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East area. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The people mentioned in the Quran all lived in the Middle East area.The Quran doesn’t mention people living in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
The Quran never mentions smoking even though it was popular and existed in the Americas long before the 7th century when the Quran was written.
All the miracles in the Quran occurred in Saudi Arabia and nowhere else in the world. No miracles from Allah. No miracles in the Quran in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
ISLAM'S OBSESSION WITH ARABIC AND ARABIAN CULTUREReligions are fabricated by humans, consequently, they are tied and intrinsic to the particular culture it originated from and Islam is no exception. Religious and Non-Religious people agree that 99.99%+ of religions are fabricated by humans as there are thousands of religions that make incompatible claims,each claiming to be sourced from a divine being. Islam is obsessed with Arabic and Arabic culture, every page you turn to you see a reference to Arabic culture, this isn't the case for Christianity. The Majority of people don't think of Israel, Hebrew and Israeli culture when they think of Christianity. Like I said, the more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. A religion that professes its universality and its suitability for all mankind, 81:27 "Verily, this (the Quran) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns)," seems rather centred around a specific group of people (Arabs).
All evidence points to the fact Islam and the Quran was a completely made up by Arabic People and/or Muhammad who had no contact with a Deity and other cultures beside Arabic culture adding to the fact it is filled with hundred of contradictions, inconsistencies and scientific inaccuracies. The fictional character ,Allah, was clearly obsessed with Arabs and Arabic culture and couldn't go a few pages without a reference to Arabic culture; this guy is meant to be the creator of the universe. Islam appears to be a local Arab folklore to unite nomads under the banner of one God through the violent political campaign of Muhammad. Islam claims to be global but all knowing Allah forget to send prophets outside of Arab world. The evidence of contradictions, both big and small serves as clear evidence of human tampering. If the Quran came from Muhammad it was nothing more than fabrication from a power hungry megalomaniac, with his claims of divine inspiration being nothing more than an attempt to conquer Arabia and Islam being nothing more than just another false desert cult to emerge from a sea of desert cults.
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*ESSAY* My story of successfully living as a hetero man with AGP

Before we begin, let's establish some boundaries: I'm not able to speak for every person with AGP. I haven't been conducting in-depth studies for years on thousands of patients. All I can tell you is my story, and my observations in my life. I've been commenting on others' posts with little tidbits and excerpts from my life and my stances, but I've now received several private messages asking for more info - one person in particular asked for me to write out my "full story" more or less...so perhaps this is more effective, to have it all in one place.
There are many examples of "successful" trans stories, and tragic tales of de-transitioning, yet we don't see or hear much about AGP men leading a happy, successful life into middle-to-old age...which I think is mostly self-evident: if you happily manage it, you aren't likely to want to bring up old memories again in some reddit post. However, after so many years of not having anyone to understand me, I am enjoying wading in these waters, and absolutely feel it as my duty to share my story of success.
One more time for emphasis: AGP seems to affect people very similarly in some ways, and very different in others. Someone who was molested is likely to have a harsher trauma than someone who was told they looked like a girl one time - but it's actually not certain. We have SUCH limited data and awareness as a society on this thing, that it's almost all anecdotal other than a handful of doctors/authors. And while I write this to give hope to many, I understand that an 18 year old who already knows they have AGP has a way better chance of breaking habits as opposed to a 48 year old who's been indulging them since puberty. That said, perhaps the 48 year old has more willpower than the 18 year old! Point being, my story will explain what's worked for me. Perhaps it could work for you as well, or perhaps you actually want to feed into the AGP.
This got very long. I've divided it up into 3 parts:
  1. Early life + teen years. This is the longest due to the importance of formative years + the relevance to a lot of young guys reading this. Writing about these parts was like looking into a different world, so guys, please have patience with your developing mind.
  2. College years up until discovering "AGP" as a concept at 27. This is the shortest section, due to its relatively static nature.
  3. 27 "the year of destiny"-present. This is also long because I begin with my discovery of AGP, and I've ended it off with my advice on how to achieve similar results with success. I'd recommend scrolling to the end if you're of limited attention span and just want some jot-points...but knowing AGP, I think you'll all read it just fine.
Potential origins:
I didn't have a terrifying upbringing or a terrible family, but there were flaws. My father was a hard-ass about "manning up" which I actually think has a place, but he didn't balance that with expressing love as much as he could have. But I believe the major point of origin was when my sister and I (she's 2 years younger) would get in an argument or potentially minor physical clash, she would screech and my dad would come running in and give me a smack. No beatings, but it was evident to young me (I believe this happened from the range of 6-10 years old) that boys were at more physical risk than girls.
It was never explained (if it was, it wasn't done well because I don't remember it) about the biological differences between boys and girls as they get older, which at least would have made more sense. However, it was still a bad scene since my sister figured out the game and would fake-scream just to get me in trouble sometimes. I am sure this could have contributed to the AGP, as my brain may have imprinted from a base, primitive, survival level that being a girl is safer - ironically it's clear now that women are much more physically vulnerable, but once the imprint establishes itself, it's in.
My father was the bad cop, my mom the good cop, he was working a lot - which I'm grateful for - but he wasn't as involved as he could have been in hindsight. They eventually split up when I was 10, about a year before puberty...so yeah, I'm sure all of this has some accumulative effect.
During this pre-pubescent time, I was entirely hetero on the surface, although I can vividly recall a dream or two where I was a girl against my will - telling that I recall them. One was where I ran out the front door and if I didn't go back in, I'd become a girl. Another one I was sitting at a dinner table and I just was a girl - this one was actually more uncomfortably weird, due to me just being a girl in it doing normal things, but knowing I wasn't in real life.
Anyway, those dreams are not to be ignored, but I had the standard crushes on girls and had multiple "girlfriends" even at age 10. Played some sports but wasn't super interested in them at this point, although I liked video games and competition. I've always been emotionally intelligent, but other than that I had no typical feminine interests or desire for their clothing/bodies. Girls, to me, were mostly just boring people who didn't get rough and play sports with us guys.
I don't recall any conscious AGP feelings until puberty, where the imprint barged in through my mind's walls KOOL-AID MAN STYLE.
First signs of AGP
Safe to say, from here on out it's NSFW, but I'll try to keep it as classy as possible while still being informative.
Had it ever since first masturbation. It was to a picture of Angelina Jolie on a video game magazine dressed as Tomb Raider; I was very fixated on the tight shorts and imagined myself as her, and after that I'd often imagine myself as a woman in sex with a "shadow" man. I had never watched porn at this point, although I had seen sex scenes in movies which gave me the visual fuel.
I was the typical teen boy in that I was jacking off MULTIPLE TIMES every day, but I was atypical in that it was always AGP. I didn't have regular access to the internet until I was 14 or so, and even then I was never really into porn. All I needed was imagery if I wanted external stimulation; looking at a picture of a naked woman and imagining I had her body. My imagination game is very strong.
I remember first hearing about "transsexuals" or "sex changes" through TV shows/movies, and would get strangely curious about it. I remember reading into it at some point, and being immensely turned on the whole time. I went to a school with uniforms and would look at girls all day, and often I'd get jealous when they'd wear tight pants. Much more tamely, I'd often play little weird games in my head like when playing games I'd think to myself "if you hit that target on this shot, you get to become a hot girl".
So...YEAH it was pretty strong. It's also important to mention that I went through many changes during one year, around 11 years old: puberty, parents separating (only saw father every 2nd weekend), went to a different school...so it was a lot of change at once, and it's hard to say how much each contributed to what.
Social struggles, search for teen identity
All I know is I was significantly less socially successful from 4th grade to 5th, by a longshot. I was still playing sports and doing well at all that, but I just never really had that drive or knowhow to interact with girls. I was a good looking athlete so I was a little confused at all this; although I was also very late to the internet game as I mentioned - a lot of social bonding was happening over "MSN messenger, the equivalent to "AOL messenger" or the current facebook messenger. I was missing out on a lot of interaction there, so once again, hard to pinpoint how much was the AGP's fault, but I doubt it helped.
From 11-16 I didn't really know how to socialize effectively, although I was starting to get girlfriends slowly but surely in high school (14-16). And then my father passed away from cancer! Certainly not ideal.
Around 16 I found a group of stoner males that taught me a bit of the "party scene", although they had a parallel group of females that I actually started hanging out with more. This was probably the most effeminate path I'd taken in life to this point, but the guys were very aggressive and harsh, and I was so much more emotionally sensitive. I will never forget one night these girls tried convincing me "come on, just admit it, you ARE a girl! it's fine, you're just one of us..." uhh COME ON GOD WHAT THE HECK. That scene is instilled in my head to this day as an AGP-dysphoric memory.
All this time, I was indulging in AGP masturbation fantasies, but I also had strong hetero competition - I had romantic girlfriends, and even in that female group of friends I actually would have liked to have hooked up with some of them. I really just lacked the ability to be forthright and bold and masculine in my advances; all of the girlfriends I had, had advanced on me first. I will admit I have very good looks...without them, I would have likely been incel...UNTIL:
Around 17-18 years old I merged back in with the male group, and started drinking at gatherings/parties more often. Turns out this was GREAT for making me analyze less, being more forthright and brash, etc. Sure, I also behaved as a buffoon, but I guess in hindsight it did get me feeling stronger about my masculine side. Really not good advice, as I did engage in the typical "college weekend alcoholic" for years, something I didn't fully escape until about 27.
So yes, I clearly had textbook AGP, but it didn't terribly impact my life for a while - I imagine being purely hetero during puberty would have me jacking off just as often, and being just as distracted. Testosterone is a heckuva drug. But there was some escalation eventually. I believe the first time I cross-dressed in private was around 14-15...this gave me TREMENDOUS AGP excitement, but I felt a ton of shame and the level of arousal was a little scary. If I had to guess, I'd say I did it only once or twice every year, until somewhere in my later teens, perhaps 16-18. It's hard to pinpoint, but I do know that at some point I started CDing (always to intense ejaculation) more and more, and one week in particular I was doing it every day. I began shakily/anxiously trying to put on makeup, and even *NSFW* putting a lubed-up pen up my butt a little bit. Writing that out feels weird, but hey, them's the facts.
Thankfully, one day that week, someone came home - I believe it was my sister. I was fully dressed up + makeup, and my heart was pounding. Luckily I was in the bathroom, so I SOMEHOW MANAGED to have a shower and return all the clothing without anyone ever noticing. But I'm pretty sure that was the last time I ever CD'd...and I haven't looked back in that time. It was very clearly the most addictive thing I've ever felt in my entire life, and in the span of one week it was already escalating tremendously.
First big dysphoria
Let's talk about my thoughts during these times. As this CD phase escalated, dysphoria became extremely present. I remember getting hard to thoughts of myself as a woman, looking at my cock, and thinking "well, I see you're happy, but you're going to be cut up into a vagina someday if we keep doing this. Hope you're happy, bro".
I am somewhat of a manlet, with light features, and small hands/feet/bone structure, which only confused me further. I thought often and thoroughly about how it seemed I was basically meant to be a woman, and how there was no escaping. This level of obsessive thought-loop has appeared several times in my life, but thankfully not consistently or for too long. Every time I was in the deepest depths of this dysphoric mindset, I always felt my worst. The more I tried embracing my "inner woman", the more incredibly anxious, depressed, shaky, weak I'd feel...it became clear to me that I do not want to feel those things, and I had a lot to be grateful for in my male life. If this happened the more I accepted being a woman, then why would I surrender and feel that way all the time?!
As I strayed away from the CDing, the dysphoria dissipated considerably.
I have basically never felt intense anxiety or depression as an adult male. I always feel intense anxiety or depression when I have fed the AGP to the point it grows to dysphoria.
This should be a major emphasis for anyone out there who's still reading and resonates with my story. We are always told to listen to our body in terms of health, so why should this be any different? Yes, sure, if you get depressed NOT giving into your AGP, then sure, try indulging. But for me, one week of crossdressing seriously impacted my stimulus-sensitive mind, and could have altered my life completely had I not stopped then and there.
By the way, I didn't pop a pill, it wasn't easy...but I did it. I'm not a superhero. If you recognize that a drug addiction is bad for you, it's not going to be easy to quit...but you can do it.
Alpha Chad Frat Boy + First "Coming Out"
Welcome to part 2, and I hope you enjoy the ironic title of the next stage. I'm going to try to be as concise as I can, as part 1 was very long - but the formative years are incredibly important, especially considering many young men will be reading this and still living in those years. This next period basically covers my late teens/mid 20s.
It's important to remember I still didn't even know what AGP was at this point. Huge disadvantage. I had figured I was maybe "half trans" or something, but couldn't figure it out. After the CDing phase, I continued my partying and social growth. On the positive side, I had some AMAZINGLY FUN times - despite my emotional senses, I am still extremely extroverted. And by this stage, likely with the help of alcohol, I had managed to build up some protective walls so the harsh words of brotherhood didn't affect me so much. I made MANY friends, and had sex with MANY women in my early-mid 20s.
The negative side: this immense social success made it very easy to ignore AGP tendencies. I still had very strong AGP masturbation fantasies, and was actually imagining I was many of the women I slept with. But because I was satisfying a huge social issue for me, this wasn't a big deal...
...until I actually fell for a girl, instead of just wanting a one-night stand. All my obsessive thinking was transferred to her - and I never got with her, even though we spent almost every day together for 2 years. We took the same classes, but she completely friend-zoned me. I would still hook up with other women, but she was always the target.
She also didn't help the AGP by saying things like "I wish you were girl so we could talk about fashion/boys/etc." or "what if we come back for a class reunion in 10 years and you're a woman!" Idk if this broad could see the underlying femininity or what, but that was certainly not great.
Eventually, after trying to overtly and forthrightly convince her to date me for two years, I drunkenly tried to fight my friend at a party who was making a move on her. She hated me for this, and said she never wanted to speak to me again.
"OH HI MARK, HOW'S YOUR SEX LIFE?" - my AGP morphing to dysphoria at that moment in time. Yeah, turns out if you completely shut out all remotely feminine traits in public, while privately engaging in AGP fantasies, and then putting all your emotional eggs in one human being...you're putting a lot of hope in that one basket not falling. Well, it fell. And I genuinely loved her as a friend at the least, so I actually told her I wanted to meet up and tell her something important.
I told her I had "trans thoughts" and went into some detail. I wanted her to just tell me it was obvious and that I should go for it, if we're being honest. I was wide open for exploitation after having all those "eggs in a basket" explode in one night...THANK GOD I didn't know about trans reddit, they would have had a field day.
I got lucky. This girl was shocked, and told me I shouldn't do anything drastic, that she wasn't someone who knew what to do here. It's important to note she had previously expressed some curiosity toward trans people, and seemed to like the idea of them. But her very rational response here was a major blessing at that vulnerable moment in my life.
Saying a lot of these then-decade old thoughts (was probably 21-22) out loud was therapeutic enough at the time, so the dysphoria basically vanished. This is why I do not recommend "blind repression", as it can leave you vulnerable when sometimes even just talking about or acknowledging the AGP on a non-sexual level an relieve very heavy dysphoria.
But I still didn't even know what AGP was...so let's fast-forward.
First therapeutic activity
At 23, after what was probably another year of blind repression like I'd done in the past, I managed to find an outlet for my emotionally sensitive side: acting classes. I had a very tough instructor who cut right through my tough-guy act and helped break down my walls to access the emotion required for acting out highly emotional scenes.
This probably saved my life.
For me, sexually feeding the AGP directly will lead to the least-desired outcome. However, finding an outlet to vent the AGP-adjacent (feminine, softer, but not sexual) side of me seems to have altered my life a lot. I also began exercising more than ever during this stage of my life.
This was also the poorest I have ever been financially, working temporary factory jobs for minimum wage. But I don't recall any major flare-ups leading to dysphoria, even though I was still engaging in the AGP masturbation fantasies, and doing the "I'm her" thing during sex. This indicates that even during times where flare-ups are more likely, things like exercise and having a "vent" can help.
Career boost
I focused on training for my career and at 24 I got a huge opportunity with a company. This helped boost mental well-being and kept things largely on-track for a few years...
Part 3
AGP discovery
At 27, I had moved to a new city, living at an AirBnb with other people, my career lost some momentum, and I still hadn't had a stable relationship since I was 19...you guessed it, AGP-fueled dysphoria-time.
This was the most critical turning point in my entire life to this point: I stumbled upon the concept of AGP. This was amazing! It described me perfectly, and so I delved through alllll the literature, and allll the online content...but remember, my life was still un-sturdy. I still exercised, but on its own it is not enough. And now I was obsessing over the AGP, diving in head-first...I ended up entering by far the worst dysphoria since the CDing era in my teens, arguably worse.
I say worse because I was very recently 27, and was acutely aware that 27 was getting a little too close to 30. Instead of learning how to control the AGP, I ended up watching some of the sissy hypno for the first time, and masturbating multiple times a day to AGP fantasies. Fortunately, I was old enough at this time to comprehend how powerful it was, and didn't go too far in that.
But it was the most intense year of my life. I could feel a spiritual tug-o-war, it was very apparent that this was now-or-never - in both directions. Knowing my enemy in AGP was great, but it wasn't great that I had a strong condition that the literature made it seem as if one day I was doomed to transition no matter what.
Doomed to Trans?
And doesn't that just play right into the fantasy? "well, you're going to do it as an old weird dude anyway, might as well do it now and not destroy the lives of a woman and children - not to mention enjoy some attractive pretend-woman years" "just give in" "surrender to it all, let it happen"...
What a siren song for someone with AGP...and yet, there was so much at stake. While not as wildly social as my early 20's (I quit drinking to excess that year), I enjoyed my social life as a male. I was attracted to women, even with the AGP sideshow. Let's face it: the most beautiful, mentally sound women are much more likely to be attracted to an in-tact man, and a traditionally masculine man at that. They want someone to fill the father role for their children.
There's also the matter of personal well-being. I've never seen an elderly transperson, frankly, until Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. And they have the best medical teams money can buy. The facts are that medical transition is extremely dangerous...most people can develop serious health problems just from living normally, never mind the introduction of cross-gender hormones. One is hooked on a lifetime prescription of pills. As for the physical surgery elements: a neovagina has many, often disgusting, unfortunate outcomes that are far from uncommon.
We will never be women.
Knowing I had AGP really helped with that, especially as I do have some feminine-ish physical traits. It's a lot harder to justify living as a man if you're definitively instructed by society that you're actually a woman in the wrong body...and that's all I could find for the first 16 years of my pubescent life.
So I more or less listed the pros and cons of each.
List your pros/cons of each outcome
Pros of living male: great mental and physical health, attractive, great friends, get to create my own family, get to be with a great woman, career is overall still good, my future goals all align with this, day-to-day life is easy in term's of society's expectations of appearance, don't have to worry about walking alone at night etc.
Cons: never knowing for sure what the other side feels like, must exercise discipline instead of instant gratification, society expects a higher income if you plan on mating effectively, people feel less sorry for you, more responsibility
Pros of deciding to be a pseudo-woman: perhaps orgasms would be 12/10, not just 10/10, would at least be fun at first to play with female/body, basically get to hit re-start button on life and learn a new-playthrough, less responsibility, have sense of finality as opposed to constant wondering in dysphoric state
cons: may be unattractive, even if somewhat attractive will always know that you aren't actually a woman, less men will be interested in settling down, infertile, likely to die sooner, less physical strength, more vulnerable, mental health likely less stable due to nature of estrogen, operations could be botched leaving one a mutilated mess, will drastically alter all friend/family/work relationships, have to learn how to live from the ground-up in a brand new world, novelty could wear off and realize grass was not greener
...I'm not sure if it's the same for you, but it sure looks like the cons for succumbing to the AGP desires are more numerous and have much more dire consequences. It looks like a fun sexual gamble you'd maybe take with a video game character...but to take a chance risking a good life? It was obviously the worst outcome.
Do I have control?
Okay, so the AGP feelings are permanent, but I wanted to overcome them. I logically recognized that the male life is much more desirable...but once again, am I doomed? Heading towards 30, I wanted to find that special lady and have some kids, and I would loathe myself to give in to a selfish, illogical sexual kink that ruins the mental state of an entire family. Was I doomed? Not if I could help it.
If I kept blindly hoping for the best, pretending there was no dragon nearby, one day that dragon would emerge from its cave and kill me. If I was going to "die" at the hands of this thing, I was going to do it in the dragon's lair. Die bravely, or live triumphantly.
I needed to hammer this out, so I reached out to Blanchard himself, and he mercifully replied. Living in Canada, I was able to see his friend Ken Zucker, who understands AGP - I WOULD ONLY RECOMMEND GOING TO SOMEONE WHO TAKES AGP SERIOUSLY. The majority of today's gender therapists are likely to look for any reason to castrate you, more or less.
Heading into the therapy, I realized that this was an intense step and the dysphoria flared up substantially for the final time. I will admit, the AGP wanted him to tell me I was doomed and had to do it. It wasn't the logic talking, but the AGP knew it was closer to its goal than ever before...
Thankfully, talking about ALL of this with a true professional helped immensely. He said there is likely some AGP (no way!), but nothing I can't handle. I can't stress enough how fighting this head-on was such a victory for me living a normal life.
Now, this exact therapy-outcome may not be realistic for many. Money and/or an AGP-aware gender doc may not be in play. Use this subreddit, ask people like me or others whose story sounds relatable to yours. You can achieve this first step of clarity in many ways on your own.
Take control.
  1. Figure out your exact condition, your feelings, what's led to it all, where you see your future...FIGURE IT OUT. Way easier said than done, but so crucial.
  2. Decide your path, understanding that at no point will you be "forced" to do anything. Everything in my story after the AGP was imprinted was a choice of mine. The only difference was that each choice was made with different levels of wisdom behind it.
  3. Protect yourself. Let's talk about that.
Protect yourself
Understand that while deciding to carry on as male is almost always the smart choice, and long-term the "easier" life...you are likely to have at least mild-to-medium AGP flare-ups for life. The people who go for the pseudo-woman life are sacrificing a lot long-term, but their big advantage is that they at least don't have to worry about AGP taking over any more - they've surrendered to it, at whatever cost that may be.
But if your life would be much better as a male, then I liken this logic to losing a war. Sure, the relief of the war being over would be something - you don't have to fight for your life anymore - but the repercussions may be profound, as seen by the effects on defeated nations/civilizations over the years.
It's been 2 years since my last dysphoria/major AGP flare-up, which is pretty cool, but obviously not a victory lap yet. However, there are massive differences in my lifestyle between now and my pre-AGP-aware repressions:
  1. I no longer look at porn at all, or use AGP fantasies for masturbation or during sex. The urge isn't even there.
  2. After implementing this mental wiring ^ I was able to increase my outward female-targeting. This landed me a great gal that I've since married, and I dominate her submissiveness automatically. Writing this essay has basically been like looking into a different world, in hindsight.
  3. I've come to Christ fully and completely. To be honest, if you look at how my puberty began and where my life is now, it's not hard to see "miracles" can take place, and I do attribute God to many of my life's saving turning points...however I didn't mention His influence until now, as I want to reach as many people as possible, and I know reddit isn't the most Christian-friendly website. But I assure you that the advantages to having Faith are very helpful. One caveat: if someone does not effectively take control and understand their issues before jumping headfirst into religion, it is more likely to result in relapse. Hence the molester priests who kept their problems buried their entire lives.
  4. I've returned to the weight-lifting of my early-20's, with a better diet than I ever had back then (and less of a weekend alcohol addiction). These seem basic, but mental health is so drastically improved from these factors alone, that it's worth mentioning.
  5. Obsessive thought-loops: these are what spiral the AGP out of control, but they can also keep you going to the gym every day. Feeding the AGP via little thoughts will generally lead to medium thoughts, and so-on, unless it is identified and squashed early on. When I get mild flare ups I just laugh, and go over to kiss my wife, realizing she's a better woman than I could ever pretend to be. We are likely all somewhat obsessive, so be vigilant with your thought cycles.
Pillars of stability
I figured that I'd identify some pillars of stability that will naturally reduce anxiety and accompanying AGP flare-ups:
  1. Career. Find a way to be happy while making money
  2. Romance. The longer you use AGP fantasy in masturbation/sex, the harder this aspect will be to fulfill. If you pop an AGP boner, try switching over to a hetero fantasy before you finish. Maybe a girl you have a crush on. Tbh I've finished to visualizations of my ideal life, which is weird but seems to work
  3. Physical. Work out, if not for physical appearance, then for mental well-being. Maintain a strong diet, get your vitamins.
  4. Social. We are social creatures, get out there and have some fun. Loneliness is a major source of AGP flare-up.
  5. Spiritual. I personally testify that God has had a major hand in my preservation, and not just from AGP/dysphoria. Maybe this seems silly, but keep an open mind.
You may notice that all of these are under attack from the lockdowns...I personally don't think this is an accident. It doesn't take a genius to see how terribly mental health in general has been affected by it all. Stay vigilant. Do not allow corrupt politicians (who don't abide their own rules) to mentally castrate you.
Final thoughts/Where I'm at now
I've been writing this for almost 4 hours now...jeez. My brain is spent, and I haven't eaten as I want this done. But let me try to offer a little bit more of my story/advice briefly. I may edit this little section if I think of something later:

Alright, that's it for me. Hope this helps someone, even slightly. There are likely spelling errors, repetition, and/or missing links/holes in the story throughout...I am not proofreading this right now, but feel free to point anything out or question anything I've written, of course. I'll edit where necessary.
Open to all questions and am always available to talk about this very lonely condition, in public or private if you prefer.
Stay strong...you are not alone.
submitted by Grindenhausen to askAGP [link] [comments]

The True Varieties of Faith: Bretons, Part 2


If you've read Varieties of Faith and think you know everything there is to know about the Breton pantheon, you are sorely mistaken. Ask a Breton what gods he knows, and you can keep them talking for days.
Like how there are thousands of cults in the Imperial City, High Rock is home to hundreds of wyrds, covens and religious orders. What distinguishes the official from the false religions? Popularity? A consistent narrative between temples? Fealty to the empire? No, in High Rock, it is having the means to silence everyone who says otherwise. Each of the official Temples has a Templar Knightly Order to protect its own interests and expand its influence.
Each temple is its own separate political power and much like the Breton Kingdoms, the Temples have alliances and go to war with each other.
In this volume of The True Varieties of Faith: Bretons we will be delving into the venerated Spirits of High Rock with no hand in the creation of the Mundus, but who are worshipped for their actions in life.


Arius is one of many examples of animism in Breton culture. He is the God of Fire and the Soul of the Volcano on the aptly named island Vulcanus, loved for the nutritious ash, feared for the poisonous smoke, earthquakes, and deadly lava. He is considered an ally of Mehrunes Dagon.
Temple: The Temple of Fire is built on the rim of the volcano, heated by the lava below, cleared of poison gas by the sea breeze blowing through the halls. A formidable platform, possible of Nedic origin extends from the temple above the crater from whence offering are thrown to keep Vulcanos asleep for another season. Exhaust vents blocked by massive valves of stones are controlled from within the Temple. When the valves open, burning ash descends down the hills to bless the fields below, while the lava is directed away through canals and left to harden in a large basin where mineworkers stand ready to delve the hardened crust in search of valuable minerals.
Templar Knightly Order: The Knights of Vulcanus were established to put a permanent stop to the annual sacrifice of a young child to appease Arius. When Arius was appeased no longer, the island volcano erupted and killed hundreds. The Knights remained to repair the damages and maintain order. Shortly after the eruption, mineworkers started the excavation of the exhaust vents.
Allies: Daggerfall
Enemies: The Ashblood, a native uprising who seek to free Arius of his bondage and return to the old ways.


The Bandit God worshiped by law breakers throughout the Iliac Bay. Bandi was a band of five Khajiit brothers: an Alfiq, an Ohmes, a Suthay, a Cathay-raht and a Senche, pretending to be one powerful shape shifting Wood Elf by the name of Bandi. They extorted village and city alike for money and power. By the time their act was uncovered by a sailor who had travelled to the far shores of Bruk'ra, one of the sixteen kingdoms of the Khajiit at the time, the brothers had secured themselves a castle and subjects, and though the magic they wielded proved non-existent, the political and military power was sufficient enough to lead five long and happy lives. The five brothers are still prayed to today for guidance in the art of trickery and thievery, although their veneration is quickly fading.
Temple: The Bandi Front. At the Order's founding the temple served to rehabilitate outlaws and thieves, but they have since grown into common cutthroats, hiding behind a dead religion to make their own fortune.
Templar Knightly Order: They know themselves as the Five-Clawed Knights, but they are more commonly known as the Bandi't.
Allies: The Thieves Guild
Enemies: The Anvil of Ebonarm, Daggerfall


The bastard of Boar and Greenskinned Demon. It only knew violence and rage and devastated the lands when the world was still young. There are two different versions of its story told throughout Bretony.
The first story goes as follows: The monster was sad and confused as it understood how fundamentally wrong its mere existence was, and the only outlet it knew was destruction. After three days of battle against an adventurer named Erudarth it grew to be too tired to fight. That's when the adventurer asked Daegout a question it had never been asked.
"Why are you so sad?"
At that opportunity to lift its heart the monster started weeping about its woes. Erudarth listened to him for a long time. Listened to its loneliness, its hatred for the world for not belonging. Erudarth told him that as long as the monster refused to hurt the men of this land the monster would have a friend in Erudarth. The monster prowled the woods of High Rock for as long as Erudarth's kingdom stood, always looking for the enemies of his king. When the first kingdom fell, so did Daegout. From its flesh the first orcs were born. Even if Daegouts children oftentimes forget their ancestral duty, sometimes they do remember. The friendship that made the Daggerfall-Covenant possible oftentimes gets compared to this story. But only by Bretons, and only when no orc is listening.
The second variant of the story is less orc-friendly: The monster was unambiguously evil. It was slain by either Erudarth, one of the first knightly orders, or a village full of enraged farmers, depending on who you ask. But even in death Daegouts spirit was so hateful that it corrupted the earth, from which the first orcs arose. The monster's wrath haunts the Bretonic and Redguard people to this day.
Temple: The Fortress of Daegout
Templar Knightly Order: The Daegout Devout. Though their stated goal is the unification of the orc and Breton people, their knights are primarily employed to rout out unwanted orc strongholds in the name of keeping the peace between the people. Their primary income comes from selling the plunder of these raids, both items and body parts, and claiming the orc mines for their Order.
Allies: The Resolution of Z’en
Enemies: Malacath


A shy Fae Spirit of nature responsible for blooms and flowers. She is said to be one of the first of Dibella’s Daughters and a venerated ancestor to the nymphs as well.
Temple: The Conservatory of Druagaa. Their primary export is the seeds of flowering plants known to attract faeries (Or nixads, as they are known globally), which are considered lucky when happy.
Templar Knightly Order: The Druagaa Blossom. The Druagaa Blossom protect Nymphs and are the military arm of not just their own temple, but to their allied temples without a knightly order as well.
Allies: The House of Dibella, the Temples of the other Nymph Sisters and a slew of allied Wyrds dedicated to the veneration of fae kind.
Enemies: The Seed-Grounds of Wyrdah


Dugrod was a dragon who opposed the expansion of the Nordic Empire into High Rock, keeping the Nordic raiders at bay for over twenty years before he was slain by four Nord tongues. The bones of Dugrod were transported by the Nedes into a cave in the region of Ykalon hidden from the Nords. The priest of Dugrod, through whom Dugrod speaks by possession, wears a cracked mask said to have belonged to Dugrod's Dragon-priest before the Dragon War. Here the ancient dragon is consulted by king and rich merchant alike for his massive wealth of knowledge, and from here he rules the temple.
Temple: The Dugrod Cult. There are fourteen dragon skeletons around the Iliac Bay, each falling under the jurisdiction of the Dugrod Cult, but Dugrod is the only dragon to partake in conversation. The temples are each build on a dragon burial.
Templar Knightly Order: The Dragon Bone Knights guard the tombs and quest for Dugrod. Rumour has it that the Dragon Bone Knights are preparing for a grand event to the east and the return of Dugrod to his flesh.
Allies: The Akatosh Chantry, The Order of the Black Worm
Enemies: None


God of the holy geometry. His followers are scholars, engineers, architects, and people interested in genealogy in particular. Many believe that elven traits in humans are part of the "holy geometry". He is thought to be a pacifist version of Trinimac whose sphere is also associated with holy geometry. Mithril is his holy metal.
Temple: Èdelberth is worshiped in (as far as possible) completely symmetric hexagonal buildings called Trinomicals (singular: trinomical). At best the worshipers of Èdelberth are masters of logic and a protector order, at worst they are zealous police of rigid rules that know no pity for human weakness, and heavily racist.
Templar Knightly Order: The Order of the Angle are not dissimilar to Summurset's divine prosecution, as strict protectors of their people's bloodline and culture. Oftentimes at odds with Redguards, Nords and especially Orcs as their features are not fitting the divine geometry. Their main objective seems to be the acquisition of Mithril, which they will at times slaughter or barter for.
Allies: None
Enemies: None

King Edward

The mythical king Edward is likely a historical king who lived during the late years of the Nordic occupation of High Rock. In every story Edward is said to have been a great mage, but who tutored him varies from telling to telling. In some stories it was a snow elf or a wood elf enacting revenge on the Nords, in other stories Edward travels to Summurset to study at the Crystal Tower under ArchMagister I'ric, in another tale the young prince climbs the ranks and studies with the Direnni in their tower and yet other stories link him to the Witch-King Moraelyn or the Great Dragon Akatosh.
With help of the Horn of Summoning, the divines and various cultural heroes (some from entirely different time periods), King Edward drives out the Nords. King Edward founded the Dragon Village to shelter the dragons and the elves who had lost their home to the Nords. Many Bretons and Redguards of the iliac Bay believe the Dragon Village to be a real place hidden in the Dragontail Mountains, others think the Dragon Village is an afterlife reserved for the worthy of any race who display the same qualities in life as King Edward.
Myths also link the Dragonskin, an ability many Bretons can call upon, to a deal between Akatosh and king Edward, but critics claim the name and the subsequent myth are merely a response to Alessian influence as before the Temple of the One the Breton’s unique ability to absorb spells was thought to be a gift of Magnus.
King Edward is the paragon of a Breton king, one who cares for all his subjects no matter the race, who is well studied, chivalrous, a skilled mage and most important of all, one who has quested far and wide before ascending the throne.
Temple: The Order of the True King was born from the remnants of the Fighters Guild after its collapse in High Rock during the Oblivion Crisis. The Order of the True King provides the same services as the Fighters Guild in other provinces, but also provides many of the same services as the temples in High Rock, with the exception of dancers and summoners.
Templar Knightly Order: The Companions, named after Edward’s closest allies who also called themselves The Companions.
Allies: The Firstkings Chauteau, The Fighters Guild, The Vigilants of Stendarr
Enemies: The Trinomical of Èdelberth


The wood elf twin brother of Phen worshiped all around the Iliac Bay as a protector spirit of nature. Ephen was the last living wood elf Silvenar in High Rock when he was executed by the Nords. His spirit is said to still roam the woods where he leads wereboars away from the houses of Bretons that pay proper reverence to the forest, but where he also leads wereboars into the settlements of Nords and those who do not respect nature. Ephen's real name has long since been forgotten and replaced by another revered elf ancestor; S'Ephen, as the early Bretons believed saying his name aloud would invite him to haunt you.
Offerings to Ephen are left in Fairy Circles, so called because the Bretons believe these circular mushroom growths spring up where the spirits of wood elves have danced. The Bretons also believe that sitting on a particular big and sturdy species of tree fungus named Ephen's Throne angers Ephen, who slowly cannibalizes those that do not repent by leaving an offering to him in the next eight days. Sometimes the corpses of particularly hated individuals are set upright on Ephen's Throne so that Ephen drags their soul into the Underwoods to be hunted by boar-faced elves for eternity.
Temple: The Wyrd of the Woods is not an actual wyrd, but an order set on the preservation of Breton culture. The Temple spends great expenses on archaeology, despite how very little remains of the wood elf and Nedic cultures of the Merethic Era.
Templar Knightly Order: The Wyrdesses of the Woods have few warriors among its ranks. Most of its numbers consists of hunters and alchemists with a deep understanding of the forest, volunteers who look for signs of wandering spirits while they are in the woodlands.
Allies: The Shelter of Galen
Enemies: The Imperial Cult


Erudarth was the first Breton Monarch and greatest among the mortal vassals to the gods. All the brave warriors and heroes who go out into the world to establish kingdoms measure themselves to him. He is primarily worshiped by knights, adventures, and nobles. The mythical king Edward might have been named after or inspired by him. Erudarth is portrayed as a human knight with prominent elven characteristics, clad in armour, with a crown in his hand, never on his head. Almost all statues show him in a pose as to crown someone else king/queen. Monarchs and nobles oftentimes state that they are descendants of him, put can never really prove it.
Temple: He is worshiped in a small extra house on pretty much every castle-ground. They are called Firstkings Chateau, or often just Chateau. The temple is extremely free-form and has no real hierarchy, if you grab a sword and go out into the world to make a name for yourself you can call yourself a Knight of the Foundation. Of course, noble houses often try to impose structure, but those attempts are barely ever accepted and are as short-lived as their houses. At best the worshipers of Erudarth are just rulers and noble heroes, at worst they are a bunch of good-for-nothing braggarts and tyrants.
Templar Knightly Order: Knights of the Foundation, named so because Erudarth's knightly journey was the Foundation of the first Breton kingdom.
Allies: The Order of the True King
Enemies: None


Galen is a poorly understood deity without any shrines or real temples in High Rock, but nevertheless with one of the greatest following of the Spirits of Bretony. The Druids of Galen, or the Galenic Druids, is an ethnically separate group from for example the Reachfolk, Trollkiin and Witchmen of High Rock and one of the most prevalent ethnicity among the Bretons. The Druids of Galen claim to descend from wyrds and druids of Glenumbra Moor and Glenpoint but have since given up their worship of nature. Elements persist in their modern way of life, but the spirits they once venerated are now forgotten by all but the Wyrd Covens, such as the Glendanmoril Witches or the Supernatural Dreamers, found far away from the prying eyes of civilization.
The Druids of Galen still pray to Galen or the Archdruid for guidance and wisdom in their daily life, especially in interactions with nature-magic, but they don't know whether Galen is a place, a spirit, or an ancestor. Given the deep roots in animism and ancestor worship, all of these might be true at the same time.
The Galenic Druids spread as far north-east as Stormhaven. Galenhafen was that lands original name, named after the Archdruid, believed by this off-shoot to be the mortal son Vaermina. What was originally called "Galenhafen" first became "Galehaven" and later "Stormhaven". Some scholars suggest that Galen and Valen were the Nedic names for Hircine and Y'ffre, the Gods of the Wood Elves, but there is not enough evidence to make this claim anything more than conjecture.
Temple: The Shelter of Galen is more comparable to an exclusive club than to a proper temple. Outsiders can only join the Temple through marriage, and membership is only inherited from mother to child, never father to child. The Shelters provide the same services as other temples, with the notable exception of priests, even if the head of the Temple claims the title of Arch Druid.
Templar Knightly Order: The Knights of Galen guard the temples, but their protection doesn't extend further than this. The title of knight is more an honorary title than one truly earned.
Allies: A large, ever changing number of Wyrd Covens is allied to the Shelter of Galen and have pledged their services to the Arch Druid.
Enemies: None


I'ric Harad Egun was a powerful wizard like no other during his lifetime, aiding the mythical King Edward on various occasions, even serving in his court in the later years of Edward's life. I'ric was the Archmagister of Crystal Tower in the early to mid-First Era, but has long since been forgotten on Summerset, where powerful mages are much more commonplace. In the Iliac Bay however there are still sparse altars. This Hero-God of the Bretons is often worshiped by those Breton mages who emphasize their Breton blood.
Temple: The Order of the True Mage is dedicated to many the same cause as the much larger School of Julianos, seeking to educate all scholars. Unlike the School of Julianos, the Order of the True Mage is only dedicated to teaching the arts of magic. The first temples was built in mimicry of the Crystal Tower, but later temples merely placed a small tower decorated with pieces of glass adjacent to existing buildings.
Templar Knightly Order: I’ric’s Apprentices are renounced spellswords.
Allies: The College of Whispers, The Synod, The School of Julianos, The Order of the True King
Enemies: None

Jhim Sei

A Breton musician god, who plays an unknown instrument. Shrines are found all over the Iliac Bay, and each of his hundreds of shrines depicts him with a slightly different instrument. Jhim Sei was once a mortal musician from Yokuda, Aldmeris or Aldmora, depending on who tells the story, who spend his years composing a song so beautiful it would lift any that played it from mortality to divinity. He succeeded and left behind his music sheet, which is inscribed on every shrine. The issue is that no one knows what instrument this song should be played on. Some theorize the instrument itself was made divine itself, making it impossible for mere mortals to replicate Jhim Sei's masterpiece.
Temple: The Temple of Jhim Sei dedicates all its funding into buying different musical instruments from all over Tamriel, its historians delve deep to find any instrument not around anymore, the temple mages experiment with Tonal Magic, its musicians experiment with hymns and rhythms, throat singing and ventriloquism and the researchers are constantly inventing new musical instruments hoping to reinvent that what was lost to time.
Templar Knightly Order: The Shepards of the Tone
Allies: Kieran’s Theatre, The Greybeards
Enemies: None


Jode is worshiped all around the Iliac Bay as the goddess of Masser, also known as Mara's Tear. Breton legend holds the moons first appeared in the night sky when Lorkhan's trickery was revealed. Mara wept from the betrayal when she realized she would never see her children grow up, and from her tears was born the spirit Jode.
Temple: The Benevolence of Masser. When it is raining and Masser is full, the priests of Jode place a chalice on Her shrine to be filled with Mara's Tears. When a pregnant woman drinks from the chalice, Jode herself is said to come down from Masser to help as the invisible midwife, assuring that the baby and the mother both survive the delivery.
Templar Knightly Order: Knights of the Big Moon
Allies: The Benevolence of Mara
Enemies: None


Jone is revered all around the Iliac Bay also known as Stendarr's Sorrow. Breton legend holds the moons first appeared in the night sky when Lorkhan's trickery was revealed. Stendarr was so deeply distraught by the bloodshed and violence of the Ehlnofey War that his heart bled. The blood pooled up in his chest and Stendarr plucked it from himself as he could no longer live with the Sorrow.
In the region of Dwynned the most important court hearings are only held when Secunda is full or near full, as the Bretons of this region believe that Jone himself is present among the jury on these days. In the Alik'r desert the opposite is true: Court hearings are never held when Secunda is full, as the locals believe the jury to be too emotional on this day to speak proper justice.
Temple: The Temple of Jone
Templar Knightly Order: Knights of the Small Moon
Allies: The Temple of Stendarr, The Benevolence of Mara
Enemies: None


Kieran is worshiped in theatres around the Iliac Bay as the god of Jesters and Poets. Kieran was the Madness-Kissed jester apostle of Dibella whom travelled from court to court to inspire kings and the populace. His wise and otherworldly performances were the beginning of an age of enlightenment for the Bretons.
Temple: Kieran’s Theatre is above all other services, a place for performance and art, blessed by Kieran.
Templar Knightly Order: The Kieran Knights are perhaps the oddest knightly order of High Rock, as they are armed exclusively with enchanted magic instruments and illusion magic, clad in plate armour and colourful robes.
Allies: The Opera House of Jephre, The Benevolence of Mara
Enemies: None


Kel is worshiped throughout the Iliac Bay as the Avenger. Kel is the family god, keeping bloodlines clean and resolving family feuds. Incest offends Kel greatly, and he curses those born of such a union. Kel often fights Molag Bal, Daegout and Sheor in his myths, almost always to stop rape from happening, but at times also to oppose an interracial marriage between a Breton and the dumb, savage and barbarically portrayed Orcs and Nords in these stories.
Temple: The Temple of Kel offers a place for anyone who has been sexually assaulted, raped or has suffered any other form of sexual assault. Family feuds are often settled on these hallowed temple grounds.
Templar Knightly Order: Knights of Kel
Allies: The Benevolence of Mara, the Anvil of Ebonarm
Enemies: None


Shrines to Mai are only found along High Rock's side of the Iliac Bay. Maia was a Nord priest of Mara when the First Empire of the Nords occupied this area. Maia filled many longhouses with orphans who had lost their parents to the Nord raiders. She raised them into great warriors, founding one of High Rock's first knightly order.
Temple: Mai’s Orphanage offers a place for all orphans to grow and study and when lukcy, be adopted.
Templar Knightly Order: The knights of Mai still exist today and are composed entirely of orphans and foundlings left at the Temple.
Allies: The Benevolence of Mara, The Temple of Kynereth
Enemies: None


Mannimarco, the King of Worms, the Dark Lich and known by many other names was already a powerful mage during the Mythic Dawn before he joined the Psijic order. He surpassed all but one mage, Vanus Galeren, but was cast out for dark practices. He started his own order, the Order of the Black Worm, where he granted great necromantic power from all his followers in exchange for a portion of each of their souls. Some say Mannimarco ascending to godhood was what spurred the divines to action, leading to the Warp of the West. Mannimarco is said to have slain Numidium and filled its husk with the thousands of souls lost during The Warp in the West to ascend to godhood. He is worshiped in the Iliac Bay as the Necromancer Moon. Mannimarco is said to take possession of powerful necromancers to fight for the legacy of the dark arts.
Temple: The Order of the Black Worm is a still existing organization in this region. They devote themselves to the protection of legal practitioners of necromancy and allow this study within their temple walls. Reanimated skeletons of dogs, cats and cattle roam freely within the Order’s walls. The Order garners little respect from the populace, but they turn to the Order to reanimate their beloved pet or to seek a final audience with the recently deceased. The Order of the Black Worm have fought many legal battles and lost most of them but have nevertheless guided the mages of High Rock with clearer rules and better education of the ethical versus the unethical forms of necromancy. The undead of cattle is not allowed outside of the temples as of yet, but the Order seeks to change that and replace all beasts of burden in High Rock with the undead which require no food or sleep.
Templar Knightly Order: The Black Knights seek out any and all hedge-necromancers to bring them into the temple and educate them properly. They are renowned vampire slayers, knowing more about the undead than anyone, and are driven to give necromancy a good name and rout out all evil.
Allies: The School of Julianos
Enemies: The Black Knights are constantly at war with The Knights of the Circle and are fighting a legal battle over their name with the Anvil of Ebonarm.


A messenger god whose altars can be found on roads across the Iliac Bay. Notorgo is alternatively said to have been a powerful wizard, a daedra bound into service by the Direnni or a sentient crystal ball left behind by the Magne Ge. Messengers who pray to Notorgo are always able to find who they are looking for, even if they are traveling through the uncharted wilderness or delving through ancient tombs and caves no men has set foot in for decades. Looks like that's it.
Temple: The Postal Office of Notorgo offers most of the services other temples offer, including daedric summoning. Daedric summoning is even available to low ranking members of the temple, as it provides one of the fastest ways to transport a message. The fastest way is available to higher ranking members, or those with heavier coin purses, as teleportation is never cheap or reliable on long distances and thus multiple jumps are required, but this does get the message delivered to anywhere in High Rock in mere hours.
Templar Knightly Order: The Knights of Notorgo accompany paying messengers regardless of their affiliations.
Allies: None
Enemies: Vaermina (A personal feud with the Temple’s High Priest Mycha)


God of The Warp of the West. The Miracle of Peace, as it is locally called, has been celebrated as the miraculous interventions of Stendarr, Mara, and Akatosh to transform the forty-four independent kingdoms, counties, baronies, and dukedoms surrounding the Iliac Bay into four peaceful, well-governed Imperial counties. The catastrophic destruction of landscape and life is understood to have been 'tragic, and beyond mortal comprehension.' The event took only two days, afterwards whole cities were levelled, thousands of lives lost, Gods, knightly orders and nobility were erased from existence, lakes were displaced, forests burned, and borders removed. Though no man had any memory of these two days, the Brass Titan haunted dreams and visions of the survivors. These rumours were for decades silenced by The Crusaders and The Order of the Hour but were fed by rumours that the nobility of the Iliac Bay knew ahead of time about a powerful artifact being activated, and massive cogs, springs and other objects having been found all over the Iliac Bay.
The new consensus is that Stendarr, Mara and Akatosh raised Numidium from the Iliac Bay, where it had fallen by the hands of Zurin Arctus, to set the Miracle of Peace in motion. He is revered at the many deep scars in the landscape and monuments to the fallen.
Temple: The Memorial of the Warp can be found at many scars in the landscape left by the Miracle of Peace. Here the thousands of dead are remembered.
Templar Knightly Order: The Knights of Peace
Allies: The Benevolence of Mara, the Temple of Stendarr, the Akatosh Chantry
Enemies: None


The wood elf twin sister of Ephen worshiped all around the Iliac Bay as a protector spirit of nature. Phen was the last living Spinner in High Rock when she was slain by the Nords. Phen does not have temples of shrines, but "Shelters" made from gathered dead wood. These Shelters are homes for the thousands of wandering wood elf spirits whose own homes were destroyed or burned by the invading Nords. Phen's real name has long since been forgotten and replaced by another revered elf ancestor; S'Ephen, as the early Bretons believed saying her name aloud would invite her to haunt you.
Her spirit is said to still roam the woods where she leads lost children to her Shelter if they pay proper reverence to the forest. She has a deep grudge against the Nords whom she turns into werewolves if they enter the woods carrying arms.
Temple: The Wyrd of the Woods is not an actual wyrd, but an order set on the preservation of Breton culture. The Temple spends great expenses on archaeology, despite how very little remains of the Wood Elf and Nedic cultures found in High Rock in the Merethic Era.
Templar Knightly Order: The Wyrdesses of the Woods have few warriors among its ranks. Most of its numbers consists of hunters and alchemists with a deep understanding of the forest, volunteers who look for signs of wandering spirits while they are in the woodlands and pass by Phen’s Shelters when they have the chance.
Allies: The Shelter of Galen
Enemies: The Imperial Cult


Q'Olwen is a powerful Spider Daedra who ruled as a suzerain and later king over the region between Ykalon and Daenia for hundreds of years after the Direnni Hegemony collapsed. When at last this cruel daedra, who demanded a weekly human sacrifice from its subjects, was send back to Oblivion, it immediately started to plot revenge. During the Oblivion Crisis it made its move, building a shrine where she could summon herself back to Nirn at will. After the Oblivion Crisis she lingered until again she was defeated by a large group of mercenaries. These mercenaries founded a knightly order, the Order of Q'Olwen's Demise. Each year on her summoning day, the twelfth of Evening Star, Q'Olwen returns at her self-made shrine.
Temple: Surrounding the shrine is a large adamantium cage enchanted with wards so that no magic nor daedra may leave the shrine, with a heavily fortified entrance. This knightly order lives primarily off donations but have also made a lucrative arrangement with the court mages of the kingdom of Camlorn who use Q’Olwen’s annual corpse for their own experiments.
Templar Knightly Order: The Order of Q'Olwen's Demise. Initiates must do battle with Q'Olwen to be knighted, but the main method of slaying the beast is to simply pelt it with crossbow bolts from safely outside the cage.
Allies: The Kingdom of Camlorn
Enemies: Q’Olwen

The Sage

The Sage is a wizard who has discovered the secret to immortality by experimenting on himself. He does not know which of his thousands of experiments lead to his immortality, however. He lives in a magical fortress in the Kurallian Mountains hidden from all but the worthy mages who require his help, and he always provides.
Temple: The Solitude of the Sage is devoted to directing mages to The Sage’s fortress and to aiding him when he wanders the land as he often does. Every temple has a large garden filled with the dozens of herbs used in the cure for ageing. They perform large scale experiments, using a thousand women and a thousand men from all ethnicities, birth signs, age, and backgrounds for each of these experiments. Each experiment attempts a different combination of herbs, different preparations, different times of the year, etc. Thus far without succeeding in reaching full immortality, but they have succeeded in finding a potion that will allow anyone who drinks it to grow two decades older, which has since become one of the main exports of the temple.
Templar Knightly Order: The immortals. Contrary to their name, they are not immortal, but they are incredibly capable mages.
Allies: The School of Julianos
Enemies: The Order of Arkay


God of Luck, known to his followers as Lucky. Lucky was a mortal who discovered that he brought luck to those around him, but never himself. He became a soldier and died during his first fight, but all the other soldiers miraculously survived, and the war was won. Ebonarm, Mara or Stendarr, depending on the telling, visited him, and offered him the choice: Live forever as a God and spread your luck to others, or die without responsibility. Sai, afraid of death, took the godhood. Sai fell in love with a Nord woman however, and he moved in with her. His luck spread to the Nords and the Nords only, and they prospered. They slew the ice elves all over Skyrim and the wood elves in High Rock and their borders kept growing until the Empire of the Nords span all of northern Tamriel.
Because Sai had been shirking his duties he was stripped of his physical form by Mara, Ebonarm or Stendarr depending on who tells the tale, so that he could not be tempted to linger and start a family, and he was forced to leave the Nords for a couple hundreds of years. It would be another two hundred years before the Nordic Empire fell, but Sai's luck was now shared with all the races.
Temple: The Temple of Luck gives blessings to the unlucky and is a shelter for all who had relied too heavy on Lucky’s Blessing and who he thus had abandoned. For all the gamblers who had win after win but are now out of gold to spend the Temple has a meal.
Templar Knightly Order: The Saian Order is devoted to the eradication of illegal gambling, as well as locating and protecting unicorns.
Allies: The Benevolence of Mara, The Anvil of Ebonarm, the Temple of Stendarr
Enemies: Sanguine


Also called Ephen, S'Ephen was a Chimer noble during the Nordic Empire's expansion into Morrowind. When he was eventually slain, his half-brother Moraelyn established a temple cult in his memory. Statues of S'Ephen depict him wielding a hammer, atop of an anvil of adamantium. This hammer and anvil are both artifacts associated with him, but their location has long since been lost to time. When combined, the wielder is said to be able to manufacture anything with only a few strikes of the hammer on the anvil. Other artifacts associated with S'Ephen are the legendary Horn of Summoning, which was placed in his tomb by Moraelyn, and the Staff of Chaos which was placed in his tomb by General Symmachus when Tiber Septim took the Horn of Summoning for himself. The Staff was later also taken out of the grave by Jagar Tharn.
Temple: The Temple of S’Ephen
Templar Knightly Order: The Knights of S’Ephen are dedicated to finding the artifacts entrusted into S’Ephen’s protection and restoring them to him.
Allies: The Order of the True King
Enemies: None


God of War-Magic imported by the Nedic tribes of Hammerfell when they fled from the Ra Gada to the Iliac Bay in the ninth century of the First Era. Scholars theorize that Shandar is a demonized version of Shalidor introduced to the region by the Dwarves who had fought this powerful Nord Arch Mage in the Rourken-Shalidor War during their exile from Resdayn to Volenfell. They had thought themselves victorious and expanded their territory and established trade routes with the Bretons. But Shandar had cursed them during their war, as the dwarves could no longer bear no children of the elven blood. Instead the children came out green and ugly and were cast out of the cities. When the Ra Gada came to the shores three centuries later, the once grand dwarven cities were buried under the dunes and infested with goblins and dunerippers. Shandar is said to be present wherever man uses magic against unclean creatures like orcs and automatons.
Temple: The Temple of Shandar. Shandar haunts the halls in the cursed dwarven ruins of Hammerfell. For a fee, the Temple’s blessings will protect any delving into the dwarven ruins or lift curses from items excavated from these sites.
Templar Knightly Order: The Shandar Knights are skilled mages armed with staffs and enchanted swords.
Allies: The Anvil of Ebonarm
Enemies: None


Talos, Tiber Septim, God emperor. Tiber Septim the man was never quite a popular spirit to the Bretons. Born an Alcarian, Tiber Septim was renowned as the general who freed the Nords of the Reachfolk, subsequently pushing them further into High Rock. When general Septim defeated the joined Nord and Breton forces on the cliffs of Sancre Tor, the Nords joined his side, but men of Bretony stood true, even when thrown into the bondage of slavery by the snake-tongued general. It is perhaps because of the Breton hatred for Tiber the Man that Talos the God is so beloved, for the end, a unified and prosperous Tamriel protected from Above, justifies the means.
In contrast to Tiber Septim, the God Talos has been revered by the Bretons bordering Skyrim for centuries. His veneration has crept into the Iliac bay since the last century and a half or so, spearheaded by the celebration of Tibedetha, or Talos Day in modern Tamrielic. A day of celebrating the empire above all, a religious event second, the holiday was taken from the region of Alcaire and spread all over High Rock by the Imperial Cult to appeal to locals, with success.
Temple: The Temple of Talos is a rogue temple, an offshoot of the Imperial Cult that wretched itself free by blood and by steel. The imperial forts converted to temples by the imperial cult have been reverted to fully operational bastions.
Templar Knightly Order: The Resistance as they are called are a renegade order dedicated to the protection of shrines of Talos and of his followers, hunting down Thalmor justiciars and freeing all who have been imprisoned for worshipping the Emperor God.
Allies: Letters and messengers between the Stormcloaks and the Resistance have been intercept, but not enough information has been intercepted to draw conclusions yet. Perhaps the Temple is lying in wait to see who will emerge victorious in the Skyrim Civil War before they choose to throw in their lot.
Enemies: The Imperial Cult is the official enemy of the Temple of Talos, acting in the emperor’s stead to secure Thalmor interest. They have been suspiciously unsuccessful in this.


Also known as Vir Jil to the Bretons wanting to emphasize their elven heritage, Vigryl is the God of the Sea worshiped over the entire Iliac Bay coastline. Depending on the story he was either a Direnni captain who taught the early Bretons to navigate by the stars, or he placed the stars in the sky himself. Some myths say he even wrestled his knowledge of the stars out of the God of the Deep Sea and Deep Knowledge Hermeus Mora himself, but others say this is merely allegorical.
Temple: Vigryl’s Harbour
Templar Knightly Order: Vigryl’s Vigilant Sailors
Allies: The Magnus Orrery
Enemies: Hermeus Mora
submitted by Martijndebakker to teslore [link] [comments]

Islam appears as if it ways made up by Primitive, medieval Arabs who didn't know anything about the world outside from their local area nor had interactions with a divine being.

ISLAM- The belief that an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God decided to reveal his doctrine for mankind, to a 7th century illiterate Arab slave trader(slave and sex slave owner who had regular sex with his 9 year old wife) ,in a cave where no one else was there to verify, through Angel Gabriel over 23 years rather than just beaming it into his brain.
Islam is an extremely Arab-centric religion, it seems as if it was completely made up by an Arabic person/people. The more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. This is what I will be discussing.

The holy site for pilgrimage is very conveniently located in their backyard (Saudi Arabia.) This would be like a religion of Japanese origin claiming the holy site for pilgrimage is in Tokyo. Muslims have to pray towards the Kaaba which is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was extremely underdeveloped and primitive. Literature wasn’t important and credible texts were rare so sometimes historians have to go with the biased Islamic perspective. According to the Abrahamic religions(Islam included), Abraham lived at around 2100-2200BC which is thousands of years before Islam was born in the 7th century. Islamic sources claim Abraham built the Kaaba for Islamic practises and it was his most important accomplishment. However the Bible never mentions the Kaaba and some Muslims claim Allah is the same God of the bible. Strangely the Kaaba was never mentioned in Judaism and Christianity. Only Islamic sources claim Christians and Jews also respected the Kaaba religiously. It was difficult to unify the many sects of Judaism and Christians on many things but not one sect of either religion mentioned the Kaaba. This suggests this idea was entirely fabricated. Islamic sources claim that the Kaaba in Mecca was a well known, important trade centre. Most Historians agree this is false as there was no mention of the Kaaba by the powerful Roman Empire, and the neighbouring Persian Empire and neighbouring Northern African Rulers until the birth of Islam . All historical evidence indicates the Quran was built by Arab Pagans a few centuries before Muhammad, not Abraham, yet again another false Islamic claim made by early Muslim Arabs or Muhammad.
The Zamzam Well is a well located in Mecca, Saudi East of the Kaaba the holiest place in Islam. According to Islam, it is a miraculously generated source of water from God, which sprang spontaneously thousands of years ago when Ibrahim (Abraham's) son Ismael (Ishmael) was left with his mother Hajar (Hagar) in the desert, thirsty and crying. Ibrahim made a request to Allah- 14:37: "{O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may perform Salah (prayer). So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks.}" Muslims believe Zamzam was the first among many fruits provided to Ibrahim by Allah. provided to Ismail and Hajar were in the desert. Very conveniently the Holy Water in Islam is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The water is so holy it is taught to heal diseases and sickness; there is no scientific evidence to support this. This appears to be a knock-off version of a biblical story (one of the many in Islam) where Abraham’s concubine and his son Ishmael were left in the desert of Paran in Palestine. The Hadith Sahih Muslim 31:6046 says that ZamZam water is special, can quench hunger,feed you and make you gain weight;there is of course no scientific evidence to support these claims. Islam makes it appear as if it is a miracle that there is water well in the desert which is expected coming from primitive Arab desert dwellers with little scientific knowledge. Water is underground in most deserts because as rainwater falls, it is absorbed underground and flows through the underground including under a desert.

Allah stated His holy book must be written, memorised and taught in Arabic(conveniently Muhammad's language) to Prophet Muhammad even though there are thousands of other languages in the world. Vulgar Latin or Middle Chinese were the most spoken language in the world in the 7th century when the Quran was revealed,English and Mandarin are the most spoken languages in the 21st century. Only 5% of the world's population today speak Arabic (Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world) so it is illogical, confusing and absurd why God wanted "the most important words for mankind" to be specifically delivered in Arabic. If Allah had revealed his doctrine to all cultures and corners of the world, there would be an independently verifiable method to confirm that every language in the world received the same message from the same God. This would be very powerful evidence in favour of Islam. It is a shame he decided against this:
Quranic Verses on Importance of Arabic:
41:3- "A Scripture whereof the verses are in detail, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge"
7:1: "Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet and in this sequence only Allah knows their meaning here;this is one of Allah's many miracles)."
12:2: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so you people may understand/use reason"
14:44: "We have not sent any Messenger except with the language of his people (Arabic) so he can make things clear to them. Allah misguides anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise."
42:7: "So We have revealed an Arabic Quran to you, in order that you may warn the mother of cities(Mecca) and all who live nearby..."
44:58: "We have made the Quran easy in your language (Arabic) so that they might be reminded."
26:198 - "And if We had revealed it (this Qur'an) unto any of the non-Arabs" - 26:199. "And had Muhammad recited the Quran unto them, they would not have believed in it "
41:44: "If We had made it a foreign Quran, they would have said, ‘If only its verses were clear! What? Foreign speech to an Arab?’ Say, ‘It is guidance and healing for those who have faith, but the ears of the disbelievers are heavy, they are blind to it, it is as if they are being called from a distant place." - Could Allah's book not also be unclear to Non-Arabic speakers which was the vast majority of the world in the 7th century and the 21st century?
Why the Almighty God would have a preference for one language over the thousands of others is unclear. Muslims believe Arabic has a special status in Islam. It is compulsory to learn Arabic to be a Muslim and perform activities like the 5 daily prayers, recite the Shahadah and read the Quran. Millions of Muslims around the world memorise the Quran and verses for prayer which are entirely in Arabic whilst not knowing the meaning of what they are saying when they pray everyday and read the Quran. It is estimated up to 10 million Muslims around the world (the majority not Arabic speaking in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia and Pakistan) have memorised the whole Quran. Most of them barely understand a word of what they have memorised It seems likely an All-Wise, All-Powerful God would be able to come up with a better way for people to show devotion to Him than reciting words in a foreign language they don’t know. God’s chosen messenger was an Arabic Person. Islam is filled with Key Arabic terms like Hajj, Shahadah, Taqwa, Taraweeh, Ramadan, Zakat and encourages Arabic customs like keeping a beard, eating dates and women covering their hair.

54:1 The Quran states: "The Hour draws near; the moon is split in two". And if they see a miracle they turn away and say 54:2 "Passing Magic," Sahih Bukhari 4:56:81 Narrated Anas states : \"*That the Meccan people requested Allah's Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon."*The Quran and Hadith claim that the people of Mecca,Saudi Arabia asked Muhammad to prove that he had divine powers so he miraculously split the moon into two pieces and then, presumably, put it back together again. There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that the moon has ever been split into two. Since the moon is visible to half the planet at any given time, we should expect to see numerous accounts from different parts of the world attesting to this event if it actually happened. The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Chinese and Indians had avid astronomers who should have seen this event and recorded it in their histories. The absence of historical record from other civilisations, contemporary to Muhammad, is a strong indication that this event never happened. Yet again another Islamic lie. The Quran states in 4:82 "Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found some contradictions." The Quran appears to tell us it certainly didn't come from God as we have clearly found a contradiction in the book between what it says and what actually happens/happened in reality as the moon never split. The Quran also says in 2:256 "Whoever believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold(The Quran) that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." Clearly the Quran is broken and is not trustworthy as it has lied to us and tried to deceive us about Science. The lie of the splitting of the moon disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-HAQQ(The Absolute-Truth,) AR-RASHEED(The Infallible Teacher,) AL-ALEEM (The All-Knowing,) AR-RAQEEB(The Watchful One,) AL-HAKEEM(The All-Wise,) ASH-SHAHEED(The All Observing Witnessing, AL-MAJEED(The Glorious-Most Honourable,) AL-HAMEED(The Praiseworthy,)DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM(Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.)

The invention of an afterlife by religions such as Islam is to serve our primitive desires to stay alive and is a result of the fear of One's mortality. The invention of an afterlife is also means to satisfy our primal desires to feel pleasure and Islam provides this as it sates in 41:31- "You will have therein(Paradise) whatever yourselves desire, whatever you want." The sole purpose of a Muslim's life is to enter Paradise and according to 29:64- " This life is nothing but diversion and play (to distract you from the ultimate goal of paradise)" The way heaven is described in a religion is usually reflective of the culture the religion originated from; this is expected as religions are fabricated by humans not sourced from divine beings.
The Islamic Paradise (Jannah) is described in the Quran and in Hadiths as a place with lots of magnificent gardens, nice greenery and weirdly obsesses on how there are many rivers and sources of water in Paradise. Here are some verses on the Islamic Paradise:
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.
3:193 - “But as to those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow....”
16:31 - “The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please...”
47:15 - "The description of Paradise which the righteous have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed..."
5:119- "...There are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal Home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation."
9:72- "Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss."
61:12 - “These it is (Paradise) for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow,”
54:54 - "Verily, The Righteous, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers in Paradise."
18: 33. "Each of those two gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein, and We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them."
The fascination with gardens and water appears to be a reasonable depiction of heaven coming from primitive desert dwellers who didn’t have much access to greenery and vast areas of water. Most people don't think of water when they think of a heaven except of course primitive Arabs who lived in the sweltering heat of the desert.
Islam is famous for having an extensive list of things which are forbidden under the religion (Haram) . There are customs like drinking alcohol, gambling, wearing gold and women being able to dress freely, and beautifying one's appearance which was and is part of most cultures including Pre-Islamic Arabia that were subsequently banned under Islam. I believe the reason religions like Islam ban trivial, inconsequential thing like beautifying one’s appearance is because if you can force people to give up something so intrinsic to their society and to being human, it is much easier exercise control. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer. Sahih Muslim 2956. The purpose of tedious rules is to make its adherents cement themselves more concretely to the religion. Muslims are being controlled massively by the the commands of a fictional being(Allah) and unfortunately do not seem to understand that. There is no other reason. The rules do not benefit you but the business. Every time you follow these rules with no evidence they came from a divine being, you are paying another subscription fee until you decide you are being used and drained to the religions benefit, not yours. Muslims are obligated to follow the Quran and it's rules as it is supposedly the word of God- 4:59- "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority and if there is deviation amongst yourselves, refer back to Allah, His Messenger (and Quran ), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination."
The fascination with wine in the Islamic heaven indicates that the Arabic authoauthors were into alcohol all along. Allah is clearly a confused man who doesn't even understand and abide by his own words as he says in 5:90 that alcohol consumption is the work of Satan but then promises alcohol in heaven for righteous Muslims. 5:90- "O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful." It seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.Here are Quranic verses on Alcohol in Paradise:
76:5 - "Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur."
76:17 - “And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger. “
47:15 - “The description of Paradise is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure)....”
The Quran forbids men and women especially women from beautifying themselves, tells men to lower their gaze, tells men and women to be modest in dress and behaviour, and discourages the provocative sexual display of their bodies and and discourages hyper-sexuality however extensively discusses sex and the beauty of the women in heaven. Yet again, it seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.
24:31 - “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.”
Here are Quranic Verses regarding the beauty of the women in Paradise:
2:25- “...they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever.” This means God will provide pure women for men to have sex with in Paradise.
55: 70-“Therein (In Paradise) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful.”
37:48- -“And with them (believing men) will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes.” 37:49. “(Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved.”
2:25- "Virgins await those who enter paradise."
The obsession and fascination with women's beauty and sex in the Islamic Paradise and lack of regard for female sexuality with no Quranic verses appealing to a Woman’s desire for sexual gratification clearly illustrates this was made up by sexually aroused Arabian Men who were implementing their sexual fantasies into their ideal paradise. It is oddly suspicious that there are no Islamic verses describing the handsome men in Paradise for women. The misogynistic objectification of women by portraying them as commodities and treating them like prizes to be won if One is faithful to Allah is typical of the ideals of the time, where women in most civilisations were treated as second class class citizens and had limited rights compared to men.
Bonus Quranic verses on women in Islam:
4:34- "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion from, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great." This verse means men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Women must obey men, and if they refuse they must be punished. Refuse to have sex with them and beat them into submission.
2:223- "Men,your women are soil for you (to cultivate/farm) so go to your soil as you please, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad)." In the mind of Allah, women are like a dirty field for men to put their penises through. Plough them whenever you like (as long as they're not menstruating, of course.)
4:24- "Also forbidden for men to marry are women already married, except those whom your right hands possess(captive women aka sex slaves)." This verse means Allah permits men having sex slaves.
Islam has stressed the holiness of the date and the date palm more than any other religion. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad said that Ajwah dates—grown in the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia—are from paradise. The date palm, mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Quran 22 times is a symbol often associated with Muslims. Muhammad argued that seven dates in the morning protected one from poison and witchcraft. The Quran states that Mary was advised to eat dates while in labour with Jesus, to ease childbirth and strengthen the body. The Prophet was once reported to have said, “People in a house without dates are in a state of hunger.”
Some of the many Islamic verses on date-palms:
The Hadith - Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 3464 states: “ The prophet says: whoever says: Glory is to Allah the Magnificent, and with His Praise, a date-palm tree is planted for him in Paradise.”
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.”
55:11 - ”Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates)."(This verse means thankfully Allah has provided humans with date-palms on Earth)
17:91- "Or you have a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst abundantly."
55:68- "In them (both) will be fruits, and date-palms and pomegranates."
80:29- "And olives and date palms"
54:20- "Plucking out men as if they were uprooted stems of date-palms."(Allah bragging about the punishment and torment he inflicted on innocent disbelievers using a strong wind)
It seems very convenient and oddly suspicious that God has created a special status for date-palms in his religion and talks about dates an awful lot, given the fact dates are a staple food in Saudi Arabia (It’s eaten regularly and mass produced in the Arabic World). It is very easy for a culture that loves and places great value on dates to then say that God also gives dates a special status. Why the creator of the universe would have a liking to the common fruit in the Middle East over all the thousands of fruits that exist is unclear. It would be suspicious if the God of a religion of Japanese origin claimed Sushi is a holy,special food and described how much sushi there would be in heaven e.g "For those that believe, there will be plates of sushi for them in Paradise."

The Quran offers no explanation as to why pork is impure is it states in 6:145 when God says, in reference to the flesh of swine (pig), “for that surely it is impure.” Arabs generally didn’t eat pork and thought it was an unclean animal before Islam came so it was very convenient that Allah said Muslims shouldn’t eat pork as it was unclean and impure. This highlights how the Arabs were scientifically illiterate and didn't know proper cooking kills pathogens. Why would the creator of the universe view some foods the mere humans he created eat as disgusting but others perfectly fine for them to eat. This seems like a human trait that is usually dependent on One's culture. For example, a person from the USA may view eating snails and horse meat as disgusting whilst a person from France may view this as perfectly normal.

Islam was spread by Arab Conquest & War and Arab traders. The most Islamic regions of the world are in the Middle East/Arabic countries. Doesn't Allah know his "beautiful words of wisdom" for mankind would be spread through violent ways and evil dictators who forced it upon lands they conquered. Allah is All-Knowing, Benevolent and All-Powerful therefore he could have stopped these from happening or created a better way for his doctrine to spread through Mankind. Quran 2:256 states: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path." and 15:9 states: "Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption.)" This verse clearly means the All-Powerful Allah and his Angels dramatically failed on their promise to protect the Quran from corruption and misuse as we know how much evil that has been committed in the name of the Quran throughout history especially given the infamous rise of Radical Islamic Terrorism over the last few decades. 99% of all terrorist attacks that occurred throughout the world from 2010-2020 were Islam related. This disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-MUHAYMIN(The Preserver of Safety,) AR-RASHEED(The Guide, Infallible Teacher,) AL-HAQQ(The Absolute Truth,) AL-AZIZ(All Powerful,) AL-MUHAYMIN AL-‘ALEEM(The All-Knowing.) Doesn't Allah realise that by revealing his doctrine exclusively to Arabs, he engineered the cultural isolation of the rest of the world from his doctrine, he engineered the circumstances of Unbelievers' disbelief that live in the far corners of the world like South America,New Zealand and the Pacific/Remote Islands of the world therefore he created a punishment (Hell) for a situation he knowingly created. It is very suspicious that Allah is Arabic-speaking, Arab-centric, yet will punish non Arabs millenniums later for not believing the message they received through a game of telephone.
The Quran also arrogantly claims that key figures: Jesus(Isa), Abraham(Ibrahim), Noah(Nuh), David(Dawud), Ishmael(Ismail), Isaac(Ishaq), Joseph(Yusuf), Ezekiel(Dhulkifl), Moses(Musa), Solomon(Sulayman) ,Jacob(Yaqub) in the centuries old religions of Judaism and Christianity were actually Muslim and Islamic Prophets and gave them Arabic names. ARABIC NAMES ARE BRACKETED.

“The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Quran: 21:85)
Fasting in Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and must be performed if One is fit,healthy, not pregnant,not ill and not menstruating. Islam requires fasting from dawn till dusk in the holy month of Ramadan which is approximately 12 hours in Saudi Arabia. If the authoauthors were in Northern Europe where dawn till dusk can last up to 22-23 hours in the summer months, leaving a 1-2 hour window to eat a day for a whole month, they probably wouldn’t have made this difficult, extremely unhealthy and dangerous task a requirement. The author is also clearly unaware that there are parts of Northern Europe near the North Pole where the sun never sets in the summer months. This phenomenon is colloquially known as the Midnight Sun. For example Svalbard, Norway is known for having a Midnight Sun. In Svalbard, Norway there is no sunset from April to August and no sunlight from November to January. Islam was born 1400 years ago so how would people living in these parts of the world be able before the invention of mechanical clocks 600 years ago is unclear. The Quran makes no provisions for Muslims living in these areas, the Quran states in 6:38- " We did not leave ANYTHING out of this book," this is weird given the fact the Quran is meant to be the perfect,final word from the All-Knowing All-Powerful God who knows about the existence of the midnight sun.

The only animals and plants mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The only cities, nations and continents mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East area. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The people mentioned in the Quran all lived in the Middle East area.The Quran doesn’t mention people living in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
The Quran never mentions smoking even though it was popular and existed in the Americas long before the 7th century when the Quran was written.
All the miracles in the Quran occurred in Saudi Arabia and nowhere else in the world. No miracles from Allah. No miracles in the Quran in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.

Religions are fabricated by humans, consequently, they are tied and intrinsic to the particular culture it originated from and Islam is no exception. Religious and Non-Religious people agree that 99.99%+ of religions are fabricated by humans as there are thousands of religions that make incompatible claims,each claiming to be sourced from a divine being. Islam is obsessed with Arabic and Arabic culture, every page you turn to you see a reference to Arabic culture, this isn't the case for Christianity. The Majority of people don't think of Israel, Hebrew and Israeli culture when they think of Christianity. Like I said, the more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. A religion that professes its universality and its suitability for all mankind, 81:27 "Verily, this (the Quran) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns)," seems rather centred around a specific group of people (Arabs).

All evidence points to the fact Islam and the Quran was a completely made up by Arabic People and/or Muhammad who had no contact with a Deity and other cultures beside Arabic culture adding to the fact it is filled with hundred of contradictions, inconsistencies and scientific inaccuracies. The fictional character ,Allah, was clearly obsessed with Arabs and Arabic culture and couldn't go a few pages without a reference to Arabic culture; this guy is meant to be the creator of the universe. Islam appears to be a local Arab folklore to unite nomads under the banner of one God through the violent political campaign of Muhammad. Islam claims to be global but all knowing Allah forget to send prophets outside of Arab world. The evidence of contradictions, both big and small serves as clear evidence of human tampering. If the Quran came from Muhammad it was nothing more than fabrication from a power hungry megalomaniac, with his claims of divine inspiration being nothing more than an attempt to conquer Arabia and Islam being nothing more than just another false desert cult to emerge from a sea of desert cults.
PS: I am Ex-Muslim
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what religion is against gambling video

MA Casino Gambling Hearing (Part 2) Alan Watts - Who You Really Are [19min] - YouTube Cardi B Knows What She's Naming Her First Child - YouTube Kris Dunn's Triple-Double vs. Depaul What is the Future of Iran in Bible Prophecy? - YouTube Is it Permissible to Celebrate the New Year in Islam?  Dr. Emre Dorman Europe’s most fortified border is in Africa - YouTube Operation Startup Alan Watts // Who You Really Are

Gambling is a major growth industry in our era. It is Harām even to have the tools of gambling in ones religion against gambling possession.Currently, it is played in 43 of come vincere alla roulette francese on line the nation’s 50 states and the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands. Most countries have laws against gambling. The laws that restrict gambling are almost always based on religion and nationality. Some states allow some form of gambling including high-stakes poker, progressive slot machines that you could find in Pokie Spins Casino and video games. Twenty-one states regulate casino gaming and five states offer online gaming. Passages in the Bible which warn against greed and covetousness are Exodus 20:15, 17; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; and Colossians 3:5. A person who struggles with gambling addiction and the resulting troubles should seek help immediately, preferably from a local gospel-preaching pastor or a qualified, professional Christian counselor. Not all religions are against it as they promote it in some of their events. The Bible does not discuss gambling in detail. Nevertheless, it does provide us with principles that help us determine how God views gambling. Experience has shown that gambling reflects greed. No amount of arguments I make against the idea is going to change his mind, he has been gambling for decades. However, with this article I may be able to convince some of you who wonder if this should be a part of your Christian life. There are SEVERAL reason why I believe God does not want us to gamble, and here they are in no particular order As a Muslim website says: “Since Islam is all about peace and the building of families, the act [of gambling] would go against the very core of the religion.” Conclusion Clearly, all the world’s great religious faiths hold gambling to be wasteful at the least, and at the worst to be an action that harms human society and offends God, i.e It is also the fastest growing religion in the world. Muslims currently make up the second largest religion in the world with 1.8 billion adherents. Followers of the Islamic faith study The Quran The Quran is a bit clearer on gambling than the Bible, as it explicitly forbids it calling games of chance and gambling “abominations of the devil.” People would gamble on humans fighting against other humans, humans against animals, and even animals against animals. While sports gambling and horse racing wagers are still very much available, religious gambling looks a little bit different. Until 1950, Lutherans were completely against gambling. Islam is no doubt the toughest against gambling because the Quran suggests that violators should be punished. Furthermore, Islamists view wagering as a shameless way to win money. In summary, Islam is the only major religion that’s undeniably against gambling. The other religions I discussed at least tolerate the activity to some degree. Overall, the researchers noted, there are multiple ways religion may discourage gambling. “Simply put, spending time at congregations means less time to go to a casino. Being integrated into the life of religious institutions means one is less likely to risk being seen as a gambler buying lotto tickets.

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MA Casino Gambling Hearing (Part 2)

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