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[National] - Trump on North Korea's use of nuclear weapons: 'We are not going to allow it' | Washington Post

[National] - Trump on North Korea's use of nuclear weapons: 'We are not going to allow it' | Washington Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

[National] - Trump on North Korea's use of nuclear weapons: 'We are not going to allow it'

[National] - Trump on North Korea's use of nuclear weapons: 'We are not going to allow it' submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to WAPOauto [link] [comments]

My expat fatFIRE journey abroad (long)

I am 32/Canadian and had a very high paying career that had a short shelf life. During my high producing years I wanted to move out of Canada to another country where I could save as much as I could for my future because I knew my income would not last forever.
"Abroad" was a weird term form me. Despite being Canadian and having lived most of my adult years in Canada I felt like everywhere was abroad for me.
I was born in one of the poorest countries of Europe and lived there until I was 17 years old. The country has come a long way today but when I go back I never fit in. I definitely feel more connected with Canada than the country I was born in.
I think a big reason why I focused so hard on work was to never get back to the level of poverty I grew up as a child. Think of North Korea and Venezuela in one combo. In 1997 there was a complete lock down due to civil war and my family was lucky enough to survive because we had a vegetable garden and chickens. If you left your home you could be shot/robbed or worse be killed from stepping on a mine. The city was covered in them.
The other reason was that women got treated like second class citizens where I was born and my childhood was a living hell where I wasn't even allowed to walk on the street alone (even after they took out the mines), talk to members of the opposite sex or have any friends. Dating was not a concept and if they know you are "dating" you have to immediately get engaged and then married and have children or else you are a "whore".
I always had a bubbly personality when I was young, I liked to act, dance, and really liked learning. I was also interested in entrepreneurship and got a full scholarship at York University to study business but to my parents a woman is not suited for business and they pushed me to study molecular biology instead. I hated my University years. I battled depression and never really saw a future for myself with biology.
I ran away from home at 19 and asked my local university what help was there for someone like me that wanted to start a business. To my surprise they were very helpful and told me about grants and loans I could apply to get started. My first business was face painting and entertainment for children's birthday parties and events. I remember I got a $5000 loan and it seemed like so much money at the time. It helped me buy my first car and get started. I grew my business from just me to having 10 employees, having permanent booths in theme parks and festivals in Canada. It was hard work but I loved it. During the time I was still in university and most of my work was summeweekends so it worked out ok.
I remember I was growing more and more fed up with my studies and walked out of my last exam with a smile feeling absolute freedom. I never finished my degree and I was so ok with it even if I was one exam away from graduation. I didn't care about the crazy amounts of student loans I had accumulated. All I wanted was to grow my business and make money. It gave me that thrill that sitting in a lab using a microscope never did.
One day I became curious about online streaming and after having a few drinks with a friend I made an application on a popular site (at the time). The site was more like webcamming but you were allowed to do whatever you wanted on cam as long as there was no guys.
I didn't think much of it because I was doing well with my other business. At the time I had a rocky relationship with an ex bf and decided maybe going online and flirting with men would make me feel better about my break up. Then saw this email about the site I had previously applied had accepted my application.
I did my first stream completely clothed, having fun and chatting with people. I made $4.00 usd which was shit but I had so much fun doing it so I started researching the industry more. After a few more streams I decided this had a potential to be something big and I decided to make a business plan and focus on it entirely. I was constantly doing 10-12h on cam and loved to come up with new creative ideas to entertain people.
I went from making $4.00 my first day to making just shy off a million dollars a year. The money was not the focus but being the best at what I did was.
During my high earning years I knew I had to save and plan for my future. Most of the other performers would have one good month making $150,000 then disappear and not be relevant again. I don't know how I managed to last in the industry for over 8 years, but I am greatful that my hard work was combined with luck and being at the right place/right time.
I moved to Mexico when I was 26 years old.
My life in Mexico was great the first two years. I was dating someone that was super supportive with my work schedule. It was the honeymoon phase. We would always eat out and enjoy nice places and expensive travel. I was always frugal with everything else but vacations and experiences. Looking back my mistake was that I paid for everything and my bf at the time felt used to this cushy life that ended up expecting it. He was bad with managing money too and had a lot of debt which stupiditly I ended up paying off.
During this time I had bought various income properties in central Mexico (in a retirement village) and the agreement was that since I was making more money with my online business which required long hours on cam, my ex was supposed to take care of property management. At first he was engaged then ended up not so pationate about it. I felt used and underappreciated.
When I realized all this I was pregnant with our child. He told me he was unhappy living in a retirement village and wanted to move to a bigger city in Mexico. I told him we could try it out because it would offer more opportunities for our child as well. That's where things went downhill. He constantly ignored me and refused to help with chores in the house. I had a high risk pregnacy so I couldn't do much myself either.
After a few months he ended up cheating and experienced a mental break down, trying to commit suicide. I was crushed. I didn't know what happened and despite my efforts to send him to get the best medical help in the country he never was the same. I really wanted to help him get back on his feet again because I thought we were a team for life. I was wrong.
He ended up leaving the country one day when my son was only a few months old and has not been back in over 3 years. I have never heard back from him and I don't know if he's dead or alive.
I was crushed and myself experienced a complete burn out from work/personal loss at the time. Physically I became ill too and dropped down up 42 kg. I knew I had to do something about it because I had a son to take care of.
Looking back at it now it was an amazing opportunity for me to realize there was more to life than work. It helped me realize that I should have not provided everything just because I loved someone but let them provide and create on their own. If they refused I had to know they were using me as a wallet and to not get involved.
It's been one full year since I have been completely off work. It happened in 2020 out of all years. Before I tried to work on and off but my love for my job wasn't the same.
I can say I feel much less stressed than I did years ago. My health is better and my sleep schedule is so much better than it was before.
For the first time I now feel more Integrated in Mexico and I don't think I am missing out much not living in Canada.
Where I live it's safe, it has a high quality of life and there's a lot of international business around. Not that I want to open a new business here but I think it's important to be surrounded by other people that have seen more of the world and are also successful.
On top of that I have always felt like a hybrid of many cultures and being surrounded by people that have moved around the world means that we get to be hybrids together and they understand me better than say someone that lived in Canada/USA all their lives and never left the country.
Mexico has many bad things as well but no county is perfect. Choosing the right location to live in Mexico is very important to not be affected a lot by the bad things.
The pace of life is also much more calmer than in Canada and the US. This can be bad if you want to start a business here but it's a good place to be during retirement.
Also people are a lot less "offended" from things and I find it's easier to make friends than it was in Canada. My general perception of Canada was that people in Canada are very helpful to strangers but much colder if you want to have a meaningful friendship. Of course there are exceptions but that was my experience.
One thing I did not like about the western culture is the victim mentality that the youth of today are embracing. If they can't get something they usually blame the government for not doing enough for them.
Some women blame men for "the patriarchy" and some Canadians blame foreigners because 'they took away their cheap homes and they can't afford real estate'
Having lived in a real "shit hole" country where women get treated like crap I want to remind you that Canada and the US are the land of opportunities compared to most of the world.
Success is not guaranteed for anyone but all the information is free in English for you to look up and use it to your advantage. You don't even have to learn a second language to access it.
Being a woman or a minority gives you the same legal rights as everyone else if not more sometimes. I don't think most western feminists know what it's like to live in a muslim country.
My point is: Westerners are not grateful enough for what they have.
Complaining is human nature so of course it happens in Mexico but the majority know that their government won't do shit for them and they focus on what they can do as an individual. This can be bad too wich is reflected in the general sentiment Mexicans have for public property but that's another problem I won't get into.
Overall i am happy where I have come in my journey. I know I haven't got it all figured out despite having a 4.5 million net worth I don't feel complete being 100% retired.
I am currently building real estate in Mexico, investing in stocks and excercising to keep me busy.
After things open up I will travel more but the urge to have everything figured out which I experienced immediately once I stopped working is less.
Also: It's lonely at the top:
I like to think of myself as an easy and approachable person, however I think having a different upbringing and dedicating and reaching high levels of financial success at a very young age, makes relating to most people not as easy. I think humans form stronger bonds when they share and solve similar problems together. That's why I lurk in this forum from time to time. It makes me realize at the end of the day I'm not alone.
A lot of the questions that get asked here on a daily basis are questions that I ask myself all the time.
The funny part is that no one has the answers, I don't either and the more I live the more I realize that the answers don't matter.
The only realisation I have so far is:
The key to being rich is living in the moment, enjoying the company of your loved ones and being greatful for what you have.
Don't let your brain trick you into overthinking and stay away from the compulsion to use fatFIRE calculators all the time.
Just get out for a walk instead and leave your phone at home. We could be hit by a car tomorrow and none of that shit matters as much as you think.
Edit: since many have asked the country was Albania. I responded here how I ended up in Canada:
submitted by brightwall7 to fatFIRE [link] [comments]

LMT: A Deep Dive

Edit 1: More ARKQ buying today (~50k shares). Thank you everyone for the positive feedback and discussion!
Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) or TL;DR for the non-military types:
LMT is a good target if you want to literally go to the moon, and my PT is $690.26 in two years (more than 2x from current levels). Justification and some possible trade ideas are listed below, just CTRL-F “Trade Ideas”. I hope you guys enjoy this work and would appreciate any discussion or feedback. I hope to catch you in the comments.
We interrupt today’s regularly scheduled short squeeze coverage to discuss a traditionally boring stock, LMT (Lockheed Martin), with significant upside potential. To be clear, this is NOT a short squeeze target like many reddit posts are keying on. I hope that this piece sparks discussion, but if you are just looking for short squeeze content, all I have to say is BUY, HOLD, and GODSPEED.
The source of inspiration for me writing this piece is threefold; first, retail investors are winning, and I believe that we will continue to win if we continue to identify opportunities in the market. In my view, the stock market has always been a place for the public to shine a light on areas of innovation that real Americans are excited about and proud to be a part of. Online communities have stolen the loudspeaker from hedge fund managers and returned it to decentralized online democracies that quickly and proudly shift their weight behind ideas they believe in. In GME’s case, it was a blatant smear campaign to destroy a struggling business. I think that we should continue this campaign by identifying opportunities in the market and running with them. It may sound overly idealistic, but if reddit can take on the hedge funds, I non-ironically believe that we can quite literally take good companies researching space technology to the moon. I think LMT may be one of several stocks to help get us there.
Second, a video where the Secretary of State of Massachusetts argues that internet boards are full of a bunch of unsophisticated, thoughtless traders really ticked me off. This piece is designed to show that ‘the little guy’ is ready to get into the weeds, understand business plans, and outpace analysts that think companies like Tesla are overvalued by comparing them to Toyota. That is a big reason that I settled on an old, large, slow growth company to do a deep-dive on, and try my best to show some of the abysmal predictive analysis major ‘research firms’ do on even some of the most heavily covered stocks. LMT is making moves, and the suits on wall street are 10 steps behind. At the time of writing this piece, Analyst Estimates range from 330-460 (what an insane range).
Third, and most importantly, I am in the US military, and I think that it is fun to go deep into the financials of the defense sector. I think that it helps me understand the long-term growth plans of the DoD, and I think that I attack these deep-dives with a perspective that a lot of these finance-from-day-one cats do not understand. Even if no one ever looks at this work, I think that taking the time to write pieces like this makes me a better Soldier, and I will continue to do it in my spare time when I am feeling inspired. I wrote a piece on Raytheon Technologies (Ticker: RTX) 6 months ago, and I think it was well-received. I was most convicted about RTX in the defense sector, but I have since shifted to believing LMT is the leader in the defense space. I am long both, though. If this inspires anyone else to do similar research on other companies, or sparks discussion in the community, that is just a bonus. Special shout-out to the folks that read more than just the TL;DR, but if you do just read the TL;DR, I love you too!
Now let us get into it:
I generally like to invest in companies that are led by people that seem to have integrity. Jim Taiclet took the reins at LMT in June of last year. While on active duty, he served as a C-141B Starlifter pilot (a retired LMT Aircraft). After getting out he went to work for the American Tower Corporation (Ticker: AMT). His first day at American Tower was September 10, 2001. The following day, AMT lost 13 employees in the World Trade Center attack. He stayed with the company, despite it being decimated by market uncertainty in the wake of 9/11. He was appointed CEO of the very same company in 2004. Over a 16 year tenure as CEO of AMT the company market cap 20x’d. He left his position as CEO of AMT in March of last year, and the stock stagnated since his departure, currently trading at roughly the same market cap as to when he left.
Jim Taiclet was also appointed to be the chairman of the board this week, replacing the previous CEO. Why is it relevant that the CEO came from a massive telecommunications company?
Rightfully, Taiclet’s focus for LMT is bringing military technology into the modern era. He wants LMT to be a first mover in the military 5G space, military application of AI space, the… space space, and the hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) space. These areas are revolutionary for the boomer defense sector. We will discuss this in more detail later when we cover the company’s P/E multiple and why it is absolute nonsense.
It is not a surprise to me that they brought Taiclet on during the pandemic. He led AMT through adversity before, and LMT’s positioning during the pandemic is tremendous relative to the rest of the sector, thanks in large part to some strong strategic moves and good investments by current and past leadership. I think that Taiclet is the right CEO for the job.
In addition to the new CEO, the new Secretary of Defense, Secretary Lloyd Austin, has strong ties to the defense sector. He was formerly a board member for RTX. He is absolutely above reproach, and a true leader of character, but I bring this up not to suggest that he will inappropriately serve in the best interest of defense contractors, but to suggest that he speaks the language of these companies effectively. I do not anticipate that the current administration poses as significant of a risk to the defense sector as many analysts seem to believe. This will be expanded in the headwinds section below.
Cathie Wood and the ARK Invest team brought a lot of attention to the space sector when the ARKX, The ARK Space Exploration ETF, Form N-1A was officially filed through the SEC. More recently, ARK Invest published their Big Ideas 2021 Annual Report and dedicated an entire 7-page chapter to Orbital Aerospace, a new disruptive innovation platform that the ARK Team is investigating. This may have helped energize wall street to re-look their portfolios and their investments in space technology, but it was certainly not the first catalyst that pushed the defense industry in the direction of winning the new space race.
In June 2018, then President Trump announced at the annual National Space Council that “it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space, we must have American dominance in space. So important. Therefore, I am hereby directing the Department of Defense (DoD) and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces". Historically, Department of Defense space assets were under the control of the Air Force. By creating a separate branch of service for the United States Space Force (USSF), the DoD would allocate a Chairman of Space Operations on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and clearly define the budget for space operations dedicated directly to the USSF. At present, this budget is funneled from the USAF’s budget. The process was formalized in December of 2019, and the DoD has appropriated ~$15B to the USSF in their first full year of existence according to the FY21 budget.
Among the 77 spacecraft that are controlled by the USSF, 29 of them are Lockheed Martin GPS satellites, 6 of them are Lockheed Martin Space-Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS), and LMT had a hand in creating and/or manufacturing for several of the other USSF efforts. The Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared Missile Warning Satellites (also known as Next-Gen OPIR) were contracted out to both Northrup Grumman (Ticker: NOC) and LMT. LMT’s contract is currently set at $4.9B, NOC’s contract is set at $2.37B.
Tangentially related to the discussion of space is the discussion of hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs). HGVs have exoatmospheric and atmospheric implications, but I think that their technology is extremely important to driving margins down for both space exploration and terrestrial point-to-point travel. LMT is leading the charge for military HGV research. They hold contracts with the Navy, Air Force, and Army to develop HGVs and hypersonic precision fires. The priority for HGV technology accelerated significantly when Russia launched their Avangard HGV in December of 2019. Improving the technology for HGVs is a critical next-step in maintaining US hegemony, but also maintaining leadership in both terrestrial and exoatmospheric travel.
The DoD transitioning to Large-Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) as the military’s strategic focus. This is a move away from an emphasis on Counter-Insurgency operations. LSCO requires effective multi-domain operations (MDO), which means effective and integrated strategies regarding land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace. To have effective MDO, the DoD is seeking systems that both expand capabilities against peer threats and increase the ability to track enemy units and communicate internally. This requires a modernizing military strategy that relies heavily on air, missile, and sensor modernization. Put simply, the DoD has decided to start preparing for peer or near-peer adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea) rather than insurgencies. For this reason, I believe that increased Chinese and Russian tensions are, unfortunate as it may be, a boon to the defense industry. This is particularly true in the missiles/fires and space industry, as peer-to-peer conflicts are won by leveraging technological advantages.
There are too many projects to cover in detail, but some important military technologies that LMT is focusing on to support LSCO include directed energy weapons (lasers) to address enemy drone technology, machine learning / artificial intelligence (most applications fall under LMT’s classified budget, but it is easy to imagine the applications of AI in a military context), and 5G to increase battlefield connectivity. These projects are all nested within the DoD’s LSCO strategy, and position LMT as the leader in emergent military tech. NOC is the other major contractor making a heavy push in the modernization direction, but winners win, and I think a better CEO, balance sheet, and larger market cap make LMT the clear winner for aiding the DoD in a transition toward LSCO.
The discussion of LSCO transitions well into the discussion of defense contractor backlogs. Massive defense contracts are not filled overnight, so examining order backlogs is a relatively reliable way to gauge the interest of the DoD in a defense contractor’s existing or emerging products. For my sector comparison, I am using the top 6 holdings of the iShares U.S. Aerospace & Defense ETF (Ticker: ITA). I hate this ETF, and ETFs like it (DFEN) because of their massively outsized exposure to aerospace, and undersized allocation to companies like LMT. LMT is only 18% smaller than Boeing (Ticker: BA) but is only 30.4% of the exposure of BA (18.46% of the fund is BA, only 5.62% of the fund is LMT). Funds of this category are just BA / RTX hacks. I suggest building your own pie on a site like M1 Finance (although they are implicated in the trade restriction BS… please be advised of that… hoping other brokerages that are above board will offer similar UIs like the pie design… just wanted to be clear there) if you are interested in the defense sector.
The top 6 holdings of ITA are:
Boeing Company (Ticker: BA, MKT CAP $110B) at 18.46%
Raytheon Technologies (Ticker: RTX, MKT CAP $101B) at 17.84%
Lockheed Martin (Ticker: LMT, MKT CAP $90B) at 5.62%
General Dynamics Corporation (Ticker: GD, MKT CAP $42B) 4.78%
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (Ticker: TDY, MKT CAP $13B) at 4.74%
Northrop Grumman Corporation (Ticker: NOC, MKT CAP $48B) at 4.64%
As a brief aside, please look at the breakdowns of ETFs before buying them. The fact that ITA has more exposure to TDY than NOC and L3Harris is wild. Make sector ETFs balanced how you want them to be balanced and it will be more engaging, and you will likely outperform. I digress.
Backlogs for defense companies can easily be pulled from their quarterly reports. Here are the current backlogs in the same order as before, followed by a percentage of their backlog to their current market cap. All numbers are pulled from January earning reports unless otherwise noted with an * because they are still pending.
Boeing Company backlog (Commercial: $282B, Defense: $61B, Foreign Military Sales (FMS, categorized by BA as ‘Global’): 21B, Total Backlog 364B): BA’s backlog to market cap is a ratio of 3.32, which is strong, but most of that backlog comes from the commercial, not the defense side. Airlines have been getting decimated, I am personally not interested in having much of my backlog exposed to commercial pressures when trying to invest in a defense play. Without commercial exposure, their defense only backlog ratio is .748. This is extremely low. I understand that this does not do BA justice, but I am keying in on defense exposure, and I am left thoroughly unsatisfied by that ratio. Also, we have seen several canceled contracts already on the commercial side.
Raytheon Technologies backlog (Defense backlog for all 4 subdivisions: 67.3B): Raytheon only published a defense backlog in this quarter’s report. That is further evidence to me that the commercial aerospace side of the house is getting hammered. They have a relatively week backlog to market cap as well, putting them at a ratio of .664, worse off than the BA defense backlog.
Lockheed Martin backlog (Total Backlog: $147B): This backlog blows our first two defense backlogs out of the water with a current market cap to backlog ratio of 1.63.
General Dynamics Corporation backlog (Total Backlog: $89.5B, $11.6B is primarily business jets, but it is difficult to determine how much of their aerospace business is commercial): Solid 2.13 ratio, still great 1.85 if you do not consider their aerospace business. The curveball here for me is that GD published a consolidated operating profit of $4.1B including commercial aerospace, whereas LMT published a consolidated operating profit of $9.1B. This makes the LMT ratio of profit/market cap slightly in favor of LMT without accounting for the GD commercial aerospace exposure. This research surprised me; I may like GD more than I originally assumed I would. Still prefer LMT.
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated backlog (Found in the earnings transcript, $1.7B): This stock is not quite in the same league as the other major contractors. This is an odd curveball that a lot of the defense ETFs seem to have too much exposure to. They have a weak backlog, but they are a smaller growing company. I am not interested in this at all. It has a backlog ratio of .129.
Northrop Grumman Corporation backlog ($81B): Strong numbers here. I see NOC and LMT as the two front-runners in the defense sector. I like LMT more because I like their exposure to AI, 5G, and HGVs more than NOC, but I think this is a great alternative to LMT if you like the defense sector. Has a ratio of 1.69, slightly edging out LMT on this metric. LMT edges out NOC on margins by ~.9%, though, which has significant implications when considering the depth of the LMT backlog.
The winners here are LMT, GD, and NOC. BA is attractive if you think anyone will have enough money to buy new planes. BA and RTX are both getting hammered by commercial aerospace exposure right now and are much more positioned as recovery plays. That said, LMT and NOC both make money now, and will regardless of the impact of the pandemic. LMT is growing at a slightly faster rate than NOC. Both are profit machines, but I like LMT’s product portfolio and leadership a lot more.
Despite the pandemic, LMT had the free cash flow to be able to pay a $2.60 per share dividend. This maintains their ~3% yearly dividend rate. They had a free cash flow of $6.4B. They spent $3.9 of that in share repurchases and dividend payouts. That leaves 40% of that cash to continue to strengthen one of the most stalwart balance sheets outside of big tech on the street. Having this free cash flow allowed them to purchase Aerojet Rocketdyne for $4.4B in December. They seem flexible and willing to expand and take advantage of their relative position during the pandemic. This is a stock that has little downside risk and significant upside potential. It is always reassuring to me to know that at the end of the day, a company is using its profit to continue to grow.
New Administration – This is more of an unknown than a headwind. The Obama Administration was not light on military spending, and the newly appointed SecDef is unlikely to shy away from modernizing the force. Military defense budgets may get lost in the political shuffle, but nothing right now suggests that defense budgets are on the chopping block.
Macroeconomic pressure – The markets are tumultuous in the wake of GME. Hedgies are shaking in their boots, and scared money weighed on markets the past week. If scared money continues to exert pressure on the broader equity markets, all boomer stocks are likely weighed down by slumping markets.
Non-meme Status – The stocks that are impervious to macroeconomic pressures in the above paragraph are the stonks that we, the people, have decided to support. From GME to IPOE, there is a slew of stonks that are watching and laughing from the green zone as the broader markets slip deeper into the red zone. Unless sentiment about LMT changes, I see no evidence that LMT will remain unaffected by a broader economic downturn (despite showing growth YoY during a pandemic).
Aerojet Rocketdyne to the Moon – Cathie Wood opened up a $39mil position in LMT a few weeks ago, and this was near the announcement of ARKX. The big ideas 2021 article focuses heavily on satellite technology, deep learning, and HGVs. I think that the AR acquisition suggests that vertical integration is a priority for LMT. They even fielded a question in their earnings call about whether they were concerned about being perceived as a monopoly. Their answer was spot on—the USFG and DoD have a vested interest in the success of defense companies. Why would they discourage a defense contractor from vertical integration to optimize margins?
International Tensions – SolarWinds has escalated US-Russia tensions. President Biden wants to look tough on China. LSCO is a DoD-wide priority.
5G.Mil – We still do not have a lot of fidelity on what this looks like, but the military would benefit in a lot of ways if we had world-wide access to the rapid transfer of encrypted data. Many units still rely on Vietnam-era technology signal technology with abysmal data rates. There are a lot of implications if the code can be cracked to win a DoD 5G contract.
Price Target: LMT is currently at a P/E of ~14. Verizon has roughly the same. LMT’s 5-year P/E ratio average is ~17. NOC is currently at a P/E of ~20. TSLA has a P/E Ratio of 1339 (disappointingly not 1337). P/E is a useless metric because no one seems to care about it. My point is that LMT makes a lot of money, and other companies that are valued at much higher multiples do not make any money at all. LMT’s P/E ratio is that of a boomer stock that has no growth potential. LMT’s P/E is exactly in line with the Aerospace and Defense Industry P/E ratio standard. LMT’s new CEO is pushing the industry in a new direction. I will arbitrarily choose a P/E ratio of 30, because it is half of the software industry average, and it is a nice round number. Plus, stock values are speculative and nonsense anyway.
Share price today: $321.82
Share price based on LMT average 5-year P/E: $384.08 (I see this as a short term PT, reversion to the mean)
Share price with a P/E of 30: $690.26
Buy and Hold: Simple. Doesn’t take much thought. Come back in a year or two and be happy with your tendies (and a few dividends to boot).
LEAPS Call Debit Spread (Based on last trade prices): Buy $375 C 20 JAN 23 for $26.5, Sell $450 C 20 JAN 23 for $12. Total Cost $14.5 for a spread width of $75. Max gain 517% per spread. Higher risk strategy.
LEAPS: Buy $500 C 20 JAN 23 for $7.20. Very high-risk strat. If the price target is hit within two years, these would be in the money $183 per contract for a gain of 2500%. This is the casino strat.
submitted by Estri_Grobbulus to investing [link] [comments]

Global Population Control Through Infertility Is The Objective Of Covid19

If you're familiar with The Georgia Guidestones you'll know that the 1st of the 10 Commandments inscribed on the stones in eight different languages reads as follows:
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."
If you're an organisation with a long history and almost unlimited power and influence, such as "The Round Table Movement", "The Committee Of 300", "The Trilateral Commission", The Rosicrucians and similar;.
HOW do you reduce the world's population down from 7.8 Billion down to 0.5 Billion "in perpetual balance with nature" practically?
You own the Federal Reserve and have endless amonts of money and resources available to you, but since so few people in power, (ordinary politicians etc) are truly aware of your plans for an imminent population reduction, (or would want to go along if they knew what it meant), it's no easy task to reduce the world population by 7.3 Billion people. Not even if you have almost unlimited money, power and influence at your disposal, and assuming that you don't want to destroy the earth through a nuclear war or something similar.
It's especially difficult if you'd like to do it quickly, in a time span of a few decades or less.
But you ARE the elite, and this is your #1 goal, so what do you do?
Is perhaps the easiest way to achieve your goal through the introduction of a man-made virus that causes widespread infertility?
You can still use a two-pronged (or more approach) with other options, but a virus that make humans infertile seems the most logical, and also the most humane way to reduce the population over the course of a generation or two.
To achieve that, more than anything you need a virus with a high rate of transmissibility, because you want to get as many people as possible infected and there are millions of good Doctors, politicians and experts around the world who will do their best to try and stop any serious virus outbreak as soon as it happens.
So apart from a highly transmissible virus you'll likely need the virus to be release in a closed country, like North Korea or China, where the virus can be allowed to take a foothold before serious measures against are started.
Since North Korea is refusing to co-operate with your globalist agenda and can't be trusted China is likely your best choice for where to release the virus, and start the initial pandemic.
If you're at all humane and have any empathy, you'd also want a virus with a "reasonably" low case fatality rate, especially if you yourself plan to continue living on this planet for a few more years.
The World normally sees around 55-60 Million deaths per year, and if we suddenly started seeing 1 Billion or more deaths in a year the world would truly collapse.
The earth would quickly become virtually inhabitable for humans. Even just the process of removing corpses and burning/burying them would soon collapse, and people would be left to rot where they died.
Not the kind of world you'd want to live in if you're an elite used to the most extravagant lifestyle imaginable, even if you have some amazing bunkers at your disposal.
No, what you want is to slow down the number of births through widespread infertility, and perhaps also cut the average lifespan by a decade or so, as a side effect of a highly transmissible virus but with a relatively low death rate.
Perhaps you can also reduce the lifespan by simply by causing some lung damage and blood clotting in the kidneys and other organs, since the nephrons in the kidneys never regain their function or recover once they've "clogged up"?
Does any of this start to sound familiar yet?Do we have a virus with these capabilities?
Interestingly enough, very little serious research has been focused on how Covid19 affects infertility so far, but you can't stop researchers forever, even if you control almost all the funding...
So here is what we're now learning about the connection between Covid19 and infertility:
"The markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in sperm cells of men with COVID-19 were increased by more than 100% compared with controls, according to the researchers. Sperm concentration was reduced by 516%, mobility by 209% and sperm cell shape was altered by 400%."
And here is what some German researchers found a couple of months ago:
"Professor Donders and his team already have information about sperm quality . And it's not good news: fertility can be dramatically reduced. "
"Researchers examined the genetic damage, the amount of sperm and the motility, the swimming power. "The damage is impressive," says the professor."
"The impact can be severe, with sperm counts as low as 10 percent of what is normal."
I have predicted that this was a man made virus since back in January, although I was unclear on what the purpose of rhe virus was.
To kill millions of people?
To scare everyone enough that the elites can push through harsher laws (Patriot Act 2.0) and gain more control, (ban cryptocurrencies, ban end-to-end encryption and take control of the Internet etc)?
Or make people infertile?
How about a virus that can accomplish all of the above?
That would be a truly successful false flag operation, the biggest one in history, even counting 9/11 and several large wars.
Tell me what you think? Is this what we're seeing, or do you think I'm a delusional conspiracy nut?
Some links:
"Does Covid19 really cause infertility?"
Yes, it seems so:
"Is Covid19 really man-made?
Listen to Dr Pekova:
And Dr Chris Mortensen:
Then read this:
Or the Washington Times (before the scientists were told what to say publicly if they want any more funding or be allowed to do more research):
"Does Covid19 really cause long-term damage to organs that *could reduce lifespan?"*
Yes, it seems that is may indeed cause long-term damage, even in young and those with mild disease:,due%20to%20the%20pandemic.
"Are the Georgia Guidestones truly a message from the world elite to future generations?"
Well that's for each man to determine himself, but here is a good overview of the history of the Georgia Guidestones for those that may not be as familiar with them:
Here is an article that may explain the location of the Georgia Guidestones:
submitted by JizenM to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2021 Path to Pro Update

Hello everyone!
Dan McHugh here representing the Overwatch Path to Pro Team, and we’re excited to provide our first update of the year! It’s been a while since our last communication and we’ve got a bit to cover, so let’s get right into it.
2020 Recap
Before we dive into 2021, we’d like to look back on some successes from last year:
2021 Focus
As we head into 2021, we wanted to share some insight into our focus for the year and shed some light on our goals for the program. Our primary focus for the Contenders program is and always has been developing talent for the Overwatch League. These efforts have been recognized with roughly 100 players graduating each season on top of various coaches, team staff, on-air talent, and production staff. As the scene matures and we learn to better understand the needs of the Overwatch League in addition to the larger ecosystem, we want to tailor our efforts to better serve those needs more directly.
With that in mind, we’ve made the difficult decision to end the Contenders program in South America. The program hasn’t been performing to the level we expect, and we want to thank those who have been a part of such a passionate scene the past few years. When international events return, we’re still keen on qualifying teams from the SA region, but it will be through means outside of the Contenders program, through 3rd party tournaments or something similar.
We’ll also be putting a hold on LAN competitions such as our Showdowns and Gauntlet in 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge around the globe. During these times, when travel between countries and regions is incredibly difficult, focusing our efforts on our online competitions will allow us to showcase great up and coming talent while maintaining the health and safety of our players, teams, and staff as our top priority.
As we’ve shared previously, our Contenders efforts will be focused on the regions that have elevated the most Overwatch League talent over the years: China, Europe, Korea, and North America. Australia will also be a focus of ours as we’ve seen a fair amount of talent rising out of the region. We’ll be tweaking the formats a bit, building upon what’s working in each region and looking to improve how we incorporate third-party events into the Path to Pro.
For the regions that Contenders will not be operating in including South America and Pacific, we are evaluating how to make it easier for 3rd party tournament organizers to successfully operate independent events inside their regions. To start, we’ll be easing commercialization restrictions for organizers in those regions. We’re still working through specifics but are excited to share more soon. We understand this is something we need to do a better job of moving forward, beginning this year.
2021 Overview
Like previous years, we’ll be hosting two seasons in each region in 2021. During the offseason we’ve been listening to player, team, and fan feedback and will be announcing formats, schedules, and prize pools for each region in the weeks to come. For now, what we can share is that the Contenders program will be starting back up in March with our first Trials tournaments of the year, followed shortly by the start of Contenders. The Contenders Viewership Rewards program will also be returning to all of our official broadcasts throughout the year.
Touching on Tier 3 briefly, Open Division will return with a new pro points system, which will provide consistent opportunities to play via ladder on GameBattles. Registration just opened earlier this week and players can head over to the Open Division Discord for more information as well as regional sign-up links when they go live throughout the year.
We’ll be continuing our commitment to communicate these updates frequently as well as our promise to iterate wherever needed based on the feedback of our fans, players, and teams. We look forward to sharing more soon.
submitted by dmchugh_OW to Competitiveoverwatch [link] [comments]

Your Wholesome Liberals will not save you; Why peace between Germany/Japan and Russia/China is impossible

There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding, or perhaps forlorn hope in regards to the Great Asian War and the Third Great Patriotic War. Namely there is a belief that by going Takagi and Go4, you may be able to avoid these wars and hand over these settlements peacefully. Not only are these not going to prevent these conflicts, but the cold war between the three may-no will continue on.
This is a false hope, and I wish to crush it, so I wish to go through the potential ideas.

Shared ideology will prevent war between Russia and Germany!

This is mostly applied to Russia and Germany. The idea that if a democratic Russia and a Go4 Germany make it and talk to each other. Now why would this not work?
Reason 1: Russia
Well I can think of a few historical factors, let us for a minute think of the last few years, what was Russia suffered under Germany?
For a comparison, France utterly despised Germany over the Franco-Prussian War and the loss of Alsace-Lorraine. Ideology will not alone prevent them from coming to blows over this for their ideologies will still be opposing, with Russians favoring Russia reunification and Russian nationalism against the German and Japanese hegemonies. It is an almost unspoken part but undoubtedly center to them. The Russian people hate the Germans far more viciously than any other, do we have any other explanation for Omsk except for such generational hatred?
Some will compare it to America, but keep in mind Hawaii was not even a state, it was a military base and overseas territory at the time, the far greater slight was the ports. And I should point out that the ports aren't even a city, they are literally the ports of said cities. America lost and got hurt but overall it was not even slighted in comparison to what Russia has suffered.
This does not change with different leaders, this will be a factor regardless of who, hell even in not so democratic republics. So when the Russians even contemplate negotiation, this is going to be very difficult to even get them to consider, but if they even try, what will they want? Nothing less than all of Moskowein, perhaps even all their former territories, from Ostland to Ukraine. These are lands with plenty of Germans within them, which will bring me to
Reason 2: Germany
I hope I've established that Russia will have a hatred of Germany at this point, and revanchism will be a nigh unbearable point. But what of Germany? The idea does require both after all. Perhaps Germany can bow and give them everything they want, perhaps in return for inviting Russia into the Einheitspakt?
Well, let's discuss what is in those territories they will demand. Regardless or not of their independence, these nations are not fully independent. They are reliant on Germany through trade and political connections. They are still part of the German Empire, though now an indirect Empire, more akin to the influence of the United States over Europe after the second world war, rather than... Well the Nazi Empire. Germany has no reason to hand over its nations to a revanchist power that I will say again, absolutely hates them.
On the flip side, It also need not be stated, that if Germany hands over supposedly independent nations... Well that just shoots the actual narrative the Germans are trying to build full of holes doesn't it? They have to keep their Empire by defending them as allies, and Russia here is going to demand that they all get absorbed? Even just Moskowein would pose dangers to them, perhaps even leave the other newly established countries to look elsewhere for allies if Germany so casually hands over Moskowein. These may still be in some ways imperialized by the Germans, but not literally. These lands are technically not theirs to hand over. This would be nothing short of a betrayal of their supposed allies, and in many ways confirm for all other nations from Poland to Ukraine that this is no union of nations, but a German Empire, for them to play with and sell at a whim. Jeeze, and people thought MittelEuropa from Kaiserreich was exploititive.
And let us not forget another particular portion. Even for a democratic republic, this is still a revanchist power that is more than likely a little hateful at the Germans. There are lot of Germans in Ukraine, in Ostland, and in Moskowein. Especially Moscow and Saint Petersburg, many of which have lived there for generations. Never mind abandoning their allies, they're abandoning their own people to the hope that the Russians that they have genocided will be merciful.
And finally, I want to ask. The nazis, are nazis, as you may have noticed. For a very long time in TNO, the nazis are still nazis, arguably as far as to the end of TNO1. So. Why are crypto liberals- Hell why is Speer allowed to take to so many almost blasphemous reforms within Germany? The answer is simple. Their reforms work. Germany above all wants to be at the top. They want to be powerful, and longlasting. All their reforms, from the army reforms to the political ones serve Germany's power first and formost. It makes the nation leaner, in makes the nation more sufficient, it makes the nation more prosperous, it makes the nation more powerful. If Schmidt gave the Russians Moskowein in return for... What? An alliance? A pinky promise not to betray them to the Americans? No, this goes against everything that has let the Gang of Four survive. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you are give the option to do that, and in response Tresckow coups the Gang of Four and puts Speer back in power. To hand over Moskowein to the Russians proves that Speer was right about Schmidt. As a traitor and saboteur to the nation. If the Go4 have any sense. They'll say no.
These are not ideological differences. These are fundamental conflicts between these two nations, both of whom are prideful nations the most powerful they've ever been.

So is there no hope for peace between the two?

There is none probably... But I'm willing to spitball a few ideas as to who a war could be prevented.

Japan can de-colonize and allow China to go free!

No. Takagi is not there to betray Japan. He is there to save it. He wants to reform Japan, and even if he has a true belief in the Co-Prosperity Sphere as a force of good and progress for Asia, it is strictly within the context of Japan leading it. I hope I don't need to explain why Chinta is not willing to accept Japan influence, especially since many of Japan's influences in China would remain identical under liberals as under imperialists. Their influence is mostly economic after all. For China to violently throw them out opens them up to alliances with other global powers too, like Germany or America. China is now a very very industrialized and powerful spear pointed at the heart of Japan. No, there is no possibility of this. That is not to say Takagi is just like the others, I'm sure he'll be the most restrained out of the Japanese leaders, but he will not hand over Japanese supremacy to the Americans, Germans, Chinese, or anyone else without a fight, just as China will not allow themselves to endure this century of humiliation at the hands of Europe and Japan any longer. Remember that the British OTL were unwilling to let go of their most valuable colonies without a fight as well, and decolonization came only when it became apparent they would lose, something that would not be the case in TNO with the Great Asian War (unless literally everyone joins China I suppose, but at that point I'm not sure it matters who is in charge of Japan). But you may ask why they would mind American influence in China if they're both liberal? This leads us to the next section.
And no, there is no real hope for peace here I would say.

The Cold War will not end with them agreeing to share the world

The Cold war is not simply a struggle against evil, though it may often be painted as such. The united States is trying to establish its own empire on the world, as is Germany as is Japan. They wish to hold onto what they have and expand where they can. Ideology in many places has proven to be more malleable than needed. Between the Sino-Soviet Split, Vietnam's cry for American assistance, Democratic socialists in West Europe, working with fascists, supplying religious fundamentalists, the CIA and China's combined support for the Khmer Rogue- You can see where this is going after a while right? No nation OTL was restrained purely by ideology. Ideology is in many ways informed by the circumstances they are in, and this is no different.
While the ideologies will certainly change under the Go4 and Japan, they will not simply become the same as America. They will not surrender themselves to become pseudo OFN mandates or American puppets. They are all imperialists. Some have complained about the USA being willing to war with Angola, or even having the choice to try the CAR, but I think it perfect encapsulates the United State's true interests, else this would not even be a choice. Their first priority is to defend their interests and ensure their dominance. This is not unique to them, a Go4 Germany will defend the Shahdom in Iran after all, and the Japanese under Takagi will fight for the less free of the two Indonesias. They are all ultimately still self-interested empires.
But while we're at the ideologies, how will they be shaped? Japan simply because it turns to reform does not get rid of its anti-imperialist, anti-western attitude. They still hold onto that, the Co-Prosperity sphere even were it to live up to its name is still dedicated to fighting against western incursion and exploitation. This does not change.
Germany being Master of Europe? While it will likely go through a more drastic change compared to Japan, Germany will not simply let go of its place in Europe. Perhaps German Supremacy will become more akin to German exceptionalism and the German model's superiority, one they will surely share with all nations under them. Perhaps Germany engages in a Pan-European ideal against all who may divide it, especially in the face of the United States and Japan, never mind that they still technically have a fuhrer and technically respect the word of Hitler.
And the United States still needs to spread freedom don't it? This does not change, just look at it right now, their struggles against Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, and so on are not limited by their stated ideology, ranging from capitalist to socialist and more. Germany is still holding Europe under an iron grip, even if the grip is with a velvet glove rather than a steel gauntlet, same with Japan. America can no longer assume that it is safe from attack, that ended the day Pearl Harbor was attacked, and will only amplify with Japan and Germany still doing well, better than before even.
All of these nations share that at least, they know the trauma of imperialism, and will imperialize to ensure it does not happen to them. They will struggle and fight and clash to make sure as much of the world is loyal to them, or at that least not loyal to them. A great game where all the world is a stage does not end simply because a social democrat is now in charge of the Reich. This struggle will not end, not until one nation stands above all others as the undisputed master of the world. Even McGovern though less of a hawk, will surely still favor spreading their influence in more peaceful ways. So long as the world is multipolar, there will be struggles between the most powerful nations to see who the most influential is, and who can remain independent of foreign influence. We even see this kind of struggle in our own world between Russia China and America, and the power balance is much more in America's favor with far less of an ideology separating Russia and America compared to Japan and Germany.
As much as it may be desired, the authdems will not prevent a cold war, nor the Great Asian War, nor the Third Great Patriotic War. Their ideologies though more similar will not be the same, and these nations will ultimately look after their own self-interest, and this means maintaining their position at the top, even at the expense of the other powers.
submitted by ReccyNegika to TNOmod [link] [comments]

[LIVE] Netmarble hearing - Korean Fate Grand Order

[LIVE] Netmarble hearing - Korean Fate Grand Order

Netmarble customer roundtable - the atmosphere was hearing
If you don't know what happened to Netmarble:
They speak Korean. So, here is the summary.
Left side table: KR FGO players (representer of KR FGO communities)
Right side table: Netmarble (1. FGO PM 2. Head of FGO business quarter 3. Netmarble vice president 4. FGO's New business manager)
-Approximately more than 10k watcher watched this live hearing. (Youtube, Twitch, Facebook)
Please note: there are too many updates about this issue from the source. So I will paste the machine translation.

Last updated: Feb 7th 2021 10:40 (GMT+9)
  1. After the conference started, about 10,000 viewers gathered together with all the broadcast SNS. This is a passage that shows the level of interest of people in this situation.
  2. In the introduction, we disclosed the number of events that Netmarble has missed so far, and that number is 35, which is a third of the total events that have been held so far. Specifically, out of 117 campaigns, 76 have already been carried out through divisional enforcement or campaign name change, and 6 of them cannot be executed due to licensing issues, so a total of 35 campaigns are not in progress.
  3. Before starting a full-fledged Q&A, the vice president couldn't answer the question about who he liked the most among servants, and suddenly replied that Fate is literature, proving indirectly that he did not know the games they were serving. As Netmarble's vice president, not the executive in charge of Pego, it is inevitable that he does not know much about Pego, but it would have been good if he had at least a level of knowledge if he attended the conference.[89]
  4. In terms of translation-related issues, a total of three translators [90] replied that they were working, but they clarified that translations that do not fit the actual situation occur because they do not play and translate Pego directly, but only look at the text. In general, it is appropriate for the management team to go through an inspection process in which such mistranslations have to be filtered out, but it seems that the game has been applied as it is without any inspection, as it avoids answering the customer representative's question whether the inspection has been made. As a way to prevent this, it was suggested to hire users who know Japanese well as a short-term contract inspection team to report typos or mistranslations, or to pay a user participatory inspection [91]. It is a normal game that there are no typos or mistranslations, and even if there are any, you need to immediately reflect the user's feedback. And, in fact, since Peg-O itself is a game that is highly dependent on text above all else, it is normal to put more effort into the translation.
  5. To the question of how many people in the PegO department, they answered that they did not know the specific number, and that the correct number was identified only after the first break, and it was composed of 15 members from the development team, 5 from the business department, 4 from the operation team, and others. Revealed.
  6. To the question of why they haven't edited the line since the end of the chapter was cleared incorrectly, surprisingly, the record says that the correction has been completed, but they answered that they did not know why it was not. This means that the work reporting system was not working properly.
  7. It was explained that the failure of the April Fools Day event was because it was difficult to bring apps from Japan to Korea. It was difficult to bring in the April Fool's Day event of Ilgeo as it is, so he had to open the April Fool's Day event on its own, but he did not have confidence to satisfy users with its own event. Seeing that there is an April Fool's Day event in the newly released roadmap for 2021, it seems that Hang-O's own April Fools' event is scheduled to be held without knowing the method.
  8. Regarding the restoration issue, he said that 135 of the 205 restoration requests were restored, and that it was difficult because a large number of restoration requests came in. They also replied that there were 43 false recovery requests. To the question of whether there is any intention to rescue users who did not receive distribution kuro due to the delay in recovery, he responded that it was difficult to pay Kuro due to equity issues with other users. [92]
  9. When asked about the understanding of IP (Intellectual Property Rights), it was revealed that the PM in charge was a Pushman.[93] The head of the division watched Fesna, and Ilgo said that he had quit from Orleans. In general, it is a big taboo to say that the games they service are not fun, but the early PegO story was notorious for being fun even among users, so it was accepted that it seemed that it was actually played. If you see'future poems' or BB's mentioned later, you certainly have basic knowledge.
  10. A question about database (DB) management came up, and individual logs were managed, but there was no recovery tool to process them in a batch, so they answered that they were recovering logs one by one.
  11. Regarding referring to the official cafe as an external passage, he answered that he wrote that the cafe is an external passage because it is a community serviced by Naver, not a community serviced by Netmarble headquarters. After that, I asked for the person in charge and authority, but the business unit managed it and gave a slightly out-of-focus answer, saying that it will educate and manage it well in the future.
  12. Netmarble Korea has made it clear that PegO has its own authority in Korea. Seeing that there are no restrictions on goods, including Seong Jeong-seok, a paid product, it turns out that reporter Gaston's remarks in the previous interview video were completely lying. However, if you see the mention of "in respect of the original work" and "as similar as possible to the original", it is highly likely that its own limiting line is set at once.
  13. The content that contradictory content such as'the number of distribution of free Sung Jeong-seok cannot be revealed' and'we will operate transparently' were contained in one answer at the same time, which became a laugh.
  14. As for the reason for the occurrence of bugs or mistranslations, he said that it is because parts are imported and reassembled like plastic models. In short, it means not only modifying the parts that have changed (translation, etc.) in the whole game, but taking the whole source code and assembling it again. In fact, Hango is using Netmarble's newly recreated client based on the North American version of the client from the beginning. In the beginning, the update proceeded in a similar order to MiGO, but after catching up with MiGO, the client was reworked based on Ilgo, so when you open the Hango app, the characteristics of MiGO and Ilgo are mixed. A typical example is the matchup display of the command card. In the case of the matchup advantage in Ilgo, the command card has weak written in red letters, but the Hango has the same effectiveness as MiGo.
  15. When asked if there is any plan to reduce the two-year term of Ilgowa, he said that he had no plans to reduce it until this year, and that he would review the contents of the 2020 [94] update, when the frequency of updates has rapidly decreased due to corona. In addition, to the question of whether if Ilgo subsupposes, Hangoo also subordinates, he replied somewhat vaguely that even if Ilgo subsupposes, Hango would be able to serve normally.
  16. As for the reason why the push did not come, the PM directly revealed that the push was set to be hacked by BB at first, but since the situation was a situation, the push with drip was not appropriate. In the future, if the situation subsides, it will be reviewed again.
  17. When asked why he didn't open an offline event, he explained that he was originally planning an offline event, but he decided that it was not appropriate in time and canceled it because the anti-Japanese sentiment was so severe that the boycott in Japan occurred. If the corona calms down, it is said to hold an offline event.
  18. As for the campaign to achieve the number of shares on social media, he explained that it was a product originally intended to be given to users as a gift.
  19. Customer representatives asked for the establishment of a hotline to quickly deal with critical bugs reported on the bulletin board. In short, it is not a formal passage like the current bug report/suggestion bulletin board, but rather a clear communication channel. However, the head of the headquarters understood it as a request to establish a direct phone line that allows one-on-one contact with the operator 24 hours a day, and said, "I can't give you my personal mobile phone number..."
  20. At around 6:45 pm, we ended a meeting that lasted over 3 hours.
  21. At 8:52 pm, a notice of the provisional dissolution of the user delegation was posted. The user delegation's position is said to be organized the next day.
  22. At 8:58 pm, a notice of the end of the roundtable was posted. According to this, there will be an announcement on February 9.

Last updated: Feb 7th 2021 10:40 (GMT+9)
Through this meeting, it was revealed that Netmarble is focusing on providing minimal services with a minimum number of personnel and costs, despite being able to operate user-friendly without any pressure from the headquarters. I would not know if I succeeded in following the incident without incident, saving time and cost, so the translation was full of mistranslations, and even that was unchecked and uploaded to the live server. It was a situation that literally did not provide even basic services properly such as passing.

Although the number of personnel in charge of Buryaburya has been increased and it has been declared that it will improve so that this will not happen again, users are dissipating what kind of game they have been playing for three years. Until now, users repeatedly insisted that they need to be thoroughly prepared because they do not know what means to use because they are a large company, no matter how much they do, and they have come up with a number of countermeasures. When looking at the service, he collapsed, saying,'I thought they were bad guys with the least ability, but they were just greedy and incompetent.'

In addition, most of the contents of the conference are not receiving good reviews in that, in the end, "I will do well in the future, so please trust me one more time." In particular, the management unilaterally postponed the meeting saying it needed time, and even though the situation broke out and a month has passed, there is still not a single thing specifically presented other than the roadmap. .[96] In other words, this is actually an ultimatum that is close to Jachungsu, and if there is another accident at Netmarble in February, there is no room for a truck to go to the new office at that time.

If you look at the positive part, the weight contained in the words that Netmarble will do well under the name of the company is different from the words that he will do well in the future in the broken Pego under Netmarble with only 25 or so people. As requested by the customer representative, the internal situation where the start dash was cut off was summarized and announced on a daily basis, and the total number of missed events was announced along with a one-year roadmap, and it was declared that it would be implemented without fail. In addition, contrary to what was expected to make excuses and avoiding responsibility, rather, "I thought customers would not care. No matter how much I should have asked for opinions, but I'm sorry.", "I'd get tired of going to the second half of the event, so I put in a hunting question, but I missed grasping. I was sorry." It was an embarrassing meeting because the internal affairs, which can be said a little bit, were directly exposed. In particular, in the case of the business manager Park Heon-joon, who is in charge of business, and the manager in charge, who is identified as a Pushman, unlike the organization Taryeong or Han headquarters or vice president, the vice president and the headquarters manager provide detailed explanations while directly presenting the final statistical figures related to recovery and DB, respectively. It can be seen positively that they showed the appearance of grabbing and removing the shit of the game, or shoveling a lot in the first part, but having a good performance in the second and third parts, and showing a level of understanding of the game even though the language was insufficient.

Above all, it was called "customer representative" rather than "user representative", and at the beginning, he apologized for apologizing and said 90 degree greetings at the end, so it is said that it is better than other conferences such as 45 degree personnel conference. In particular, in the case of Tiny Farm, who sent a truck together, almost the highest level of God's meeting was held, while Mabinogi was not a round-table meeting, but Mabinogi received a bachelor-style duel request, making a comparison between the two. It may seem like a trivial matter, but it is a situation that has spread greatly with the anger of neglecting and ignoring the customers who spend money on the game. At the same time, it gives other game users the perception that "we deserve low treatment too" and at the same time other game companies It is an act that can suggest a Maginot line of "At least that much should be done".

In other words, it was not the perfect meeting that users had hoped for, but it wasn't the worst round-table meeting without any content that users were worried about as long as some meaningful solutions were presented.
With regards to communication with users and customer neglect, which received the most criticism, the majority of opinions have promised to write a regular meeting at least once a year and an operator note every month.

[Note on the machine translation] [Feb 6th 2021 22:47 (GMT+9)]
  1. According to the source, Netmarble responded to player's request of 'make up some hotline to communicate to their players'. And Netmarble understood this as 'set up 24/7 communication hotline. So, Netmarble side said 'I can't just tell you my phone number though...'.
  2. "parts like plastic models [95] are imported and reassembled." means 'Netmarble imports the data resources from the original and reassembles it like plamodel. That's the reason why they have made such amount of error and mistranslation.'
  3. 'free stars' = Saint Quartz, gacha. Netmarble responded 'the amount of SQ distribution is not the thing we can reveal.' And 'we will reveal as transparent information as possible.'
  4. 'Netmarble Korea has made it clear that PegO has its own authority in Korea.' In a nutshell, Netmarble admitted they have a full authority to decide how to operate Korean FGO. So, stopping that rewarding event was Netmarble's own decision.
That's all I can see.
Last modified: Feb 7th 2021 10:40 (GMT+9)
Source of brief summary:
submitted by azuremagica to gachagaming [link] [comments]

Understanding African Geopolitics

Understanding African Geopolitics
I've noticed destiny rarely talks about Africa, even when mentioning international relations. Africa is a large and complex to understand, but an important region of the world none the less. So if he's ever wanted to understand more about African, from Africa in the Cold War to African corruption and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which is a free trade agreement that makes Africa one of the largest single markets in the world with 1.3 billion people across 55 countries and a combined (GDP) valued at US$3.4 trillion. (World Bank), this post may help.
I hope this can be a useful guide to Destiny or anyone who is interested.
  1. African Decolonialisation in the context of the cold war.
  2. Africa's demographics, geography.
  3. The African Continental Free Trade Area
  4. The myth of African corruption
Each of these sections will be self contained so you can skip around if there is a particular part that is more relevant to you.
Part 1: The Cold War in Africa.
The decolonisation of Africa happened post WW2 within the context of the Cold War. After the second world war, the major imperial powers were bankrupt and broken, and the new global superpowers (USA & Soviet Union) were both against empire for ideological and geopolitical reasons. This led to the superpowers exerting pressure on the Europeans to decolonise and left the two superpowers scrambling to exert influence in these new nations and bring them into their respective spheres of influence.
This caused many of the post-colonial wars in Africa from in Angola to Ethiopia and Somalia as well as many more these were all a part of the power struggle between the communist and capitalist powers.
The fall of the Soviet Union and China’s capitalistic reforms in the 1980’s-90's brought an end to the cold war and removed the need for the ideological superpowers to support proxy wars to expand their spheres of influence. Russia completely withdrew from Africa by 2000 and not long after 9/11 happened, shifting America (and by extension, the wests) attention to the middle east making Africa politically irrelevant to the west.
Part 2: Africa's geography.
African Population Clusters.
Population Distribution of Africa
Africa Divided
Africa is big, but due to various geographic features Africa's populations is clustered into distinct zones that developed fairly independently of one another throughout history. we understand the cultural, historic, political differences between north Africa and SS-Africa but often overlook the equally profound differences between west Africa and east.
Here is a very simplistic map of pre-colonial Africa the excludes the Swahili states along the eastern section of the continent.
Before colonialism the West African Zone had more contact with north African and Europe than the Eastern African Zones and the East African zone had more contact with Asia by sea than they did with the west. This dynamic is hard to overcome even with modern infrastructure, but internally integrating the individual population clusters offers great hope for developing the continent on a regional basis, before attempting to integrate across the continent. This is how the African Union functions and the African Continental Free Trade Area is set to promote this.
Part 3: African Continental Free Trade Area.
Most countries trade with their neighbours.
Inter-European trade sits at around 75%. Inter-American and Inter-Asian trade sits at around 60% source.
Inter-African trade is 15-17%. African countries still have colonial economies that rely on digging raw material from the ground to send to the outside world to refine into manufactured goods to sell back to African countries at a tremendous mark up.
Now the answers to this might seem easy. Trade more with your neighbour and move up the value chain.
That is where the African Continental Free Trade Area come in. The AfCFTA makes Africa one of the largest single markets in the world with 1.3 billion people across 55 countries and a combined gross domestic product (GDP) valued at US$3.4 trillion. (World Bank). The Afcfta is the collimation of about 4 decades of work by African leaders to deal with the economic effects of colonialism.
It presents the opportunity for African countries to bring 30 million people out of extreme poverty and to raise the incomes of 68 million others who live on less than $5.50 per day. It will boost Africa’s income by $450 billion by 2035 while adding $76 billion to the income of the rest of the world. Increase Africa’s exports by $560 billion, mostly in manufacturing and spur larger wage gains for women (10.5 percent) as well as reduce instability and insurgency by providing jobs to youth most susceptible to join radical groups.
This is set to fuel a hybrid form of Import-Substitution Industrialization (ISI) by which there are no tariffs between African countries but high tariffs on goods from outside the continent/free trade zone. This is expected to boost industrialization in select African countries and spur market innovations by allowing African nations to trade freely and specialise in what they trade best in, while also protecting African industries from dumping and other forms of economic manipulation from outside powers.
The AfCFTA faces its hurdles, but came into force last year and remains one of the biggest steps forward Africa has seen in decades.
Part 4: The myth of African corruption
Corruption exists in Africa. But the image that exists of a kleptocratic continent filled with failed states run by rabid warlords and jihadi's is a myth derived from the old colonial mentality of the "Negro being unbale to govern a nation."
While corruption exists in Africa, corruption is not unique to Africa, nor is there is anything unique about African corruption.
But to further prove this point according to the Global corruption index by Transparcy International:
Botswana is LESS corrupt this Israel and is next to Spain on the index.
Rwanda is LESS corrupt than Italy or Malta.
Namibia is LESS corrupt than Greece.
Senegal is LESS corrupt than Bulgaria.
South Africa is AS corrupts is Romania and is the LEAST corrupt country in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, S. Africa)
Ghana is LESS corrupt than Argentina or China.
Benin and Burkina Faso are less corrupt than India.
Ethiopia is TIED for corruption with Brazil (each rank at 94th) and both are far less corrupt than Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines etc.
Kenya is LESS corrupt than Mexico.
Russia is MORE corrupt than Egypt of Mali.
Cameroon is LESS corrupt than Iran.
Nigeria is TIED with Iran for corruption (both at 149).
Congo is LESS corrupt than North Korea
Sudan is Less corrupt than Venezuela.
South Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen rank as the combat corrupt countries in the world.
This list includes samples from the most corrupt nations in Africa (South Sudan) to the least Rwanda and Botswana and contain roughly 60-70% of Africa's population
Each of them is a level of corruption that is comparable to countries outside of Africa, from the most corrupt countries of Somalia and South Sudan being comparable to Asian countries like Yemen and North Korea according to the index and the least corrupt being comparable to some European nations.
My only claim is the corruption in Africa is comparable to corruption in other parts of the world and the transparency international data supports that claim from the most to the least corrupt countries.
There are clear double standards in how western media and culture talks about Ethiopian corruption compared to Russian corruption or Senegalese corruption compared to Bulgarian corruption.
Corruption is a problem but people who write off every African country, politician or political initiative as doomed to fail due to corruption are engaging a racist double standard that Asia South America and Europe are not held to.
I was going to cover some other topics, but this post is already long enough, but if this was interesting to you or you found this to be a useful guide, let me know and I will happily make another post breaking down:
  1. China-Africa
  2. Russia-Africa
  3. North-Africa/ Middle east- Africa
  4. Europe-Africa
  5. France-Africa
  6. USA-Africa
  7. Africa's uneven industrialisation
  8. Africa's boarders.
  9. the African union
  10. Cheap labour doesn't = competitive
  11. why most of African can not do what china did, but will develop anyways on their own path.
  12. The economies to keep an eye on in Africa.
  13. Why some have dealt with post colonialism better than others. Ethiopia vs Nigeria. Ghana vs Ivory Coast, Rwanda vs south Sudan, Botswana vs Zimbabwe.
  14. Where Africa is going
And many more Africa related topics.
I’m glad people found this useful! This is part of some research I’ve been doing for a different project, but I thought this sub may find it interesting.
I’ve seen interest for other posts so I may make others the future with my next post being on & Why some have dealt with post colonialism better than others. Ethiopia vs Nigeria. Ghana vs Ivory Coast, Rwanda vs south Sudan, Botswana vs Zimbabwe.
submitted by Elom-Abbey to Destiny [link] [comments]

Call of Duty: Mobile - December 7th Update

Call of Duty: Mobile - December 7th Update
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back this week with a community update on a Monday for possibly the first time-ever, but this post is still filled with the usual info drops on new events, playlists, bug reports, news on the Grand Finals of our World Championship 2020, modes, and some updates about the public test build, which is still coming but with no exact date to share. First off, if you didn’t see it last week we released our first glimpse at the newest map coming in Season 13.
We also shared several other teasers this last weekend. The first we shared was a snow covered look at a beloved holiday themed map that will be returning over this holiday season!
Next up, we gave a glimpse at the next two weapons dropping in Season 13. This season we’ll have a brand-new functional AR and SMG. We’ll reveal more about those as we get closer to the release, but here is a first look at each of them:
S13 Assault Rifle
We do have the public beta test build coming up though, which means most of those maps and new weapons will be available to try out there. However, as per usual, we won’t start confirming and publicly sharing information on those new maps, modes, or whatever else is in the public test build until our usual time when we start officially posting about it here or on our social channels.
We just like to look at it as everyone in the public test build will get a sneak peek 😉. Enough on all of that for now, let’s jump into this new community update!
Here is a quick look at all of the new events starting soon and a few other new ones already running:
  • 12/02 – 12/08 ~ Industrial Revolution Playlist (MP)
  • 12/02 ~ Last Two S12 Seasonal Challenges
  • 12/04 – 12/10 ~ Best of FTL (MP)
    • A playlist collection of close quarters maps
  • 12/04 – 12/14 ~ Beast of Burden (BR)
    • Battle Royale event with a large variety of tasks to tackle
  • 12/04 ~ Credit Store Update
  • 12/07 – 12/14 ~ Rapid Fire Mode (MP)
  • 12/09 – 12/17 ~ Nailbiter Event (MP)
  • 12/11 – 12/19 ~ Steadfast Event (MP)
  • 12/11 – 12/13 ~ Solo Shield (Ranked)
  • 12/11 ~ The Void Redux Draw
    • This highly popular and fantastically futuristic draw is back
*All Dates UTC
We are nearing the end of Season 12: Going Dark and we have rolled out our last credit store update and Seasonal Challenge drop. However, alongside that we have several modes and playlist starting soon, like the non-stop chaos that is Rapid Fire Mode and the Nailbiter Event for MP.
Outside of all of that weekly and seasonal news, we have one very important topic to bring up first this week, the 2020 World Championships – Stage 5: Grand Finals.
Stage 5: Grand Finals We’ve had to make a difficult decision, but we are putting the health and well-being of our players first regarding the Call of Duty: Mobile World Championship 2020. Out of an abundance of caution, the Stage 5: Grand Finals of the Call of Duty: Mobile World Championship 2020 will not take place.
Our highest priority will always be the well-being of our players, fans, and communities around the world. After carefully reviewing the status of Covid-19 conditions, social distancing, and other safety guidelines across all regions, we do not wish to place players at risk by traveling to a hosted, live event.
As a result of the Stage 5: Grand Finals cancellation, the remaining prize pool will be distributed evenly across the Stage 4: Regional Playoff Champions. Congratulations again to all winners:
  • North America Champions - Tribe Gaming
  • Western Europe Champions - Kings Clan
  • LATAM Champions - Influence Rage
  • Japan Champions - Reject
  • Garena Champions - NRX Jeremiah 29:11
  • South Korea Champions - T1
  • Rest of World (Other) Champions - Team Mayhem
We congratulate all of the Stage 4: Regional Playoff Champions and thank everyone for their understanding. We are excited for the future of competitive gaming within Call of Duty: Mobile and will be sharing more on our plans in the future.
Seasonal Challenges The last two seasonal challenges for Season 12: Going Dark are here and with them comes the usual variety of Battle Pass XP, various types of camos, and credits, except this time we also have one brand-new perk, Launcher Plus! Here is a quick summary of each of these new Seasonal Challenges.
Rocket Til’ You Drop It This six-park seasonal challenge has amazingly already been completed by a few people despite it being out less than 24 hours, but maybe that’s just because they eager to grab Launcher Plus! This challenge is focused primarily around using and excelling with rocket launchers in Multiplayer. On top of some extras, like plenty of Battle Pass XP, here are the main rewards:
  • (Uncommon) SMRS – Alarm
  • (Uncommon) GKS – Alarm
  • (Rare) Spray – My Bad
  • (Rare) FHJ-18 – Bronze Arrow
  • New Perk – Launcher Plus
Take The Wheel This six-part seasonal challenge has one main goal, get out there in Battle Royale and utilize tanks or other vehicles to help get you into the top 10! This challenge looks relatively easy on the surface, but it entirely depends on how proficient you are at using vehicles and hopefully it at least gives you a chance to check out some of the newer changes to how vehicles feel in BR. Here are the main rewards:
  • (Uncommon) Mechanic – Alarm
  • (Uncommon) Clown – Alarm
  • (Uncommon) RPD – Alarm
  • (Rare) Calling Card – The Fallen
  • (Rare) M16 – Bronze Arrow
Find that all available now under the Event tab and Seasonal Challenges. All Seasonal Challenges are now available! That means time is running out to grab them all, whether it is new perks or brand-new functional weapons like the .50s GS (available in the Small Arms Event). Find them all in-game now and best of luck to those completion hunters out there trying to 100% them all.
Public Test Build To follow-up on our last two sparse messages about this, barring any unforeseen issues the Public Test Build will be releasing later this week! We’ll put out a separate post in several communities to share out all of that usual information, like how to download, some common troubleshooting for downloading issues, and what you can expect to find in the build.
Just a reminder in advance, but these builds are intended to help stabilize the upcoming release by identifying and eradicating bugs in advance. Of course we have teams dedicated to finding these issues, but there is no equivalent to having tens of thousands of players jump in and start interacting with new features, changes, UI, or content.
Keep an eye out for a post on that later this week and thanks for all of the excitement! We know most of you probably just want to see new content, but at the same time we greatly appreciate anyone who takes a time to fill out an in-game survey or anything that helps with the test.
Beast of Burden Event This new event that released late last week has you tackling 13 different tasks that involve Alcatraz, healing others, rescuing teammates, and much more in Battle Royale. It comes with a variety of different rewards, including a new Tank and ATV camo, but the primary draw here is the brand-new Battle Royale Class – Refitter.
This new class allows you to support your teammates like no other by giving you a deployable armor pack that you can use for yourself and for teammates. You’ll also find that that your body armor and vehicles now have increased durability. Complete the Beast of Burden event now and check out this brand-new class yourself!
Credit Store Update Another credit store update has arrived and this one is nearly entirely focused on bringing you new weapons to try out! This is the last one for Season 12, but you can expect another fairly early on in S13 based on our usual cadence of one credit store update every two weeks. Here are the new items dropping today:
  • (Uncommon) HG 40 - Purple Geode -1.5K Credits
  • (Rare) Cordite - Upper Hand – 3K Credits
  • (Rare) KN-44 - Upper Hand – 3K Credits
  • (Epic) Calling Card - Ghosted – 10K Credits
  • (Epic) RUS-79U - Strafing Run – 20K Credits

Bug Reports

As we get closer to this update we add more and more fixes into that release, which might mean at times that this general list gets smaller in order to not repeat information about various bugs we’ve mentioned in previous community updates. However, if you are ever wondering about an update on a specific feel free to reach out and ask, and we’ll try to provide a response directly or through a future community post like this. With that said, let’s go over a few topics this week.
Mythic Cards Last week we mentioned we were investigating some reports about Mythic Cards disappearing. We are happy to say we were able to identify the issue, fix it, and also send out replacement cards to anyone who lost them. That all went out to affected players in-game mailboxes earlier last week.
Loot Not Loading in Alcatraz We mentioned this one back in early November and unfortunately it still hasn’t been something that is clearly identified. We assumed this issue was related to low-end devices not loading items, particularly on Alcatraz, due to low processing power or graphical settings. However, we have seen conflicting reports from devices that should not be having that type of issue. We’ll keep looking for examples and reporting this where we can.
Out of Map Glitch - Hackney Yard There isn't much to say about this one since it was presented clearly and simply, but our teams have found and fixed this out of map glitch (as well as one on Summit). Thank you for all of the reports and videos show clearly how to replicate this.
Rocket Til’ You Drop It First off, thank you to the players who almost immediately called out this bug! You are rockstars! When we released this Seasonal Challenge on 12/2 the wrong perk was being given as a reward. After seeing bug reports we were able to quickly fix this, but that means some dedicated players who completed it in those first several hours have already collected the wrong reward. As a result, we sent out the correct perk (Launcher Plus) to all of those who were affected via their in-game mailbox.
Latency and Desync Just to update on these issues, but we have not forgotten, or for one second stopped working on them behind the scenes. We regularly monitor server stability and many other things that help show any potential issues with either of these problems, and we’ve identified some more potential ways to help improve this in the near future.
Both of those issues are generally intermittent in nature, meaning some players may only see them sometimes and with no clear cause, but please do keep reporting them and especially if you see either issue with any consistency. Our bug report teams will always get excited at anything with a clear and consistent cause, because that means they can then replicate it, find all of the relevant details, and get that to our developers to start working on ASAP.
We’ll keep monitoring and working on this. Thanks for always pushing us to do more on this front and for making it clear that some people are having a non-optimal experience as a result of one (or both) of these issues. We hear you.
Auto-Fire Not Working on Prone Enemies This incredibly straight forward is currently being tested and looked into by our teams. We just wanted to give a quick shout out to the many people who pinged us about this one and to those who went so far as to provide videos. Hopefully, it will be an issue of the past very soon.
Lastly, a few quick mentions of bugs we are seeing reports for still but are fixed in our next update:
  • Operator Skill – Tempest Not Chaining Damage
  • Upgraded Smoke Bomber Smokescreen Does Not Work
Support Options While it may be a holiday in the United States, that doesn’t mean our support teams are gone. If you need help you should be able to get it, so please reach out to any of the following channels for assistance and if you run into issues doing so please reach out to our community team.
This week we have another community highlight to showcase that is based entirely around new designs for operators! Player DavidXzX is a lover of Spectre, puns, and unique designs. This all led them to creating Spectre - Magnetic Pulse, an electric, vibrant, and great looking operator.
Spectre - Magnetic Pulse
We also have Winter approaching and our next season that may or may not be Holiday & Winter themed, so we also wanted to highlight this design of Ruin! The community, when this was posted originally, has dubbed this one Ruin - Candy Cane.
Ruin - Candy Cane
If you want to check out any of their other work then head on over to their Reddit profile, linked above, and feast your eyes on all of their fantastic and interesting designs. Thanks DavidXzX and to the general community for always supporting various types of creative work.
That is all for this unusually timed community update, but hopefully next time you see a post from us it will be about the upcoming public test build! Keep an eye out for that, have a great week, and make sure to jump on everything Season 12 related while it is still live. See you next time!
-The Call of Duty: Mobile Team
submitted by COD_Mobile_Official to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

The fact that suicide is treated as a crime in our fucked up society is absolutely disgusting

So I wanted to visit after not having done so in a long time, only to find out that the site has been FUCKING TAKEN DOWN!!! Some God-sucking Karens have started online petitions such as "sT0P sAnCtI0NeDsUiCiDe.c0M", "Shut down the website that encourages people to kill themselves", "SHUTDOWN ILLEGAL Sanctioned[...]" or "Shutdown EVIL website that [...]". Ok WTF Karen? First things first, SS DOES NOT "encourage people to kill themselves". It's a fucking pro-choice website, not promortalist, ya hear me Karen, PRO-CHOICE!!! *Smashes Karens face into screen *
The site is mainly designed for people to be able to speak out their burdens, chill out there with other suicidal, hurt people, discuss unrelated stuff, and people are very understanding there instead of the typical "jUsT hAnG iN tHeRe" or - even worse - "iT gEt'S bETTeR" bullshit which only shows the person's level of ignorance and insensitivity. And no, it's not "EVIL" or "ILLEGAL"!
I'm so fucking sick of everyone treating suicide as this irrational, taboo act that should be prevented at all cost. Mainly, I'm fucking sick of pro-life fuckers, and most of 'em are proly christians n muslims n all that other shit which is honestly just the same fucking garbage to me. People collectively sucking off imaginary invisible beings with supposedly infinite power and wisdom. Fuck those people. You can believe all you want, hell, I'm ok if you believe the entire universe was created by The Allmighty Flying Spaghetti Monster©, just maybe respect from me my choice to die in a peaceful manner as well cos otherwise I will not respect your bollox and than it's beef.
We were all born against our will. We had no choice in that matter. Imagine you get signed up to a game you never wanted to take part in. You'd be allowed to leave any time, well except if your from North Korea than your fucked. So why the fuck can't we apply those same consensual rules to life? You know, a LIFELONG game?! It pisses me of so much that your not allowed to CTB at your will man. If they discover you or your intentions your goin' into the W.A.R.D. ...
And than there's the problem of doctor-assisted suicide. Yeah, that's illegal as well in most places of the world, and in the ones it's not, you still have to convince those people first that your situation is truly hopeless. Imagine that. This insane wankery is going around in the entire world.
I am CONVINCED, using the power of LOGIC, a concept most ape fuckers in the world are too stupid to grasp, that non-existence is inherently favorable to existence. There's no subjectivity, relativity, matter of perspectives or opinions or upbringings in this conviction. It doesn't matter if your the luckiest guy or gal alive, it still would have been better if you would have never been born. And to live with that realization can sometimes be really fucking crippling. That thought, which is constantly gnawing at you, that "Oh shit, I'd be better of dead... literally".
It's not enough that life is miserable. It's not enough that you can in no way discuss suicide methodology on the internet. It's not enough that you have heavily restricted freedom of expression on the internet, getting banned or your post taken down by merciless authoritarianism. It's not enough seeing all these breeders continuing the cycle, unneccessarely creating more people like us who yearn for nothing but the void.
But now they even take away our suicide discussion forums, and our ability to escape this nightmare. Demons. They're all DEMONS!!!

P.S: I understand the intention behind it somewhat. Killing yourself will make those around you hurt (ideally). But even than, it shouldn't be demonised like that and it should be legalized.
submitted by SovereignOne666 to antinatalism [link] [comments]

Every Gun To The Line, Chapter 3

Yes, it is that time again. Not much is news worthy, except that I have finished the planning on this series. Currently its looking to come in at 23 parts total (including the finale), although that may grow depending on if I get any new ideas in between now and then, but for certain I do not expect that number to shrink.
This installment has both characters engaged in battle, although the Tergelyx battle segment is a lot more in depth. Not much more, from now on is when the story really kicks into high gear IMO, bcos from now on its got plenty of action. Up until now I've kinda short changed you, so hopefully this will make up for it, especially since it's the longest so far, at 5.4k words.
Leave your questions/comments/complaints below if you have them, I do read them all and do indeed appreciate them. If you want to support me, you can use my ko-fi link, although, as I've said before, don't do that unless you absolutely can, and you absolutely want to.
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Conowingo, Maryland
“Kill him.” The Lt said, exasperation in his voice.
“No! He surrendered!” Tergelyx replied, outraged.
“And? He won’t tell us where their base is. So he’s useless to us.”
“It’s not right! They surrender under the idea that we respect their own rules of war, which means we have to treat them well. If we don’t, they’ll all fight to the death!”
“Tergelyx, as a soldier of the Imperium, you have been given an order. So follow through with it.”
“Fine.” Lt Altuv withdrew his plasma pistol from his pocket, pointing it at the prisoner. The man grimaced, making an obscene gesture with his fingers.
“Up yours, arseho-“ Altuv shot the man in the head, a high power plasma lance killing him instantly.
“You’re out of line, Tergelyx. You’re going to frontline duty, no more playing nice with the Humans. They’re our enemy, no time to be friendly.” Tergelyx pulled a disgusted gesture on his face, his visor keeping it from being seen by the Lieutenant. He walked out of the door, as two soldiers walked in to drag the body out.
Except the door didn’t lead to the rest of the prison. Instead, it opened over an empty sky, and Tergelyx fell right through into it. He kept falling, the ground below never getting any closer, but the pit in his stomach growing and growing, until-
Why is this bed so hard?
“Tergelyx, get up. We need to move.”
Oh. Yeah. That's why.
Tergelyx opened his eyes, finding Corporal Heppell standing over him. Glancing past Heppell, Tergelyx could already see Curtis pulling his uniform on, and Forrester running into the shower. Haven’t had that dream in months. Thought I was past it.
The platoon had billeted itself inside a swimming centre, which meant either sleeping on the cold hard floor, or the hard, room temperature, bench. Still, it was better than being outside. According to Lcpl Bainbridge, they were allegedly breaking some sort of very important American law, some Third Amendment or something, by billeting themselves in an American town, although, as Cooper had pointed out in response, there wasn’t exactly anyone around to enforce it, since the residents had cleared out upon seeing a load of soldiers rolling through.
“What? Wh-why?” Tergelyx turned his attention back to the Corporal, who was still watching Tergelyx writhe around in his sleeping bag.
“Hekatian advance elements are just over 2 hours away. Someone has to stop them crossing the dam.”
“Are we holding this side?”
“If possible, but grab all your gear and find a truck that's going across, in case we have to retreat.”
Tergelyx pulled himself up, off of the bench, and began rummaging around for his equipment. He pulled a tight black jumpsuit out of a nearby locker, putting it on quickly and fastening it. Then, he laid his armour out on the floor. Putting on battle armour was a relatively simple process, and could be done on any flat surface, although special wall mountings, found on proper warships and in military bases were preferable.
Tergelyx simply laid back on the floor, cold as it was, shuffling to get himself aligned properly. He stuck his arms inside each gauntlet. Then, by tapping his foot against the suit’s boots, it curled up around him, fitting as perfectly as if it were still new. The armour was completely sealed, albeit the air supply was not, requiring Hekatian soldiers to procure a gas mask should they need it. However, the Humans had thoughtfully added one to his helmet, enabling Tergelyx to switch back and forth between unfiltered air, filtered, and a brief internal air supply.
Heading out of the door, with his rifle and helmet in one hand, and rucksack in the other, Tergelyx found the car park abuzz with activity. Vehicles were passing along the road in front, both lanes packed with cars heading north. Army personnel ran left and right, preparing positions or attempting to work out the traffic jam up ahead. Closer to him, Cooper and Lcpl Bainbridge were sat on a bench, applying camouflage paint to their faces.
“Morning Tergelyx, didn’t expect you to be second out, after Cooper.” Bainbridge said, smiling as he applied some more green onto his nose, using a mirror to double check. The pattern was already pretty complex, a completely random mix of browns and greens, yet it seemed Bainbridge thought there was more he could do. No wonder they ran rings around us, if this is the amount of work they put in to something as minor as face paint.
“Well, I don’t have to spend as much time putting my gear on as you all do.”
“Fair point. Here, good chance to get something quick down you now. We’ll do breakfast once everything is on the way over.”
“Got it.” Tergelyx set his rifle and helmet down on the concrete, opening the rucksack up and pulling out some rations. He grabbed a snack bar, and some cookable things too, putting the rest back inside. As he went through the snack bar, the other Hekatians of the platoon trickled out, followed by a few soldiers from 2 section.
“Hi, you’re Tergelyx right? I’m Jasaly, I work with 2 section, and over here is Nadishanpurm.” Jasaly extended his hands, grasping at Tergelyx’s forearms, in the traditional greeting back home.
“Hello.” Nadishanpurm waved slightly.
“He doesn’t talk much, as you can see.” Tergelyx noticed several American military vehicles enter the car park. A Bradley with plasma scorch marks on it’s sides, and several of the big Oshkosh lorries. An American officer jumped out, jogging in to go talk to Captain Lloyd. “Good to have you around. Obviously it would have been better if we still had Kuytnu, but I’m sure you’ll do well with us.”
“Was Kuytnu my-”
“Yes. Got in an accident back in London the day before this all happened, awful timing. Lucky you were around, or we’d still be waiting for a reassignment.”
“Hazing the new guy, are we, Jasaly?” Someone new came over towards Tergelyx, and judging by their rank slide, it was Lt Bower. They were kitted out like most of their soldiers, with one notable exception: a small wrist mounted device, which looked almost like a phone screen.
“No Lt, don’t worry. We were being polite.”
“I’d hope. Morning Tergelyx, nice to finally meet you. You ready to kick some arse?”
“Yes Lt.”
“Good, good. Anything important before we head off?”
“Well, I don’t know about important, but… what’s that, and why does no one else have it?” Tergelyx pointed to the device.
“This? Oh, not much. Just a little map thingy, helps me manage stuff better. Here, take a look.”
Tergelyx got a little closer, peering over Bower’s shoulder. The device was kept on by a thick strap, tightly bound around their arm. Various ports for flash drives, and a few buttons, surrounded the edges. On the actual face of the device, was a series of 5 little lights, some coloured green, some off. The screen itself displayed a map of Foster's current location, and then several symbols of varying colours clustered relatively close.
“You see that little green dot there, that’s me. That little diamond over there, that’s Captain Lloyd, and so on. From this, I can tell where each section is, where the other platoons are, and so on. They can mark points on for Hekatian positions, which then get passed on to everyone else on the network. If they want to call artillery, they just put a special marker down and then the artillery people can use it, same for air support.”
“Who gets them?” The rest of 1 section flooded out of the billet, followed by the American. He ran over to the cabs of the trucks, conversing with their drivers.
“Corporals and above, which is why mine has 5 lights. Tells me the status of each corporal, Sgt Fletcher, and Captain Lloyd. We don’t give out any more because they’re expensive, and it’s too much of a risk. Standing orders are that, if a user is killed and retreat is impossible, we’re to thoroughly smash this gear, otherwise Hekatians might get a hold of it. You can imagine the nightmare that would cause.”
One of the drivers of the American supply trucks came over towards Lt Bower, something clearly on his mind.
“Are you all preparing to fight them?”
“Yeah, soon as the rest of our platoon is out.”
“Ok, that's good. Look, I’ve got a load of gear in the back of here that’d be useful. Some new 5.56 ammo, special design, they call it High Velocity Armour Piercing. Goes faster, made of stronger stuff that pens their armour better. We used a lot to cover our retreat, but our Captain has ordered us to offload the rest to you, then we’ll take your gear over for you.”
“You heard him, folks. Get up there and start grabbing rounds, offload your bags.” Lt Bower pointed the platoon over, and they sprung into action, climbing up and getting everything they could. “You have anything else useful in there?”
“Nothing more I’m allowed to give you. But if a private were to sneak away an AT-4 without me noticing…”
“Gotcha, thanks for everything. It’s really appreciated.” It seemed as if the soldiers hadn’t really needed to be told that, given that a pile of launchers had already started to develop on the concrete.
“I’ll say. We did what we could, and did it better than we expected, given the confusion. We held their attention off the proving ground, long enough for them to evac everything that wasn’t nailed down, and blow up everything that was, but… you’ve got guts, to be heading towards it all."
Koksan, North Korea
Staff Sergeant Foster lowered himself into his tank turret carefully, the words from his previous briefing rattling around his head. Support North Korean infantry, as they liberate one of their cities from Hekatian control. That was a sentence he’d never expected to hear out of a US Army Captain’s mouth.
“Translator is plugged in now. Say something in a different language.” Nicholson’s voice came over the headset.
“Veni, vedi, vici.” Foster spoke into his microphone, saying just the first thing that came to mind.
“I came, I saw, I conquered.” A monotonous, machine translated voice came back an instant later. Due to the problem of the language barrier, tank crews had been issued with a portable version of the same translator Hekatians used to understand Human languages. Therefore, the crew of Better Not Run had rigged it up to their tank’s intercom system, enabling them to communicate with their allies easily.
“Yep, it worked. Might get a little annoying with overlap if they speak for longer, but I can tweak the volumes a little to get it to work.”
“Excellent. Let's get this on the road then.” Mullins complied, driving the tank away from it’s position. Lt Stephens had already set off, with SFC Johnson following behind. Due to the current circumstances, they were unable to find a replacement for Staff Torres, leaving them just a 3 tank platoon. Foster had rather liked Torres, he’d not necessarily been a friend but certainly someone he could talk with and not hate the experience. And now he was gone, his tank obliterated in a moment by a lucky blast from a Hekatian tank.
Behind them, several VTT-323’s followed, carrying the infantry force in this rather odd operation. The Hekatians here had simply gotten lucky, landing two pods close together and deploying fast enough to establish their position before the KPA could crush them. They’d pounded the landing sites with artillery ever since, and stopped it’s expansion, but now it was time to destroy it. A few Shilka self-propelled guns joined the procession, then some extra BMPs, just for good measure.
The convoy rumbled past several trench lines, where Foster could see Korean soldiers watching him pass by. Several of them waved, and he waved back, before looking back towards their destination. The town loomed up ahead, surprisingly intact all things considered. Then again, they had been told to expect the residents to do their own part when the infantry went in, so maybe that’s why they’d held off on firing artillery at them.
“I can see a target already, staff. Looks like a dug in infantry position. Possible anti-tank team.” Weber commented, bringing the gun to bear upon it. Foster checked the same direction, finding exactly what he was talking about. It was a small pit with a building just a little bit behind it.
“I see it too. Load HEAT and don’t you dare miss.”
“Up.” The 120mm thumped almost immediately after, the shell speeding off towards it’s target. It was a perfect hit, vapourising the Hekatians before they even knew what was going on.
“Well done, glad the first shot we fired up here didn’t immediately cause a diplomatic crisis.” Lt Stephens’ tank fired just a moment later, clearly having spotted something Foster couldn’t at this angle. Foster looked around, to see if there was anything else he’d missed, spotting 4 distinctive shapes unfolding themselves and raising upwards. “Oh shit, Termite platoon, just off to our left! Load HEAT and kill them.”
Weber immediately rotated the turret around, focusing on the lead walker. Termites were awful things, 10 metre tall AI-controlled tripods that could tear Humans apart, and shove tanks out of the way like they were nothing. But on the plus side, they were very flimsy, killable with just small arms fire if you had enough guns.
“Up.” Another thump, and one of them exploded, before 2 of it’s fellows were blown apart by the rest of Foster’s platoon. Then the BMPs, coming to a brief halt for maximum accuracy, destroyed the remaining one, resuming their push shortly after.
“Right, this is our assigned position, stop us.” Mullins followed Foster’s order immediately, bringing the tank to a stop where it had a line of sight over the town approach, and was within machine gun range of the buildings. The other two Abrams carried on, positioning themselves for maximum coverage of the town. A Shilka rolled up next to Better Not Run, as well as a single VTT, whose troops disembarked and set themselves up around it.
The rest of the infantry transports carried on, dropping their infantry around midway between Foster and the town. Together they pushed forwards, beginning to come under plasma fire a few moments later, from multiple angles. The infantry dropped to the ground, and began crawling forwards, while their transports set to work. Glancing around, Foster saw one of the Korean soldiers, from the vehicle next to him, approach the tank telephone and open it up.
“They need a shot on one of those Hekatian positions, the one in the centre. Can you do it?” The machine voice came through nice and clear on the intercom. Foster had no way of communicating back with the soldier, something he realised was a critical flaw in the way they’d set up the translator. So he just stuck one of his thumbs up from his position sat in the turret, then gestured as if he was covering his ears. The soldier nodded back, and put their fingers in their ears.
Weber fired the gun, and the Hekatian fire ceased abruptly, as they realised that their friends were gone. The Koreans used this to push on, charging forwards under the covering fire of their transports. Within a few seconds, they were busting through doors, and working their way up to the surviving positions.
The soldiers around Foster began shouting and pointing, and for a moment he thought they were celebrating the destruction of the Hekatian position. Then the Shilka opened up, a rapid fire burst aimed at something in the sky. Several others joined in with bursts of their own, all converging on a single target, a Hekatian fighter speeding towards Foster, which they tracked excellently. Mullins started reversing out of position as fast as possible, which was fortunate timing, as Hekatian micro-missiles impacted the ground around it’s former position. Then the Shilka fired again, and the Hekatian fighter exploded, crashing to the ground a few hundred metres behind Foster in a spectacular display. Foster watched it’s wreckage burn, and a few soldiers cautiously approach it, before they relaxed and cheered. The Shilka crew cheered too, happy with their success.
Yeah, I can get used to working with these guys.
Conowingo Dam, Maryland
“Recon have picked up the first of them on approach. Everyone get ready. Remember, we kicked their arses back home, so we can do it here too.” Lt Bower spoke over the radio, giving the platoon their final heads up.
Currently, Tergelyx was lying in wait, next to Corporal Heppell, both overlooking the road that led up to the dam. The rest of his company were similarly laid out, ready to try and keep back the advance, even just for a minute or two.
Tergelyx watched as Heppell looked over his gun. At first glance, his weapon looked like a regular old L85 rifle. But then when you looked again, there was something… unique under the barrel: a plasma rifle. You see, since Britain had been the battlefield for the Contact War, they had a large wealth of technology to exploit, which they used to upgrade rather than replace their own weapons, making the combination unmatched by any regular Human weapon.
First, they’d built a new handguard around the main barrel, which kept the plasma-producing elements of the weapon tucked away, safe from dirt and damage, and left only the actual barrel and trigger attached below, reducing the bulk. The barrel itself was cut in length to keep the bullpup as short as ever. Power cells had been moved inside the pistol grip for space-saving and ease of access. It was fired the same way you’d fire a grenade launcher, and could be fired simultaneously with the main rifle.
Sure, the design had plenty of problems. It was more weight, more stuff to maintain, less comfortable to hold than a regular foregrip, and so on. But, as far as it’s users were concerned, those tradeoffs were fine for something that could reliably cut through body armour. If they had the resources, they’d happily roll them out to every UNCO military, but there were only so many Hekatian rifles to strip for the vital components, that simply couldn’t be built on Earth. Yet.
A tank came speeding along the road, breaking Tergelyx out of his thoughts. He instantly recognised it as an Aghntsir, named for a deity of some pre-Imperium faith. It’s shields were up, but the commander was looking out of the top, in the kind of way you did when you had absolutely no fear of attack. Behind it came a dozen IFVs, then another Aghntsir, then yet more IFVs, in a pattern that kept repeating.
The Humans had anticipated this, and planned for it. They’d acquired as many cars as possible, usually via convincing the fleeing civilians to share transports, and then pushed them together, blocking up much of the road. Then, they’d left a small gap, making it look like the retreating American soldiers had pushed the cars out of the way. They’d even gone through the effort of opening up car doors, and shearing them off, as if something had just rammed straight through without stopping. It was exactly the sort of trap that had been so successful in the Contact War, and it worked again, as the Aghntsir slowed it’s speed and went down that small channel.
The Aghntsir made it about halfway down the channel before hitting a mine, instantly knocking out most of the underside shield emitters, and damaging many of the wheels. The Aghntsir still had plenty of momentum though, and so it carried on, until it drove right over a load of plastic explosive. This detonated on it’s left flank, tipping it up into the air where it landed on it’s side, probably crushing the commander against a nearby car.
The IFVs immediately halted, their back ramps dropping and soldiers pouring out, taking cover amongst the cars. They began scanning the treelines with their rifles, prepared to unleash a barrage of fire from cover. This, of course, the Humans had also accounted for placing claymores in the seats of the cars. Before a single shot had actually been fired by either side, the claymores detonated, wiping out the massed infantry. There was a brief pause, as both sides gazed upon what had just happened: the Hekatians in disbelief, the Humans in surprise it had worked so well. Then they began firing upon each other.
The second load of dismounts were far better positioned than their fellows, this time being able to shelter themselves behind their IFVs. The air rapidly filled up with bullets and plasma lances, the occasional recoilless rifle being fired off to obliterate a particularly hapless IFV. Tergelyx sighted in on a platoon commander, firing a series of lances that punched through his armour in a second. Then he switched, aiming for a soldier who was putting suppressive rounds down against Cooper. Before he could fire, the target exploded, the result of a well-placed 40mm grenade.
The second Aghntsir drove up, its commander safely ensconced inside the turret unlike the previous one. The main gun turned onto a machine gun nest, the laser presumably incinerating the soldiers inside if they hadn’t moved yet. Tergelyx watched an AT-4 rocket impact the shield, yet it persisted. Several 40mm grenades similarly detonated, albeit the last one made the shield shimmer and disappear.
“Fall back, line two! Line two!” Lt Bower ordered, crawling backwards and out of their firing position. Tergelyx copied, pulling a smoke grenade and dropping it behind him as he ran towards the new position. All down the line, this same pattern emerged, a great sheet of smoke suddenly enveloping the treeline. Now, the Hekatians would be assuming the Humans were giving up, and would probably follow along. Right into the next stage of the trap.
Tergelyx ran as fast as he could, heading towards his new position, an abandoned visitor centre. A machine gun began opening up nearby to cover him and the Humans, followed by several more rifles. Tergelyx ducked behind a small brick wall by the front door, as the regular soldiers of his unit ran inside the building for cover. He flipped on his armour’s thermal vision, firing at the Hekatians, who were beginning to come over the hill and through the smoke. Cooper lay down next to him, setting up her machine gun bipod on the ground and beginning to fire in short bursts, mostly randomly aimed though. Another machine gunner, from 2 section, took up a standing position, their bipod resting on a higher section of wall to his left.
“We’re gonna need some action on that tank soon.” Camp fired a grenade, knocking a Hekatian soldier to the ground. Hekatian plasma artillery began impacting along the hill line, clearly having been called in before the Humans had evacuated. Hekatian artillery was notoriously slow to catch up, fire control not being their strongest suit.
Several Hekatians, clearly having figured out that the hill line was a bust, instead took the small road that lead into the car park, using the Aghntsir as mobile cover. Unfortunately for them, that brought the Aghntsir straight into view of a Javelin team. One Javelin burst out of it’s launcher, shooting up into the air, before coming straight down on top of the Aghntsir and annihilating it. The infantry dived for cover, now exposed in the flat empty car park.
“2 down, 2 more to go.” Cooper dryly commented, firing another burst, cutting down a Hekatian who seemed to think getting closer might actually provide some safety. The artillery slackened, and Hekatians began appearing over the hill once more, coincidentally as the smoke began to dissipate. A single IFV traversed up the hill, before immediately being blown apart by a rocket to it’s underside. Several more followed, accelerating up the hill before quickly slowing down to a walking pace, advancing menacingly with infantry upon Tergelyx. Plasma lances spat from it’s main gun, forcing him to duck down behind the wall.
“Inside, now!” Lt Bower shouted down the radio. Tergelyx didn’t need any further encouragement, running in with Cooper following closely behind. Corporal Heppell waved them in, pointing to a small side room with an open door.
“Get over there, hide behind that doorway. Hold fire until they come through.” Tergelyx nodded, running over and resting his plasma rifle against the door frame. Outside he heard the sounds of plasma fire getting closer and closer, as well as the IFV itself. Several more loud booms occurred, suggesting yet another Aghntsir had gotten itself destroyed.
Then an IFV crashed through the building’s wall, and kept going. It’s armoured bulk pushed and pushed, before it withdrew, creating a large gap for the infantry. They poured through, expecting a battered platoon that didn’t know what was coming.
What they got was a hail of fire, from a dozen different angles and with more than enough accuracy to make it count. Tergelyx had no idea how many times he’d fired his rifle in those few seconds, but he could feel the rifle becoming hot to the touch from sheer overuse. He ducked back behind the wall, waiting for the heat to vent away. When he looked back to the gap, a pile of bodies had formed, and the IFV was rapidly reversing away. Then a recoilless rifle hit it in the side, and it exploded dramatically.
Tergelyx felt a brief moment of relaxation, before he heard a familiar sound, drawing closer and closer. Plasma artillery, inbound.
“They’re shelling us!” He yelled over the comms, as a plasma blast hit the front of the building. If anyone had survived that failed charge just now, the plasma artillery would have ended their suffering.
“Everyone out, emergency exits! Go go go!” Bower ordered, and everyone quickly complied, not wanting to spend a minute longer in the building than necessary. 2 more blasts hit, the building shaking under the weight of the blows. Humans poured out, rapidly abandoning the building. Cooper got ahead of Tergelyx easily, running through the nearby fire escape. Before Tergelyx could make it, another blast hit the building, knocking him down to the ground. His rifle fell out of his grip, before he heard a horrific crack above him, and the roof came down on his head.
Tergelyx struggled to move, the roof pinning him in place. He worked one piece off him, freeing his right arm, but his left arm remained stuck under a solid piece of wall, which he simply couldn’t move himself. He noted that the blasts had stopped, which was some mercy but now Hekatian infantry were pouring over the rubble. Tergelyx went limp, trying to feign being dead in order to evade their attention.
“Hostiles, in the rubble!” Corporal Heppell shouted over the radio, quickly followed by several rifles opening up. The Hekatians returned fire, many of them diving onto the rubble pile, or against one of the surviving pieces of wall. One Hekatian threw themselves perilously close to Tergelyx, unclipping a grenade and throwing it outside.
“Calling mortars on them, everyone get the fuck back!” Lt Bower shouted. That’ll come in right on my head. The Hekatian currently lying next to Tergelyx began searching for another grenade to use.
“Lt, I think Tergelyx is trapped in there!” Cooper yelled.Tergelyx desperately wanted to reply, but his helmet wasn’t totally soundproof. If he spoke, that was a more certain death than the mortars.
“Fuck! Is he still alive?”
“I don’t know!”
The Hekatian found another grenade, pulling it and setting a custom timer. They then threw it out of the window, but considering there were no shouts of “grenade” from the Humans, there was a good chance that it had been a miss too. The Hekatian paused, waiting for the blast, before they then began getting up from the floor. Without thinking, they put their hands down to push up… landing on Tergelyx’s own arm. Tergelyx reflexively pulled his hand away, and the Hekatian felt the movement. They looked straight at Tergelyx’s visor, pausing for a moment.
“Found a traitor!” The Hekatian yelled, reaching for their rifle. Tergelyx punched them in the face with his right arm, stunning them and buying himself more time to try and free himself. Unfortunately, this attempt failed, Tergelyx knocking his radio in the process, and the Hekatian quickly regained their composure. Another Hekatian, clearly a commander by their helmet, changed their focus, levelling a rifle straight at Tergelyx.
“Yubnm, get on the doorway, suppress the Humans!” The Hekatian commander barked, and ‘Yubnm’ nodded, getting up and running over to a wall, firing several shots into the treeline. The sounds of yet more plasma blasts raining down came screeching in. The commander came closer towards Tergelyx, pulling out a knife. “I’m not missing a chance to get 1000 credits for a traitor!”
“Not gonna take me prisoner?” Outside, Tergelyx heard the rumbling of motor engines, drawing closer and closer, but the commander didn’t seem bothered by it.
“No need. Should have thought about what we’d do, before you betrayed the oath.” The commander poised the knife above Tergelyx’s throat, their other hand pushing Tergelyx down so he could find the right weak spot in the neck. Yubnm began firing his plasma rifle rapidly, at some target nearby.
Then a Warrior crashed into the ruined wall behind Tergelyx. The commander looked up, only to be hit by a hail of 7.62 from it’s coaxial. Yubnm attemped to make a break for it, only for Sergeant Yates to appear out of the turret and open fire with his personal rifle, cutting him down instantly. It’s 40mm main gun began thumping away, providing covering fire for 1 section to charge in and surround Tergelyx.
“Tergelyx! You need any help mate?” Curtis got down onto a knee, his rifle at the ready. Tergelyx propped himself up slightly, just enough to see a Hekatian run through the shattered front doorway and be blown apart by the 40mm.
“My left arm, it’s stuck. I can’t get free.”
“Camp, Forrester, get that shit off him. Cooper, on that wall, pronto.” Corporal Heppell’s voice became audible, stood beside Tergelyx.
“Ay, Corporal.” Camp grabbed the piece of wall that had caused so much trouble for Tergelyx, Forrester on the other end. Cooper began firing short bursts from her machine gun, gun swinging left and right to keep the Hekatians suppressed. “Tergelyx, on the count of three, I want you to try and push this shit off. Got it? 1, 2, 3!”
Tergelyx strained his arm, levering the debris upwards a tiny bit. Camp and Forrester heaved, dragging it away and off of Tergelyx’s arm. Tergelyx immediately pulled himself out, grasping around for his rifle.
“Here you go.” Bainbridge held it out to him, and Tergelyx immediately took it, feeling relieved to have his weapon back in his arms again. Before he forgot, he quickly fixed his radio, getting back onto the team’s communications.
“Value of slings, folks. Alright, lets get out, come on!” Corporal Heppell patted Tergelyx on the back, and Tergelyx ran through where the emergency exit had been, followed swiftly by the rest of the section. The Warrior’s back door was open, and everyone began to pile through. “We got him back, Lt. And in one piece too.”
“Fantastic work, all of you. Everyone, get the hell across that bridge before I have to drag you myself.” Lt Bower replied near instantly. Tergelyx was last in, hitting the power switch as he sat down. The Warrior reversed, it’s 40mm still pumping shells out.
“You all left that way too late.” Sergeant Yates closed his turret hatch, sitting down in his seat now.
“Couldn’t leave the new guy alone like that, you know us. Not fair to mess up our first field trip in a while.” The turret rotated, pointing backwards as the Warrior cut onto the road. Tergelyx looked out of the back window, seeing plasma lances flashing past the warrior. An IFV attempted to pursue, only to be hit with a hail of 40mm rounds. That seemed to stop the pursuit, as the other Hekatians paused and waited for the Humans to leave weapons range.
“Alright, that’s good work, people.” Lt Bower’s voice came over the radio. “Couldn’t have asked for a better job from all of you, no KIAs or MIAs. If the whole war goes like this, we’ve got this in the bag. So get over there, start digging trenches, and for christ’s sake get a shower, before I start needing a gas mask to enter your billets."
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are we allowed to go to north korea video

The Foreign Office advice states that most visits to North Korea are trouble-free and that there is no immediate increased risk or danger to those living or travelling there. It does warn that the... North Korea is a mythical country, meaning that, due to the lack of information, a lot of myths have been created about it. However, some of them eventually turned out to be true. We at Bright Side decided to figure out which things are banned or restricted in the most closed country in the world. And we should admit that some of them really surprised us. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening to carry out its sixth nuclear test and China has expressed unease with a U.S. plan to install a missile defense system in the area. There are no easy ... North Koreans are not allowed to go for vacations abroad. This is a violation of human rights , but the people of North Korea are probably unaware of this fact. The North Korean leaders are trying to protect their country from the influence of outsiders. Tours to North Korea have been suspended until further notice. Check with your travel provider to see what this means for you. There is a serious lack of reliable information on the COVID-19 situation in North Korea, and it is virtually impossible to prove or disprove any claims. It can be challenging for foreigners to visit North Korea. For tourists who are allowed in, they must be accompanied by a guide at nearly all times, except at their hotel and other controlled... Latest travel advice for North Korea, including how coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting travel and entry requirements at this time as well as safety and security and local laws and customs On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of State advised U.S citizens not to travel to North Korea, noting "the risk of arbitrary arrest and (long-term) detention of U.S. citizens in North Korea." NOT ALLOWED. News... but not as you know it ... 10 things we do every day that are illegal in North Korea. ... Making a call to someone outside North Korea will get you killed. Since the threat of arrest or detention in North Korea is high, make sure you know how to contact your government in case of an emergency. You should also adhere to North Korea's strict laws and cultural regulations on behavior, which make it illegal to perform religious activities or possess items that criticize North Korea.

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