List of Things that are Haram (Forbidden in Islam)

is gambling haram islam

is gambling haram islam - win

TIL: Chess is banned in Islam, because chess = gambling = haram, or says the Hadith

TIL: Chess is banned in Islam, because chess = gambling = haram, or says the Hadith submitted by hyacinthinlocks to exmuslim [link] [comments]

I might have treated islam a bit harshly

This is what I saw on a reddit post is this list true ?
List Of Things Muslims Consider Forbidden (Haram)
I grew up in a very conservative Islamic environment. 10 years earlier I left the religion. Here is the things that are forbidden by Islam

For both genders
For Men
For Women
And most importantly writing something like this post. Blasphemy is death.
submitted by Lssj_Kefla to exmuslim [link] [comments]

Islam appears as if it ways made up by Primitive, medieval Arabs who didn't know anything about the world outside from their local area nor had interactions with a divine being.

ISLAM- The belief that an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God decided to reveal his doctrine for mankind, to a 7th century illiterate Arab slave trader(slave and sex slave owner who had regular sex with his 9 year old wife) ,in a cave where no one else was there to verify, through Angel Gabriel over 23 years rather than just beaming it into his brain.

Islam is an extremely Arab-centric religion, it seems as if it was completely made up by an Arabic person/people. The more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. This is what I will be discussing.
THE KAABAThe holy site for pilgrimage is very conveniently located in their backyard (Saudi Arabia.) This would be like a religion of Japanese origin claiming the holy site for pilgrimage is in Tokyo. Muslims have to pray towards the Kaaba which is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was extremely underdeveloped and primitive. Literature wasn’t important and credible texts were rare so sometimes historians have to go with the biased Islamic perspective. According to the Abrahamic religions(Islam included), Abraham lived at around 2100-2200BC which is thousands of years before Islam was born in the 7th century. Islamic sources claim Abraham built the Kaaba for Islamic practises and it was his most important accomplishment. However the Bible never mentions the Kaaba and some Muslims claim Allah is the same God of the bible. Strangely the Kaaba was never mentioned in Judaism and Christianity. Only Islamic sources claim Christians and Jews also respected the Kaaba religiously. It was difficult to unify the many sects of Judaism and Christians on many things but not one sect of either religion mentioned the Kaaba. This suggests this idea was entirely fabricated. Islamic sources claim that the Kaaba in Mecca was a well known, important trade centre. Most Historians agree this is false as there was no mention of the Kaaba by the powerful Roman Empire, and the neighbouring Persian Empire and neighbouring Northern African Rulers until the birth of Islam . All historical evidence indicates the Quran was built by Arab Pagans a few centuries before Muhammad, not Abraham, yet again another false Islamic claim made by early Muslim Arabs or Muhammad.The Zamzam Well is a well located in Mecca, Saudi East of the Kaaba the holiest place in Islam. According to Islam, it is a miraculously generated source of water from God, which sprang spontaneously thousands of years ago when Ibrahim (Abraham's) son Ismael (Ishmael) was left with his mother Hajar (Hagar) in the desert, thirsty and crying. Ibrahim made a request to Allah- 14:37: "{O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may perform Salah (prayer). So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks.}" Muslims believe Zamzam was the first among many fruits provided to Ibrahim by Allah. provided to Ismail and Hajar were in the desert. Very conveniently the Holy Water in Islam is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The water is so holy it is taught to heal diseases and sickness; there is no scientific evidence to support this. This appears to be a knock-off version of a biblical story (one of the many in Islam) where Abraham’s concubine and his son Ishmael were left in the desert of Paran in Palestine. The Hadith Sahih Muslim 31:6046 says that ZamZam water is special, can quench hunger,feed you and make you gain weight;there is of course no scientific evidence to support these claims. Islam makes it appear as if it is a miracle that there is water well in the desert which is expected coming from primitive Arab desert dwellers with little scientific knowledge. Water is underground in most deserts because as rainwater falls, it is absorbed underground and flows through the underground including under a desert.
Allah stated His holy book must be written, memorised and taught in Arabic(conveniently Muhammad's language) to Prophet Muhammad even though there are thousands of other languages in the world. Vulgar Latin or Middle Chinese were the most spoken language in the world in the 7th century when the Quran was revealed,English and Mandarin are the most spoken languages in the 21st century. Only 5% of the world's population today speak Arabic (Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world) so it is illogical, confusing and absurd why God wanted "the most important words for mankind" to be specifically delivered in Arabic. If Allah had revealed his doctrine to all cultures and corners of the world, there would be an independently verifiable method to confirm that every language in the world received the same message from the same God. This would be very powerful evidence in favour of Islam. It is a shame he decided against this:
Quranic Verses on Importance of Arabic:
41:3- "A Scripture whereof the verses are in detail, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge"
7:1: "Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet and in this sequence only Allah knows their meaning here;this is one of Allah's many miracles)."
12:2: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so you people may understand/use reason"
14:44: "We have not sent any Messenger except with the language of his people (Arabic) so he can make things clear to them. Allah misguides anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise."
42:7: "So We have revealed an Arabic Quran to you, in order that you may warn the mother of cities(Mecca) and all who live nearby..."
44:58: "We have made the Quran easy in your language (Arabic) so that they might be reminded."
26:198 - "And if We had revealed it (this Qur'an) unto any of the non-Arabs" - 26:199. "And had Muhammad recited the Quran unto them, they would not have believed in it "
41:44: "If We had made it a foreign Quran, they would have said, ‘If only its verses were clear! What? Foreign speech to an Arab?’ Say, ‘It is guidance and healing for those who have faith, but the ears of the disbelievers are heavy, they are blind to it, it is as if they are being called from a distant place." - Could Allah's book not also be unclear to Non-Arabic speakers which was the vast majority of the world in the 7th century and the 21st century?
Why the Almighty God would have a preference for one language over the thousands of others is unclear. Muslims believe Arabic has a special status in Islam. It is compulsory to learn Arabic to be a Muslim and perform activities like the 5 daily prayers, recite the Shahadah and read the Quran. Millions of Muslims around the world memorise the Quran and verses for prayer which are entirely in Arabic whilst not knowing the meaning of what they are saying when they pray everyday and read the Quran. It is estimated up to 10 million Muslims around the world (the majority not Arabic speaking in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia and Pakistan) have memorised the whole Quran. Most of them barely understand a word of what they have memorised It seems likely an All-Wise, All-Powerful God would be able to come up with a better way for people to show devotion to Him than reciting words in a foreign language they don’t know. God’s chosen messenger was an Arabic Person. Islam is filled with Key Arabic terms like Hajj, Shahadah, Taqwa, Taraweeh, Ramadan, Zakat and encourages Arabic customs like keeping a beard, eating dates and women covering their hair.
54:1 The Quran states: "The Hour draws near; the moon is split in two". And if they see a miracle they turn away and say 54:2 "Passing Magic," Sahih Bukhari 4:56:81 Narrated Anas states : \"*That the Meccan people requested Allah's Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon."*The Quran and Hadith claim that the people of Mecca,Saudi Arabia asked Muhammad to prove that he had divine powers so he miraculously split the moon into two pieces and then, presumably, put it back together again. There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that the moon has ever been split into two. Since the moon is visible to half the planet at any given time, we should expect to see numerous accounts from different parts of the world attesting to this event if it actually happened. The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Chinese and Indians had avid astronomers who should have seen this event and recorded it in their histories. The absence of historical record from other civilisations, contemporary to Muhammad, is a strong indication that this event never happened. Yet again another Islamic lie. The Quran states in 4:82 "Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found some contradictions." The Quran appears to tell us it certainly didn't come from God as we have clearly found a contradiction in the book between what it says and what actually happens/happened in reality as the moon never split. The Quran also says in 2:256 "Whoever believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold(The Quran) that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." Clearly the Quran is broken and is not trustworthy as it has lied to us and tried to deceive us about Science. The lie of the splitting of the moon disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-HAQQ(The Absolute-Truth,) AR-RASHEED(The Infallible Teacher,) AL-ALEEM (The All-Knowing,) AR-RAQEEB(The Watchful One,) AL-HAKEEM(The All-Wise,) ASH-SHAHEED(The All Observing Witnessing, AL-MAJEED(The Glorious-Most Honourable,) AL-HAMEED(The Praiseworthy,)DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM(Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.)

The invention of an afterlife by religions such as Islam is to serve our primitive desires to stay alive and is a result of the fear of One's mortality. The invention of an afterlife is also means to satisfy our primal desires to feel pleasure and Islam provides this as it sates in 41:31- "You will have therein(Paradise) whatever yourselves desire, whatever you want." The sole purpose of a Muslim's life is to enter Paradise and according to 29:64- " This life is nothing but diversion and play (to distract you from the ultimate goal of paradise)" The way heaven is described in a religion is usually reflective of the culture the religion originated from; this is expected as religions are fabricated by humans not sourced from divine beings.
The Islamic Paradise (Jannah) is described in the Quran and in Hadith as a place with lots of magnificent gardens, nice greenery and weirdly obsesses on how there are many rivers and sources of water in Paradise. Here are some verses on the Islamic Paradise:
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.3:193 - “But as to those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow....”16:31 - “The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please...”47:15 - "The description of Paradise which the righteous have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed..."5:119- "...There are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal Home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation."9:72- "Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss."61:12 - “These it is (Paradise) for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow,”54:54 - "Verily, The Righteous, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers in Paradise."18: 33. "Each of those two gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein, and We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them."
The fascination with gardens and water appears to be a reasonable depiction of heaven coming from primitive desert dwellers who didn’t have much access to greenery and vast areas of water. Most people don't think of water when they think of a heaven except of course primitive Arabs who lived in the sweltering heat of the desert.
Islam is famous for having an extensive list of things which are forbidden under the religion (Haram) . There are customs like drinking alcohol, gambling, wearing gold and women being able to dress freely, and beautifying one's appearance which was and is part of most cultures including Pre-Islamic Arabia that were subsequently banned under Islam. I believe the reason religions like Islam ban trivial, inconsequential thing like beautifying one’s appearance is because if you can force people to give up something so intrinsic to their society and to being human, it is much easier exercise control. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer. Sahih Muslim 2956. The purpose of tedious rules is to make its adherents cement themselves more concretely to the religion. Muslims are being controlled massively by the the commands of a fictional being(Allah) and unfortunately do not seem to understand that. There is no other reason. The rules do not benefit you but the business. Every time you follow these rules with no evidence they came from a divine being, you are paying another subscription fee until you decide you are being used and drained to the religions benefit, not yours. Muslims are obligated to follow the Quran and it's rules as it is supposedly the word of God- 4:59- "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority and if there is deviation amongst yourselves, refer back to Allah, His Messenger (and Quran ), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination."
The fascination with wine in the Islamic heaven indicates that the Arabic authoauthors were into alcohol all along. Allah is clearly a confused man who doesn't even understand and abide by his own words as he says in 5:90 that alcohol consumption is the work of Satan but then promises alcohol in heaven for righteous Muslims. 5:90- "O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful." It seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.Here are Quranic verses on Alcohol in Paradise:76:5 - "Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur."76:17 - “And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger. “47:15 - “The description of Paradise is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure)....”
The Quran forbids men and women especially women from beautifying themselves, tells men to lower their gaze, tells men and women to be modest in dress and behaviour, and discourages the provocative sexual display of their bodies and and discourages hyper-sexuality however extensively discusses sex and the beauty of the women in heaven. Yet again, it seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.
24:31 - “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.”
Here are Quranic Verses regarding the beauty of the women in Paradise:
2:25- “...they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever.” This means God will provide pure women for men to have sex with in Paradise.55: 70-“Therein (In Paradise) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful.”37:48- -“And with them (believing men) will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes.” 37:49. “(Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved.”2:25- "Virgins await those who enter paradise."
78:31-34 - “Verily for the Righteous(men) there will be the fulfilment of (the heart´s) desires; Gardens and vineyards, And a cup(of wine) overflowing; And women of equal age with big and firm breasts”
Quran 55:54-56 - “They(righteous men) will recline on Carpets...In them will be houris(virgins) restraining their glances, and no man or Jinn has ever opened their hymen with sexual intercourse, which of your Lord’s blessings would you deny?
The obsession and fascination with women's beauty and sex in the Islamic Paradise and lack of regard for female sexuality with no Quranic verses appealing to a Woman’s desire for sexual gratification clearly illustrates this was made up by sexually aroused Arabian Men who were implementing their sexual fantasies into their ideal paradise. It is oddly suspicious that there are no Islamic verses describing the handsome men in Paradise for women. The misogynistic objectification of women by portraying them as commodities and treating them like prizes to be won if One is faithful to Allah is typical of the ideals of the time, where women in most civilisations were treated as second class class citizens and had limited rights compared to men.
Bonus Quranic verses on women in Islam:
4:34- "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion from, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great." This verse means men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Women must obey men, and if they refuse they must be punished. Refuse to have sex with them and beat them into submission.
2:223- "Men,your women are soil for you (to cultivate/farm) so go to your soil as you please, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad)." In the mind of Allah, women are like a dirty field for men to put their penises through. Plough them whenever you like (as long as they're not menstruating, of course.)
4:24- "Also forbidden for men to marry are women already married, except those whom your right hands possess(captive women aka sex slaves)." This verse means Allah permits men having sex slaves.
Islam has stressed the holiness of the date and the date palm more than any other religion. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad said that Ajwah dates—grown in the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia—are from paradise. The date palm, mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Quran 22 times is a symbol often associated with Muslims. Muhammad argued that seven dates in the morning protected one from poison and witchcraft. The Quran states that Mary was advised to eat dates while in labour with Jesus, to ease childbirth and strengthen the body. The Prophet was once reported to have said, “People in a house without dates are in a state of hunger.”
Some of the many Islamic verses on date-palms:The Hadith - Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 3464 states: “ The prophet says: whoever says: Glory is to Allah the Magnificent, and with His Praise, a date-palm tree is planted for him in Paradise.”36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.”55:11 - ”Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates)."(This verse means thankfully Allah has provided humans with date-palms on Earth)17:91- "Or you have a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst abundantly."55:68- "In them (both) will be fruits, and date-palms and pomegranates."80:29- "And olives and date palms"54:20- "Plucking out men as if they were uprooted stems of date-palms."(Allah bragging about the punishment and torment he inflicted on innocent disbelievers using a strong wind)
It seems very convenient and oddly suspicious that God has created a special status for date-palms in his religion and talks about dates an awful lot, given the fact dates are a staple food in Saudi Arabia (It’s eaten regularly and mass produced in the Arabic World). It is very easy for a culture that loves and places great value on dates to then say that God also gives dates a special status. Why the creator of the universe would have a liking to the common fruit in the Middle East over all the thousands of fruits that exist is unclear. It would be suspicious if the God of a religion of Japanese origin claimed Sushi is a holy,special food and described how much sushi there would be in heaven e.g "For those that believe, there will be plates of sushi for them in Paradise."
The Quran offers no explanation as to why pork is impure is it states in 6:145 when God says, in reference to the flesh of swine (pig), “for that surely it is impure.” Arabs generally didn’t eat pork and thought it was an unclean animal before Islam came so it was very convenient that Allah said Muslims shouldn’t eat pork as it was unclean and impure. This highlights how the Arabs were scientifically illiterate and didn't know proper cooking kills pathogens. Why would the creator of the universe view some foods the mere humans he created eat as disgusting but others perfectly fine for them to eat. This seems like a human trait that is usually dependent on One's culture. For example, a person from the USA may view eating snails and horse meat as disgusting whilst a person from France may view this as perfectly normal.

SPREAD OF ISLAMIslam was spread by Arab Conquest & War and Arab traders. The most Islamic regions of the world are in the Middle East/Arabic countries. Doesn't Allah know his "beautiful words of wisdom" for mankind would be spread through violent ways and evil dictators who forced it upon lands they conquered. Allah is All-Knowing, Benevolent and All-Powerful therefore he could have stopped these from happening or created a better way for his doctrine to spread through Mankind. Quran 2:256 states: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path." and 15:9 states: "Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption.)" This verse clearly means the All-Powerful Allah and his Angels dramatically failed on their promise to protect the Quran from corruption and misuse as we know how much evil that has been committed in the name of the Quran throughout history especially given the infamous rise of Radical Islamic Terrorism over the last few decades. 99% of all terrorist attacks that occurred throughout the world from 2010-2020 were Islam related. This disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-MUHAYMIN(The Preserver of Safety,) AR-RASHEED(The Guide, Infallible Teacher,) AL-HAQQ(The Absolute Truth,) AL-AZIZ(All Powerful,) AL-MUHAYMIN AL-‘ALEEM(The All-Knowing.) Doesn't Allah realise that by revealing his doctrine exclusively to Arabs, he engineered the cultural isolation of the rest of the world from his doctrine, he engineered the circumstances of Unbelievers' disbelief that live in the far corners of the world like South America,New Zealand and the Pacific/Remote Islands of the world therefore he created a punishment (Hell) for a situation he knowingly created. It is very suspicious that Allah is Arabic-speaking, Arab-centric, yet will punish non Arabs millenniums later for not believing the message they received through a game of telephone.

The Quran also arrogantly claims that key figures: Jesus(Isa), Abraham(Ibrahim), Noah(Nuh), David(Dawud), Ishmael(Ismail), Isaac(Ishaq), Joseph(Yusuf), Ezekiel(Dhulkifl), Moses(Musa), Solomon(Sulayman) ,Jacob(Yaqub) in the centuries old religions of Judaism and Christianity were actually Muslim and Islamic Prophets and gave them Arabic names instead of their Aramaic and Hebrew names. ARABIC NAMES ARE BRACKETED.

FASTING“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Quran: 21:85)Fasting in Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and must be performed if One is fit,healthy, not pregnant,not ill and not menstruating. Islam requires fasting from dawn till dusk in the holy month of Ramadan which is approximately 12 hours in Saudi Arabia. If the authoauthors were in Northern Europe where dawn till dusk can last up to 22-23 hours in the summer months, leaving a 1-2 hour window to eat a day for a whole month, they probably wouldn’t have made this difficult, extremely unhealthy and dangerous task a requirement. The author is also clearly unaware that there are parts of Northern Europe near the North Pole where the sun never sets in the summer months. This phenomenon is colloquially known as the Midnight Sun. For example Svalbard, Norway is known for having a Midnight Sun. In Svalbard, Norway there is no sunset from April to August and no sunlight from November to January. Islam was born 1400 years ago so how would people living in these parts of the world be able before the invention of mechanical clocks 600 years ago is unclear. The Quran makes no provisions for Muslims living in these areas, the Quran states in 6:38- " We did not leave ANYTHING out of this book," this is weird given the fact the Quran is meant to be the perfect,final word from the All-Knowing All-Powerful God who knows about the existence of the midnight sun.

The only animals and plants mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The only cities, nations and continents mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East area. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The people mentioned in the Quran all lived in the Middle East area.The Quran doesn’t mention people living in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
The Quran never mentions smoking even though it was popular and existed in the Americas long before the 7th century when the Quran was written.
All the miracles in the Quran occurred in Saudi Arabia and nowhere else in the world. No miracles from Allah. No miracles in the Quran in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
ISLAM'S OBSESSION WITH ARABIC AND ARABIAN CULTUREReligions are fabricated by humans, consequently, they are tied and intrinsic to the particular culture it originated from and Islam is no exception. Religious and Non-Religious people agree that 99.99%+ of religions are fabricated by humans as there are thousands of religions that make incompatible claims,each claiming to be sourced from a divine being. Islam is obsessed with Arabic and Arabic culture, every page you turn to you see a reference to Arabic culture, this isn't the case for Christianity. The Majority of people don't think of Israel, Hebrew and Israeli culture when they think of Christianity. Like I said, the more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. A religion that professes its universality and its suitability for all mankind, 81:27 "Verily, this (the Quran) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns)," seems rather centred around a specific group of people (Arabs).
All evidence points to the fact Islam and the Quran was a completely made up by Arabic People and/or Muhammad who had no contact with a Deity and other cultures beside Arabic culture adding to the fact it is filled with hundred of contradictions, inconsistencies and scientific inaccuracies. The fictional character ,Allah, was clearly obsessed with Arabs and Arabic culture and couldn't go a few pages without a reference to Arabic culture; this guy is meant to be the creator of the universe. Islam appears to be a local Arab folklore to unite nomads under the banner of one God through the violent political campaign of Muhammad. Islam claims to be global but all knowing Allah forget to send prophets outside of Arab world. The evidence of contradictions, both big and small serves as clear evidence of human tampering. If the Quran came from Muhammad it was nothing more than fabrication from a power hungry megalomaniac, with his claims of divine inspiration being nothing more than an attempt to conquer Arabia and Islam being nothing more than just another false desert cult to emerge from a sea of desert cults.
submitted by A_I-G to exmuslim [link] [comments]

No premarital sex has led to a big problems in my muslim majority country..

Edit : My main point is that I think the poeple should have the freedom to chose having sex before marriage or not and not the goverment
There are many horny men who cat call anything that moves even women who wear the full muslim hijab even then cops do this all the time . Sexual opression is everywhere. not saying premarital sex will solve but I believe sexual oppression makes it worse.
Poeple get married only for sex in my country which leads to them to have kids even tho they are extremly unfit to be parents which leads to them having unstable kids who also get married just to have sex and the cicle continues . Also speaking of marriage marital rape isnt a crime in my country but being gay is which crazy . This is justified by the fact that a woman has to obey her husband and he can actually hit her if she doesnt listen to him . So I live in a country were getting caught with some weed or being gay can ruin your life but raping and hitting your wife when she disobeys is completely fine his wife could be a minor since that is legal aswell so raping your underage wife and hitting her is tottally hallal apparently but noooo concencual sex before marriage that is the worst thing ever.
Getting married isnt as easy as it used to be it is really expensive to get an apartment even in my shitty contry and the job openings arent many . Also isnt a prearranged marriage just a gamble and a gamble with a very slim chance of giving back an actual healthy couple ? Most people lie during the muslim engnagment thing .Basicly the muslim man goes with her parents to the girls house discuss terms and boom they agree on a weeding day and its done as if its a buisness deal or a job interview and just like job interviews alot off poeple lie wich mainly why my parents cant agree or anything .
Divorce is hallal but taboo . Alot of muslim scholars say that the woman needs a vliable reason and a judge needs to agree with her to grant her the divorce while the man can divorce her for making his food wrong. This puts alot of pressure especially on women and abuse victims as it is hard for them to get out of their miserable marriage because their parents stop her from doing so and bringing shame to the family . I know a real story of a woman who begged her parents to let her come back home and divorce her monster of a husband who used to beat her for pleasure and threatened to kill her but they said "just be patient u need a man to look out for you and dont bring shame on us " well spoiler aler he slaughtered her with a knife and the kids woke up to find their mother dead in a pool of blood .
The men that get married just to have sex have no alternative. Well unless you count sex slaves since that is hallal ( some say its only hallal if they are war captives which is just so preogressive ! ) . I dont see how this system works better then them just fucking to get it out their system isntead of getting married just to get divorced or just to be bad parents . Sex can be practiced safely these days so I dont see the physical benifit to having sex only after marriage , in islam everything is supposed to have a clear jusification for being hallal or haram. Alot of hotels dont allow in unmmaried couples unless they have a foreign nationality so all poeple from here are muslims by default or something? This only leeds to them to have sex in forests and shady places which isnt safe and it can cause even bigger problems then private sex. This is the reality I live and its not that easy to leave either...
submitted by idriswinchester to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

Islam appears as if it ways made up by Primitive, medieval Arabs who didn't know anything about the world outside from their local area nor had interactions with a divine being.

ISLAM- The belief that an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God decided to reveal his doctrine for mankind, to a 7th century illiterate Arab slave trader(slave and sex slave owner who had regular sex with his 9 year old wife) ,in a cave where no one else was there to verify, through Angel Gabriel over 23 years rather than just beaming it into his brain.
Islam is an extremely Arab-centric religion, it seems as if it was completely made up by an Arabic person/people. The more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. This is what I will be discussing.

The holy site for pilgrimage is very conveniently located in their backyard (Saudi Arabia.) This would be like a religion of Japanese origin claiming the holy site for pilgrimage is in Tokyo. Muslims have to pray towards the Kaaba which is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Pre-Islamic Arabia was extremely underdeveloped and primitive. Literature wasn’t important and credible texts were rare so sometimes historians have to go with the biased Islamic perspective. According to the Abrahamic religions(Islam included), Abraham lived at around 2100-2200BC which is thousands of years before Islam was born in the 7th century. Islamic sources claim Abraham built the Kaaba for Islamic practises and it was his most important accomplishment. However the Bible never mentions the Kaaba and some Muslims claim Allah is the same God of the bible. Strangely the Kaaba was never mentioned in Judaism and Christianity. Only Islamic sources claim Christians and Jews also respected the Kaaba religiously. It was difficult to unify the many sects of Judaism and Christians on many things but not one sect of either religion mentioned the Kaaba. This suggests this idea was entirely fabricated. Islamic sources claim that the Kaaba in Mecca was a well known, important trade centre. Most Historians agree this is false as there was no mention of the Kaaba by the powerful Roman Empire, and the neighbouring Persian Empire and neighbouring Northern African Rulers until the birth of Islam . All historical evidence indicates the Quran was built by Arab Pagans a few centuries before Muhammad, not Abraham, yet again another false Islamic claim made by early Muslim Arabs or Muhammad.
The Zamzam Well is a well located in Mecca, Saudi East of the Kaaba the holiest place in Islam. According to Islam, it is a miraculously generated source of water from God, which sprang spontaneously thousands of years ago when Ibrahim (Abraham's) son Ismael (Ishmael) was left with his mother Hajar (Hagar) in the desert, thirsty and crying. Ibrahim made a request to Allah- 14:37: "{O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable valley by Your Sacred House (the Ka'bah at Makkah) in order, O our Lord, that they may perform Salah (prayer). So fill some hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits so that they may give thanks.}" Muslims believe Zamzam was the first among many fruits provided to Ibrahim by Allah. provided to Ismail and Hajar were in the desert. Very conveniently the Holy Water in Islam is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The water is so holy it is taught to heal diseases and sickness; there is no scientific evidence to support this. This appears to be a knock-off version of a biblical story (one of the many in Islam) where Abraham’s concubine and his son Ishmael were left in the desert of Paran in Palestine. The Hadith Sahih Muslim 31:6046 says that ZamZam water is special, can quench hunger,feed you and make you gain weight;there is of course no scientific evidence to support these claims. Islam makes it appear as if it is a miracle that there is water well in the desert which is expected coming from primitive Arab desert dwellers with little scientific knowledge. Water is underground in most deserts because as rainwater falls, it is absorbed underground and flows through the underground including under a desert.

Allah stated His holy book must be written, memorised and taught in Arabic(conveniently Muhammad's language) to Prophet Muhammad even though there are thousands of other languages in the world. Vulgar Latin or Middle Chinese were the most spoken language in the world in the 7th century when the Quran was revealed,English and Mandarin are the most spoken languages in the 21st century. Only 5% of the world's population today speak Arabic (Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world) so it is illogical, confusing and absurd why God wanted "the most important words for mankind" to be specifically delivered in Arabic. If Allah had revealed his doctrine to all cultures and corners of the world, there would be an independently verifiable method to confirm that every language in the world received the same message from the same God. This would be very powerful evidence in favour of Islam. It is a shame he decided against this:
Quranic Verses on Importance of Arabic:
41:3- "A Scripture whereof the verses are in detail, a Lecture in Arabic for people who have knowledge"
7:1: "Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet and in this sequence only Allah knows their meaning here;this is one of Allah's many miracles)."
12:2: "We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so you people may understand/use reason"
14:44: "We have not sent any Messenger except with the language of his people (Arabic) so he can make things clear to them. Allah misguides anyone He wills and guides anyone He wills. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise."
42:7: "So We have revealed an Arabic Quran to you, in order that you may warn the mother of cities(Mecca) and all who live nearby..."
44:58: "We have made the Quran easy in your language (Arabic) so that they might be reminded."
26:198 - "And if We had revealed it (this Qur'an) unto any of the non-Arabs" - 26:199. "And had Muhammad recited the Quran unto them, they would not have believed in it "
41:44: "If We had made it a foreign Quran, they would have said, ‘If only its verses were clear! What? Foreign speech to an Arab?’ Say, ‘It is guidance and healing for those who have faith, but the ears of the disbelievers are heavy, they are blind to it, it is as if they are being called from a distant place." - Could Allah's book not also be unclear to Non-Arabic speakers which was the vast majority of the world in the 7th century and the 21st century?
Why the Almighty God would have a preference for one language over the thousands of others is unclear. Muslims believe Arabic has a special status in Islam. It is compulsory to learn Arabic to be a Muslim and perform activities like the 5 daily prayers, recite the Shahadah and read the Quran. Millions of Muslims around the world memorise the Quran and verses for prayer which are entirely in Arabic whilst not knowing the meaning of what they are saying when they pray everyday and read the Quran. It is estimated up to 10 million Muslims around the world (the majority not Arabic speaking in countries like Nigeria, Indonesia and Pakistan) have memorised the whole Quran. Most of them barely understand a word of what they have memorised It seems likely an All-Wise, All-Powerful God would be able to come up with a better way for people to show devotion to Him than reciting words in a foreign language they don’t know. God’s chosen messenger was an Arabic Person. Islam is filled with Key Arabic terms like Hajj, Shahadah, Taqwa, Taraweeh, Ramadan, Zakat and encourages Arabic customs like keeping a beard, eating dates and women covering their hair.

54:1 The Quran states: "The Hour draws near; the moon is split in two". And if they see a miracle they turn away and say 54:2 "Passing Magic," Sahih Bukhari 4:56:81 Narrated Anas states : \"*That the Meccan people requested Allah's Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon."*The Quran and Hadith claim that the people of Mecca,Saudi Arabia asked Muhammad to prove that he had divine powers so he miraculously split the moon into two pieces and then, presumably, put it back together again. There is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever that the moon has ever been split into two. Since the moon is visible to half the planet at any given time, we should expect to see numerous accounts from different parts of the world attesting to this event if it actually happened. The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Chinese and Indians had avid astronomers who should have seen this event and recorded it in their histories. The absence of historical record from other civilisations, contemporary to Muhammad, is a strong indication that this event never happened. Yet again another Islamic lie. The Quran states in 4:82 "Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found some contradictions." The Quran appears to tell us it certainly didn't come from God as we have clearly found a contradiction in the book between what it says and what actually happens/happened in reality as the moon never split. The Quran also says in 2:256 "Whoever believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold(The Quran) that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." Clearly the Quran is broken and is not trustworthy as it has lied to us and tried to deceive us about Science. The lie of the splitting of the moon disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-HAQQ(The Absolute-Truth,) AR-RASHEED(The Infallible Teacher,) AL-ALEEM (The All-Knowing,) AR-RAQEEB(The Watchful One,) AL-HAKEEM(The All-Wise,) ASH-SHAHEED(The All Observing Witnessing, AL-MAJEED(The Glorious-Most Honourable,) AL-HAMEED(The Praiseworthy,)DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM(Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity.)

The invention of an afterlife by religions such as Islam is to serve our primitive desires to stay alive and is a result of the fear of One's mortality. The invention of an afterlife is also means to satisfy our primal desires to feel pleasure and Islam provides this as it sates in 41:31- "You will have therein(Paradise) whatever yourselves desire, whatever you want." The sole purpose of a Muslim's life is to enter Paradise and according to 29:64- " This life is nothing but diversion and play (to distract you from the ultimate goal of paradise)" The way heaven is described in a religion is usually reflective of the culture the religion originated from; this is expected as religions are fabricated by humans not sourced from divine beings.
The Islamic Paradise (Jannah) is described in the Quran and in Hadiths as a place with lots of magnificent gardens, nice greenery and weirdly obsesses on how there are many rivers and sources of water in Paradise. Here are some verses on the Islamic Paradise:
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.
3:193 - “But as to those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow....”
16:31 - “The gardens of perpetuity, they shall enter them, rivers flowing beneath them; they shall have in them what they please...”
47:15 - "The description of Paradise which the righteous have been promised is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed..."
5:119- "...There are gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal Home. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they with Allah. That is the great salvation."
9:72- "Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss."
61:12 - “These it is (Paradise) for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow,”
54:54 - "Verily, The Righteous, will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers in Paradise."
18: 33. "Each of those two gardens brought forth its produce, and failed not in the least therein, and We caused a river to gush forth in the midst of them."
The fascination with gardens and water appears to be a reasonable depiction of heaven coming from primitive desert dwellers who didn’t have much access to greenery and vast areas of water. Most people don't think of water when they think of a heaven except of course primitive Arabs who lived in the sweltering heat of the desert.
Islam is famous for having an extensive list of things which are forbidden under the religion (Haram) . There are customs like drinking alcohol, gambling, wearing gold and women being able to dress freely, and beautifying one's appearance which was and is part of most cultures including Pre-Islamic Arabia that were subsequently banned under Islam. I believe the reason religions like Islam ban trivial, inconsequential thing like beautifying one’s appearance is because if you can force people to give up something so intrinsic to their society and to being human, it is much easier exercise control. Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer. Sahih Muslim 2956. The purpose of tedious rules is to make its adherents cement themselves more concretely to the religion. Muslims are being controlled massively by the the commands of a fictional being(Allah) and unfortunately do not seem to understand that. There is no other reason. The rules do not benefit you but the business. Every time you follow these rules with no evidence they came from a divine being, you are paying another subscription fee until you decide you are being used and drained to the religions benefit, not yours. Muslims are obligated to follow the Quran and it's rules as it is supposedly the word of God- 4:59- "O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority and if there is deviation amongst yourselves, refer back to Allah, His Messenger (and Quran ), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination."
The fascination with wine in the Islamic heaven indicates that the Arabic authoauthors were into alcohol all along. Allah is clearly a confused man who doesn't even understand and abide by his own words as he says in 5:90 that alcohol consumption is the work of Satan but then promises alcohol in heaven for righteous Muslims. 5:90- "O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-Ansab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaitan's (Satan) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful." It seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.Here are Quranic verses on Alcohol in Paradise:
76:5 - "Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur."
76:17 - “And they will be given to drink a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of ginger. “
47:15 - “The description of Paradise is that in it are rivers of water the taste and smell of which are not changed; rivers of milk of which the taste never changes; rivers of wine delicious to those who drink; and rivers of clarified honey (clear and pure)....”
The Quran forbids men and women especially women from beautifying themselves, tells men to lower their gaze, tells men and women to be modest in dress and behaviour, and discourages the provocative sexual display of their bodies and and discourages hyper-sexuality however extensively discusses sex and the beauty of the women in heaven. Yet again, it seems weird to condone something in Heaven that you said is bad to do on Earth.
24:31 - “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.”
Here are Quranic Verses regarding the beauty of the women in Paradise:
2:25- “...they shall have therein Azwajun Mutahharatun (purified mates or wives), (having no menses, stools, urine, etc.) and they will abide therein forever.” This means God will provide pure women for men to have sex with in Paradise.
55: 70-“Therein (In Paradise) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful.”
37:48- -“And with them (believing men) will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes.” 37:49. “(Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved.”
2:25- "Virgins await those who enter paradise."
The obsession and fascination with women's beauty and sex in the Islamic Paradise and lack of regard for female sexuality with no Quranic verses appealing to a Woman’s desire for sexual gratification clearly illustrates this was made up by sexually aroused Arabian Men who were implementing their sexual fantasies into their ideal paradise. It is oddly suspicious that there are no Islamic verses describing the handsome men in Paradise for women. The misogynistic objectification of women by portraying them as commodities and treating them like prizes to be won if One is faithful to Allah is typical of the ideals of the time, where women in most civilisations were treated as second class class citizens and had limited rights compared to men.
Bonus Quranic verses on women in Islam:
4:34- "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom you fear rebellion from, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great." This verse means men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be better than women. Women must obey men, and if they refuse they must be punished. Refuse to have sex with them and beat them into submission.
2:223- "Men,your women are soil for you (to cultivate/farm) so go to your soil as you please, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad)." In the mind of Allah, women are like a dirty field for men to put their penises through. Plough them whenever you like (as long as they're not menstruating, of course.)
4:24- "Also forbidden for men to marry are women already married, except those whom your right hands possess(captive women aka sex slaves)." This verse means Allah permits men having sex slaves.
Islam has stressed the holiness of the date and the date palm more than any other religion. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad said that Ajwah dates—grown in the Madinah region of Saudi Arabia—are from paradise. The date palm, mentioned more than any other fruit-bearing plant in the Quran 22 times is a symbol often associated with Muslims. Muhammad argued that seven dates in the morning protected one from poison and witchcraft. The Quran states that Mary was advised to eat dates while in labour with Jesus, to ease childbirth and strengthen the body. The Prophet was once reported to have said, “People in a house without dates are in a state of hunger.”
Some of the many Islamic verses on date-palms:
The Hadith - Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 3464 states: “ The prophet says: whoever says: Glory is to Allah the Magnificent, and with His Praise, a date-palm tree is planted for him in Paradise.”
36:34 - “And We have made (In Paradise) therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.”
55:11 - ”Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates)."(This verse means thankfully Allah has provided humans with date-palms on Earth)
17:91- "Or you have a garden of date-palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst abundantly."
55:68- "In them (both) will be fruits, and date-palms and pomegranates."
80:29- "And olives and date palms"
54:20- "Plucking out men as if they were uprooted stems of date-palms."(Allah bragging about the punishment and torment he inflicted on innocent disbelievers using a strong wind)
It seems very convenient and oddly suspicious that God has created a special status for date-palms in his religion and talks about dates an awful lot, given the fact dates are a staple food in Saudi Arabia (It’s eaten regularly and mass produced in the Arabic World). It is very easy for a culture that loves and places great value on dates to then say that God also gives dates a special status. Why the creator of the universe would have a liking to the common fruit in the Middle East over all the thousands of fruits that exist is unclear. It would be suspicious if the God of a religion of Japanese origin claimed Sushi is a holy,special food and described how much sushi there would be in heaven e.g "For those that believe, there will be plates of sushi for them in Paradise."

The Quran offers no explanation as to why pork is impure is it states in 6:145 when God says, in reference to the flesh of swine (pig), “for that surely it is impure.” Arabs generally didn’t eat pork and thought it was an unclean animal before Islam came so it was very convenient that Allah said Muslims shouldn’t eat pork as it was unclean and impure. This highlights how the Arabs were scientifically illiterate and didn't know proper cooking kills pathogens. Why would the creator of the universe view some foods the mere humans he created eat as disgusting but others perfectly fine for them to eat. This seems like a human trait that is usually dependent on One's culture. For example, a person from the USA may view eating snails and horse meat as disgusting whilst a person from France may view this as perfectly normal.

Islam was spread by Arab Conquest & War and Arab traders. The most Islamic regions of the world are in the Middle East/Arabic countries. Doesn't Allah know his "beautiful words of wisdom" for mankind would be spread through violent ways and evil dictators who forced it upon lands they conquered. Allah is All-Knowing, Benevolent and All-Powerful therefore he could have stopped these from happening or created a better way for his doctrine to spread through Mankind. Quran 2:256 states: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path." and 15:9 states: "Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption.)" This verse clearly means the All-Powerful Allah and his Angels dramatically failed on their promise to protect the Quran from corruption and misuse as we know how much evil that has been committed in the name of the Quran throughout history especially given the infamous rise of Radical Islamic Terrorism over the last few decades. 99% of all terrorist attacks that occurred throughout the world from 2010-2020 were Islam related. This disproves many of Allah's 99 names such as AL-MUHAYMIN(The Preserver of Safety,) AR-RASHEED(The Guide, Infallible Teacher,) AL-HAQQ(The Absolute Truth,) AL-AZIZ(All Powerful,) AL-MUHAYMIN AL-‘ALEEM(The All-Knowing.) Doesn't Allah realise that by revealing his doctrine exclusively to Arabs, he engineered the cultural isolation of the rest of the world from his doctrine, he engineered the circumstances of Unbelievers' disbelief that live in the far corners of the world like South America,New Zealand and the Pacific/Remote Islands of the world therefore he created a punishment (Hell) for a situation he knowingly created. It is very suspicious that Allah is Arabic-speaking, Arab-centric, yet will punish non Arabs millenniums later for not believing the message they received through a game of telephone.
The Quran also arrogantly claims that key figures: Jesus(Isa), Abraham(Ibrahim), Noah(Nuh), David(Dawud), Ishmael(Ismail), Isaac(Ishaq), Joseph(Yusuf), Ezekiel(Dhulkifl), Moses(Musa), Solomon(Sulayman) ,Jacob(Yaqub) in the centuries old religions of Judaism and Christianity were actually Muslim and Islamic Prophets and gave them Arabic names. ARABIC NAMES ARE BRACKETED.

“The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” (Quran: 21:85)
Fasting in Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and must be performed if One is fit,healthy, not pregnant,not ill and not menstruating. Islam requires fasting from dawn till dusk in the holy month of Ramadan which is approximately 12 hours in Saudi Arabia. If the authoauthors were in Northern Europe where dawn till dusk can last up to 22-23 hours in the summer months, leaving a 1-2 hour window to eat a day for a whole month, they probably wouldn’t have made this difficult, extremely unhealthy and dangerous task a requirement. The author is also clearly unaware that there are parts of Northern Europe near the North Pole where the sun never sets in the summer months. This phenomenon is colloquially known as the Midnight Sun. For example Svalbard, Norway is known for having a Midnight Sun. In Svalbard, Norway there is no sunset from April to August and no sunlight from November to January. Islam was born 1400 years ago so how would people living in these parts of the world be able before the invention of mechanical clocks 600 years ago is unclear. The Quran makes no provisions for Muslims living in these areas, the Quran states in 6:38- " We did not leave ANYTHING out of this book," this is weird given the fact the Quran is meant to be the perfect,final word from the All-Knowing All-Powerful God who knows about the existence of the midnight sun.

The only animals and plants mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The only cities, nations and continents mentioned in the Quran are the ones found in the Middle East area. Never ones specifically in Australia, Europe, Antarctica North America or South America.
The people mentioned in the Quran all lived in the Middle East area.The Quran doesn’t mention people living in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.
The Quran never mentions smoking even though it was popular and existed in the Americas long before the 7th century when the Quran was written.
All the miracles in the Quran occurred in Saudi Arabia and nowhere else in the world. No miracles from Allah. No miracles in the Quran in Australia, Europe, Antarctica, North America or South America.

Religions are fabricated by humans, consequently, they are tied and intrinsic to the particular culture it originated from and Islam is no exception. Religious and Non-Religious people agree that 99.99%+ of religions are fabricated by humans as there are thousands of religions that make incompatible claims,each claiming to be sourced from a divine being. Islam is obsessed with Arabic and Arabic culture, every page you turn to you see a reference to Arabic culture, this isn't the case for Christianity. The Majority of people don't think of Israel, Hebrew and Israeli culture when they think of Christianity. Like I said, the more a religion is tied to the culture of whatever society created it, the less likely it is to be legitimate. An omnipresent All-Knowing God wouldn’t care where on earth the primates he gave sentience to come from. A religion that professes its universality and its suitability for all mankind, 81:27 "Verily, this (the Quran) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns)," seems rather centred around a specific group of people (Arabs).

All evidence points to the fact Islam and the Quran was a completely made up by Arabic People and/or Muhammad who had no contact with a Deity and other cultures beside Arabic culture adding to the fact it is filled with hundred of contradictions, inconsistencies and scientific inaccuracies. The fictional character ,Allah, was clearly obsessed with Arabs and Arabic culture and couldn't go a few pages without a reference to Arabic culture; this guy is meant to be the creator of the universe. Islam appears to be a local Arab folklore to unite nomads under the banner of one God through the violent political campaign of Muhammad. Islam claims to be global but all knowing Allah forget to send prophets outside of Arab world. The evidence of contradictions, both big and small serves as clear evidence of human tampering. If the Quran came from Muhammad it was nothing more than fabrication from a power hungry megalomaniac, with his claims of divine inspiration being nothing more than an attempt to conquer Arabia and Islam being nothing more than just another false desert cult to emerge from a sea of desert cults.
PS: I am Ex-Muslim
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Which investments are halal?

With all the hype around the GameStop situation and with more people getting into investing, I thought it would be worth sharing my notes on the permissibility of different investments.
Everything in quotation marks is from Ayatollah Sistani via his website. Quotes from other scholars are from
"It is befitting for a trader to learn the laws (aḥkām) of buying and selling concerning issues that he commonly encounters. In fact, if he would be at risk of committing an unlawful (ḥarām) act or abandoning an obligatory (wājib) act as a result of not learning the laws, then it would be necessary [not just befitting] for him to learn them. It is reported that His Eminence Imam al-Ṣādiq (ʿA) said: ‘One who wishes to engage in buying and selling must learn its laws; if he were to buy and sell before learning its laws, he would fall into ruin by means of invalid (bāṭil) and dubious transactions (muʿāmalāt).’"
"As a principle, it is permissible for a Muslim to engage, as an employee of a non-Muslim in various vital activities of life and in different kinds of [company], of general benefit so that he may be of use to himself and humanity. This permission is conditional to the fact that such work is not forbidden by the laws of Islam and that it does not lead to harming the interest of Muslims or serve the interest and schemes of the enemies of Islam and Muslims."
Stocks and Mutual Funds:
Government bonds:
submitted by msd313 to shia [link] [comments]

I made a riba free bank account!!

Here's my last post:
It was a while ago. I'm in college now and it's time to get a bank account, but I was really worried because everything to do with finances is tied to riba in the western world. I heard so many hadiths about how evil riba is, I wanted nothing to do with it. Everytime my dad reminded me that it was about time to set a bank account up, I pushed back and procrastinated it. I couldn't handle the pressure of being responsible for staying away from such a sin.
People left and right tried to convince me that getting a credit card without paying the interest fees was okay. It's a necessity, we live in the west, you gotta build your credit score. But having riba in the contract? Even if I wasn't paying it, I couldn't live with it.
I found a Muslim-owned bank. Not only was it riba free, it pledged not to do any dealings with businesses that involved alcohol or gambling. It's 35 minutes away from my house, and a difficult drive, but I had to make an account with this bank. My dad said it would be far more convenient to set up a bank account with the bank right by our house, but this isn't about convenience. I know Allah will reward me for difficulties I push through for His sake. This must've touched my dad, because he drove with me all the way to set up that bank account and told me how proud of me he was.
The funny thing is, even the teller at this Muslim owned bank told me a credit card with another bank would be better for me, and that so long as I make my payments on time I won't be paying riba. Can you believe it? The Muslim bank I turned to specifically for a riba free card told me it was better to turn to a contract filled with haram terms and conditions? SubhanAllah. I won't judge though, I'm so grateful they own this branch so I could set up a riba free account.
I'm posting this not to brag, but to encourage everyone to turn to halal. It's not always convenient, but Alhamdulilah it's worth it. I can stand in front of Allah on the Day of Judgment and tell Him that I did everything in my power to avoid riba. That matters way more to me than anything else. I'm also posting this to celebrate a little lol. I've been so stressed about this for half a year and I finally did it the halal way!! I'm so happy :))
submitted by razan523 to islam [link] [comments]

How Practical Is It Avoiding Riba?

I don't know if this is allowed in this subreddit, and I know there are tons of riba posts on here probably, but many of them don't really address some of my more specific issues. I have been wondering how practical it really is to avoid riba in a society in today's world, especially living in the West. I knowe that in the Quran it says that riba is forbidden and that we need to avoid it, but in reality, it's is extremely difficult to avoid riba in today's world. Literally, everything that involves money is interwoven into riba. In order to buy a house, you gotta get a mortgage, in order to buy a car you gotta get a loan, even insurance for cars (not sure about home insurance), but with car insurance, it's considered gambling I think, so that's forbidden in Islam. I also believe that you get charged interest on car insurance if I'm not mistaken.
I've done hours of research on this and a lot of the sheikhs say that it's haram, but they pretty much only say it's haram. Most of them, and most of the other people who I've asked or seen talk about this have always said it's haram but I have yet to hear any practical alternatives (emphasis on PRACTICAL).
So sometimes people will say "Oh, all you have to do is just buy a house with cash. Simple solution!" Okay... the problem with that is most people don't have the cash for just buying a house outright without a mortgage. Which is the whole reason why mortgages were created. "Oh, then you can just rent, brother. Easy solution!"
Well, in most cases you'll probably pay more money over 6 months renting a house than you would in 6 months of paying a mortgage on a house, and you won't even own the house either after it's all said and done. You'll eventually have to move out and it's essentially a huge waste of money that could have gone to something more beneficial for you. And it really just leads back to the original issue: Most people don't have that much money to spend paying rent on a house (or apartment). You'll likely put yourself in a worse financial situation doing that. So that's not practical.
"Oh, well what about Islamic mortgages? They will allow you to get a loan for your house with no interest and it's all halal!"
No, it's not. I've done enough research on these "halal" loans and they're basically still charging "interest" but it's just worded differently and with more flowery language. And they make it sound a little more confusing. Oh, and you end up paying more for the "Islamic" mortgage than you would for a regular mortgage through these Islamic mortgages! So this is also not practical.
There are only two solutions I can see and they're both extremes in one direction or the other:
And don't get me wrong, I see why it's forbidden to deal in Riba, but it just honestly seems like there's no way out. I myself am trying hard to avoid it and it's easier right now considering I'm still living with my parents at 24 but I can't avoid it forever.
submitted by thedarksamurai96 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

Is it haram to leave?

Assalamu alaikum everyone,
I’m not certain if this is the proper place to post this. If it’s not, please kindly let me know so I can delete this off the page. I’m really desperate for any advice or second opinions I can get on this matter. I will of course be taking all advice with a grain of salt, so don’t worry about whether I’ll blindly follow random advice, but I just wanted to share the shame I feel for feeling this way.
I live with a psychologically abusive father (no longer that physically abusive due to me getting older and not feeling pain anymore.) I haven’t been able to connect with him emotionally, although I’ve been trying to for years. I know he loves me, but he’s not rational nor logical, and doesn’t show any affection unless he’d like attention. He gambles, drinks, has caused my mother to go into debt, and swears like a sailor. I’ve been emotionally distressed for several years, but tonight he’s drunk again, and I’ve realized that my mother and I can’t do it anymore. Our lives are all spiraling downwards, and he’s unfortunately the main reason for it.
I have sugarcoated his actions for the sake of my love for him btw. Moving on. We have given him so many chances to fix his bad habits. We forgive him on the VERY rare occasion that he apologizes. We try to be understanding. He has no family in the states, so we’d feel bad if we do end up leaving him. We know that if we leave him, he’ll act unbothered in front of us, but he will surely secretly spiral out of control and into a deeper depression.
I’m not a devout Muslim. I’m figuring my spirituality out because there are beautiful things in both Islam and Catholicism, which is why I’m learning more about both, but I do want to be a good child in the eyes of Allah regardless. I also want to fix my life, and my mother’s life, but because he isn’t on the same page as us, I don’t see an option besides leaving him behind. By leaving him behind, I simply mean leaving home with my mom and starting a new life somewhere, but still keeping in touch with my father. However, keep in mind, he’s very sensitive and has no family, and moving out would be so very offensive and hurtful for him.
I don’t want to hurt my father. After all, he is my father. I just don’t see where to go from here anymore. Would leaving him be haram, as it may cause him pain?
submitted by indiffman to islam [link] [comments]

Marriages feel like a huge gamble.

Are we doing ourselves disservice by not getting to know potentials because it’s haram?
Controversial topic and long post but hear me out…. I am just speaking my mind and not saying I am right or wrong…this is just meant for us to think about how we are approaching marriages and if it is really meant to be this way? I see so many posts where people are struggling after getting married … mostly because I feel they didn’t get to explore certain aspects of their partner’s personality which if they knew clearly would have been a deal breaker. I understand we have to get to know potentials within limit but are we doing ourselves a disservice? So hear me out ... at least this is my experience:
I met this guy on an app. Wonderful guy (at first), funny, we had deep intellectual conversations, good looking, we were on the same page in terms of our life views based on our first few phone calls and the questions we asked. Now I thought, wow I think I found the one! I decided to get to know him further obviously... the more we interacted the more his true personality showed up... he was pretty arrogant and just I noted huge conflict management/communication issues… just a lot of issues that obviously I could not pick up in the first few conversations. He would obviously say that he was so understanding and how communication is crucial but really anytime we had an issue his communication sucked and he undermined the problems I brought up. So.... Actions truly do speak louder than words BUT how can we get to know someone holistically enough that there is enough to look forward to but we are also not gambling with our lives?
My now fiancé … when I first met him, I had a list of questions to ask him because I needed to know if we were on the same page … and he was like I can make up stuff that you’d like to hear or you could just naturally get to know me and find for yourself if I am worth your time. He didn’t claim to be anything, I just got to know him for who he was…. I got to see how he handled conflict, how he handled feedback, was he defensive, does he get angry, does he have mood swings, is he able to offer emotional support to others etc. etc. I got to figure these things out as they happened rather than him saying things about him being a certain way and then practically being completely different. I got to see how he treats his friends… I mean a lot of things are easier said than done so how can we just trust people answering our questions and just seeing if it’s a good fit based on a couple of curated meeting with family around? … and then just halting most communication because its haram…?!
Divorce wasn’t so much of a taboo back in the day… Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) would marry women who had divorced. I guess … if you chose the wrong partner oh well its not the end of the world… but I find it hard now when divorce is so taboo in our culture… its haram to get to know someone deeply and as a result make an informed decision (or at least thats what it feels like to me) and then divorce is strongly shunned in our communities… its really a loose loose.
I don’t mean to challenge the rules set in Islam… That’s not my intention but I am just really struggling with this idea … I guess I am just looking to see what are other people’s thoughts so I can seek some perspective that I may not have already looked at in depth.
submitted by tigetrare8434 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

Major Sins in Islam

I have found a list of major sins in Islam. I wanted to know whether some sins would be added to or subtracted from this list.
  1. Ascribing Associates To Allah, The Most High (Shirk)
    1. Killing A Human Being
    2. Sorcery
    3. Not Performing the Prayer
    4. Not Paying Zakat
    5. Breaking One's Fast During Ramadan Without an Excuse
    6. Not Performing the Hajj When Able to
    7. Showing Disrespect to One's Parents
    8. Severing the Ties of One's Relatives
    9. Adultery
    10. Sodomy
    11. Accepting Usurious Gain
    12. Wrong Consuming an Orphan's Property
    13. Lying About the Prophet
    14. Fleeing From the Battlefield
    15. The Leader Who Misleads His Followers, the Tyrant and the Oppressor
    16. Arrogance, Pride, Conceit, Vanity and Haughtiness
    17. Bearing False Witness
    18. Drinking Alcohol
    19. Gambling (Qimar)
    20. Accusing a Woman of Adultery
    21. Misappropriating Spoils of War, Muslim Funds or Zakat
    22. Theft
    23. Highwaymen Who Menace the Road 25. The Engulfing Oath
    24. Taking People's Property Through Falsehood
    25. Collecting Taxes
    26. The Consumption of Haram
    27. Suicide
    28. Telling Lies
    29. The Dishonest Judge
    30. Bribery
    31. Women Imitating Men and Vice Versa
    32. The Pimp and the One Who Permits His Wife To Fornicate
    33. Marrying Solely to Return to the Previous Husband
    34. Not Freeing Oneself of All Traces of Urine
    35. Showing off in Good Work
    36. Learning Sacred Knowledge for the Sake of this World or Concealing It
    37. Breach of Faith
    38. Reminding Recipients of One's Charity to Them
    39. Disbelieving in Destiny
    40. Listening to the People's Private Conversations
    41. The Talebearer Who Stirs Up Enmity Between People
    42. Cursing Others
    43. Breaking One's Promise or Pledge
    44. Believing Fortunetellers and Astrologers
    45. A Wife's Rebellion Against Her Husband 48. Picture-making
    46. Loudly Lamenting For the Dead or When Afflicted With an Adversity
    47. Excess Against Others
    48. Overburdening and Arrogance Against Others
    49. Hurting One's Neighbor
    50. Hurting or Reviling Muslims
    51. Harming the Servants of Allah
    52. Dragging the Hem of One's Garment Out of Conceit
    53. Men Wearing Silk or Gold
    54. Fleeing of the Slave
    55. Slaughtering in Other Than Allah's Name
    56. Falsely Claiming Someone is One's Father
    57. Arguing, Picking Apart Another's Words, and Quarreling
    58. Withholding Excess Water From Others
    59. Stinting When Weighing or Measuring Out Goods and Similar Merchandise
    60. Feeling Secure From Allah's Devising
    61. Despairing of the Mercy of Allah and Losing of Hope
    62. Forgoing the Congregational Prayer to Pray Alone Without A Legal Excuse
    63. Constantly Missing the Friday and Congregational Prayer Without A Valid Excuse
    64. Bringing Loss to the Bequest
    65. Deception and Evil Schemes
    66. Spying on the Muslims and Revealing Their Weaknesses
    67. Disparaging the Companions of the Prophet
submitted by Mountain_Rifat to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

Haram Shaming: Let's Stop It.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
  1. "She's so haram she doesn't wear hijab"
  2. "He's so haram he gambles!"
  3. "She's so haram look at the way she dresses!"
  4. "He's so haram he drinks alcohol!"
  5. "Look at them, acting all high and mighty and pious when in reality all they do is judge everyone who commits sin, only Allah can judge us, they are so haram!"
Wait, wait, wait- let's slow down for a second. I am sure at least one of these thoughts has crossed a Muslim's mind at one point and maybe some have even said one or more of these things to someone or just something very similar. I'll admit, I have thought all of these things at times when l have come across people sinning as such.
And do you want to know what the funny thing is? See lines 1-4. I thought that way about people who commit such sins at one point when I was younger. Then as I got a little older I realised, that we shouldn't judge people for their sin as we have no idea what struggle they are going through, so when someone judgmental came along with the mentality of the judgement on the lines 1-4, I would then judge the judgmental person with the judgement on line 5 for sinning because they were judging someone else for sinning!
I know right! So hypocritical, I actually find it quite ironic now, because I would get annoyed at someone for acting all self-righteous and pious when they are sinning by judging someone for sinning, yet I was also in a way acting self-righteous and pious with the "only Allah can judge me" attitude and I was judging the person who I was annoyed by for sinning and I was sinning in the exact same way- but I didn't even realise it!😂
No matter how we sin, remember our sin is a struggle which we may or may not realise yet.
So if see or hear a brother or sister drinking alcohol, gambling, not dressing in an Islamic way, or not practicing hijab to what is required by Allah, don't judge them because they are going through a struggle. Because yes they are sinning and no it is not okay in the eyes of Allah, but do you really think looking down on them, judging them, and backbiting will help them improve as Muslims?
I don't think so. I am a sister who doesn't wear hijab and who has worn tight clothes regularly (not super tight like I'd wear a baggy jumper or hoodie and leggings or loose trousers and a tight top) and and every time I got a judgmental opinion about it, it didn't encourage me to change, in fact, the judgement pushed me further away from Islam. And I feel this is the case for a lot of Muslim brothers and sisters who commit sin and they are judged for it.
I do want to wear hijab, I do want to change my wardrobe to more looser clothing and Inshallah I will with time. But I'll tell something it wasn't all these Muslims who judged me for not wearing hijab, judged me for wearing tight clothes. None of that encouraged me to change my ways. What encouraged me to change my ways, was reading the verse in the Qur'an about hijab and modesty, and I read an article on a Muslim website explaining the concept of hijab in depth, and making me understand the concept of hijab, and modesty, and the Islamic dress code. It explained it all very kindly without being derogatory towards women who don't wear hijab, and then I watched this Muslim sister's YouTube video about wearing hijab- and turns out, she who was wearing baggy trousers and a baggy top with hijab went through a very similar struggle to me and she gave me such good advice and after I watched her video, I was no longer stressed out, so may Allah bless that sister :)
Now you have to understand I believed I was dressing modestly because I fit the standards of the society I live in, wearing tight clothes, or dressing how I dress nowadays jumpehoodie and leggings and showing hair is deemed to be modest. So when people told me Islam promotes modesty, I thought I was being modest enough as according to my society I dressed modestly! But I didn't take into account that Islam's standards of modesty, and the society I live in standards of modesty is not the same! And having read that article about hijab, I realised that and understood that and I will wear my loose trousers with my loose tops and perhaps when I have some money buy some more loose trousers because the majority of tops I own are baggy, but I own mostly tight leggings, so I need some more loose trousers. Now I have the intention to change, because I understand Islam better.
My point is if you see a Muslim brother or sister doing something haram, or something which is discouraged or maybe they are not practicing something properly according to the Qur'an or Hadith, don't judge them, don't backbite them, don't call the names, don't belittle them- look at it this way. My Muslim brothesister is going through a struggle with their faith that is why they are sinning. It is my duty as their Muslim brothesister to go over there, perhaps ask them why they are committing sin in a kind manner, listen to them, try to understand them, then explain to them why in Islam it is haram to do so, talk to them, discuss it with them, try to help them overcome their struggle- and even after you have tried everything, but they refuse to listen to you- you cannot force religion upon anyone, because if you do that and make them stop committing sin against their will they don't have the intention to stop committing the sin, they are only stopping because you are making them, and the minute you turn your back they will be sinning so you haven't really fixed anything. In order to stop them from sinning, they have to have the intention to stop.
So if you have tried everything in the kindest way possible to get them to stop, encourage them to have the intention to stop, to make them want to stop- yet they don't want to stop, the best thing you can do is pray that Allah (swt) guides them to the right path.
And let's say a few months down the line, they realise their sin was wrong, they understand their sin and how it was wrong, they want to change, they have the intention to change so they go to you, a Muslim sister or brother for help admitting you were right, do not get cocky with the "Oh now you want my help after rejecting me? I told you so didn't I? But you continued to be haram and now you realise how haram you were you come to me?!" kind of attitude. No, instead remember they are your Muslim brothesister who have finally realised their sin and wants to change but needs help and they came to you because you advised them in the first place, so you should help them with open arms to overcome their struggles and even congratulate them for taking the first steps, realising their sin, and having the intention to change. Do listen to the whispers of the Shaytan and let arrogant pride get in your way.
Judgmental sinners
And as for those Muslims who are judgmental of others who sin, i.e. they have the mentality of lines 1-4, they backbite, they think badly, they judge one for sinning without realising their struggle- I think we should we realise their struggle which they may be blind to.
Chances are, they're probably doing this for the right reasons. They are believers in Islam, and just want their Ummah to practice the halal way, so when they see someone doing something haram it hurts them so much perhaps they let emotions take over and come across as hostile, judgmental and angry when in reality all they are trying to do is give Islamic advice, but going the wrong way about it.
You should help them too, after all they are our brothers and sisters, you shouldn't judge them.
Instead, ask them why are they behaving in such a way, and chances are their answer will be something like: "Because that person is doing something haram and I have to tell them!" then explain to them, by acting judgmental, backbiting about that person, thinking badly of them and/or calling them names isn't helping the person they want to help who is sinning, and in fact, it's making them fall into sin, and this is one of the traps of the Shaytan. We see others sinning, so instead of helping them some of us may backbite, name call, judge them, think badly of them- in reality Allah would want us to help our brothers and sisters overcome their struggles, whereas the Shaytan would want to divide us. Advise them not to fall into Shaytan's trap.
And then explain to them, try a kinder approach try listen to the person they want to stop sinning, discuss why what they are doing is a sin, and try and help them overcome their struggle, encourage the person kindly to stop sinning, and even if they don't listen to you, don't get angry and revert back to the name calling, the backbiting, the judging, and the bad thoughts, because that again is just falling into the trap of the Shaytan, but pray for them to change and later on if they realise their sin and ask for your help to help them overcome their sin and struggle, don't let a arrogant attitude get in the way, again a trap of the Shaytan, help them overcome their struggle.
But even after explaining all this, a Muslim who behaves in a judgmental way, does not listen to you and continues their judging, their backbiting, their bad thoughts, their name-calling, pray for them that they change and realise they too are sinning, and if they later come to you asking for advice, help them.
We are all sinners
There have been ways we have all sinned. We're not angels we will sin, should we be obedient to Allah at all times? Yes. But we're not, we sin, the important thing is one repents for that sin, and intends to not repeat it.
There is this haram shaming, where we see someone doing something haram, we should humiliate them, belittle them, judge them, backbite them, call them names, think badly of them as if we are perfect pious angels- no remember, we are sinners too and doing such things I listed, is just falling into the trap of Shaytan.
Instead of haram shaming, we should help our brothers and sisters who we see committing a sin, guide them away from the sin, congratulate them on the steps they make like realising their sin, intending to change, asking Allah for forgiveness, beginning to change, and finally overcoming their struggle.
It's important to have patience too. Remember Allah created us all uniquely so some may overcome a struggle quicker whereas some may overcome a struggle slower, don't pressure them, encourage them cheer them on to overcome their struggle, let them take their time, don't force them to do anything they don't want to do.
And if they fall back into the sin, don't just drop them like there is no hope for them. We all desire, and sometimes our desires get the better of us, may Allah forgive us, but its true. Instead, encourage them to seek forgiveness from Allah, remind them that Allah always forgives if you seek forgiveness, help them if they need it, and again if for some reason they don't want to listen to you- don't force them to do anything they don't want to do, they have to want to change, have the intention to change to really change. But do try your best to peacefully guide them.
I wrote this because I see quite a bit of haram shaming within our community, and I am ashamed to say that even I have had a haram shaming mentality before, and been judgmental before. But alhamdullilah I learned, I am sure many other brothers and sisters around the world learned, and I'm sure anyone with a lines 1-4 mentality or a line 5 mentality can learn too Inshallah.
I hope you enjoyed this and perhaps learned something from this
Assalamualaikum :)
submitted by INFPinator to Muslim [link] [comments]

Procreation is more selfish if you're religious.

EDIT: sorry for this rant. Writing the thoughts that had consumed me the past few years has been therapeutic. I wanted this post to be well-articulated and polished, but it turned into a lazy rant mid-way. Apologies!
The act of procreation is selfish; it takes a whole lot of mental gymnastics to bring up the idea of reproduction and brand it as something altruistic. As a procreator, you have succumbed to your basic primal instincts of survival and reproduction. Your biological urge to procreate is so in-tune to the human condition stronger than your attempts at conscious reasoning that you might as well be a platypus. I can't blame you though. Because for you to even exist right now is the result of a high imperative to reproduce that's coded into your DNA, of which you have no say.
I've almost felt alone in this matter. I can never understand why anyone would want to have children, especially since they already have prior knowledge of how the world works. "Yep, life sucks." How many times have we heard this mentioned unironically? Yet they are okay with the notion of dragging a soul out of nonexistence and sentencing them to life. You can’t idealize the concept of bringing a child into this world, with the romantic notion that it’s YOUR creation and he or she WILL lead the perfect life.
Now to the point of this post.
In Islam, when you are born, you become a slave (Slave of Allah). And I'm going to phrase the next paragraph as carefully as I can. I have to be careful talking about my experience, because unfortunately, bringing up facts about Islam sounds like I'm committing defamation. So please, let me be clear: this was my anecdotal experience. If you're a Muslim who disagrees with me and want to argue, that's fine, because Islamic infighting has always been the cornerstone of Islam and has been around since the 7th century when Muhammad didn't name an heir.
Even the draconian and harsh tenets of Islam is not strong enough to stop a procreator from fulfilling their biological imperative. You're born a Muslim and taught about the mandatory practices you would have to fulfill from the age of puberty to the grave. You now have to fulfill your daily Muslim obligations of 5 daily prayers + other obligations such as Witr, Ramadan, Islamic dress code, and a plethora of ruling from the Sunnah.
Because the rulings of the Quran and Sunnah is not compatible with the lifestyle we live 1,400 years (e,g. interest from banks are haram) later, Muslim often are in fear of sins they are commiting. They are forced to live an exalted and near impossible moral standard due to the fear of noncompliance.
For example: Here is the least painful punishment you can receive in Islam:
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported:
Verily, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: The least tormented of the inhabitants of the Fire would be he who would wear two shoes of Fire and his brain would boil on account of the heat of the shoes.
Fun fact: Muhammad (SAW) own father is experiencing this form of punishment right now according to Islam as we speak because he did not embrace the religion.
The worst part - Predestination
In the Quran, Surah Al-Kahf (18:74), there's a story about Prophet Moses following a wise man named Khidr who is teaching Moses life lessons. Basically doing immoral things, and then Aha, turns out there's a wise lesson to learn. So Along their journey, Khidr came across a boy who was playing and Khidr nonchalantly killed him.
Hadith (Sahih): Ubayy b. Ka’b told me that the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) said: Al-khidr saw a youth playing with boys. He took him by his head and uprooted it. Moses then said: Hast thou slain an innocent person who had slain none.
Moses confronted Khidr, and this was Khidr's explanation:
"The boy whom al-Khidr had killed was created an infidel. Had he lived, he would have moved his parents to rebellion and unbelief. " Source:
So.... Basically, according to Islam, it doesn't actually matter what you do! Everything is predestined in the Preserved Book. There is a saying that "the pen is lifted and the ink is dry."
Now, for argument's sake, Islam is true. Now, let's look at the ethics of having children.
  1. Muslim reproduces and drags a soul out of painless nonexistence.
  2. Automatically becomes a slave; have to live life in a near-impossible moral code according to the Shariah.
  3. Have to constantly live in fear. If you're not fearing Allah, you are falling into disbelief. Every day, you are taught to fear death, fear, shaytan, fear Allah, fear hellfire, fear the blowing of the trumpet, fear qiyama, fear the torture in the grave (barzakh), fear Munkar and Nakir), etc.
  4. You might be 8 years old playing with the lads and randomly killed by a self-proclaimed "wise man" for no reason and now you're burning in hell. (lol)
  5. You can't escape the game/kill yourself either (Hell for eternity)
The Rewards???
Let's say, a Muslim lives to a near-exalted standard. You passed all the tests. The reward in Jannah (Quran: 47:15) is you get rivers of milk, honey, and fruit.
I'm sorry, but perhaps milk, honey, and fruits are what a 6th-century camel-herder in a cactus-filled scorching desert would be yearning for. Am I supposed to be, after all this, grateful for milk, honey, fruit as the final reward? Meals so rudimentary and basic that the name of the meal itself is the ingredients. These days u can just go to the supermarket FFS. David Benatar was right about the discrepancy between the experience of pain and pleasure.
TLDR: If you're Muslim, why the hell would you procreate, gamble your children’s soul, and risking them to an eternity in hell, which is all predestined anyway by Allah's talking pen?

submitted by salibouh to antinatalism [link] [comments]

My Struggles With Music

My Struggles With Music
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
When it comes to my struggles with music I have 2 struggles:
  1. Stopping myself from listening to it
  2. Identifying whether it is halal or haram
Let's Talk About Struggle 1
I am a born Muslim in a Western country where listening to music is a societal norm, and something which many people do, both Muslim and non-Muslim.
Now I know what some of you will say: "Whether it is the norms of society or not, the rule of Allah is the rule of Allah regardless"
And you are completely right in saying or thinking that. You know there are other societal norms here, such as drinking alcohol, eating pork, gambling, fornication, having a boyfriend, which I have avoided here because of my Islam alhamdulillah.
But there are some things we fall to weak to, and one of those things for me was music. You know, it was a subject at my school, something all my friends did, I thought it was a normal part of growing up especially when I got into my teens. Then, I'd listen to music pretty much everyday for hours, while studying, or very few times walking to school, or just relaxing completely and sometimes I even used it as a tool to procrastinate my schoolwork.
And when people told me it was haram, I rejected their opinions because:
  1. They would never actually explain why it is haram, so I just thought since they can't explain why it probably isn't. I thought it was like one of those things, where some Muslims believe it is haram to say the word "pig" when in reality the word "pig" isn't a slur, a derogatory term, when it comes describing the animal, so when describing the animal it isn't haram to say. And I thought this was just another one of those silly things.
  2. I looked at opinions of the scholars, and with being younger, silly, and full of desire I just rejected the scholars' opinions who said music was haram and focused on the ones who said it was halal. I know now, this is a very wrong thing to do, astaghfirullah, but back then I didn't understand Islam like I do now, I mean I was only about 13-15-years-old, I know there are few very blessed children out there who may understand Islam even at that young tender age may Allah bless them, but I was not one of those children. But alhamdulillah now I understand Islam a lot better.
Pretty recently, I learned that unless not backed with holy text as evidence, or unless they are making something that is clearly stated to be haram like alcohol or fornication halal, then we must respect all scholars opinions, regardless of our own desires.
Let's Talk About Struggle 2
So having learned that, I went to investigate whether music is haram or halal only this time- I wasn't looking for opinions saying it was halal, I was looking for the most true opinion.
What I found is the Qur'an doesn't clearly forbid music like it does alcohol or zina, but the Qur'an does have a verse talking about "idle talk":

And I do understand how this could very well mean music. If you look at a lot of the popular music today, it can indeed be very misleading from the path of Allah. And I can understand how music could be referred to as "idle talk" because one of the meanings of the word "idle" is "pointless" and a lot of music today, is pointless talk, a lot of it is just made to sell to people without a real strong meaning behind it, and yet it will encourage people into sinful acts.
And sometimes, the melody of music can encourage one to get up and dance, shaking their body around, which is behaving immodestly a kind of behaviour which would not be encouraged in Islam.
And then of course there I found this Hadith:

And the first interpretation I heard with this Hadith (Interpretation 1):
That the Prophet (swt) mentioned the musical instruments among all these haram things, and he said that there will be members of the Ummah who will try and make them lawful within Islam, therefore, the use of musical instruments must be unlawful.
But I have also heard another interpretation which was (Interpretation 2):
That just because musical instruments is mentioned among these things, it doesn't necessarily mean musical instruments as a whole are haram, and what it could mean, is people of the Ummah will try and make all these things practiced together lawful.
So those are the two interpretations which I found and honestly, both make sense to me. Both are very strong arguments in my opinion.
Interpretation 1 is pretty straight forward and self-explanatory and very simple and clear.
Interpretation 2 does reflect a large proportion songs of the music industry today, which many Muslims don't mind listening to. In many songs and music videos, promote illegal sexual intercourse and in some cases do even show it, they show and sing about alcohol and a number of times men in music videos have worn silk, and of course there has been a use of musical instruments in the background. So could the hadith be talking about a number of people in Ummah okay-ing this part of the music industry today?
And plus, alcohol and illegal sexual intercourse are clearly forbidden in the Qur'an, men wearing silk is clearly forbidden in another Hadith, yet musical instruments as far as I know (please do correct me if I am wrong) are not clearly mentioned and forbidden in the Qur'an and Hadiths clearly forbidding musical instruments like string instruments again as far as I am aware (please correct me if I am wrong) have been found to be inauthentic.
So what is my stance on music?
I think the way I listened to music before, every single day was indeed haram, as it was excessive and I did in a sense get addicted to the music as it became so hard for me to focus without the music even in a quiet environment, so I intend to never return to listening to music in that way again.
I also made a comparison. If I was studying Islam, I would not have music on in the background. So if that is the case when studying Islam, I think the same should apply to when studying subjects at school, the Prophet Muhammad (swt) said:

So he clearly valued education. How am I giving myself a good education if I am distracting myself with music? Sure, in ways it helped me focus but quite often it was distracting too now I look back at it. All those song lyrics I memorised could have been more of my course content that got me a better grade and made me more knowledgeable. And quite often when my favourite part of a song came on, I'd forget about my work for a bit, and was just so happy the favourite part of the song and then I would focus more on the song, than my schoolwork. Plus, sometimes even when I was struggling with my course content, I'd slowly start drifting away from my course content, start focusing more on the music and before you know it I was pretending to studying but really just listening to music.
This is why I wouldn't listen to music while studying Islam, and why I have recently realised I shouldn't listen to music whilst studying for school either. When listened to excessively, it indeed can guide you away from the path of Allah.
And I certainly agree that a lot of today's music would be unlawful in Islam, due to the dirty, immodest lyrics lots of songs today have, and especially since lots of songs do encourage zina, alcohol, drugs, an immodest materialistic lifestyle etc. Those songs without a shadow of a doubt are haram, I can't see how anyone would justify these as halal.
But not every song is like that. Some songs do have good incredible meanings such as "Where Is Love" by The Black Eyed Peas, "Youth" by Shawn Mendes and Khalid, "Scars To Your Beautiful" and "17" by Alessia Cara, "War" by Edwin Star. Songs and music don't always have to "idle talk" sometimes they can portray beautiful messages and even be used as a way to speak against injustice. I do certainly think the message of all of these songs are halal, and being played without music instruments they are halal, but I am unsure about whether they would be halal or haram with instruments.
So, what now?
Firstly I am stopping myself from listening to music on a daily basis, as I do know music can get stuck in your head, especially with instruments if you listen to it excessively on repeat as I have done in the past, and when trying to pray or make dua, having a song stuck in your head is not a good thing- this is something I experienced pretty recently too.
I am setting myself small targets that will build up into a bigger picture, and eventually stop me from listening to music so much. I told myself and Allah on Saturday that I would not listen to music for 7 days, and I intend do the same the next Saturday, and the next until it just becomes normal for me not to listen to music so often. Setting myself these small goals and gradually building it up will help me.
And instead, I will listen to more Qur'an, more Hadith, more Duas with the English translation too, and I will watch more Islamic talks, and Islamic YouTubers discussing certain matters, as I find that very helpful and interesting to me when it comes to strengthening my faith, and connection with Allah.
And I will certainly not listen to music when I study. One reason I listened to music during study was for concentration to block out external noise, and another was to make study more fun. But it came to a stage where it became more about the fun than anything because even if the room was silent I'd still listen to music, and I felt like I couldn't concentrate without it.
If I need to cancel out noise, I will listen to rain sound affects instead, because that is not distracting, it has no lyrics, it simply is just the sound of nature blocking out distractions haha. But I will only use that, if I need to. And when it comes to making study more fun, maybe I could do that another way- looking deeper into my subjects, they are interesting after all or creating activities for myself to do, colour coordinating things and stuff.
And I am still undecided on whether listening to music with good positive messages, with instruments occasionally for relaxing and listening to a positive message, is haram because of the instruments but for now, I will just not listen to music, and when I do occasionally for I will listen to the acapella.
I cannot say I will be perfect. I may or may not slip up and fall back into my old habits or something, but I do not intend to as of now, I am determined not to, and if I sin, Inshallah I will repent. May Allah forgive us all for our sins when we seek forgiveness.
Sisters and brothers I hope you enjoyed this read. :)
If you have any kind of way to guide or correct me, please do so and perhaps we could discuss. I just want to do what is best Allah (swt) :)
Thank you :)
Assalamualaikum :)
submitted by INFPinator to Muslim [link] [comments]

Let's discuss economics

So I read this thread. And it seems there's a LOT of misconceptions about what economic system under Islam looks like. There are MANY that have fallen into the American Democrat line of thinking that free healthcare, education etc. And many point to the zakaat system as proof that we have welfare in Islam to help the poor.
Islam absolutely has systems in place to help the poor. However socialism is NOT high taxes or welfare system. If you need proof look no further then Danish prime minister saying "we're not socialist" even goes on to say they're a market economy. And this is basically what Islam's system is. It allows for property rights, and run the businesses as you please. Several of the sahabah Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Abduall ibn Rawaha (ra) were very successful businessmen. One of the first things Muhammad (saw) did when he got to Medinah was establish a market with free trade.
Now am I claiming Islam is pure capitalist? Not at all, there are restrictions on what you can conduct business in, you can't sell alcohol, gambling, or sex trafficking stuff that are haram are restricted forms of business. But other then that you can run your business as you please. Socialism is worker control of business. Islam of course has zakaat which is 2.5% on WEALTH NOT INCOME. There's a reason it's wealth and not income. When you tax income that's an indvidiaul's method of living. The whole purpose of taxing wealth is to make sure the wealthy don't keep it hoarded and it continuously gets circulated. Now those who are wealthy that do constantly spend there money will obviously have to pay much less as they're keeping there wealth circulated.
I'm of course open to discussion, but just wanted to bring this up as it is a bit annoying people just jump to "Islamic finance is close to socialism" when really it's mostly free market capitalist with welfare.
submitted by LiquidAurum to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]


The second greatest person of Islam after the Prophet is Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.). He was an example of self-sacrifice and a symbol of loyalty. His life is full of examples of high ethics, virtues and humanity.
Hz. Abu Bakr (r.a.) was a luminous person in those times of savagery when the sun of prophethood had not illuminated the world yet. He had never worshipped any idols that were lifeless and unconscious and that could not help or harm anybody or themselves. He did not practice the customs of Jahiliyya Era like drinking alcohol and gambling. He was a person that was loved and respected by everybody in Makkah. He was rich and estimable. He was a tradesman. He liked helping the poor.
Hz. Abu Bakr was a cultured and investigative person who went to various countries on business. He knew and felt that the period he lived in was undergoing a decline in terms of humanistic values.
Hz. Abu Bakr was in a period of expectation. He was waiting for a saviour who would save humanity from savagery. In fact, there were some incidents heralding the light of guidance and indicating its approach that could be seen by careful and thoughtful people. Serious people like Hz. Abu Bakr and those who believed in the religion of oneness dating back to Hz. Ibrahim (PBUH) was waiting and longing for this light.
One of those people was Quss b Saida. He was a poet and an orator. He believed in the oneness of Allah and life after death. Once, he addressed a group of people including Hz. Abu Bakr and the Prophet as follows:
“I swear that there is a religion in the presence of Allah that is more beloved to Him than the religion that you follow. There is a prophet of Allah who is about to appear and his arrival is very soon. His shadow is right on top of your heads. How happy is the person who puts his faith in him! Shame on the unfortunate person who will oppose and rebel against him!“
The most sincere friend of Hz. Abu Bakr, who would attain this religion, informed by Quss b Saida, was Hz. Muhammad (PBUH). Hz. Abu Bakr felt at peace the most when he was with him; he preferred talking to him and relied on him the most. Whenever he left Makkah for a while for trade, the first person he would visit when he returned was Hz. Muhammad.
Once, Hz. Abu Bakr saw in his dream that the moon had descended to Mecca. It then split into segments and spread to the homes in the city. Afterwards, he saw the reassembling of the pieces and the entering of the moon into its own home. This dream made him very excited. He asked some scholars of the People of the Book living in Makkah about his dream. They told him that the prophet expected to come would emerge from Makkah soon, that he would be one of those who followed him and that he would be his deputy when he was alive.
Hz. Abu Bakr was a few years younger than the Prophet. His father’s name was Uthman but he was known as “Abu Quhafa“. His mother’s name was Umm al-Khayr, which means “the mother of all good deeds“. His wife’s name was Zaynab and she was known as Umm Rumman. Abu Bakr had been married to Qutayla before her. After the death of Umm Rumman, he got married to Asma bint Umays.
Hz. Abu Bakr had six children, three girls and three boys: Their names were Aisha, Abdullah, Asma, Abdurrahman, Umm Kulthum and Mu­hammad.
* * *
Everybody was talking about the news that Hz. Muhammad was given the duty of prophethood. Even some Christians and Jews who read in their books that a new prophet would come were astounded. The polytheists said, “Is it possible for the prophethood to come to an orphan and helpless person? Would it not have been better if it had come to a notable person from our tribe?“ Thus, they opposed his prophethood.
Especially the polytheists could not stand it when the Prophet criticized and spoke ill of their idols.
Meanwhile, Hz. Abu Bakr was in Yemen on business. He was unaware of this event in Makkah. When he returned, the notables of Quraysh like Abu Jahl and Utba bin Muayt surrounded him because they knew that he was the closest friend of Hz. Muhammad. If it were not for Abu Bakr, they would use force in order to silence the Prophet.
Hz. Abu Bakr said, “What is the matter? Did anything happen while I was away?“
They said, “Yes, there is some very important news. Muhammad, the orphan of Abu Talib, claimed that he was a prophet.“
Abu Bakr said, “Did he tell that himself?“
They said, “Yes he did, and he always speaks ill of our idols.“
Abu Bakr said, “He said it himself. If he said so, he told the truth. Do you know where he is now?“
They said, “Yes, he is in his house now.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr immediately went to the home of the Prophet. He wanted to hear it from the Prophet himself. For, he knew that Hz. Muhammad had never told a lie. Therefore, people called him “Muhammad al-Amin“ (Muhammad the Trustworthy).
Hz. Abu Bakr went to the presence of the Prophet in excitement. When the Prophet opened the door, he was smiling. For, he knew that the only person to believe him would be Abu Bakr.
Abu Bakr asked,“ O Aba’l Qasim! Is it true that you claim to be a prophet?“
The Prophet said, “Yes. O Abu Bakr! I am a messenger who has been sent to you and all humanity by the Lord of the Realms. I invite humanity to believe in the one true God (Allah) and to give up worshipping idols.“
Upon this invitation, Hz. Abu Bakr did not hesitate even for a second. He said,
“I testify that Muhammad is a messenger of Allah, who is one.“ Thus, Hz. Abu Bakr attained the honour of being the first Muslim among men.
As Hazrat Aisha put it, no event in the world made our Prophet happier than Hazrat Abu Bakr, a reliable, respectable and notable person of his tribe, accepting Islam.
Our Master (PBUH) considered Abu Bakr’s not showing any sign of hesitation in the face of this invitation as a huge virtue by saying:
This incident alone is enough to express the honour and virtue of Hz. Abu Bakr. As a matter of fact, the Prophet stated the following later:
“Everyone whom I invited to Islam, with the exception of Abu Bakr, paused, hesitated, or was astonished. However, when I explained Islam to him, he neither paused nor hesitated.“ [ al-Bidaya, 3: 30; Sirah, 1: 269. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr opened his heart and mind, which were already ready, to Islam. He gave himself wholly to the grace and abundance of the divine truths that he had been seeking and expecting. He never stayed away from the Messenger of Allah and was looking forward to listening to the new divine revelations. As he filled his heart with the pre-eternal and post-eternal truths, he could not stand still; he wanted to declare it to the universe and desired the others to attain this divine grace and salvation.
When Abu Bakr accepted Islam, he had a wealth of 40,000 dirhams with him. He gave it to the Prophet to be spent for the cause of Islam. On the one hand, Hz. Abu Bakr was conveying the message of Islam to people with his ability of persuasion and proving; on the other hand, he was helping the poor Muslims. Most of the notables of Makkah attained the honour of becoming Muslims thanks to him.
Some of those people are as follows:
Hz. Uthman (r.a.), Talha bin Ubaydullah (r.a.), Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (r.a.), Abu Ubayda bin Jarrah (r.a.), Zubayr bin Awwam (r.a.), Abdurrahman bin Awf (r.a.).
These people are six of the 10 people who were promised Paradise when they were alive. Besides, Uthman bin Maz’un (r.a.), Abu Sala­ma (r.a.), Arkam bin Abi Arkam (r.a.) also became Muslims thanks to him.
The cause of Islam started to eliminate the darkness in the horizon of Makkah gradually with the help and efforts of Hz. Abu Bakr. New people started to be fascinated by the divine light day by day. On the other hand, the polytheists were doing their best in order to dissuade those Muslims. As Islam spread, they increased their measures and started to use material force when they saw that trying to persuade them and mocking them failed to dissuade them. They started to beat the Muslims until they fainted and to torture them.
With the efforts of Hz. Abu Bakr the number of the people that followed the lofty cause of the Prophet reached 38. The Muslims started to gather in the house of Arkam secretly in order to strengthen their belief and worship easily.
Once, they gathered in this house, which was secure to enter and exit. Hz. Abu Bakr was also among them. They asked permission from the Messenger of Allah in order to declare the cause of oneness to the polytheists. First, the Messenger of Allah said their number was not enough but he gave permission due to the insistence of Hz. Abu Bakr. They went to the Kaaba altogether. Abu Bakr (r.a.) stood up and started to address the polytheists who were there:
“I praise Allah, who is one. Belief in Allah is endless happiness; denial and worshipping idols are a disaster. Give up this meaningless custom of Jahiliyyah and accept the call of the Messenger of Allah.“
The polytheists were surprised first. Then, they came to themselves and attacked the Muslims. They got Hz. Abu Bakr to the ground and started to hit him with the things they found. Utba bin Rabia, a ferocious polytheist, made his face blood by hitting him with his shoes with nails. The relatives of Abu Bakr hurried and managed to save him.
Hz. Abu Bakr fainted. He lay in an unconscious state until the evening. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he asked, “What happened to the Messenger of Allah?“ He asked about the Messenger of Allah even when he was half-unconscious. His mother asked, “Would you like to eat something?“ He answered in the same way: “Where is the Messenger of Allah? How is he?“ When his mother said she did not know about him, he said, “Mum! Go to Umm Jamil, the daughter of Khattab and ask him how the Messenger of Allah is.“ Despite the news from Umm Jamil that the Messenger of Allah was fine, his heart was restless. He wanted to see the Messenger of Allah himself. He vowed that he would not eat anything before seeing him. They said he could not go out like that. However, he definitely wanted to go and see the Messenger of Allah. He would not feel all right if he did not see the Messenger of Allah. When there were very few people around, they took his arm and took him to Arkam’s house. When he saw the Messenger of Allah, he said, “O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you!“ and started to cry. The Messenger of Allah hugged and kissed him. He also started to cry when he saw his state. [ Insanu’l-Uyun, 1: 475; al-Bidaya,3: 30. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was “the most beloved person“ in the eye of the Prophet due to his submission, loyalty and self-sacrifice. The Prophet often visited him in his house and consulted him; he asked his ideas about spreading Islam and conveying the message of Islam. This friendship continued until the Messenger of Allah died. He did not leave the Prophet even for a moment. It continued during wars and the Migration. He married his daughter Aisha off to the Messenger of Allah, strengthening this friendship.
Life started to be unbearable for the new Muslims in Makkah. The pressure of the polytheists increased day by day; their torture continued without stopping. A group of Muslims migrated to Abyssinia with the permission of the Prophet in order to save their religion and lives. When the divine permission was given, the remaining Muslims started to migrate to Madinah in convoys. However, Hz. Abu Bakr had not been given permission to migrate yet. When Hz. Abu Bakr, who was always with him asked the Messenger of Allah about his situation, he said, “O Abu Bakr! Do not hurry! Maybe Allah will give you a friend to migrate together with.“ Abu Bakr understood that he was going to be together with the Messenger of Allah in the Migration, too. There were only Hz. Ali, Hz. Abu Bakr and the Prophet left in Makkah as Muslims.
The polytheists were disturbed by the migration of the Muslims. They did not want to allow the Messenger of Allah to migrate. They gathered immediately. They decided to kill the Messenger of Allah.
However, Allah Almighty informed the Prophet about the situation through Jibril. He appointed Hz. Abu Bakr as the person to accompany him.
The Prophet went Hz. Abu Bakr’s house immediately. They met at the door. Hz. Abu Bakr was excited. He said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! What is the matter?“ The Messenger of Allah said that Allah allowed him to migrate to Madinah and that he would go with him. Abu Bakr wept for joy because of attaining the honour of migrating with the Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet asked Hz. Ali to sleep in his bed and he set off with Hz. Abu Bakr secretly. They started to walk toward the mount of Thawr. Hz. Abu Bakr was excited. He was worried that the Prophet would be harmed. The polytheists might have noticed them and been following them. Hz. Abu Bakr forgot about himself; he was thinking about the Messenger of Allah only. He sometimes walked in front of him and sometimes behind him. He sometimes walked on the right and sometimes on the left of the Prophet in order to protect him from possible attacks.
They arrived at the Cave of Thawr late at night. The cave was desolate. It was full of insects. First, Hazrat Abu Bakr entered the cave. He checked the cave and blocked the holes in the cave with pieces of fabric he tore off his garment. When the pieces were not enough, he blocked the last hole by putting his foot on it. Then, the Prophet entered the cave and sat next to him. The Messenger of Allah put his head on the knees of Abu Bakr and fell asleep.
After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr felt a great pain in his foot that he had put on the hole. He felt terrible. However, he did not move so as not to wake the Messenger of Allah up. He was in so much pain that tears fell down her face. When a few tears hit the face of the Messenger of Allah, he woke up and asked,
“What is the matter, O Abu Bakr?“
Hazrat Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! Something bit my foot.“
The Messenger of Allah, who was the cure for all troubles whether material or spiritual, rubbed the place that was bitten with his spit. The pain was eliminated immediately. The Prophet was moved by the self-sacrifice of Hz. Abu Bakr and prayed to Allah as follows:
“O, Allah! Make Abu Bakr be together with me on the Day of Judgment.“
When the polytheists could not find the Messenger of Allah in his house, they got furious and did not know what to do. They promised great rewards to those who would find and bring the Messenger of Allah. Toward the morning, trackers set off in order to find the Prophet and take him to Makkah. As a matter of fact, they found his trace. They even came to the entrance to the cave. Hz. Abu Bakr got excited when he heard the footstep the polytheists. The Messenger of Allah kept calm. He said to Abu Bakr:
“O Abu Bakr! Do not worry! Allah is with us. If Allah is the third person near two people, nobody can do anything to them.“
Thereupon, Abu Bakr calmed down. As a matter of fact, while the polytheists were talking, they saw a spider web and a pigeon at the entrance of the cave; so they left without entering the cave.
The Quran elevated the fame of Hz. Abu Bakr forever while mentioning this incidence in verse 40 of the chapter of at-Tawba. The following is stated in that verse:
“If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion “Have no fear, for Allah is with us“: Then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Wise.“
The Messenger of Allah stayed in the cave for three days with Hz. Abu Bakr, who was a symbol of loyalty and self-sacrifice until he felt secure from the danger of the enemy. During these three days, Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr brought them food and his son, Abdullah, informed them about the news in Makkah. They came at night and left the cave before the sun rose.
Three days later, they left the cave and set off for Madinah for “the Migration“, which started a new era in the history of Islam. After a dangerous journey, they arrived in Madinah. The Muslims who had migrated beforehand and the people of Madinah filled the streets to welcome these unique guests joyfully. [ al-Bidaya wa’n-Nihaya, 3: 177-180; Tabaqat, 3: 172; Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 209-210; Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba, 1; Sirah, 2: 128. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr continued being close to the Messenger of Allah after migrating to Madinah, too. Nothing else could be expected from a person who devoted all of his property to Islam.
Loyalty means to act like the person one loves and follows, to devote all of his being to him and to virtually disappear in him. That is the secret that elevates Hz. Abu Bakr to an unreachable degree. The quality that enabled him to be called “Sıddiq“ (truthful, loyal) was his unique loyalty and adherence to the Messenger of Allah. He believed in everything that the Messenger of Allah said no matter how unbelievable it was.
This quality of Abu Bakr was proved when he believed in the Messenger of Allah as soon as he heard his prophethood and when he affirmed the miracle of Ascension (Miraj).
One night, the Messenger of Allah went to Masjid al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem) from Makkah with Jibril and then to the high realms with the permission of Allah; he returned the same night. The next day, he informed the polytheists about this unique miracle but they did not believe in him. Furthermore, some new Muslims found it hard to believe in it. Those Muslims went to Hz. Abu Bakr immediately. They said,
“Are you aware of the news regarding your friend? He says that last night he went to Masjid al-Aqsa, prayed there, talked to the previous prophets, ascended to the sky and returned.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr wanted to be sure of something. He asked,
“Did you hear this from him?“
They replied, “Yes, we directly heard it from him.“
Hazrat Abu Bakr responded without hesitation:
“If he said so, it is definitely true. I believe in Him and everything he brings from Allah.“
Afterwards, he got up and went straight to the Prophet (PBUH) to listen to the Ascension from him. When the Messenger of Allah told him about this great miracle, Hz. Abu Bakr said,
“I swear by Allah that you tell the truth. For, you are the Messenger of Allah. I testify this again.“
Upon this, the Prophet complimented him by saying,
“O Abu Bakr, you are Siddiq (the Truthful) in any case.“ From that day forward, Hazrat Abu Bakr was referred to as “Siddiq.“ [ Sirah, 2: 39; Insanu’l-Uyun, 2: 92; Tabaqat, 1: 213-216. ]
* * *
During the illness of the Messenger of Allah, the Companions visited him frequently. During one of these visits when Abu Bakr was present, the Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Allah Almighty left His slave free to prefer the world or the hereafter. The slave preferred the hereafter.“
Nobody understood what that statement means. Only Hz. Abu Bakr understood that he indicated his death. He started to cry and said,
“O Messenger of Allah! May our fathers, mothers, children, property and lives be sacrificed for you!“
The Prophet was moved by this foresight and sensitivity of Hz. Abu Bakr and said,
“O Abu Bakr! Do not cry! If I had a friend except for Allah, I would have Abu Bakr. Islamic brotherhood and love are superior to personal friendship. Then, he said, “Close all the doors opened for people except the door of Abu Bakr in the mosque.“ [ Bukhari, Fadailu’l-Ashab: 3; Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba: 2-3; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 15; Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 216; Sire, 4: 299; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 458. ]
A few days after this talk, the Prophet (PBUH) became too ill to lead the prayer. He said,
“Tell Hz. Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.“
Thereupon, Hz. Abu Bakr led prayers 17 times. Once, he led the morning prayer when the Prophet was among the congregation.
* * *
When the Messenger of Allah died, Abu Bakr (r.a.) was somewhere else. People had gathered and were crying. When Abu Bakr (r.a.) heard the news and entered the room where the Messenger of Allah was. Then, he spoke as follows in surrender and reliance:
“We are slaves of Allah and will return to Him. O Messenger of Allah! May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! You were beautiful when you were alive and you are beautiful when you are dead. Allah Almighty will not give you any other grief apart from the severity of death. You have already passed the test of death predestined for you.“
However, the munafiqs did not give up their acts of hypocrisy and troublemaking even during the death of the Messenger of Allah
They tried to undermine the spirituality of the Muslims by saying, “If Muhammad had been a prophet, he would not have died.“
Hz. Umar could not put up with their talk anymore; he drew his sword and shouted:
“The Messenger of Allah did not die. I will kill anyone who says so with my sword.“
Meanwhile, Hz. Abu Bakr arrived and made the following speech due to statement Hz. Umar made in sorrow:
“Allah told His Messenger that he would die when he was alive. Yes, the Messenger of Allah died. Only Allah is eternal.“ Then, he read verse 144 of the chapter of Aal-i Imran:
“Muhammad is no more than a Messenger: many were the Messengers that passed away before Him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve him) with gratitude.“
He continued as follows:
“Allah’s religion will live. Allah’s cause has been completed. Allah will help those who follow His religion and try to elevate it. We have the book of Allah with us. It is luminous light and cure. It includes the things that Allah rendered halal and haram.“ [ Bukhari, Janaiz: 123; Ibn Majah, Janaiz: 65, Tabaqat, 2: 265-267; Sirah, 4: 305; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 474. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was chosen the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah unanimously after the talks of the notables of the Companions. For, everybody knew that he was the right hand of the Prophet and appreciated him. One day after Abu Bakr (r.a.) was chosen as the caliph, he made the following historical speech on the pulpit of the mosque:
“O, people. I was entrusted as your ruler, although I am not better than any of you. However, we were taught the Quran and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. If we have any knowledge, it originates from them. The caliphate is no easy duty. I had to undertake this heavy burden that I have no strength for. I wish a stronger person had been chosen. I advise you to fear Allah.
O, people! Obey me and support me if I fulfil my duty properly. Correct me when you see me going astray. Honesty is a trust; Lying is treason. The weak among you are powerful in my eyes until I get them their due. Obey me as I obey Allah and His Messenger. Do not obey me if I disobey Allah and His Messenger. I ask Allah to forgive me and you.“ [ Tabaqat, 3: 182-183; Sirah, 4: 311; Insanu’l-Uyun, 3: 483; Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 3: 317. ]
After becoming the Caliph, Hz. Abu Bakr started to fulfil meticulously the duties incumbent on him and as a necessity of his loyalty to the Prophet. The first thing he did was to send the army of Usama to Damascus, which the Prophet planned to do but died before sending it. Some notables of the Companions asked Abu Bakr to postpone sending the army due to the problem of false prophets. He answered them as follows:
“I swear by Allah that I will fulfil the order of the Messenger of Allah even if I know that tigers and wolves will come to Madinah and pull me to pieces. For the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Send the army of Usama in any case.“
Hz. Umar found Usama too young and offered him to appoint an older commander. Abu Bakr said,
“O son of Khattab! How can I change Usama considering that the Messenger of Allah appointed him as the commander?“ [ al-Bidaya, 6: 305; al-Kamil fi’t-Tarikh Translation, 2: 307; Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 1: 314-318. ]
The army of Usama set off upon the instruction of Abu Bakr. They did not encounter Byzantines. However, on the way back to Madinah, they defeated a group from Huzaa tribe. Thus, the order of the Messenger of Allah was fulfilled and big trouble that occurred was eliminated.
Hz. Abu Bakr became the head of the state and the vicegerent of the Messenger of Allah. His daughter Aisha, who was the wife of the Messenger of Allah, stated the following about the caliphate of her father:
“This duty was so hard that it would break mountains into pieces if it fell on them. However, Hz. Abu Bakr fulfilled this hard duty perfectly with the help of Allah and the support of the believers. He consulted the Companions he regarded necessary to talk to related to the issues about which there was no clear evidence in the Quran.“
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a very good administrator. He appointed people with knowledge and ability as administrators. For instance, he appointed Abu Ubayda bin Jarrah, whom the Prophet called “the trustworthy person of the ummah“ as an administrator for financial issues. He appointed Hz. Umar, who was a symbol of justice, as the person in charge of legal issues and Zayd bin Thabit, one of the scribes of revelation, as the person in charge of registration and correspondence.
Hz. Abu Bakr walked around the streets at night in order to check the state of the people he was in charge of and helped the poor and helpless people. Salih al-Ghifari narrates the following reminiscence about the issue:
“Hz. Umar undertook the duty of caring for an old blind woman. He took food and drinks to the woman himself. Once, he saw that somebody else had taken care of the woman before him. The next day, he took food and drinks to the woman earlier, hid in a place and started to wait. He saw Abu Bakr, the leader of the believers, coming. He stood up and said,
“Oh! It was you, the leader of the believers!“ [ Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 2: 42. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr gave written and oral advice to governors and army commanders. Once he gave Ikrima the following advice:
“Do what you have said you will do. When you make a promise, keep it. Do not be afraid of warning people but be careful about what to say. Do not punish a criminal more than he deserves. Do not delay the punishment of a person who deserves it.“
After he was chosen as the Caliph, he did not want to get a salary from the Treasury. He wanted to make his living through trade.
Once, he was going to the market for trade after he was chosen as the Caliph. He met Hz. Umar on the way. Hz. Umar offered him to put him on a salary from the Treasury. Hz. Abu Bakr, “I fear that I will not deserve that money.“However, Hz. Umar said his time would be enough only for the affairs of the state and that he would not have enough time for a trade. He persuaded Abu Bakr to get a salary enough for his livelihood from the Treasury. Hz. Abu Bakr got salaries from the Treasury for two years for his caliphate of two years. However, when he died he wrote in his will that this money should be returned to the Treasury from his inheritance. [ Hayatu’s-Sahaba, 2: 148 ]
* * *
The services done during the caliphate of Hz. Abu Bakr are as follows in brief:
Before the death of the Prophet (PBUH), some false prophets emerged in Yamama, Yemen and other places. They wanted to dominate their tribes. They took action in order to benefit from the death of the Messenger of Allah. Hz. Abu Bakr sent armies under the command of Khalid bin Walid (r.a.), Ikrima bin Abi Jahl (r.a.), Muhajir bin Abi Umayya (r.a.) and Amr bin As (r.a.) to suppress them. Thus, these troubles were eliminated.
When the Messenger of Allah died, some Arab tribes exited from the religion of Islam. Jews, Christians and munafiqs took action. As Hz. Aish (r.a.) put it, Muslims became like a herd of sheep that scattered due to rain on a winter night. As Abu Hurayra put it, “If it were not for Abu Bakr (r.a.), Muslims would be destroyed after the death of the Messenger of Allah.“ However, with the help of Allah Almighty, Hz. Abu Bakr saved Muslims from these dangerous situations thanks to the skills and abilities Allah Almighty granted him.
Another important service of Hz. Abu Bakr was bringing all of the verses of the Quran together and compiling them in one binding. When a verse was revealed both in the period of Makkah and Madinah, the Prophet summoned one of the revelation scribes and dictated the verse immediately. Thus, the verses that were revealed at various times and places were written on pieces of paper, tanned leather, white, flat stones, scapulas of camels and palm leaves. The Prophet made the revelation scribe read the verse that he wrote in order to check it; if there was anything extra, he would remove it; if there was anything missing, he would add it. Thus, the Quran was written correctly and completely when the Prophet was alive. However, the written copies were not stored in a certain place. The Companions who wanted the copies took them home. The need to bring all of the verses together did not arise because the Prophet was alive and there were a lot of hafizes (the people who memorized the whole Quran). However, when a lot of hafizes were martyred during the Battle of Yamama, this need arose.
The first person to see this need (bringing all of the written verses of the Quran together) was Hz. Umar’. After the Battle of Yamama, he became worried that the number of hafizes would decrease and the copies of the verses would be lost. He talked to Hz. Abu Bakr about it. He offered to bring together all of the copies of the verses of the Quran, which were in different places. At first, Hz. Abu Bakr hesitated because the Prophet had not done so when he was alive. However, he accepted it due to the importance of the issue. They negotiated and decided to bring together all of the copies of the verses of the Quran.
The duty of collecting and compiling the verses of the Quran was given to Zayd bin Thabit, one of the scribes of revelation. Hz. Zayd was in his 20’s then. However, he was one of the Companions that had memorized the whole Quran and that could read it very well.
As soon as Hz. Zayd undertook this holy duty, he took action. He made an announcement and asked those who had verses written on anything to bring to him with two witnesses testifying that they had been written in the presence of the Messenger of Allah. All of the Companions did their best to fulfil this duty. They brought the verses to Hz. Zayd with two witnesses testifying that they had been written in the presence of the Messenger of Allah. Hz. Zayd arranged those verses in the form of chapters.
In about a year, all of the written verses of the Quran which had been in different places were brought together and compiled. Abu Bakr (r.a.) ordered Hz. Zayd to establish a committee consisting of the scholars of the Companions. The compiled verses of the Quran were read in their presence. All of them agreed that they were correct and in order.
Hz. Abu Bakr kept the compiled Quran with him until he died. After his death, it was entrusted to Hz. Umar then to Hz. Umar’s daughter, Hz. Hafsa, who was also one of the wives of the Prophet. [ Bukhari, Fadailu’l -Qur’an: 2. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr prepared armies in order to make the needy hearts to meet Islam. He sent an army under the command of Khalid bin Walid to Iraq. This army gained victories after one another and conquered an important part of Iraq. He planted the flag of oneness there.
After the conquest of Iraq, Hz. Abu Bakr sent Hz. Khalid bin Walid to Damascus. However, he died before receiving the news of the conquest of Damascus. When Abu Bakr died, it was the 13th year of the Migration. May Allah be pleased with him!
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a person of taqwa. He always avoided haram and doubtful things.
Once, his servant brought him some food. Hz. Abu Bakr was very hungry; so he ate it without asking the servant where he brought it from. Then, he asked the servant about the food.
He said, “During the Era of Jahiliyya, I wrote a ruqya (talisman) for a woman and she promised me to pay for it later. That was what I brought you.“ Abu Bakr got very angry. He put his fingers down his throat vomited the morsel out. Those near him said, “You put yourself through a great deal of trouble for one morsel.“ he said,
‘If I had to die trying to get this morsel out I would do so; for, I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘He whose body is nourished by Haram is bound to burn in hellfire.‘“ [ Hilya, 1: 31 ]
* * *
Hz. Abu Bakr was a superior person in terms of worshipping. Once, the Companions were around the Prophet (PBUH). He asked the Companions a question:
“Who amongst you is observing fast today?“
Abu Bakr said, “I am. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has joined a funeral today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has served food to the needy today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have. O Messenger of Allah!“
The Prophet asked again, “Who amongst you has visited a sick person today?
Abu Bakr said, “I have.“ The Messenger of Allah smiled and said,
“A person who has these qualities enters Paradise.“ [ Muslim, Fadailu’s-Sahaba: 12. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr read the Quran beautifully. He read the Quran so movingly that both he himself and listeners cried when he read it. In the first years of Islam, the women, children and slaves of the polytheists gathered around him to listen to the Quran. However, the polytheists prevented them from listening lest they should be Muslims.
He was the most knowledgeable one among the Companions in terms of understanding the Quran and knowing the Sunnah. For, he was together with the Messenger of Allah throughout his life; he aimed to learn Islam and the Quran from the Prophet with all of his feelings and abilities. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah gave him the authority to issue fatwas even when he was alive. Hz. Abu Bakr knew the best what verse was sent down when and upon what incident.
Once Hz. Abu Bakr saw that some Companions misunderstood the following verse: “O ye who believe! Guard your own souls: If ye follow (right) guidance, no hurt can come to you from those who stray…“ (al-Maida, 105) He intervened and said,
“You misunderstand this verse. I heard the Messenger of Allah say the following after reading this verse: ‘If people overlook the oppression of an oppressor and do not prevent him, all of them will be punished.’“ [ Tirmidhi, Zuhd: 60; Musnad, 1: 2. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr was a very rich person. He was also very generous. He was so generous that he sometimes spent all his wealth in the way of Allah. Hz. Umar narrates the following reminiscence regarding the issue:
“Once, the Messenger of Allah ordered us to donate for the cause of Islam. I was well off then. I thought, 'I can be superior to Abu Bakr this time.’ I brought half of my wealth to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah said,
‘What did you leave to your family?’ Umar said,
‘As much as I have brought here.’
After a while, Abu Bakr brought his wealth. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) asked him,
‘O Abu Bakr! What did you leave to your family?’ Hz. Abu Bakr said,
‘I left the love of Allah and His Messenger to them.’
Thereupon, I said, ‘I can never be superior to Abu Bakr in charity.'“ [ Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 218; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16; Hilya, 1: 32. [ ]
The Prophet (PBUH) praised his generosity and self-sacrifice several times. Once, he said, “The most generous person among people in my eye is Abu Bakr in terms of his property and friendship.“
He also said, “There is nobody we have not been able to pay in return for their charity except Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr is so generous that his reward can only be given by Allah on the Day of Judgment.“ [ Usdu’l-Ghaba, 3: 218; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16; Hilya, 1: 32. [ ]
There are several hadiths of the Prophet about Hz. Abu Bakr expressing his appreciation and praise. Some of them are as follows:
“The most virtuous person apart from prophets is Abu Bakr.“ [ Faydul-Qadir, 1: 90. ]
Ibn Umar (r.a.) narrates:
“Once, the Prophet (PBUH) left his house and entered the mosque. Hz. Abu Bakr was on his right and Hz. Umar was on his left. He held the hands of both of them and said,
“We will be resurrected like this on the Day of Judgment.“
The following is stated in another hadith:
“If anyone gives sadaqah for the sake of Allah, he will be invited to enter Paradise with these words: 'O beloved servant of Allah. Come here. There is great goodness and abundance at this door.’ Those who perform prayers a lot will be invited to enter by the gate of prayer; those who take part in jihad will be invited to enter by the gate of Jihad; those who give the charity a lot will be invited to enter by the gate of charity; and those who observe fast will be invited to enter by the gate ar-Rayyan.“
Hz. Abu Bakr was there. He asked,
“May my mother and father be sacrificed for you! O Messenger of Allah! Can a person be invited by all doors?“ The Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Yes, it is possible. I hope you will be one of them.“ [ Muslim, Zakat: 86; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 16. ]
Hz. Abu Bakr reported 142 hadiths from the Prophet. The reason why he did not report more hadiths is the fact that he lived only two years after the death of the Prophet. Besides, his engagement in state affairs prevented him from reporting more hadiths.
One of the hadiths he reported is as follows:
“I advise you to be honest. Stick to honesty. For, honesty and goodness are together and both of them are in Paradise. Beware of telling lies. For, lying is together with evil; and both of them are in Hell. Ask forgiveness and health from Allah. Nothing better than forgiveness and health except belief has been given to anybody. Do not be jealous of one another. Do not nurture enmity toward one another. O slaves of Allah! Be brothers.“[ Musnad, 1: 3, 5. ]
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is gambling haram islam video

After an exhausting day of unending work, you decide to have a night out with your friends. And you end up in a night club or casino where you can enjoy your time by playing a fun and simple-looking game. In no time you find yourself engaged in a gamble which seems to be going on forever. And you end up either losing the money – no matter how much - you have gained through too much effort ... The original question requested is “What is the view of Islam on gambling?” You can’t lose if you don’t gamble! The common definition of gambling is twofold: 1. To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest. 2. To play a game of chance for stake... Gambling is a way of obtaining undeserved money which makes man forget his Creator, prevents him from performing prayers, leads him to laziness, eliminates his strength to work and causes grudge and enmity among people. All kinds of gambling, which causes irreparable wounds in individual and social life, are haram in the religion of Islam. Gambling is haraam because Allaah has forbidden it, and He rules as He wills. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, al-Ansaab [sacrifices for idols, etc.] and al-Azlaam [arrows for seeking luck or decision] are an abomination of Shaytaan’s handiwork. What is Forbidden in Islam? You will often hear the term “haram” or “kaba’ir” used by Muslims which is a reference to whatever is considered forbidden in Islam.To be more specific, haram means any sinful act that Allah mentions in the Quran and prohibits us from doing. For example, there are small sins that are considered forbidden in Islam like rude behaviour or the use of foul ... In Islam, gambling is not considered to be a simple game or frivolous pastime. The Quran often condemns gambling and alcohol together in the same verse, recognizing both as a social disease which is addictive and destroys personal and family lives. When Gharar is too high, the transaction is seen as gambling. In general, gambling is defined Islamically as a financial transaction wherein the individual puts forth a definite cost, has the ability to gain or lose profit, and has virtually no control over the outcome, i.e. the gharar is too high. When Islam came, it described the evils of gambling in the most effective language and prohibited it for Muslims. In the Noble Quran, Allah Almighty Says (what means): "O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.” [Quran 5:90] I'll allow my friend Jonathan Coe explain... Islam sees [gambling] as one of the great sins (great as in major, rather than really good, we assume). It should be noted, though, that it is placed alongside the seemingly respectable pastime of chess... haram; gambling; islam; asked Jan 25, 2011 in Islam by anonymous . 2 Answers. 0 votes. Gambling is haram and here is what and where it says in Quran. The Cow (219) They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin ...

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