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Ralph by Ralph Lauren Women’s RA4124 Hexagonal Metal Sunglasses, Silver/Mirror Gold, 60 mm

Ralph by Ralph Lauren Women’s RA4124 Hexagonal Metal Sunglasses, SilveMirror Gold, 60 mm submitted by bestsunglassbrands to u/bestsunglassbrands [link] [comments]

First Contact - Chapter 308 (The Black Box)

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The landscape below was destroyed. Parks riven and cold, destroyed buildings covered with a rime of frost from where the atmosphere had frozen to the surfaces when the dome had been breached, vehicles strewn around. There was still the flicker of neon and holograms.
And the white flicker of shades.
"Where are we?" Herod asked as the domed city slowly passed beneath him, as if he wasn't moving at nearly two thousand miles an hour.
"Over the Layer Sigma Worker Housing Area Niner Epsilon Three Area," Sam-UL answered.
"How many people worked in here when it was active?" Herod asked, watching at the shattered edge of the dome slid by.
"Two hundred fifty three thousand four hundred nineteen 'Pure Strain Humans', eighty-three Digital Sentiences, eighty three thousand two hundred nineteen 'gene-jacks', one-hundred sixteen thousand two hundred forty two Cybernetic Collective Citizens, fifteen thousand Treana'ad exactly, nineteen million eight hundred fifteen thousand six hundred seventy six Born Whole maintenance clones," Sam answered.
Herod closed his eyes, no longer the robotic looking eyes his physical interaction frame had started with, and pushed his palms against the eye sockets.
"They all killed each other," Sam choked.
"Steady, Sam," Herod said. The other DS had been alternating between raving and weeping for a few hours prior.
"There's just so many of them. So many of them," Sam's voice trailed off into a whisper.
"Steady, Sam," Herod said. He looked down at Wally, the little robot that had been accompanying him.
Wally could get to the mass storage areas much faster and easier than Herod could.
And unlike Sam and Herod, Wally didn't see the Shades.
Another destroyed dome went by, frozen trees and fields of gain in the darkness. The only light was the pale white flicker of shades moving about, the psychic residue of the last moments of beings driven insane.
"How much further," Herod asked.
"Half an hour," Sam-UL said.
"What do I need to repair?" Herod asked.
Below a complex railyard passed, with the rails moving up into the air.
Behold mine works I doth craft in mine madness and despair, ye who art still burdened with thy sanity, Herod quoted to himself as the mag-lev passenger car passed a train frozen still on the tracks and covered in a layer of frost.
"Main power switching system. Not the computers, but the physical links," Sam said. He coughed, the wet bubbling cough of a man with a punctured lung. "It used old Stappenbury Superconductors."
Herod nodded. That type was room temperature and above but quickly increased impedance the colder it got, a direct reversal of most conductors.
It also excreted flourine gas as it got colder and hydrogen gas as it got hotter.
One of the earliest strange matter applications.
"I'll manufacture the Stappenbury when I see what I have to replace. Do you have a visual on it?" Herod asked, opening up his virtual keyboard and setting to work.
"No. I've got the blueprint, but like we saw in the matter shipment switchback what is on the blueprint and what is reality are two different things," Sam said. He paused for a moment. "It's OK. Don't cry. Let's go find your mommy."
Herod tried to block out the last part.
So, so many children, went through his mind before he could push the thought away.
The power switching section supplied power to the habitats and at first Herod couldn't see why Sam wanted it fixed.
It was the tertiary backup power system for the Born Whole hash system. The bare necessary power for the cold storage to be accessed, much less move base hashes to the 'griddle' to be warmed up and 'grown' so that the 'buds' could be harvested and made into full hashes.
Herod thought for second. There was a reason that any hashes that had been cooked up when the Glassing happened couldn't be used.
They would all be mad.
And Herod had found himself becoming more and more educated on the different flavors of being mad.
The mental image of himself in an ice cream shop, between Treana'ad matrons, picking out a cone of madness to taste made him start giggling.
The giggles turned to sobbing laughter.
The sobbing laughter began to mix with laughing sobs.
The laughing sobs and sobbing laughs turned to screams.
Wally snapped him out of it, patting his back and making soothing musical chirps.
Herod hugged the robot close, weeping, for a long moment.
Finally he straightened up, wiping the moisture from his face, and looked outside the tram.
There was one of the fusion generators masquerading as a sun moving by underneath him, the polarized section facing Herod, so that it was shining light down on the section of the inside of the sphere below him.
Huge tanks, the size of massive cargo ships, slowly moved by beneath him. There were red emergency lights on, bathing the whole place a surreal reddish color.
He could see the flickering pale white of the Shades among the tanks, gathering in number, until he passed over a destroyed area where the Shades were thick.
"Volatile Noble Gas Storage," Sam said suddenly in Herod's ear. His voice was calmer.
Herod managed to keep from screaming.
"Born Whole short life clones, driven mad by the attack, swarmed the workers, killed them, and ate them. The attack damaged the kill-switches in them so the Pubvians working in that section were outnumbered a thousand to one," Herod said. "They held out here, hoping to keep the clones from overrunning their housing."
"Did it work?" Herod asked.
"It didn't matter. Their wives and children had been driven mad," Sam-UL said softly. He hitched a sob. "So many of them need comfort, need the trauma of their last insane moments eased," he said. "I can't do this, Herod. I can't bear it."
"We will do as we must," Herod said, doing his best to keep his voice firm. "There is no-one but us who can do this."
Sam-UL gave another choking sob. "Why, Herod? Why would they bring their children to this place?"
"It wouldn't have mattered," Herod said, watching the dome that was obviously the Pubvians habitat slowly move by underneath him. "Here, Terra, Pubvia, Rigel, it wouldn't have mattered. The Mantid killed over seventy-percent of the Republic's citizens."
"And only managed to kill less than ten percent of its military," Sam-UL laughed. The laughter suddenly cut off and Sam was silent for a long moment. "How, Herod? How did they do it?"
"The Mantid?" Herod asked. He was staring down at long highways, railways, mag-lev tubes below him.
"No. Our parents," Sam-UL said. "How did they forgive the Mantid with the fires of the Glassing still burning on Terra and on Pubvia?"
"Because they did," Herod said. "I don't know. Just being this close to it all, I can feel the hatred beating at me like heat from standing too close to a fusion furnace."
"The sheer pleasure the Speakers and Warriors felt, pushing the deaths of every kill back into SolNet and the SoulNet, it's obscene," Sam-UL said.
"They are extinct now, Sam-UL. Killed by the Immortals and the endless might of the Imperium of Light," Herod reminded the other DS. "No Queens, No Masters."
Sam giggled.
"It was thousands of years ago, Sam-UL," Herod said quietly, hugging Wally. "It's ancient history now."
"Dust in the wind," Sam-UL sang softly. "Just dust in the wind."
Below him there was a huge portal to the next layer, a permeable force field that flickered and wavered in the visual spectrum. Herod knew it was an older model, one of the first generations of such a thing.
"The screen generators are damaged," Herod said, leaning down and squinting to activate his telescopic vision. He could see three damaged points in the ring. "Looks like explosive."
"Power switching station first," Sam-UL said.
"I know," Herod sighed. "I wish I knew what kind of subsystems depend on the flourine or the hydrogen secondary product. It would be safer to use Duvalier Systems Superconductor in that kind of mechanism," Herod said. He sighed again. "I kind of wish Flowerpatch was here."
"She would have never made it," Sam-UL said. "The Mat-Trans would have torn her apart."
"Still," Herod sighed.
"Me too," Sam-UL admitted. "There's just not enough of me, not enough of you. I can touch the face of eternity, feel her tears, and hear the cries of the dead calling out for succor."
"Steady, Sam," Herod said, looking down through the huge circular gate. He estimated it was three or four hundred miles wide.
He could see lights in the darkness beyond.
The portal slid by.
"Herod, can I have your access codes?" Sam-UL suddenly asked.
"Sure, why not," Herod said.
He felt what seemed like a warm finger touch inside his brain and gasped.
"Thank you," Sam-UL said. "You're almost there."
Herod felt the mag-lev car slow down, starting the braking system working. The mag-lev car shuddered and vibrated, tiny flakes of neo-aluminum floating down from the ceiling.
"I'll have Wally warm up the nano-forge," Herod said. He closed his eyes for a long moment. "I can do this because I must."
"Where do you think they are?" Torturer asked, staring at the security camera feed. The combined team had only just managed to get the cameras turned back on and the security system to access the feed. There were patches and lockouts all through the system.
"Not sure," Vanishing Point said. He leaned forward. "Look at the stuff scattered around. What were they doing?"
The gathered Digital Sentiences all turned and looked at the small slight woman with short black hair, sunglasses, and a pistol in the armpit of her black suit.
"I will not confirm or deny any theories as to what they were doing," she said, her voice soft but somehow menacing.
The Digital Sentiences all turned their attention back to the camera feed.
"Looks like they were coating something in something," Torturer mumbled. He waited a second. "Flowerpatch?"
They turned and looked at the only DS physically present, who was using a nanite cloud as a distributed network to host her intellect.
She leaned forward, smiling. "Looks like they used strange matter to coat, hmm, judging from the marks left of the floor, it looks like extreme environment hazard suits."
"Why would they need hazard suits?" Nexus asked.
"Unknown," Sigma said, cocking his head. "Herod withdrew equipment before he vanished."
"What equipment?" Flowerpatch asked.
"He ran off a template for a replica of a Third Republic 12mm force pistol," Sigma said. "He then created two hazardous environmental suits, then withdrew three mass tanks, a strange-matter Class XIV nano-forge using historical archive Third Republic designs, three Class XII graviton power generators that were actually pre-Diasporia designs, and two Class XI zero-point difference reactors that were Second Republic design," Sigma pointed at the laboratory. "There are no reactors or power generators."
Flowerpatch had tossed up the specs for the equipment and rocked back suddenly. "All of this came from the historical archives. It's all Pre-Glassing technology."
"Surely you are mistaken," Nexus said.
"No. Look at the dates of the templates he used. All of them are pre-Glassing using only pre-Glassing methods and materials. They chose for inefficency rather than higher efficency and energy to matter conversion rates," Flowerpatch said.
"Why would they do that?" Torturer asked. He turned to the slight woman. "Do you know?"
Flowerpatch was looking right at her when she shook her head and saw, again, something that apparently only she could see.
The bio Terran had a digital presence. It was slightly off, maybe a nanosecond, but she still saw the oddly colored and oddly shaped digital presence of the small woman. It was all gray, silvery, and moved more like water or a thick gas than a pure digital representation.
Flowerpatch filed it away as just another curiosity.
"What could they have wanted that equipment for?" Nexus asked. He pointed at where some kind of hexagonal chamber had been built in the corner of the room. "And what is this? He used one of the larger creation engines to build it, but the template for that is nowhere to be found."
"The creation engine in his lab is under some kind of lockout," Delta said. He turned to the bioform. "Can you unlock it so we can see what he built?"
Again she shook her head. "No. The interlocks are older code, core code. Any attempt to even move the creation engine will cause it to fuse out."
Flowerpatch looked close at the lab. "Is the creation engine why none of us can enter?"
She nodded slowly. "Yes."
"How old was the template he used to create that object?" Flowerpatch asked.
The small female Terran held still for a long moment. "Before your people were born. Sam-UL managed to hack out the schematics and created a template from the schematics using Legion's access codes."
Everyone went still.
"It predated creation engines?" Delta choked out.
"Yes," the woman said.
"And Sam-UL has Legion's access codes?" Torturer said. She nodded. "Why didn't you do anything?"
"Legion gave instructions that we are to ignore all hacking and data theft by Sam-UL with highest priority," she said. She shrugged. "He found something, something nobody else did. Legion's codes were hacked after the Case Omaha went out."
Another of the petite women came in and looked at Flowerpatch. "You are required," she said. Her voice brooked no argument and Flowerpatch could hear the order repeated in digital space.
Flowerpatch stood up, dusting off her hands. "Complying."
She followed the petite woman out even as Torturer argued that Sam-UL had somehow escaped the Black Box with Herod and left everyone else to rot. They wound through the hallways until they stopped at a heavy door.
The slight woman put her hand next to the door and her palm was scanned and her digital identification was read. The slate pinged and went dark as the door unlocked.
"You are the only one with physical form. We lack the empathy to carry out what must be attended to," the woman said.
"You're part of an Immortal, aren't you?" Flowerpatch asked.
She nodded. "Yes."
"The Case Omaha took part of your mind with it, didn't it?" Flowerpatch asked.
She shook her head. "No. My sister's and I's souls. Our Father fights to preserve Holy TerraSol. We carry out his will in the universe beyond so that the enemies of mankind will not triumph."
The door finally finished unlocking and slowly opened. Flowerpatch noted it was two meters thick warsteel and opened into a hallway.
"Are you all the same?" Flowerpatch asked as she followed the small woman, who most people thought of as a "Confederate Intelligence Agent', down the hallways.
"We are all complete," the woman said. "We live, we die, we live again. We do not forget yesterday but we stand today looking toward tomorrow."
Flowerpatch managed not to shiver as the petite woman opened another door. It took long moments before the door raised.
"Do you know where Herod and Sam-UL went?" Flowerpatch asked.
"I cannot confirm or deny any knowledge regarding any such potential individuals nor their possible activity," the woman said. She made a gesture. "After you."
Flowerpatch walked in and stopped. There were cryo-tubes in the room. Surgical ones, where nanites and robotic surgeons could work on someone in cold storage. The room was warm, the cryo-tubes covered with moisture.
The petite woman walked up to one that was dry, putting her hand on the top.
Flowerpatch walked up next to her, watching it confirm the woman's identity. For the first time, concentrating, she saw it as it flowed by.
"He will need you," the woman said. "He has recovered from his illness. Legion, my Father's brother, has delivered him from the grasp of Hades."
The tube cracked open and Flowerpatch stared in shock at the body inside.
It shuddered and opened its eyes, staring at Flowerpatch.
"Mommy, I had a dream I had been sick," the young Dogboy said, reaching for her.
Flowerpatch took his hand. "It's OK now, sweetie, momma's here."
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submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

JTFP: Christmas, Romjul and 2020

7 days until 2020.
It was a delightful day when Charles Hexagon stepped into the building where their Christmas party took place. His sister Charlotte followed, clumsily tripping over an empty ice-cone box and almost falling, with Charles catching her like he was already expecting it to happen. It was the evening during Christmas, and the place was filled with decorations. Charles sat down and talked with some friends, when a man with sunglasses and a dark-purple suit came towards him. He introduced himself as Timothy Baxter and asked Charles some questions about the “events of last Fall”, something Charles was present at. Charles remembered how a strange thing happened during the last camp. Someone had created a Supercomputer that had sucked three people into its game-world and tried to eliminate them. Then some of the enemies came out of the screen, everyone defeated those, and the three heroes eventually destroyed the computer. Charles thought for a second, then told the man what he witnessed, that he had guided others to safety when the enemies spawned. Timothy listened. Somewhat bored, it strangely seemed, and told Charles he’d like to know if anything mysterious would happen again. He left, leaving Charles thinking deeply about what exactly Timothy wanted out of this.
5 days until 2020.
Charles was a blonde with a pale face and his sister looked nearly the same, but with enormous round glasses covering her blue eyes like the ones her brother had. It was two days later and they were driving towards Norway where, two months ago, Høstcamp, or Fall camp, took place. Only now it was a darker and colder winter month and it was time for Romjulscamp. Charles asked Charlotte if she’d be all right, and trying to reply she accidentally swallowed some of her ice coffee and started coughing loudly. Responding with a ‘yes’ with tears still in her eyes, Charles wondered how much he’d have to look after her. Since what happened two months ago, she had become more quiet and clumsy than usual, and Charles told her time and time again to act carefully and keep herself from accidents. He felt like she wasn’t taking him seriously, just acting too unsafe. What could happen if she was alone? He calmed down after telling himself she’d be fine, and events like what happened last Fall would probably never happen again. Probably. After a long drive they reached the new hotel that was recently finished. The siblings wished each other good night and went to their own rooms where they met up with their friends. It was late in the evening and everyone went to bed.
4 days until 2020.
The square outside was filled with people and after a fun little show for the opening, the activities started again. Charles hadn’t chosen any. Too risky. Anything could happen. Just like... well, he preferred not to think about it. He saw the news was playing on a tv inside a barista. It told about strange circled icons appearing all over the world, with the artist unknown, which were impossible to remove. They looked kinda familiar. He watched as his sister safely started their coffee-making workshop with the group. Surrounded by this many friends, she’d be safe, but now he had to find something to do. Maybe check upon the others. But then he saw someone who’d watched the news as well and was now taking notes. It was Timothy, walking with two others dressed exactly like him. Sunglasses, suit, somewhat looking like secret agents. He could see how Timothy passed a picture to his colleague. Charles recognized the person in it. It was Serena Foxtrot. Finding it pretty suspicious, Charles walked to them and asked what activities they were going to do. Timothy was quiet for a few seconds, then said he wasn’t participating, being part of a special group who took care of other things, without mentioning he was looking for someone. Charles, finding Timothy now too suspicious, decided to find Serena before Timothy would. He didn’t tell him he knew the Foxtrots already.
Inside of the gigantic game-room, three players were playing a weird game with flying cacti in it. The youngest, a twelve-year-old boy, was crushing the other two; a fourteen-year-old and his two-year-older sister. Dorran had come out on top for the fourth time that morning, while Benjamin celebrated his victory, and Serena became bored. It wasn’t until Charles came by and asked Serena if he could talk to her for a minute. They stood in a hallway while Charles said who he was and explained his thoughts about the agent-like people who were looking for her. Serena was confused, and asked if it was because she had entered and destroyed the Supercomputer. It was that very moment Charles found out she was one of the three. That’s definitely why they were looking for her, and maybe the other two. But his thoughts quickly turned back. He begged Serena not to give more information than what could’ve been observed, explaining that the “agents” were with multiple colleagues who acted suspiciously. He just wanted to avoid the worst. Serena, still confused, but seeing in his eyes that Charles meant what he said, promised not to tell more than was necessary. After saying she’d tell Dorran the same, but that the third guy who’d defeated the Supercomputer, Bryan, wasn’t here, Charles left to look for him. A strange feeling led Charles on the mission. Maybe it was just the cold, but... no, he felt a negative gut feeling, like danger was coming. A feeling he had felt multiple times throughout his life, but never this big. When he went by the barista where, normally, everyone would be learning how to make coffee, he saw a fallen sign, people standing outside and when he checked the inside, he noticed a huge amount of ice, covering the entire room. It had a weird, light-orange color inside of it. He asked what happened, and one of Charlotte’s friends replied, saying his sister was missing.
3 days until 2020.
Nowhere to be found, no way to be contacted. She hadn’t come back to her hotel room, not to the barista, and wasn’t seen by anyone. Charles looked everywhere for her, yet no sign of Charlotte was found. The only evidence they had, was that layer of ice that’d somehow appeared. Charles had informed everyone about her absence, but no group leaders, nor the police, had found her yet. Charles was worried. He’d contacted his family, and soon the word had spread: Charlotte Hexagon was missing. The temperatures had dropped and it had started to snow a lot. The activities and the search continued, but Charles didn’t participate in the camp any longer. He went back to the empty barista, where the ice was somehow still standing, and there he was again: Timothy. First he shows up, in his stupid costume, looking for someone in secret, while he could’ve just asked, and now Charlotte disappeared, and once again he only observes when everyone has already left. Charles, wanting to know what was going on, decided to secretly but safely follow Baxter when he left. He followed him all the way to a long forgotten, little and black building with a white roof right outside of the forest, which hadn’t been used for years now. He climbed a big trash can next to the building, and peeked through the window as Timothy went inside. There were more men and women, looking the same and sitting around a table. He could only just hear what Timothy said.
‘...the ice isn’t a coincidence. You’ve seen the evidence. Whatever these magic hassles are, they’re real. I’ve asked around, and everyone talks the same about those video-game enemies that attacked them. I was hoping to get more information from one of the three that went inside of the Supercomputer. Unfortunately, Serena said she couldn’t explain more than others. But now, now we’ve had those icons appearing across the globe, a clump of ice in a barista, and a Hexagon is missing. A Hexagon! You wanna know why that fascinates me? For the same reason I asked mostly anyone related closest to the Catamaran family about anything extraordinary that happened!’
Charles’s thoughts went rapidly. Timothy talked about magic, actual, impossible to explain magic, being real for sure. But that couldn’t possibly be true, right? What’s more, he also mentioned the Catamaran family... After that the group mentioned one of the icons lying close to where they were, therefore joining the hikers tomorrow. Then they all silently went on their computers, so Charles left quietly. He needed to share this, but not with everyone. Just one person. Serena was probably the best option.
She had listened to Charles’s story. He thanked Serena for keeping as much a secret as possible. They thought of a plan to reveal the “agents” their true motives, and answer all questions that were born. Serena chose to leave the gaming-activity for what it was, as she had gotten bored of Dorran and Benjamin, still aggressively playing, beating her every round. They’d follow Timothy by joining the hikers as well. Serena would hide herself from Timothy, not having signed up for the hiking group. Despite more snow continuing to fall from the sky and temperatures colder than eight degrees Fahrenheit, the trip went fine, and they witnessed amazing Norwegian landscapes, covered with even more snow than usual. It didn’t take long before they’d walked around a mountain, and saw something unnatural. It was one of the icons. A gigantic smiley, exactly similar to the logo of the camps. Who’d done this? As Charles came closer, he’d notice millions of tiny holes in the circle. At this point, the snow had turned into a light snowstorm, and everyone took cover in a cave. Charles would keep an eye on Timothy the entire time and Serena, trying to brighten up the situation, decided to play a song and do some silly dance moves with everyone. She was just showing the others how to do The Charleston while turning up the volume of her headphones, when out of nowhere, blue sparks emitted from her hands. She was shocked for a moment, then tried again. Blue and purple lights shined out of her hands and she started to emanate light, while little sparks appeared around her headphones. Everyone witnessed the phenomenon, and while amazed at what was happening, but not forgetting his mission, Charles took a look at Timothy, except he was standing all the way back near the entrance, calling someone. Charles chased him, but another light from behind filled the room, and Serena fired a massive music-note-shaped light beam towards the entrance. Charles could only just dug away before it floated outside. Timothy turned around and witnessed Charles close to him, then Serena, who’s scarf had fallen off and face was now visible. She was supposed to be with the gamers. Serena had stopped whatever she was doing, worried it might happen again, and Timothy asked Charles what they were doing. Charles asked what he was talking about, but Timothy said he wasn’t stupid, and aware that Charles was here to spy on him, apparently now with Serena as well. Charles was just angrily about to admit why, when the snowstorm had grown to the point winds where tearing apart trees and it was so cold that even Charles’s three vests and thick winter jacket could not withstand the cold. But the weirdest appearance were the strange sounds that came from the sky. And then Charles witnessed a glimmer in a tree, and he recognized the shape. His mind just went blank. He straight up ran outside, himself wanting to stop but his legs just continuing to move. Timothy warned him loudly, as he climbed the tree. Through the snow, fast winds and loud noises he grabbed the object, without thinking clearly, before the thin tree started to crack and fall down, into the snow. Timothy had come by to help him stand up, and together they ran back inside. Charles showed Timothy the object he recognized as Charlotte’s glasses. She had been here. How and why the heck right here no one knew, but she had been here. Charles was still in shock by what he just did. He’d normally never act this unsafe. But Timothy had come by to help him... Eventually a rescue team came to save everyone from the storm, but Charles was struggling to come with them. His sister might be out there, alone... Serena meanwhile had noticed how the music note she created had been floating in the sky, miles away. If Charlotte’s glasses were here, maybe she was close. What if that’s why the music note was hanging there? What if... she tried again? She redid the dance, but made sure to turn her headphones on first. She lit up, and another smaller, but similar music note appeared, and it connected with the one in the sky. Serena didn’t know for sure why, but she said they had to go there to find a clue. She’d encourage Charles to come look for Charlotte, and not leave her alone. Charles thought deeply. He did not like the potential danger, but, if it meant finding Charlotte... He agreed to come with Serena, even though his arm slightly hurt, probably because of the fall. Timothy came as well, as he arranged a jeep for them to use. And during the trip Timothy explained his team was created after someone built the Supercomputer. They wanted to find answers, but mostly keep the ones visiting the camps safe. The ride took hours. It had become extremely cold outside, the thermometer now displaying minus 28 degrees Celsius. The dark and the snowstorm prevented Timothy from seeing almost anything, and at a certain point the snow-covered floor left everyone not knowing where the road had went, until the moment the jeep sank deep in the snow and a loud crack could be heard. And then more, and more. They were standing on thin ice! Immediately Charles screamed to jump out, and they were just in time to flee before the ice shattered and the jeep sank into a large, deep lake. Charles wanted to say that they’d already gone too far, but Serena interrupted him and pointed at the music note. It was floating halfway on top of a mountain and underneath was a giant, orange, hexagonal-shaped ice sculpture. Phenomenal, and they would’ve never found it without leaving the car. That’s where Charlotte was. It must be. But the freezing cold became too much, and the storm in the pitch black dark blinded their sight. They were stuck in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Timothy called for help on his phone, as they started walking. He looked at his watch. It just turned midnight. but before they could get any more steps closer, they passed out.
2 days until 2020.
When waking up Charles was lying on a couch, close to a fireplace, in an unknown living room. His arm was bandaged and next to a Christmas tree were Serena and Timothy and his team sitting and talking. Charles asked where they were. Timothy said they were in one of the homes of his friends, hiding from Charlotte herself. He explained that it were her magical ice-powers, or something close to it, that was causing the bad weather, the strange sounds and the ice-sculpture. After his team had taken them here they had begun thinking of a plan to make her stop what she was probably not doing deliberately, before the whole south-east part of Norway would freeze by the extremely low temperatures. They’d taken pieces of the orange-colored ice, and were unable to melt it, until the orange glow had disappeared and only the ice remained. But the bigger the piece, the longer that took. And although the magic was most likely tied to Charlotte’s thoughts and feelings, just like Serena’s, they could not figure out why she was letting out all of the magic right now. But Charles realized it. He understood. He knew why Charlotte had suppressed all of her feelings and magic that she now couldn’t hold in any longer. It was his fault. He kept telling her, again and again, to stay more careful, too safe. If anyone would be hurt, if she’d be hurt... IT WAS HIS FAULT! He could’ve prevented it! He needed to do something now! Charles admitted everything he did, and would do anything to make things right. And so, the team headed out into the storm, using a snowplow, snow-scooters and fifteen layers of clothing. Charles’s arm hurt again, and very shortly he hesitated. It was because he wildly ran outside that he injured himself. Though Serena said that, although sacrifices were made today, they had also gotten closer to Charlotte because of them, and they were still alive and okay. And Charles said that at this point, any sacrifice would be worth it to save her.
They would’ve never reached the giant hexagonal iceberg if it wasn’t for the enormous machines that the agent-like team questionably arranged, but finally they started to break the layers of frozen water, combined with the unknown element. Serena meanwhile kept trying to use whatever her powers were, hoping it was strong enough to break the ice. Everyone was slashing and hammering, hoping to free the girl trapped inside. But the closer they got, the louder a voice screaming inside of Charles’s mind became. And then he suddenly recognized it. It wasn’t inside of his mind, it was Charlotte, screaming. The ice. Breaking the ice was hurting her! He commanded everyone to stop. But what could they do? They couldn’t melt the ice. How else would they free her? Maybe there was something Serena could do. But she was still struggling. They was no other way. Everyone would freeze to death if they waited. He asked of Timothy to make the last swing, but covered his ears. Timothy swung his axe and a hole was created. They went in, and saw more ice and orange lights and in the middle, a body, stuck in between spikes of ice reaching out of the hands and feet. Crying. There she was. Charles started to run towards her, apologizing and saying he’d make things right. It seemed she wasn’t listening at all. He had gotten close to her, but still got scared of how wild the ice floating around her was. Charles told her to stop, but then Charlotte seemed to get mad, as his feet froze to the ground and ice shaped as claws were reaching for him, only for Serena to come in between him and the attack, and destroy the ice with her magic. She started dancing, and finally understood that if she had the headphones on and listened to whatever relevant music would make her heart start pumping wildly, she just... knew what do to. Or rather, it knew. She had let trying to control something inside of her go, perform a dance relevant to what was needed, and the magic feeling would flow through her body like chills down her spine she’d feel with any good song. It’s like the magic itself knew what to do. She would say this to Charles, but he was barely listening. Charlotte wasn’t free yet. He kept saying to her to calm down and control the magic, but then she let out another loud cry, and spikes of ice came from underneath and cut through his jacket, picking him up and lifting him into the air. Another one of Charlotte’s outbursts released a giant cloud, and everyone would freeze. All except Charles, who was now hanging about 300 yards in the sky. He then noticed the giant music note Serena had made, that led them here in the first place, and grabbed it. What now? He had to save Charlotte, Timothy, everyone! He must do something, he must... did Serena say control? Charles thought about what he had said. Any sacrifice would be worth it to save her. But not from the others. Him. He let his own thoughts go. Just like when he received the glasses. He was done living life too carefully, and boring. Even if it meant getting hurt. He held the music note, took of his jacket, and jumped, having no idea if this was going to work. He loosened him bandages, raised his fist with Serena’s music note in it, and believed, like she said, in the magic. He let go of his control. If this wouldn’t work, he would have at least tried. He closed his eyes. Feeling his left arm becoming colder and colder, and with the ground coming closer and closer.
‘I’m sorry, Charlotte. I promise I won’t hurt you again after this!’
He opened his eyes. The music note had turned into purple, sparkling ice. His arm was covered with the same substance of ice like Charlotte’s, but before thinking about it, he hit the gigantic ice-sculpture right on the top. With a flash of light it broke into millions of pieces. Charlotte got released from the ice, and started falling as well, but a wave of Serena’s purple streams picked up both of them and they safely landed.
12 hours until 2020.
A hot cup of cocoa did everyone well. Charlotte had felt extreme guilt after the story was told, but Charles said that he should take all the blame. He made up with her, and Timothy. Everyone had a fun last day of 2019, and twelve hours later, they witnessed and amazing firework show. A new year had started.
January 7th, 2020
Charles looked at the beam of light going up into the sky. Hopefully he could finally check out what those smileys exactly meant while visiting his friends, but then his trip was quickly interrupted by a phone call. When he picked up and listened to what his father had said, he hit the brakes hard and turned the wheel, to drive back home as fast as possible.
Meanwhile, Timothy had done it. He’d finally unlocked the file. He opened it. It contained a message. A very strange message. Strange, but frightening. And the writer’s name shocked him to the point he jumped from his chair and rewinded to read the words again:
Ton Catamaran.
An End
submitted by TonTawny to stories [link] [comments]

[FS] [USA] New Closet/Haul Clearout - Ambition Nike Centered Hoodie, Cold Laundry Puffer Jacket, Yeezy Powerphases, Arc’teryx Shorts, Bape x Lakers, Nike Centered Tees, Vetements Tees, Marigela Tees, Helmut Lang, YSL, Guess x ASAP, Supreme, Jacquemus Hat & More! 🔥🔥🔥

Will ship everything by Thursday/Friday! Bundle Deals WILL be prioritized first. Venmo is prioritized but will take Paypal Gifted (I'm Vouched T1). Shipping depends on location but I’ll work with you on the costs. Tagged photos should be shown in each Imgur link below but timestamp for everything is here: (https://imgur.com/a/VgRVvFm). Don’t forget to check the Clearance Section at the bottom. Thanks!
WILL BUY OR TRADE FOR: Ambition Nike Centered Swoosh Size Medium Hoodie, Anything Balenciaga Speedhunters (Fits Medium), Hyped Shoes that Fit Size 8.5, Balenciaga Speed Runners Size 8.5, Any Loafers Size 8 (Preferably Gucci), Travis Scott x Off-White Hoodie Size Medium
Vouches: https://www.reddit.com/RepVouch/comments/7ld10g/jimmythecollector


Palace Long Sleeve Striped Shirt (White, Orange, Black) - Fits Medium - $20 + Shipping - Hella soft and comfortable. Perfect shirt for lounging around or wearing on a plane due to extreme comfort. I have so many striped tees (Guess lol) that I’m deciding to part with this. - https://imgur.com/a/AXigN2A
Marigela Upside-Down Logo Tee - Fits Medium - $35 + Shipping - Brand new and never worn from my haul, looking to get back the price I paid for it. Extremely thick shirt that is perfect for the cooler days and the fit is similar to retail which is a bit oversized but nothing too crazy. Such a sick shirt IMO. - https://imgur.com/a/FkqVehf
Vetements Fiber Optics Navy Blue Tee - Fits Medium - $30 + Shipping - Brand new and never worn from my haul. Thick blank similar to TC Supreme blanks but a bit lighter. Hella nice tee and the print on the front and back is well made. - https://imgur.com/a/KpkduY2
Helmut Lang Limited Edition Pink Logo Tee - Fits Medium - $32 + Shipping - Has not been worn before but only tried on. Blank is like a thinner TC Supreme Logo blank which is really well known for being thick. Alongside the high quality blank the print seems very good and overall this is a beautiful tee with a nice simplistic design. - https://imgur.com/a/jYLzIl2
Ambush Army Green AW 2018 Logo Tee - Fits Large - XL - $28 + Shipping - Brand new and never worn from my haul. Super faint stains on the bottom left front from storage but you cannot see it unless you are a few inches away from it, but I’m just trying to be transparent. - https://imgur.com/a/3YsBKTF
Yves Saint Laurent Paris-New York Black Logo Tee - Fits Small-Large - $26 + Shipping - Extremely silky and soft blank with a 3-D textured logo print on the front. Tags look good and small details such as the tag logo and bottom right tag on the front of the shirt look good to me. - https://imgur.com/a/ut67hT9
Nike Light Blue Center Swoosh Tee - Fits Medium- $25 + Shipping - This shirt is extremely comfortable and soft, similar to Nike’s Dri-Fit line but a bit softer I’d say. Brand new and never used from my Taobao haul, dosen’t fit as loose as I want it so for anyone whos a TTS medium this will be perfect. - https://imgur.com/a/00PpffU
Lakers x Bape Camo Jersey - Fits Oversized Small - Medium - $45 + Shipping - Grail piece I acquired a few months back on Superbuy, AFAIK there’s two batches of this jersey, One that is screen printed with the colors off that go for around 25 bucks on this sub and this batch with the correct embroidery similar to retail. Stitching is extremely clean on this jersey, cleaner than my Terry jerseys who’s the standard on JerseyReps and all the tags look good to me. - https://imgur.com/a/Y6s9MTH
Nike Light Green Center Swoosh Tee - Fits Medium- $25 + Shipping - This shirt is extremely comfortable and soft, similar to Nike’s Dri-Fit line but a bit softer I’d say. Brand new and never used from my Taobao haul, dosen’t fit as loose as I want it so for anyone whos a TTS medium this will be perfect. - https://imgur.com/a/rF3CBCR
RETAIL Billie Eilish By Takashi Murakami Uniqlo Tee - Medium - $10 + Shipping - Brand new and never used. Copped recently but wasn’t feeling it so I’m deciding to sell. - $10 + Shipping - https://imgur.com/a/1GTqzSA
Nike Dri-Fit “Jesus and Prophets” Tee - Fits Medium - $28 + Shipping - Bought this after seeing a post of it on FashionReps. If I can remember correctly this was a real piece that was produced from famous designer but not associated with Nike at all, but this information was taken from my memory based on the comment section of that post. Pretty sick and loud tee IMO and has never been worn before. - https://imgur.com/a/n1Xuo2u
All-Saints Black/White Patterned Button-Up - Fits Medium - $25 + Shipping - After visiting a retail All-Saints store at my nearest outlet I was impressed with the fit/softness of there button-ups so I decided to browse on Tao lol. Actually I ended up keeping my white colorway which I prefer so I’m looking to sell the black one. - https://imgur.com/a/U8cxzAl
Supreme “The Persistence of Memory” Clock Tee - Fits Medium - $35 + Shipping - Another extremely rare replica that was acquired on Taobao through digging through a review and reverse image searching. I have a plethora of other black tees so I’m deciding to let this beauty go. - https://imgur.com/a/Mp1NX1V
PHST “Dice Tournament” Tee (As Seen on A$AP Rocky) - Fits Medium - $22 + Shipping - Saw this in a wardrobe book feat ASAP Rocky and had to cop this tee. Logo looks fine and the shirt overall is extremely comfortable. - https://imgur.com/a/b0lULlK
Retail Undefeated Grey Blue Tally Tee - TTS Large - $24 + Shipping - Paid 35 bucks for this off a friend in a new condition and wore it two times. I’m more of an oversized medium fit so this is a bit too big on me for my liking. Take this for a great deal. - https://imgur.com/a/kAwXy83
RETAIL Guess ASAP Striped Ringer Tee - Small - $55 + Shipping - Don’t get me wrong, the reps are extremely accurate but this was a grail piece for a while so I copped retail at around 90 bucks on Grailed. Wear it less often now so I’m deciding to sell but if any repfam wants this take it for a steal price. - https://imgur.com/a/4AMLG7z
Retail Supreme Color Blocked Work Shirt Light Navy SS18 - Large - $90 + Shipping - I see two postings of it on Grailed for 105 and 190 respectively. Take this for a steal. In amazing condition and has only been worn for a week. - https://imgur.com/a/7lShpfM
Lacoste FRA-27 “The Circuit 27” White Polo - Fits Medium - $20 + Shipping - Retailed for 65 bucks so take for a steal as this is extremely comfortable and stretchy. The print on the front looks good and has the correct design on the collar as well. Overall this is an amazing and very accurate replica. - https://imgur.com/a/IC1mAUI
Tommy Jeans Embroidered Polo - Fits Medium - $20 + Shipping - Brand New with tags. The design on this piece is amazing with the nice logo on the collar to give it a nice touch. Extremely soft and accurate to retail and overall this piece is definitely a must-have for the formal person collection. - https://imgur.com/a/NabvDOY
RETAIL Stussy 8-Ball Fire Tee - Fits Medium - $20 + Shipping - Retails for $45 on Stussy’s website and theDrop, so take for near half off. Lightly used a few times but not my type of shirt IMO. It’s extremely soft and comfortable and you can never go wrong with retail Stussy. https://imgur.com/a/XtKj8d2
Retail Urban Outfitters Bermuda Blue/White Long Sleeve - Small - $25 + Shipping - Bought for 50 bucks even when I was into reps because the design was so dope and something that I’ve personally never seen before. Never wear anymore so looking to offload for a steal. - https://imgur.com/a/sTzB7Z9


Nike Centered Swoosh Ambition Grey Hoodie - Large - $55 + Shipping - Brand new and never used from Ambition. I bought for my brother and it ended up being way too big for his liking so I’m just trying to recoup the money plus a bit of shipping to reorder in a new size. Extremely comfortable hoodie and I can’t tell a difference from retail. Super soft and everything looks good. - https://imgur.com/a/V87AtYs
CDG Grey Zip-Up Jacket - Fits Large - $50 + Shipping - Worn for a few weeks but I got the hoodie so I’m deciding to part with the jacket. After doing my research a few months back I found this piece from the go-to CDG seller at the time 69time or something like that? And found him selling the jacket at 50 bucks. Heart looks amazing and the fit is perfect, really warm for colder days while maintaining a perfect comfort. - https://imgur.com/a/eBgraSH
Cold Laundry Black Down 3-Tier Jacket - Medium - $80 + Shipping - This is the retail batch that is sold on Taobao as well. Hella puffy and warm, still in amazing condition as it was only worn a few times in the winter since I’m in California. Did the math and shipping from Wegobuy via EMS was around $45 so please keep that in mind into the pricing. If you need a comfortable and extremely fashionable down jacket this is the one for you, North Face Puffers from Logan don’t even compare to the comfort. - https://imgur.com/a/xCgaq7U
Places + Faces Black Half-Zip - Large (Fits Small-Medium) - $45 + Shipping - Another rare replica off a now deadlink from Taobao. Worn for a month but I’m an oversized Medium so this fits a little too slim for my liking. An extremely simplistic but sick piece and always gets a ton of compliments when worn out. - https://imgur.com/a/X2Qhf4q
Stone Island Cashmere Red Halfzip with Topstoney Badge - Fits Medium - $45 + Shipping - One of my grail pieces. The quality of the half zip is out of this world and has a soft and stretchy fabric to it thats really durable. Haven’t worn as much so I’m seeing if anyone would have any trades for this. Has TopStoney badge and if your a medium, the fit of the crewneck will be sick. It’s flowy on the bottom so I recommend leaving it tucked in. Will trade for anything mentioned above. - https://imgur.com/a/heYrSrV
Retail Star Wars x On the Byas Crewneck - Fits Small-Medium - $25 + Shipping - Such a rare and extremely sick piece that I bought at Pacsun a few years back for $60. Just check out the attention to detail all around and the crewneck is extremely comfortable as well. Must cop if your a fan IMO. - https://imgur.com/a/m3o8YCM
Retail Colombia Turbodown Jacket - Womens Small - $45 + Shipping -Retail went for $150 but I copped from the outlet for $139 and am letting go for a complete steal. My mom no longer wants this jacket so want to pass it on to someone who will enjoy the great deal! Extremely quality waterproof jacket with thermal insulation inside which makes it an extremely nice quality and warm jacket. - https://imgur.com/a/F9aHQxj

Pants and Shorts:

FEAR OF GOD x Nike NBA Trackpants Grey - Fits Waist Size 28-32 (Small) - $70 + Shipping - Pretty thick pair of pants with quality that is a bit better than the tech fleece material that Nike produces. All the small details such as elongated drawstrings and the tags on the pants and front crotch area look perfect and the buttons/zipper pockets are really nice as well. - https://imgur.com/a/5djFNqL
ARC’TERYX Black Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-36, Length is 20.5 Inches - $26 + Shipping - Saw this at the retail store and was in love with the quality similar to Lulu shorts I’ve had in the past. Stumbled across this pair on Tao that had nice reviews so I copped but they ended up being too big. Tagged as XL but I feel like someone who's medium-large in shorts would fit these perfectly. - https://imgur.com/a/dp5UA6L
Tommy Hilfilger Navy Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-32, Length is 16.25 Inches - $25 + Shipping - This is a LoveMedusa batch. Amazing quality as LM’s quality speaks for herself but her shipping times are straight trash. Hella soft and comfy and perfect for the summer weather. - https://imgur.com/a/zOaAGaB
ARC’TERYX Dark Grey Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-36, Length is 20.5 Inches - $26 + Shipping - Saw this at the retail store and was in love with the quality similar to Lulu shorts I’ve had in the past. Stumbled across this pair on Tao that had nice reviews so I copped but they ended up being too big. Tagged as XL but I feel like someone who's medium-large in shorts would fit these perfectly. - https://imgur.com/a/u2ni2yL
Tommy Hilfiger Navy/White/Red Swimming Trunks - Large (Fits Waist Size 28-32) - $22 + Shipping - Nice and light for swimming or going to the beach. Has a sick design to it and overall great comfort. - https://imgur.com/a/ocOAIfg
Thom Browne Black Slim Sweatpants - Size 0 (Waist 28-30 and Length 37 inches) - $38 + Shippigng - Length is around 17.5. Inches and these are extremely soft and comfy. Has drawstrings to adjust the waist size. - https://imgur.com/a/HqAHpql
Nike Triple Pocket Black Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-32, Length is 19 Inches - $20 + Shipping - Worn for a few months. Wanted a different material than the tech fleece so I took a stab at this and they ended up being amazing so I bought multiple pairs in different colors. Has three pockets and they are amazing for walking around due to this feature. Hella comfortable as well. - https://imgur.com/a/PMsq5kA
Nike Utah Jazz Basketball Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-34 (Medium) - $25 + Shipping - Hella comfortable for wearing around the house. The print is extremely well made and all the small details about the piece are on point such as tags and the matte NBA patch. - https://imgur.com/a/prjQ8rx
Nike Black Fleece Track Pants - Fits Waist Size 28-34, Length is 38.5 Inches - $25 + Shipping - Reason why I love these is unlike the Tech-Fleece which kind of have a rough textured inside leg, these have a cotton hexagonal lining which make them extremely comfortable. These fit slim and if you are a Small-Medium in sweatpants these should fit you perfectly. The right leg zipper doesn't zip up which should be around a 5 dollar tailor fix, but I’ve discounted heavily to compensate for this. - https://imgur.com/a/sH6SpOI
Nike Light Purple Shorts - Fits Waist Size 28-34 (Medium) - $15 + Shipping - 20.5 inch length. Brand new and bought off of Taobao but wasn’t really digging the color so I’m deciding to sell. - https://imgur.com/a/AkPefFr
Adidas Black Three-Striped Cuffed Joggers - Fits Waist Size 28-32 and Length is 35 inches. - $20 + Shipping - Fits perfect, if you’re a size small-medium in joggers and have been looking for this design, I’d recommend these. I wear Nikes for most of the time and don’t really fw cross branding so I’m letting these go, but if I were an Adidas head I would definitely be keeping these as a staple piece. - https://imgur.com/a/pyvaL6K
Pacsun Vintage Black Trousers - 28x30 - $10 + Shipping - Slightly Used, paid around 35 bucks for these from Pacsun a few months back but have outgrown them. Fit like a normal pair of trousers and will look dope with any shoe - https://imgur.com/a/lNgVAcg


Yeezy Powerphase OG - Size 8.5 (Fits 9) - $45 + Shipping - Bought these at the same time I bought some Chicago’s off Will. Came with StockX tag and box which I discarded and these shoes have only been worn less than 5 times. - https://imgur.com/a/cOIbQHn
Nike Element 87 Thunder Blue/Total Orange - Size 9.5 - $40 + Shipping - Used twice but to it’s not my kinda shoe. Pretty sick and breathable design while the color is really eye popping IMO. I don’t have the original laces on the shoe but I discounted the cost if you want to buy replacement ones as well, or I can add some laces with these shoes if you want. - https://imgur.com/a/bI53Ovr
NASA Vans Old Skools Space White - Size 9 TTS - $60 + Shipping - Paid close to 95 shipped for these bad boys off Tao from a seller who did a limited production of these shoes. These were actually my grails and I tried to cop retail but missed out. I wear nikes for most of my shoes now and due to the nature of my work, so take these for a nice deal. These still have a lot of life left in them and a nice clean will leave these in amazing condition. - https://imgur.com/a/PywL6hD
Retail ZO2 Showtime Laker Slides - Size 9.5 - $110 or Trade + Shipping - Brand new and deadstock, will trade for anyone with a size 9 but since these are pretty rare and that’s highly unlikely I’m down to trade for any of the items mentioned above. - https://imgur.com/a/truROs0
Kyrie Irving 4’s London PE - Fits (8.5-9) - $70 or Trade + Shipping - Brand new and never used. Looks extremely accurate to me and analyzing the build of this vs my retail Kyrie 3’s these are definitely more plush and would be more suitable for walking/jogging around and maybe some light basketball activities. Trying to trade for some Kobe’s or anything mentioned above. - https://imgur.com/a/SIiHlRy
Retail Vans Red Checkered Old-Skools - Size 8.5 - $28 + Shipping - Used for two months before I got into reps, Bought at 70 shipped so get it for a great deal. - https://imgur.com/a/Yy9dJ13
Retail Jordan XX8 SE All-Stars - Size 9 - $32 + Shipping - Used to hoop in but still have a lot of life left in them. Sick shoe that sells for around 200 dollars new so take this for a steal! - https://imgur.com/a/GGS2yCQ


Jacquemus Tan Bucket Hat - OOS - $42 + Shipping - Straight grail but when I ordered this and my Ralph Lauren Tan bucket hat, I solely wore the RL one due to preference. Still in brand new condition and is sold out from We Margiela now. - https://imgur.com/a/YsY817a
Raybans Sunglasses Round Green from Aookoo - OOS - $43 + Shipping - Bought from Aookoo and used for a week but I used my pink and black pair more. Waited 2 months for this to come but well worth the wait, Aookoo’s quality speaks for itself with the UV proc and overall is my go to for all shades. - https://imgur.com/a/jNp2Hc9
ACNE Studios Silver Ring - Size 9 - $16 + Shipping - Brand new and only tried on. Was a gift for my brother but it ended up being too loose on him. Sick looking ring and the silver finish on it is pretty dope. https://imgur.com/a/khSgE8L
Stance Kobe Socks - OOS - $15 + Shipping - Brand new and never used. RIP to this legend and my childhood hero. Sells on eBay for 30 bucks as it’s a pretty rare and sought after design now, hope it goes to a fellow Kobe fan. https://imgur.com/a/vh2sN4l
Lebron Kermit Sipping Dad Hat - OOS - $8 + Shipping - Iconic hat worn by Lebron during the Championship run when he was on Cavs. Nice simple dad hat IMO. - https://imgur.com/a/r6xhaD9
Monsters University Blue Hat - OOS (Adjustable) - $15 + Shipping -Copped on eBay since I wanted a fresh hat but wasn't worn since I have a new DSquared hat that I prefer to wear over this one. - https://imgur.com/a/KKAbFwt
Retail Nike Elite Max Air 2.0 Backpack Orange/Blue - OOS - $25 + Shipping - Last sold on eBay for $81 so letting go for a steal. Can fit a basketball on the bottom and a ton of other stuff, when I used it for a few practices I could fit my shoes, ball, two water bottles, extra clothes, and headphones. - https://imgur.com/a/quQQuVr


Item Name Sizing Condition: Price: Imgur:
Retail Hollister Grey Athletic Hoodie Fits Medium Condition: 10/10 $18 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/FGTEThk
Retail Calvin Klein Zipper Joggers Fits Waist Size 28-30 / Length 35.2 Inches Condition: 9/10 $14 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/bjCGYfY
Retail Vans OTW Black Longsleeve Medium Condition: 9/10 $10 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/0boNQXP
Calvin Klein Women’s White Bra Small (29 Inches According to Tag) Never used and looks/feels identical to retail. $10 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/larB9iJ
Oakland Athletics Era Fitted Hat OOS Never used and looks/feels identical to retail. $10 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/I8gmUNo
Random Streetwear Taobao Shirt Fits Medium Hella soft with a sick ass print from Taobao. Bought for 20 bucks so take for a steal. $12 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/Ck6CyUl
Santa Cruz Skateboard Shirt Fits Medium Paid 20 for this at Tillys. Take this for a great price. $9 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/I3LcHir
White Tommy Hilfiger Button Up Fits Medium Paid 25 for this at Macy’s. Nice quality and very soft. $10 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/pLoCoOS
Empyre White Faces Shirt Fits Medium 20 dollar tee off the internet. Take this for a good deal. $10 + Shipping https://imgur.com/a/c6SBQTP
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

100K Giveaway - Dita Von Teese ~ Secret Boudoir

Dita’s Secret Boudoir MOODBOARD
Dear Repladies,
Welcome to my boudoir. Please enter, if you dare...
Prior to your arrival, I have prepared three collections for you.
Feel free to shop my closet to your heart’s content.
And as always, wagooooooonnnssss
Love, Dita💋
💄Collection #1 Come-Hither 💄 - Maison Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood Eau de Parfum - YSL Betty Pumps - Dita Sasu Sunglasses Auth - Jomashop.com DHGate - Besame Lipstick in shade “Red Hot Red” - Christian Louboutin Rouge Nail Polish
👠Collection #2 Va-Va-Voom 👠 - Valentino Wrap Dress Auth DHGate - Jimmy Choo Smokey 100 Heels Auth DHGate - Celine Hexagon Acetate Sunglasses Auth DHGate - Dior Lady D-Lite Bag (See review below) - Femme Fatale T-Shirt - Etsy
🌹Collection #3 Oh Là Là 🌹 - Corset Story Black Shirt Dress (Sold Out 😩) - What Kate Did Cuban Heel Steamed Stockings (⚠️ The link may be NSFW, the model is wearing lingerie) - Chicwish Layered Tulle Skirt - Vivienne Westwood Animal Toe Red Heels - Your Beauty Mark book by Dita Von Teese
Mini Review
Hi guys, this is vintagevangogh speaking from now on!
Item - Medium Lady Dior D-Lite Grey Embroidery w/GHW
Seller - lzq668668 on DHGate (store is active, but the w2c is dead)
Factory unknown
Price - $202.40 USD w/ free shipping via epacket
Ordered August 3rd
Shipped August 5th
Received September 1st
My Photos
My thoughts -
Oh my, what a beautiful bag!
I’ve compared this bag to the authentic bags on Dior.com , Youtube , and Poshmark and this rep is almost dead on. There aren’t any glaring issues.
Cons The packaging was awful. It was chucked into the dust bag then jammed it into the cardboard box—no box or bubble wrap. When the box arrived at my doorstep, there was a nice crater on its side (I wish I had taken a photo, but I’d rather bury the memory). Thus, when I unpacked it, the bag had a dent on its side (see my photos). I stuffed the inside with a thick towel so it’s kind of ironed itself out. If I buy from this seller again, I will definitely request for more thoughtful packaging.
A minor flaw is the stitching on the underside of the strap, there are some loose threads and an extra thread between the letters (see my photos). From a distance it’s virtually undetectable and the color of the bag helps camouflage it, but it’s noticeable up close. It’s definitely not calloutable as long as you wear the strap the correct way. I’m thinking about snipping the excess threads, but I fear the embroidery may unravel.
Not necessarily a con, as much as a annoyance is the material of the bag. The authentic retails for $4,500 USD, which is an absurd amount for any cloth bag. It’s high maintenance to handle and you’ll definitely have to baby it. It attracts lint easily. I’m constantly picking off random pieces of fluff (thank god I don’t have a dog or a cat 😅). I’ll carry a travel-size lint roller inside the bag and I’ll definitely treat it with fabric spray before I carry it outside.
Would I recommend? Yes! Aside from the packaging, the bag is gorgeous and I love the grey and gold together. I communicated with the seller via DHGate and they always replied within 5 minutes and they shipped the bag two days after I ordered. *Note: On the date I ordered, the seller had a really diverse bag catalogue on DHG with lots of positive reviews, but they’ve since deleted 99% of their items. I have their Yupoo, if anyone is interested in seeing their catalogue, they have quite an eclectic selection.
I hope you enjoyed reading. I had fun putting this together. Thank you Repladies for this creative idea! 😊
submitted by vintagevangogh to RepLadies [link] [comments]


Hey Housewives fans &/or those who want to look like a Real Housewife🙋: here's a list of Taobao finds as seen on the hit Bravo TV shows.

Intro (rambling)
I know this franchise is basically all petty rich* women drama, but it entertains me, I adore it and I enjoy the nonstop flexing during all the wine glass and shade-throwing. I've been taking screenshots while watching on my computer, basically anything that catches my eye and that I would want myself, but also random moments and inspo. Table below of housewife looks and the corresponding W2Cs. I tried to choose W2C links I would personally cop: items that have been ideally purchased before and well-reviewed from sellers with decent reputations.
This is a personal project—I find myself constantly bookmarking and taking screenshots and pics I see of things out & about, and this all taps into my love of curating inspiration boards. They say “take a picture, it’ll last longer” and that’s what i started doing because things are happening so fast and there’s just so much to look at. During this process I discovered bigblondehair.com that does something similar, but it's still fun grabbing stills from the show and it doesn't list everything (it did help me ID a bunch of things though and I took some screenshots from there too)...
Don't you love that phenomenon where you don't really care for something, then u start seeing people wearing it and the more u see it, it ends up growing on you? (*cough, dior book totes* among many other things)... Maybe "FOMO" kinda describes it. Or how about "RL exposure syndrome"? Haha. Also, in addition to housewives being style inspo, being a RL who sees what everyone's buying has made my taste more “bougie” in general woot woot 💁🙌
Anyways, I really enjoyed doing this. It's basically data entry which is very calming for me, plus who doesn't enjoy browsing the ✨magical world of taobao✨? I listed several links for each item (as backups bc links do unfortunately die), from budget to higher cost options. Note: I would def go to TS if you want "1:1" or amazing quality, particularly with bags. I like TB for clothes, shoes and accessories, and of course low to mid-tier bags I plan on using as "beater bags," if I want to try a bag out, or just a low-cost option for a trendy bag.
⭐️ = favorite I plan on getting

👚👕 Tops

Marlo's Chanel Coco Cuba T-shirt ¥45, ¥88, ¥258
Erika's Fiorucci Vintage Angels tee ¥59 has correct Fiorucci script font
Erika's Versace floral-print shirt print clearly off: ¥79, ¥80 short-sleeved
Dorit's Gucci Old English Glitter Rainbow shirt ¥70, ¥180, ¥229
Dorinda's Gucci Short-Sleeve Crewneck Top ¥198 (ask seller for more pics), ¥598
Dorinda's Gucci red embellished sequins shirt Longsleeve green/white colorway: ¥108, ¥138, ¥430; GUCCI on back (dogs on front): ¥268; fantasy?: ¥130, ¥598
Brielle's Gucci "Cities" T-shirt; PSPS ¥118
Eileen's The Kooples Lace Up Butterfly Top Similar blouse: ¥118, ¥125; dress sketchy sellers: ¥95, ¥219
Bethenny's H&M x Balmain Pearl Embellished Blouse ¥205, ¥268, ¥280
Tamra's Alice + Olivia Cabot Top ¥99
Tamra's Leith Mesh Ruffle Top ¥59, ¥65, ¥192
Kyle's Robert Rodriguez Silk Leopard Print Shirt In red: ¥53
Tinsley's Derek Lam 10 Crosby Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater Similar: ¥27, ¥79, ¥129, ¥79-148, ¥228, ¥268
Eva's Denim wrap blouse ¥104 (Madewell dupe)
Bethenny's Zadig & Voltaire Skull Blazer Gray market?: ¥2150; Skull-front top: ¥358, ¥360; Inspired (blouse): ¥99, ¥198, ¥230

🧥 Sweaters & Jackets

Tinsley's Wildfox Stars V-Neck Sweater $26 from ZAFUL; AE $17.99 ZAFUL; TB: ¥68, ¥129, ¥146
Bethenny's Gucci Tiger Embroidered Rainbow Wool Sweater in Multicolour ¥81, ¥98, ¥148, ¥158 ... note: tiger not 1:1
Bethenny's Central Park West Abbot Kinney Butterfly Sweater ¥145, ¥153; very close: ¥188, ¥199, ¥269
Tanya's BALENCIAGA Intarsia knitted sweater ¥25.80, ¥98, ¥136, ¥188; unbranded "give me five" ¥49
Kyle's Sandro Lightning Bolt Cardigan ¥129, ¥278, ¥285
Dorinda's Adidas Originals Women's Active Icons Cropped Hoodie Gray market?: ¥329, ¥369, ¥369; Similar: ¥168, ¥299
Dorit's Ben Taverniti Pink Distressed Sweatshirt Similar: ¥15.90, ¥40-45, ¥50, ¥65, ¥65.40, ¥90
Tinsley's Skull Cashmere V-neck Sweater ¥39, ¥74
Porsha's Sunset & Spring Star Embellished Denim Jacket Similar: ¥78, ¥104, ¥256, ¥286
Porsha's Sunset & Spring Patched Denim Jacket Random patch jackets: ¥118, ¥158; ⭐Gucci-esque cats jacket: ¥399; jacket/⭐short: ¥75-89; ⭐skirt: ¥39, ¥118, ¥128; see store: Visidy
Bonus boohoo Embellished Denim Festival Jacket $76 ¥89; similar: ¥620, ¥940
Bonus Topshop Dolly Sequin Fringe Denim Jacket ¥115, darker ¥145, ¥154; ⭐Matching skirt: ¥398
Bethenny's Topshop Crystal Denim Jacket Similar pearl-embellished: ¥109, ¥148, ¥158
Tanya's Alice + Olivia Cody Fringe Moto Leather Jacket Plain leather: ¥200 (PU), ¥598
Teddi's L'Agence Star Studded Jacket Similar tops: ¥30, ¥33 (wear backwards?)
Kyle's Fleur Du Mal sheen trench coat Close: ¥267, ¥319; non-sheen: ¥140, ¥198

👖🩳 Bottoms

Denise's L'Agence Margot Embellished Side Stripe Crop Skinny Jeans Similar: ¥36, ¥46, ¥69, ¥129; Express: $30
Bonus Mother High Waisted Looker Ankle Fray Guilty Glitter Racer $228 ¥149, ¥298
Dorit's Gucci Striped metallic tech-jersey leggings ¥339
Dorit's Gucci Brown GG Cotton Jacquard Leggings Similar: ¥115, ¥141, ¥150, ¥528, ¥598
Erika's Olivia Von Halle Lila tiger satin pajamas Could not find top, but here are bottoms: "men's" shorts ¥39 (option 5), pants ¥39
Tanya's LV Jeans ¥175, ¥290, ¥499
Lisa's Pam & Gela Cropped Flare w/ Lurex Stripe Inspired: ¥40, ¥59
Brielle's Leather red side-stripe leggings ¥33, ¥39; Similar: ¥58, ¥59; $29 sale

👗 Dresses/Skirts

Bonus Gucci Strawberry-print Denim Skirt (fantasy?) ¥85, ¥88, ¥119
Bethenny's Gucci San Gallo Orange Ruffle Lace Dress (IG) ¥278, ¥1550
Bonus Self-Portrait Orange Floral Lace Midi Shirtdress $470 Gray market?: ¥728-788, ¥780, ¥828-858; short dress: ¥139, ¥258, ¥310, ¥658
Tinsley's Alice + Olivia Odelia Lace Midi Dress ¥135, Red: ¥80
Tanya's Alice + Olivia Annetta Tiered Lace Midi Dress ¥728, ¥728, ¥768, ¥788
Bethenny's Zimmerman floral tier dress ¥285, ¥298, ¥328
Tinsley's Self-Portrait Pink Tiered Lace Scalloped Mini Cocktail Dress ¥228 (pic), ¥298, ¥338
Tinsley's Saint Laurent Gold Strapless plissé-lamé mini dress ¥474
Tamra's Lulus Maxin' Relaxin' Multi Print Maxi Dress ¥45, ¥69
Tinsley's Parker Natalie Floral Silk Dress ¥455, ¥465, ¥475
Carole's Alice + Olivia Shannon pleat skirt ¥880, Wide leg pants: ¥890
Lisa's Ganni Floral-print crepe de chine wrap maxi dress ¥273, ¥339
Tanya's Valentino 1973 Striped Rainbow Dress ¥66; long: ¥70, ¥72
Dorit's Storia Smocked Floral Dress Inspired: ¥48, ¥70, ¥75, ¥288, ¥365
Lisa's RIXO London Chrissy Dress Inspired: ¥258; ¥189, ¥489
Eva's Fillyboo Butterfly Kiss Dress in Pink Vanilla Boho-inspired: ¥65, ¥119, ¥128, ¥168

👘More Clothing

Bethenny's Lirika Matoshi Stars in Her Eyes Sheer Dress ¥85, ¥298, ¥319
Dorit's Versace Native American print bra top & trousers Similar bra top: ¥255, ¥298; pants (part of suit set): ¥302
Teresa's KIINI Yaz Bikini Top cheap: ¥35, ¥45, ¥65; diff colors: ¥48, ¥58
NeNe's Gucci Rose Garden Silk Kimono ¥568, ¥75-159 3-piece set, ¥618 3-piece set, ¥79 blouse, ¥588 cardigan
Tinsley's & Carole's Alice + Olivia Lynn Mixed Print Jacquard-Trimmed Long Kimonos closest: ¥1990; similar: ¥72, ¥99, ¥240
NeNe's Fendi Wool & Silk Poncho ¥39, ¥169, ¥450;
Erika's Pam & Gela red/blue red & blue side-stripe tracksuit ¥109, ¥119, ¥180, ¥110+
Lisa's Alexis polka-dot Shona Jumpsuit ¥79, ¥168
Bethenny's Black/white classic silk PJs ¥95, ¥98, ¥118, ¥310
Dorit's Shhh Silk x The Beverly Hills Hotel Palm Leaves Dressing Gown Amazon PJ set $24-29; Inspired: ¥65; romper ¥35, 2-piece ¥49; Dresses: ¥59, ¥119, ¥169; Flamingo print: H&M men's shirt ¥99, dress ¥180
NeNe's Camilla black & white printed long cardigan & matching pants Inspired: ¥138

👛👜 Bags

Erika's MCM Stark Bebe Boo Backpack In Cassette (Pink) ¥48, ¥268
Kenya's Chanel gold sequin classic flap ¥1300 ask seller for branded pics
Dorit's Balenciaga Souvenir Belt Bag XS ¥68, ¥116; Branded: ¥208-218, ¥1150
Lisa's Balenciaga City Nano City AJ Bag in black, yellow (Porsha) Couldn't find nano 😔 ...budget PU minis (at ¥88, don't think these are branded): one, two, three (note: NBF doesn't seem to currently make the nano size but I'd go for quality mini fr them**)
Tinsley's Gucci Pink Velvet Wallet-on-a-Chain with Love ¥480
Jackie's Chanel Patent SilveBlack Glitter PVC Chevron Small Boy Flap Unbranded: ¥119, ¥368; Branded: ¥1500
Bethenny's Gucci Soho leather chain backpack ¥99, ¥254, ¥1240
Kyle's Tiffany blue Chanel Classic Flap bag; PICS of Linda lambskin SHW from u/iRockChannel 's review TS, high-tier from 187/God factory;
BIRKINS & KELLYS (Hermes bags in general) Angel or Mr. Birkin (from SYMode factory), other TS/sellers, TB
Louis Vuitton From DHgate to Nancy, OC, TonyLuxuries, etc.
Chanel From TB to 187/GF
Misc Bags

🕶️👓 Eyewear

Teddi's Ray-Ban Hexagonal Sunglasses (Prescription) Prescription: ¥49, ¥68-168
NeNe's Thomas James LA by Perverse Rose Gold Sunglasses ¥39, non rose-gold: ¥39
Dorinda's The Wynn Pink Computer Reader Glasses (alt color)


Kyle's Gucci snake buckle belt ¥49, ¥68, ¥79, ¥168, ¥198
Yovanna from Clark's Gucci GG Stripe Belt "she was that bitch" ¥268
Kelly's Gucci GG Marmont Crystal Buckle Leather Belt ¥298, ¥538
Tanya's LV Initiales Reversible Belt Amazon: $11, $12,$12.99-$15, $15.54, $26 prime
Asa's Moschino logo belt ¥149, ¥299, ¥398

👠 🥿👡 Shoes

Tinsley's Alexandre Birman 'Clarita' Ankle Tie Sandal (metallic alt) ¥149, ¥168, ¥466
Kyle's Sophia Webster Rosalind Gem Strappy Sandal ¥268, ¥286, ¥292
Bonus Gucci Strawberry Ace Sneaker $730 ¥238, ¥298, ¥328
Bethenny's Saint Laurent Stars Sneakers ¥168, ¥168, ¥278, ¥294, ¥450
Tinsley's Golden Goose Star Sneakers ¥268, ¥276, ¥288, ¥369
NeNe's Saint Laurent Niki Swarovski crystal boots ¥475, ¥558

💍✨ Jewelry

What started it all: Lydia's Chanel Star Rhinestone Earrings (couldn't find a pic of Lydia wearing them) Original link dead but ¥266 TB link
Dorit's CHA -NEL large letter Metal & Strass dangle earrings ¥28, ¥35, ¥260
Tamra's Jennifer Behr Estrella Earrings ¥135
Lisa's Jennifer Fisher Samira gold-plated hoop earrings AE: large $1.12, small $2.99; $6.99 target, $42-68 etsy; thinner version TB ¥46-63
Teddi's Celine Knot necklace ¥5.99
Bethenny's Horoscope constellation dainty necklace AE ("925" silver): $2.25, $5.48
Melissa's Pave small dog tag necklace MK rep: ¥12; "925" silver: ¥79;
Luann's London Collection 7 Diamond Graduated Star Necklace Similar fr AE: $7.28, $8.53, $8.91, $10.43, $11.19
Teddi's Delicate turquoise beaded lariat necklace Similar fr Etsy: $36, short: $16, $17.26
Arm Candy (Rollies, Cartier watches & bracelets, etc.) TS that are known for 18k jewelry like Miss Chen, Li, Wenzhi, etc.

🧣 Misc Accessories

Teddi's Alexander McQueen skulls scarf (throw) ¥99, ¥138, ¥298, ¥599
Luann's Hermes twilly Similar: ¥25, ¥29, ¥30, ¥38
Sheree's Chanel Baguette Crystal CC Star Brooch ¥27 (not sure about "CC")
Dorit's Gucci Crystal single hair barrette; PSPS (credit to u/040917 :) ¥198, unbranded "CUTIE" fr AE $2.18
Dorit's Sparkly rhinestone hair barrette AE, most orders first: $4.65, $2-3; Misc stamoon: 74¢
Dorit's Oversized silver hair clips ¥0.47,¥3.80, ¥10, ¥14
Dorit's Pearl hair pins ¥1.30 TB (has dia accent I'm not too sure about but lots of reviews), $1.63 AE (I bought this); Bonus pearl clips: 1, 2, 3

🦄🍄Misc Misc

Hermes Avalon throw blanket ¥148, ¥328; pillow: ¥188-248
Hanging birds decoration Inspired wall decor: ¥30.70 (¥153.5 set), ¥31.90 (¥159.5 set)
Kitson Banana Leaf Swan Float Plain kid/pet-sized swan float: ¥25, ¥35 so cheap I can't say how safe this would be 🧐
Audi kid's strolleelectric car ¥450, ¥778, ¥1699 (for those who are in Asia? bc shipping would suck)
Bonus Saint Housewives prayer candles $16+

If you made it this far...

  1. What's your fave housewives city/cities?
  2. Who's your fave housewife(s)?
  3. Ex-housewife you wish would come back?
  4. Least favorite housewife?
  5. Best dressed?
  6. FuckMarryKill?
  7. Extra credit (1 pt): Do you think LVP is lying or telling the truth about Dorit's dog fiasco?

Sorry for any weird formatting and thanks for reading! :)

Edit: attempt to fix some formatting, updated intro imgur link (screenshot on Mac instead of PC), added question about LVP
submitted by rachellesays to RepLadies [link] [comments]

Anyone knows where I can find these glasses?

Anyone knows where I can find these glasses? submitted by juanguim48 to findfashion [link] [comments]

The Boulder Bee Incident - Working on a one-shot, planning to run this with family over the holiday

Not sure how this is going to go, but here are my mystery notes if anyone's interested in using or adapting:
Tales From The Loop - The Boulder Bee Incident
“Christopher Robin, you never can tell with bees” -- Winnie the Pooh
Strong Start: School has just let out, kids are swarming across the open concrete space in front of Boulder City High/Middle School, on their way to busses or to the parking lot to be picked up by a parent or (if high school) to their own cars. Meeting out front, all the Kids are stung by one bee each. HINT: it’s weird to be singled out, instead of having a group of bees go after one person. One bee each.
submitted by the0phrastus to TalesFromtheLoopRPG [link] [comments]

[Sell][US] Lots of FREEBIES + AEO, F21, Athleta, Max Studio, American Apparel, Shoes

I’m in Alabama and can ship next day. Payment via Paypal F+F or trade. If you're outside the U.S., please PM your address so I can look up the shipping cost.
Pick 2 or more items and U.S. shipping is FREE, or $2.50 postage for a single item.

Knitwear: Pullovers & Cardigans
Pants & Leggings
Jewelry & Accessories — when no price is listed, it's free with purchase of 2 items. Be sure to request freebie(s) along with your other items.
More Freebies with purchase of 2 items. Be sure to request freebie(s) along with your other items.

How to buy, and what to expect:
  1. Ask any questions first. If you are unsure about fit or fabric or whether something would jive with your coloring or shape or lifestyle, let's talk about it! Doesn't matter whether or not you end up wanting it. Unless it involves personal info, consider posting to the thread, since others may benefit from your question/comment!
  2. If a price seems too high, do offer what feels fair. If you're iffy about F+F (I was, not long ago, but my thinking has reversed course), share your concerns. If you want to trade, let me know what you're offering. I believe that a thriving buy/sell/trade community can benefit us all, and I want to do everything I can to promote that.
  3. When you are ready to buy, post or PM your list of items (including freebies). If you PM your mailing address, I just might discount your total based on the actual shipping cost (sometimes it's lower than I budgeted).
  4. I'll then PM you with a total (the prices shown above, or discounted) and my paypal account. Please keep this as easy as possible for both of us by following through with your payment or letting me know if there's a delay or if you've changed your mind.
  5. I'll ship next day and will PM you with tracking. I hope that you love your items, and I always welcome your feedback.
If you see something you love, I hope you will be in touch!

A note to those who have purchased/traded — please see here! For an archive of previous items, see here.
submitted by JK7ray to wardrobepurge [link] [comments]

Top 5 Barton Perreira Sunglasses You Must Have

Top 5 Barton Perreira Sunglasses You Must Have


It’s no secret that co-founder Bill and Patty design some of the hottest sunglasses on the market and these Lovitt sunglasses are no different. The combination of beauty and art make these sunglasses some of the most sought-after shades of the holiday season. Coming in an assortment of color tones, you'll easily find the perfect pair for you.


These Barton Perreira Rainey sunglasses fit the fashion mold for both men and women. These stylish, aviator shaped frames are the perfect way to put the finishing touches on your outfit. Made for style and practicality, these sunglasses are a must-have all season long.


Barton Perreira Justice Sunglasses don't just keep the sun out of your eyes but deliver an intriguing look while doing it. Styled for both men and women, these oval-shaped frames come complete with black trim around the spectacles turning your “day at the office” into fashion week in Milan.


Everyone can appreciate a smooth sleek look to their appearance and Themis Sunglasses do exactly that. If you’re someone who loves adding basic shapes to their attire then these sunglasses are a must-have for your closet. Complete with a hexagonal shape around the frames, these sunglasses are a necessity.


These Demoiselle are for the sassiest of people who are not afraid to accentuate their fashion to the world. Comes in 2 styles: One for the simple, yet elegant and one for the fierce and bold. Can be worn for a regular day at the beach or to turn heads while doing some shopping. Either way, these are an essential item for any fashionista.
submitted by jamesleonardoptician to u/jamesleonardoptician [link] [comments]

The Melbourne Ritual

It was raining lightly. I slinked along the Yarra Promenade, heading away from the crown casino amidst the somber Melbourne crowds. I spotted Kenny standing on the Evan Walker bridge, looking down into the water, staring at patterns of concentric circles of raindrops hitting water— cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
He was in off duty clothing. Brown fleece collar jacket, characteristic sunglasses and exposed balding head with tufts of stringy black hair. I’ve been spying on Officer Lothar for over a month. Ever since the yellow envelope turned up on my desk, addressed, ‘Urgent. For the eyes of -P. Dronefire’—inserted, a photograph of our mate Kenny, and a stack of hundred dollar notes. That’s me, Pharlap Dronefire’, (I work as a private investigator, from my inexpensive offices in South Yarra.)
Kenny’s been staying in a hotel in Southbank since Monday. I watched with binoculars— and waited till he left this afternoon, then followed behind him on the busy bridge crowds, crossing the river as the last glimmering rays of the sun fell behind the skyline of skyscrapers, domes and architraves on the Hexton North bank.
They say there are no corrupt cops anymore, well it’s true the old boys clubs were all taken down by the commissions in the 90’s and 00’s. They aren’t hiding in plain sight perhaps, but the smart ones just evolved, Kenny Lothar is one of the most cunning corrupt cops I’ve ever reviewed. A real bastard. If my hunch is right, Lothar dropped business mogul Art Herraway off the very same bridge I now watched him standing on, chopped up body parts in a green garbage bag —submerged now beneath ice cold, turpid Victorian water. That was three years ago today, it’s no wonder Kenny was staring down so melancholically into the green water of the Yarra river. He’s got a lot to think about.
We cross through the Flinders Street Station tunnel, and I follow at a safe distance in the busy commuter crowds. I almost lose sight of him as the green and yellow tram pulls past, ringing it’s gentle chime— but I just catch his frame as Kenny ducks into a small Vietnamese restaurant on the other side of the street. Shortly, I sneak in and take a seat at a small table behind a patterned screen, where I can see him but he can’t see me.
I order a raw beef Pho, taking a moment to absorb my surroundings and re examine Kenny’s case files in my mind. Something happened whilst Lothar was on the beat in Sydney, I’m sure he was involved with a murder that happened on Mcellhorne stairs in Kings Cross. Then he gets some contacts in the Victorian Police and transfers to Melbourne, but whatever he was up to in Sydney— he’s continuing it down here—I’m sure of that. There’s an underworld of clues, from the Walsh street massacre, to the gangland killings of the nineties. Unsolved murders and connections that create a puzzle leading straight to Kenny. Twenty two orange gold fish swish their tails longingly in a nearby fish tank next to a wooden statue of Bhudda. Fumes and aromas float over the counter adorned with green dragon carvings and a row of ceramic maneki-neko cats waving their arms in unison, below— Kenny’s balding head wrinkles with tension as he waits for his food.
I won’t pretend he doesn’t scare me. If it were just for Kenny’s underbelly credentials, and links to the Melbourne mafia— that would be enough to make me think twice about taking the case. But there’s more to Kenny Lothar than just power and murder. He is into some strange things— the occult. Pacts, rituals, self flaggelation. The case is so out of my usual line of work, I can’t help but wonder what the fuck I am doing taking it up.
I was slurping cautiously at my pho for two or three minutes before I got the break I needed. Kenny stands up to use the bathroom, leaving his wallet on the table. I know I’ve only got a slim chance to get it right, standing up as if I’m also going to relieve myself, then the subtle yawn, and sleight of hand. Before anyone notices I’m back out on the street, not having paid for my Pho, running —and holding the keycard for Kenny’s hotel room in my pocketed hand.
The rain increases. You get some weird cases as a Private Investigator. Most are straightforward; spying on cheating partners, divorce cases, over protective parents. Then there’s the ten percent, the odd cases from secretive private contractors, where you only learn bits and pieces about your client, what they want to find out and why. No doubt a lot of it is criminal linked, even though I do my best to filter out those types of clientele. Some of them are just perverts, mad eccentrics. This particular client was extremely secretive. Dealt only in cash, and written correspondence. I’d have hesitated entirely from being involved, but it’s good pay— and I’d do just about anything to help nail that prick Lothar.
As I’m walking back over the bridge towards Kenny’s hotel I start thinking about the objectives. The guy wanted pictures of Kenny’s hotel room— he was very specific about that. Seems very hung up on Kenny’s private activities. Wanted detailed notes and photographs on any occult rituals he was conducting. I mean—What the fuck, right? Ever get the feeling you’re getting caught up in the dangerous weekend games of eccentric rich people?
I pulled my collar up, ducking out of the rain inconspicuously into the Travelodge lobby. Trying to appear casual and sure of myself as I walked past reception and entered the elevator.
Kenny’s apartment was on the tenth floor, apartment 1001. Fortunately there was no one else in the lift, and I guiltlessly approached Kenny’s door once in the top floor. He had the ‘No servicing- do not disturb’ card over the door handle. The keycard tripped the beeping lock, and the door opened. There was a strange musty smell that hit me the instant I opened the door to his room.
Then the vision hit my eyes, he had been busy! Kenny’s hotel room was messy. It was a fairly big room, one huge decorative pillar marking the left wall, and drawn velvet curtains adorning broad, thick windows overlooking the city. There was a hexagonal table beneath the window covered in papers, and an adjacent chair on top of a zebra patterned rug which seemed to be concealing something staining the floorboards. The floor of the adjacent room was covered in curious objects that required detailed analysis. I resolved to first examine the table and the rug. Moving aside the chair, I quickly flipped up the zebra rug, and gasped as I observed the curious design beneath.
I took three photographs of the symbol with my phone, before continuing my analysis. It was a huge symbol, inked on the floorboards. The pattern was a kind of triangle with three six-shaped arms attached to all the vertices. My first thought was that the red stain was painted with blood, but as I touched the wet surface I concluded that it was more likely some thick kind of ink, pigment or paint. Certainly the symbol had been created for ritual occult purposes, thus far unknown.
I carefully placed the rug exactly where it was, so everything would be found exactly where Kenny had left it.
From my current vantage point I could see that there were two more symbols painted red on the walls in the first room; a circle with a serpentine line running through it on the left wall, and a symmetrical triad of lines on the right wall. I took some more photos of the symbols, and the layout of the first room with my phone.
I sat down at the table now, quickly examining the note books, covered in scrawled handwriting, books and reference material scattering the surface. It was immediately clear to me, that all of the written material was directly related to the ritual which Kenny had been enacting in the adjacent room— so I figured I’d better get a look at that room before any of the written material would make a lick of sense.
I walked cautiously towards the doorway marking the dark room beyond. I tried the light switch, but it appeared that Kenny had tampered with the power circuit. I turned the flash feature on, and snapped a few more pics of the dark room.
A friend of mine was a cop, who investigated the Hotel room of Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock, the guy who turned his hotel room into a fortress of guns, before killing 58 and injuring 515 people at a country music concert. My friend had told me going inside that room had filled him with such a sickness and revulsion at being in the lair of such a demented mastermind he’d had to take psychological leave for a month. I was starting to feel the same sickness exploring Kenny’s hotel room.
The most obvious aspect of the layout of the darkened room was the kind of checkerboard Kenny had painted in the middle of the room. The entrance to the room was marked in each corner by two pillars, with square plinths, and miniature stair cases leading down each side. Leaning against the ridged pillars were an ornate Axe, and on the other side was a heavy, Ancient gold shield emblazoned with a red scorpion.
Scattered all around the checkerboard were a vast array of objects which could at first be construed as random clutter, but only slowly developed a sense of order — that chilled me to the bones. Drawn on squares of the checkerboard I could make out an upside down crescent moon in the lower corner, and a thin, narrow isosceles triangle in the upper right corner. To my horror, I saw too, in the centre of the checkerboard was a yellow piece of parchment — upon which appeared to be resting ; a bleeding, severed human hand. I now realised with abhorrent terror that the red liquid pouring from the severed hand was the same texture of the symbols in the first room, they had indeed been inked in somebody’s blood. Victim currently unknown. The smell of death became suddenly more disconcerting.
At the back of the room, lining the entry to the bedroom there were two classic statues, of Ancient Greek appearance, depicting the forms of two voluptuous women. Immediately in front of me, at the foot of the doorway to the darkened room was a sigil— two circles joined together by a malignant double-U.
I was unable to process the other scattered objects at that time, so resolved to return to Kenny’s notes which would hopefully bring some clarity or closure as to the meaning of these horrific scenes.
Once more, I sat down at Kenny’s chair. I flicked through several lined note pads, until I found a diagrammatic illustration of some of the items in the other room. This did help provide context to at least some of the items in Kenny’s ritual. Nothing about the severed hand.
The illustrations were grotesque and horrific. The placement of items in the other room mimicked very closely the items in the illustration, but the labels didn’t provide much more than a superficial meaning to the display. The shield leaning against the left pillar, with the scorpion engraved on it was marked as ‘Soldier’s Shield from Motaris’, whilst the decorative axe leaning against the right pillar was labelled ‘The Axe of Sagron’. Scanning the other illustrations I saw that the W shaped sigil was revered as the ‘Sigil of the Star Diver’, whilst the two statues of naked women were labelled ‘The Godess of the Dawn’ and ‘The Sister of the Moon’ respectively. These sculptures were given particular significance—as an ethereal field between the feminine statues was labelled ‘The Gateway’.
Another marking got my attention, and I had to return to the darkened room to confirm its presence, because I hadn’t noticed it the first time. Sure enough, inlaid beside the checkered board there was a cornucopia wedged on a tripod from which fumes were emerging- grey streamers billoughing through the darkness. Based on the diagram I gathered that there was ritual incense burning in the cornucopia and that this was the origin of that strange smell I had noticed on first entering the apartment. Returning to the diagrams, I began to panic as I realised that the herbs burning in the cornucopia weren’t in fact incense as I had first deduced, but some form of hallucinogen— utilised to accelerate the heightened state required for completion of the ritual.
Instantly I started to feel light headed, wondering if the hallucinogen was already taking some effect upon me. I must have inhaled quite a large amount already, I covered my mouth with a handkerchief to create a temporary toxin mask.
Just then, my paranoia was exacerbated, as I heard a clanking noise at the front door. I shivered, my soul sinking. Had Kenny returned early and been granted a spare keycard from reception? I cowered beneath the door, my heart began to pound in my chest like a professional’s basketball. Once more the door latch quivered and shook as though somebody were jangling the latch on the other side. Finally a voice called out, it was a vibrato tone, female, with an Eastern European accent; ‘Mr Lothar? This is cleaning. Do you want the service? Clean sheets? Mr Lothar?’ I breathed a sigh of relief, and summoned the deepest voice I could; ‘No thank you. Busy thank you.’ The sound of trolley wheels slinking away indicated the woman had taken the hint.
I breathed heavily, trying to recuperate from the trauma. As I stumbled away from the door, suddenly I felt a terrible sensation within. I realised that the hallucinogens were indeed taking effect. My head throbbed, and my face grew red, filling with blood. Then my eyes began to mist up, and I felt my body growing weak— soon I fell to the carpet upon my knees.
My vision was drawn to the terrifying sight beyond the large glass window— framed by red, velvet curtains. Something had occurred outside. Something uncanny and horrific. The day had changed. The sun was gone. Nature had somehow leapt off its natural track of organic physics. That which we call daylight and night had lost dimensional form, and their aspect had merged with the vast indescribable void of the universe.
It is almost impossible to describe the hallucinations I saw outside that window, except to say that the Melbourne skyline was changing rapidly, in the nature of a time-lapse video. Architecture, once familiar became foreign and disorientating. It was as though I was watching the build up of human culture along the Yarra from a perspective outside of the usual constraints of time. I remembered from my history classes, that the aboriginal Wurundjeri tribes had called the Yarra river Birrarrung, meaning "Place of Mists and Shadows". Never did this description seem so apt, for what appeared to me now — a world only perceivable as a kind of fog of place. First, all of civilisation seemed to vanish, as indigenous tribes gathered beneath gum trees for their corroborees, then did I see white settlers, and British red coats come and conquer the land, then suddenly dark and futuristic sky scrapers leapt from the earth.
Now something happened that even further defied explanation. My body seemed to grow numb and limp, and collapsed upon the floor. The truly strange aspect however, was that I watched this happen, seemingly from outside my own body. I found myself now, somehow as a ghost inhabiting the space apparently outside of my usual physical and mental constraints.
As I looked around the hotel room, everything within seemed ominously different, red hued and sinister. Particularly a curious demonic glow originated from the other room where the ritualistic items had been laid out upon the floor. There was an odd electric energy coming from within that room now.
Most of all, there was a plainly visible force field of energy growing, like a vortex, between the statues of the two Greek Godesses. This vortex now seemed to open up, like a gateway—- onto a world with a red sky. Beyond the gate was an immense marble staircase leading downwards into some unknown ethereal city.
I summoned up the courage to journey through the gates, knowing that I was surely hallucinating from the unknown drug, but prepared to ride it out. I stepped down the strange marble steps, coming into an unknown, slightly futuristic city. Perhaps it was Melbourne in the future, I couldn’t discern with any confidence. There did seem to be some grand palace or castle where the Crown Casino had been, and Kings Road was marked by a distinct vibrant road built of shiny red bricks.
There were no cars, or streetlights- but all around were immense skyscrapers and modernist buildings made of glass and steel. The river water of the Yarra had apparently dried up completely. I soon stood on the ground where once the Waterside Workers Hotel had been, there was now only a curious labyrinth of white, marble stair cases leading up and down in a confused jumble of intention. For a moment I sat on the step, flustered and bewildered by the strange situation and the concrete real ness of my imaginary world. I felt the presence of a kind of grid of familiarity— stretching out on the horizon. I felt strange allures pulling me and enticing me onwards. I feared these forces, and yet could not deny them. There was an odd heat and humidity. Something was compelling me to descend further down upon the staircases, heading underground into the catacombs beneath this strange city. The further down I went, the more intense the heat became, until finally there appeared an open platform which looked out into a vast abyss of plateaued rock and raging flame.
Amidst the hades-like landscape in the lower caverns, my hallucinations now took full and plain form. Amidst the acreage of darkness and flame a titanic figure now came forward. The giant’s skin was lush crimson, and his naked body was taught and muscular, his head barely resembling some insectoid creature of earth. But the enormous, many sphered and barbed tail which swung from his buttocks, and his claw-like hands identified him as a giant humanoid scorpion of some form. The scorpion demon, who was half engulfed in flames now bent in the darkness, almost crouching in the opposite direction to me. I soon discerned that he was engaging to speak with another small figure, perched on a plateau of rock far out on the other side of the chasm.
Something even more peculiar happened then; my body suddenly seemed to go utterly limp. At first falling in an almost fainting motion, my mind suddenly faded as though into a dream-like place. I was no longer a walking human, but a floating invisible mass, a watching eyeball floating over the caverns of fire. Soon, I drifted and became the voyeur overlooking the terrible scorpion being, and as I grew closer I soon was able to view with clarity the other being he was talking to on the rocky plateau.
It was Kenny Lothar.
I tried to analyse my dream logic, obviously it made sense that I would hallucinate about Kenny, he was at the forefront of my mind due to the case. But as I began to overhear the conversation of the unlikeliest acquaintances, I marvelled at my mind’s fantastic longing.
‘The ritual is underway’, the sinister balding figure in sunglasses had stated. The immense flaming scorpion being flexed it’s muscular neck, and clamped it’s jaw, leering like an avalanche over Kenny; ‘Do you know what forces come to roost under cover of the red skies of Val Galais?’ Asked the scorpion in a booming voice. ‘My role is not to question the will of the beings outside the dome..’ Kenny replied cunningly; ‘Mine is only to serve.’ The giant red scorpion flushed its face and furrowed its brow in gesticulation; ‘That is a good answer, puny mortal. But I know that your species is incapable of acts that aren’t driven by the most base desires of personal gratification. You follow commands because you wish some of the glory of the coming age to be bestowed upon yourself. Confess it!’ ‘If I am to be gifted any fortune by supporting the armies of the winning side, should there be any discomfort in it?’ Kenny retorted, ‘All that matters is the end goal. Victory for the beings outside the dome!’ The scorpion glowed with wicked pride; ‘Yes! It is true. For the watcher is at hand, and the sacrifices are being made, piece by piece. The vultures move into place, and the shapeshifter reigns in the land of the setting sun. The dead armies shall hold back the forces of Tennylind and a new dark age shall Dawn’... I watched with fascination as my hallucinations played themself out. With intrigue I followed Kenny’s monologue as he spoke about his dark motives. I knew they were not real, just the product of my delirious brain trying to draw loose ends together.
Nonetheless, in my imagination Kenny Lothar began to explain to the horrific scorpion demon his back story in this hideous plot. He spoke of the corrupt police forces in NSW, and how they had gone underground during the Royal Commissions of the 1990’s. He spoke of secret meeting places in Bishop’s Valley, Bathurst, Canberra and Ballarat. Organisations united in a common purpose, to protect the agenda of corrupt white men; the Freemasons, the Druids guild, The order of the Red Seal, The Knights of the Roman Grid, The Future guard. He spoke of gangland killings, and shuffled ranks in the Victorian Police. In my dream, Kenny was not acting alone; but conducting his nefarious rituals for wealthy underground cults.
I knew the dream was becoming too absurd now, and like my mind was rejecting outright the state of being, I felt my ethereal self begin to drift and return to Kenny’s hotel room where I lay unconscious.
Strangely, however, my awareness of that perpendicular plane of existence didn’t utterly fade. I watched with my mind’s eye, as Kenny slowly ascended a labyrinth of marble staircases, until at last it appeared as if I was watching —as Kenny exited the elevator of the hotel. He seemed to walk in a tangent universe just beside my own, walking alongside his hotel room. I was now floating above my own body, which lay unconscious on the hotel floor, as Kenny entered through the vortex of colour.
But something was magnificently wrong. Surely, I thought, I was still hallucinating. Yet, why did the room look so enchantingly similar and yet different? As I floated above as an ethereal mist, I noticed that all the ritualistic paraphernalia lay in the adjacent room exactly as it had —- with only one minor difference....
The decapitated hand was no longer placed ceremoniously on the parchment in the middle of the checkered floor. Nor were the strange three symbols painted in blood in various locations in the room where my body lay unconscious. With infinite terror, my mind started to leap to horrorible conclusions. Kenny was rubbing his skin, as if coated in a thin layer of goo. He appeared to be adjusting to his transition back into this reality. How absurd this dream was becoming, I thought to myself.
With malice, Kenny now begun to pace around the dark room, as if checking the artefacts for his ritual. He then raced to his desk, checking over his notes, and reading furiously. I tried to move my body, or wake from slumber, but I remained trapped in that elusive immaterial dream space.
I continued to watch paralysed. Kenny now turned in his chair with terrible and malevolent purpose. Returning quickly to the other room, he appeared to see something. I watched with horror now, as he came back into the main room holding the decorated Axe from the ritual. I began to curse under my breath with fear, as Kenny methodically approached my unconscious body. He had the most sadistic look of glee in his eyes, and malice on his lips, as he grinned with yellowing teeth.
With one sharp movement, Kenny raised the heavy axe above his head, then with a movement as swift as light, the heavy metal carved through the flesh and bone of my left hand. Although still detached from my body, I somehow still felt a piercing pain in my wrist, that ached like swollen agony, and throbbed with pain, yet I had no mouth to scream.
Satanically satisfied, Kenny squatted next to my decapitated hand, extending two fingers and dipping them into my freshly drawn blood. Time seemed to flash forward, or backwards as Kenny timelapsed around the room, creating the strange symbols on the walls and floor which I had investigated. Then returning the bloody Axe to the pillar it was resting against, and moving my gored and grotesque severed hand into place on the parchment on the middle of the checkered floor. Somehow this all made some terrible sense in my dreaming mind, that I had perhaps become a part of Kenny’s terrible ritual.
That was then. This all stands now, only as some sort of curious dream. The severing of my hand, I can speak about with certainty. For when I awoke in a hospital bed, my left arm was nothing more than a stump. Mercifully the doctors stopped the blood loss, and probably saved my life, though how I got from Kenny’s hotel room to there, I’ll never know.
It’s been a significant period of recovering, and for now, the investigation of Kenny Lothar is on hold. Right now I am too fearful for my well being to continue.
However, I feel this will not be the last time I have a run in with that dangerous and reprehensible character.
(This is the second story surrounding Private Investigator P.Dronefire. You can read the first story 'The Cockroaches Between the Clues' at 'The Weird Fiction of Goitye Powerhouse)
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